Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1442648-Velvet
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1442648
A man is consumed by a fetish/addiction he cannot control.
By: George Gonzalez

My heart feels like a lead weight taking me down deeper into my depression, a skinny decaying form being dragged into the depths of a never ending abyss. Lightning flashes as the heavens let loose upon me the thousands of tears angels shed for my acts of grievance.

That’s what she used to call them. Angel tears.

The rain comes down in sheets before my eyes matting my bangs to my forehead. The air is chill against my naked body; my balls shriveled against me, my penis a towering, majestic beacon pulsating with the sounds of the plummeting rain.

I climb down into my bed, mud squishing beneath my toes, and lay down next to her. There I lay for a few minutes, relishing the velvet cocoon against my skin. I close my eyes against the coming rain and a flash of lightning and just lay there struggling to keep my heart from ripping itself out of my chest.

I face her, my penis longing for her touch, my lips quivering. A single hand reaches out and touches her hair: a tumbleweed of majestic black curls.

They are as soft and fluid as ever, my hand running through them like a cool stream from a waterfall. Her skin is white lilac that reflects the moon perfectly.

Her lips are a rouge only attainable by a mixture unknown of this world; they shine with a force and vigorance that could bring even the hardest of men to their knees. I bring my unworthy lips over hers and we kiss as thunder cracks the world in half.

At first she is unresponsive and I almost pull away in disgust but then I feel her press against me and welcome me with a firm embrace. Her tongue is a vicious whirlwind within my mouth circling and attacking like some monstrous worm.

I grab her hand, the skin smooth and taut, her fingers bony and jagged, and press it against my naked butt. My heart throbs in my chest, my head swims, all of a sudden I feel faint and I gag as some reality attempts to force its way into my head. But I push it back. The kiss is just too good.

I reach down and pull her dress up revealing a milky white thigh, or rather what is left of a ravaged goddess. My hand runs over it going ever higher and deeper into that white ceremonial dress, falling into many unexpected canyons and ravines as it makes its way to the Promised Land.

She wiggles beneath me with a force I don’t expect, it is as if a million different organisms are struggling to let loose their passion upon me. Finally, as my hand dives within her and I press her against me imagining her moans of pleasure and her spasms of delight I can take it no longer.

Her legs are stiff boards, planks of petrified wood holding themselves shut against me but I will not be refused. Not tonight. I find myself splashing in a velvet soup of dirt, insects and dust as the rain continues to deluge my world. I grab her feet and pull them apart, the tendons creaking with age and wear.

I hear her laugh and come back to her face lighting up in a smile I remembered all to well.

“Fuck me! Do it now, fuck me you dirty little boy!”

My penis finds itself enclosed in a rough, sandy point of the world in which things crawl and creep and moistness comes and goes. It feels cool and clammy as if a nervous hand sweaty with fear had enclosed around my cock. My body is a fury of delight as I push in and pull out, the tears running freely, happiness binding me for all eternity.

“Yes, yes harder faster pound me, pound my wet pussy!”

Never before have I gone this fast, never before have I gone this hard, my ass is a blur in the night, my face red with exhaustion screaming as I please Aphrodite.

I hold her feet at my sides raising them higher as I penetrate deeper and finally I feel them give way as they reach her temples and can go no farther. There is a puff of smoke and dust fills the air as the right leg comes detached in my hand but the passion is too great, it is dangerous to stop now.

“Forget it, I don’t need that superfluous shit just keep going baby!”

I toss the leg behind me and continue. Her eyes are hungry pools of ecstasy, her face running wet with the onslaught of rain. Her lips are gone, replaced by a monstrous grin revealing yellowed teeth and purple gums. I deflect my gaze as a centipede crawls out from between her teeth.

I’m so close, I can feel the passion, the hunger, the love building to a crest within me and I wrap my arms around her and roll. I prop her up on top of me and move her limp body up and down, her arms flailing wildly, her head bobbing lifelessly.

Suddenly her arms stiffen and I can feel her hands on my chest. Her one leg finds a mind of its own and I lay back as she brings herself crashing down onto me over and over again.

“I love you, god I love you so much.”

I begin to cry again, as I always seem to at this point.

My climax tears the heavens to pieces as lighting blankets me and thunder shakes my body. She lays limp against me once more. The ocean I lay in smells of dirt and decay. Beetles, cockroaches, and flies have found homes all over my naked body.

I’m showered in dust as I push her against me and I hold her as sob after sob rocks my entire body, hold her as I feel that vicious ball of regret and disgust hit me. Why oh god why did I do it tonight? Why to her why to this beautiful specimen of reality?

Her ribs push against me poking into my chest and worms fall from within her dress onto my lap wrapping around my cock affectionately. I bury my head in her hair and breathe in the glorious stench of must, like an old book fresh from the library. I can feel things within the black mess, things that crawl and scamper but they don’t bother me. They are a vital part of her beauty.

I pick her up and lay her in her bed of velvet for the rest of eternity. Her head lays cocked to the side, her eyes huge empty holes, her hair thick tangled strands of muddy thread.

I press my lips against her rough, decaying smile and standup, my baptism complete.

I climb out and begin the arduous task of putting my wrongs to right as millions others emerge from within graves, all naked, all with an odd smile painted across their lips, one that screams distressed satisfaction.

We are, all of us, like so many around the world, emerging from our hells reborn and ready to go back to a world without love or affection, a world devoid of the closeness we yearn.

We are, all of us, billions around the world, descending into graves everyday, wading through soups of must and death, hoping to come out anew.

I pick up the shovel and stare up at the heavens feeling the rain cleanse me. The insects fall off of me in clumps, the mud drips off steadily. My skin is brand new velvet that glistens and shines. I glow in the darkness: a moon descended to Earth.

As I pour in the last shovelful of dirt I hear, muffled beneath six feet of Earth, an angel say, “Don’t be a stranger now hurry back!”

My heart soars and calls out for her once again but I tell it no, not tonight.

Soon the angels will cry once more.

Bloomfield, NJ
June 23, 2008

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