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what the title says, for my Malthrean stories |
Encha race-U-citian- this group includes sorers, sorrels, Sprites, rayz, swamp rayz,( though there are people that debate the fact) sea sprites, U-citos, unicorns, U-nicorns, and anything crossed with any of the above milo-U-citian- about two kilometers froye-U-citian- about eleven teys tey-U-citian- inch Kaseran- a race of people that have dar skin black hair are approximately six froyes and six teys tall and mostly inhabit the Plains, the Woodlands, and the Shabori desert they are mortal Brede- a race about the same height as kaserans with fair skin, brown hair, the ability to talk to animals, and take to water like fish, inhabit Lausa Fields mortals Greydon- inhabit the Bemn swamp and Bog plain they are about four froyes tall and have very fine if any hair mortals easily annoyed or believe what comes easiest Rayz- about five to six teys tall with froye long wings that glow a whole range of colors based on their moods (shades vary pending on the rayz) well versed in escape and healing and live chiefly in the Enchanted Lands they are mortal U-cito- seven and a half froyes tall live chiefly in the forests of the Enchanted Lands have slightly gold colored fur that is about three teys long, deer ears that have tips that extend above the top of the head a tail similar to a unicorn's and leathery, cloven hooves for feet they are mortals cryn tree- twenty-four froye tree with small, pale green leaves cryn fruit- a sweet grape like fruit from cryn trees Unicorn- four froyes tall at the shoulder have a long pearl like spiral horn that sits in the middle of their foreheads they have cloven hooves and a lions tail the males have beards they have long manes that flow to the center of their backs they are immortal and know themselves to be the most beautiful creatures in the world they have the power to unlock or heal anything they are the fastest things on earth U-nicorn- a unicorn that was at one time a U-cito they are distinguishable by a sorter temper, a humbler attitude, and what looks like gold thread in their horns Swamp Rayz- an off species of Rayz about four teys tall with five teys long wings they only have six colors they live only in the Benm Swamp they are never helpful and will do you more harm than good they are immortal The Unicorn Forest- a large forest north of Lausa Fields where the chief population of both Unicorns and U-nicorns are Mount Trocep- a volcano located in the Terran Mountain Range instrumental in the freeing of slaves Bick- a bird similar to a robin pickeo fish- a small very fast fish about the size of a gold fish tecnut tree- an eight froye shrub with sweet nuts tecnut- the fruit of a tecnut tree that grows in sections and taste like almonds covered in sweet butter quic-U-citian- the equivalent of a pound Flaxcloth- a cloth made from wheat barbs that is generally itchy and worn by slaves and the lower class Sea Sprite- a sprite that lives in the water mainly Lake Sorell Adoratia-U-citian- a silver or gold band present on a U-cita's fetlock since birth Manico-U-citian- a gem incrusted silver or gold band present on a U-cito's arm since birth ski-perth-U-citian- a sunrise or sunset Ski-perthra or unicorn sunset-U-citian- a sunset that is so vibrant that it is said that only a unicorn is more beautiful kalay- U-citian- generally used as a name means first freed lacara- U-citian- generally used as a name means beautiful love Caremora-U-citian- word for love Malthrean forest gecho-U-citian- a gecho inhabiting the south eastern forests of the woodlands and the north western regions of the Enchanted lands they are green with blue speckles and occasionally a red tail tip |