Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1441788-What-you-hear-is-not-what-you-get
Rated: E · Fiction · Experience · #1441788
A famous star comes to a girl's school
"Miranda! Miranda! Miranda! Guess what!" screamed Hallee Miranda's friend. "What happened? Did Mikaa finally ask you out?" Miranda asked. "No, but Shauun Grey is coming to OUR school!!!!!!!" Hallee screamed. "You remember him right?" Hallee said looking seriously. "Oh, yeah I remember him he's the one who's the stuck-up snooty POPSTAR!!!!" said Miranda unkindly. "He's got everything he's ever wanted and he still wants MORE! He's got fame, fortune, a nice car, a chauffer, a girl-" said Miranda until Hallee cut in. "And NO education WHATSOEVER!" said Hallee.

"Uh huh. Yeah. I will believe that when I see it. He can count. Duh! And I am pretty sure he knows Algerbra too. Hallee? Don't you get what I am saying he does have an education he is HOME SCHOOLED!!!!!" "Mir can't you just give him a chance?" Hallee asked rolling her eyes." "Hallee, you are making it sound like I am dating the GUY!!! Give him a chance blah blah blah!!!! What are YOU DOING??" said Miranda not calm. "I have read the reviews, been to concerts and heard and know the facts and yet I should give him a chance? Be best buddies with a guy who is self- centered and dosen't care about anybody but himself?!

"Yes, that's apperently exactly what I am saying and I know for you it's too good to be true." said Hallee looking sadly at Miranda. Hallee turns and begins to walk away. "Wait!" said Miranda. "What?" said Hallee still facing the opposite way. "It's just I--uh-I-" said Miranda not getting to finish. "Stammering, is all you can do huh? Nothing else to say,and yelling at me-ME bcause of me liking this guy and wanting to talk about him to best friend, who dosen't care anymore. At all. I get the picture now. We're not friends and never were. We were two people from different families with different likes and dislikes which is what makes us different, BUT we each never liked at least one thing together. I have to go to Art. See Ya." Hallee said and walked off.

Miranda sighed as she looked at the floor realizing she just lost her best friend. "Ring! Ring!" Miranda looked at her cellphone as she took it out of her pocket. "Who is this? 567-6564 odd number. And it's a text so it can't be a telemarker." she thought. Miranda flipped open here phone and hit view message
It read:
Dear Miranda,
This is Shauun Grey.
Call me!
"Shauun Grey huh?" said Miranda as she typed the number in her phone.
"Hello?" came a voice on the other end. "Is this Shauun Grey?" said Miranda.
"Yeah and you must be Miranda, correct?" replied Shauun. "Yep, now what do you need?" said Miranda. "Help I can't find my math class, art class, and science class. I know where the others are though." said Shauun.

"Okay where are you?" Miranda asked. " By the Cafteria" Shauun anwsered. "Good your close okay take a right then a left go straight down the hall make another left and there's all three classes across from each other! Miranda replied. "Thanks, bye." said Shauun as he hung up. "What did I just do? I gave an ick directions." Miranda asked herself.

"Whatever, well time for Print Journalisim." Miranda sighed as she walked down the hall. As she sat in her seat the board read:

Miranda knew Mrs. Rull (pronunced Ru- l's are silent) was going to make her get her articles so she opened her bookbag and got it out. Stuck it in her red back clear cover folder. "7 pages of pure gold. I smell an A+" she thought. "Good morning students!" said Mrs. Rull. "Good mornig Mrs. Rull!!" said all the 11th graders. "I am going to start todays class by coming by and picking up your article. No article equals one week of detention finishing the article!" said Mrs.Rull

"Yes ma'am" said everyone. She started to go to the first row. She called out the names of the ones she got and wrote down the ones she didn't. "Jerry, Marcus, Cody, Janine Miranda, Chanelle and Fresca have theirs in row 1. Carl, JR, and TJ have detention for a week so far." said Mrs.Rull RINNNNNNNNNNNG!!!!!!!! "Time for lunch I will see you all tommorrow!!!!!" said Mrs. Rull. The students were out of her room. Miranda was walking to lunch and saw Shauun beside her. "Hey" he said.

"Hi" said Miranda. "You want to eat lunch with me??" said Shauun. "Sure I guess." replied Miranda. "Okay good, I need to talk to you." said Shauun. Miranda got her tray and sat down. "So what did you want to talk to me about??" said Miranda. "I don't think you know this but, I have known you forl a long time and really like you." said Shauun. "Really? How?" Miranda questioned. "You know the contact on your email that says ShaGrey789@ yahoo.com that's me I have been emailing you since I was 9 and you the same." said Shauun. "Really???" asked Miranda. "Yes" said Shauun. "But you are so stuck up and stuff. I am not trying to be man,but everyone says you are." said Miranda.

"I am not that kind of guy though, it's not me." said Shauun. "I love you. Do you love me ?" replied Shauun. "I guess, if I can trust you. I mean." said Miranda.
They kissed. "Miran go out with me tonight and we'll go for a walk under the stars." said Shauun. "What about your girlfriend????" Miranda asked. "No we broke up a month ago and I have a new one." said Shauun. "Me." said Miranda looking up at Shauun in his eyes. They kissed again.

                                                      The End
Here in this Short Story a girl actually found out things are not always what you hear. Thanks for reading!!!!

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