Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1443822-A-day-with-Mother-Nature
Rated: E · Short Story · Activity · #1443822
An attempt to describe a day I spent hiking in Seattle.
  This item is an attempt to expand my vocabulary and give a longer more descriptive view of a day I spent hiking when I was in Seattle.

Disclaimer - This poem, does not follow proper grammar. The periods used are only to indicate a brief break in my thought process. I wrote this piece with no concern for the English language or it's rules...lol. I've had many suggestions about " fixing " this piece and I thank everyone for their time and concern. However this piece was written the way it is on purpose. When I spent that time out in nature I felt a complete disconnect from this crazy world we live in and I wrote this piece from that perspective. I hope everyone understands and can except it for what it is. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy.

On this eleventh day of the third month in the year thirty since the day of awakening, I put to this page that which I have seen.

  Once when vision I did cast my eyes beheld this land stretched out before me. Coast to coast hills and lakes and trees lay bare before the scrutiny of my sight. That was then and far away leagues between that space and this. Now the way before me is shrouded and unclear hidden behind a veil of mist and swirling vapor. Stretching before me lonely and low grass and bush part to open earth to sky. On the path distant and silent giants of stone and granite appear as but shadows on the edge of perception. Ominous guardians cast in snow they stretch towards the heavens casting the rippling waters below into near darkness. Soft is the cry of majestic sea birds floating on gentle breeze whispers of secrets only they know. Entreating and eager the call of wild forgotten places reach out to a kindred spirit.
  Setting foot to path I traverse uncertain terrain sparse verdure littered with stone and pebble. Slow and steady the gate as decent into unknown reaches pierce the veil giving way to wonders and beauty untold. Spread before me awe inspiring akin to a shimmering pool of jeweled riches water ripples between mighty watchtowers of stone. Taking repose a weary body I lie upon supple moss shrouded shores. Retreating behind heavy lids the world cast into ruby colored blur mind and body drift between worlds scents of fish and earth and flowering things envelope me. Multitude of voices call out speaking to a brother lost and found though unspoken the language is one of joy and survival. Each deer and rabbit and hawk divulge a history of triumph of generations spanning time itself. I slumber lulled peacefully into dream scape lost to the digital world beyond this the valley of hidden delight. In this wondrous slumber I dance and sing and speak the language of the earth.
  Waking I find the sky set fire blazing light rends the veil illuminating earth and water and tree. Briefly the landscape lay bare awash in luminescent glory a sight for the ages. What was hidden is unveiled presented in all it’s magnificent stunning in its beauty its serenity. Then as though a drape drawn the veil descends anew light turns to shadow enshrouding landscape tucking it away. Rooted to the earth was I a stone sentinel standing within the mist alone once more within the valley I view the image etched upon my memory. Smile upon my face warmth in my heart I turn and set forth along the path leading up and out carrying with me the gift I was given within my soul. Forever a reminder of the day I spent with mother.
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