Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1440399-Dark-Star-a-BattleStar-Galactica-Story
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1440399
An Original BattleStar Galactica story The Galactica finds another battlestar.
By Raymond Feliciano


    This was the greatest moment in the history of mankind.  The 12
colonies of mankind and the Cylon Empire would finally be at peace.  Near
the moon of Cimtar, the five remaining Battlestars of the colonies;
Atlantia, Columbia, Galactica, Pacifica, and Solaria joined together to
meet and Cylons and sign the Armistice ending the thousand yahren war.
It was a meeting with disaster.
    The Cylons had no intention of making peace.  The armistice was a
diversion for the operation to exterminate the Colonies and mankind
forever.  Because of the treachery of Count Baltar and the complacency of
the President and the council of twelve, the fleet was completely caught
off guard.
    Battlestars Pacifica and Atlantia were the first to be attacked.
Soon the Solaria and Columbia were also under fire.  Only the Galactica,
which was at the vanguard of the fleet was not yet attacked.
    Commander Falcon ran to the bridge of the Solaria after the initial
onslaught woke him from a nap.  The Galactica had been given patrol
duties so Falcon gave his crew furlon, and celebrated with his pilots
just a little too long.  Still woozy from ambrosia, Falcon yelled
"Report" to his second in command, Colonel Typhon.
    Typhon said,  "Commander, we're under attack by a massive wave of
Cylon raiders.  Pacifica reports major damage.  We lost communications
with Columbia.  We've taken major damage to both landing bays.  Energizer
one is destroyed and we've lost the starboard thruster.  I launched what
fighters we could before we lost the bays."
    "How many did we launch?"
    "Ten. The only Battlestar to launch all its fighters was Galactica."
    "I should have known that Adama was too smart to be caught off guard
like this."  Although Falcon was upset that Adama maneuvered himself and
the Galactica to the position of vanguard of the fleet, he knew that
Adama was not fooled at all by the Cylon gesture.  This was no time for
bruised egos.  Falcon knew that it was time to act like the second
greatest warrior of the colonies.  As he concentrated on fighting what
was left of his ship, Typhon worked to contain the damage.  Suddenly
there seemed to be a lull in the fighting as the Cylons turned their
attention on the Atlantia, the flagship of the fleet.
    "Sir," Typhon yelled, "Atlantia just launched her lifepods and we
lost communications with her."
    "Negative shield," Falcon roared.  As the shield was raised, the
bridge crew was greeted with the horrifying sight as the Atlantia was
destroyed in a blinding explosion.  "My Lord."  Falcon moaned quietly,
tears in his eyes.
    The Atlantia's destruction was the signal for the fighters to press
their attack.  The Pacifica was the next Battlestar to be destroyed.  The
damage to the Solaria was increasing as two thirds of the ship was on
fire.  In the wrecked bridge of the Solaria, with over half the crew dead
or wounded Typhon yelled to Falcon, "Sir, Galactica is pulling out."
    "What, Why?"
    "Look sir." Falcon looked at a view screen where the Galactica
pulled away from was left of the fleet."
    "That coward Adama.  If we survive this, I swear I'll kill him."
    Typhon yelled, "Sir, energizer 2 is near critical we have to --" and
then there was a bright flash.



This is my last entry before I enter retirement.  It has been twelve
yahren since the great gestruction and the escape from the colonies.  For
the last 8 sectars we have been fortunate to find the star system we have
named Haven.  The star's energy fields and the interstellar gases
surrounding the system mask the fleet from Cylon sensors so it is a fine
hiding place while we rest and refit.  It has been a long time since we
had a chance to take a respite.  The system has three planets that, while
uninhabited are capabile of supporting human life.  I sent agro and
livestock ships down to replenish our food supplies.  The fourth planet,
a dead husk in space is very rich in Tylium deposits so we have been
mining.  This particular vein of ore is highly powerful so our scientists
think we can use it to upgrade our hyperdrive to speed us on our journey
to Earth.
    Now, during our quiet repose here, I must turn over the burden of

    The colonial fleet, 220 ragtag ships carrying the survivors of the
Cylon attack, led by the Battlestar Galactica was deployed near a star
system, which they called Haven.  Recon patrols found the planets to be
capable of supporting life but uninhabited.  Because of the relative
peace, Core Command allowed the fleet to remain here for eight sectars to
replenish fuel and food.  The civilians were also allowed to carefully
land on one particularly lush planet to leave their cramped ships.  The
peace also allowed Adama to attend to important business, his once a
yahren physical.
    In the life center.  Adama waited for the results of his physical.
Doctor Selig came out of his office and said gravely, "My friend, I have
to tell you that if you don't relinquish command, you will not live out
the yahren."
    Later, Adama called his son, Colonel Apollo and Colonel Tigh into
his office.  "Gentlemen," Adama said, "As you know, I just had my
physical.  The doctor told me that I have a clot in my brain.  It was
probably caused by the injuries I sustained when the Cylons wrecked the
bridge those many yahrens ago.  It caused an anyeurism which, if I
continue my duties would kill me in a yahren.  So its with a heavy heart,
but with great hope for the future that I relinquish my leadership of the
council and command of the Galactica.
    To Tigh, he handed the talisman that hung around his neck as he
said, "I make you the president of the council.  I know your leadership
will greatly aid the civilian fleet. 
    He embraced Apollo, "My son, you have been a great inspiration to me
and to all of us since the destruction of the Colonies.  You kept the
hopes of all the survivors alive.  To you I follow the tradition that my
father and grand father and all our ancestors that commanded this fine
ship since its launch over 500 yahrens ago."  Adama spoke into the
computer, "Effective this date, I commander Adama promote Colonel Apollo
to Commander and I transfer command of Battlestar Galactica to Commander
    After the computer accepted the command transfer, Adama said,
"Congratulations, gentlemen, I know the fleet is in good hands."
    Apollo asked, "What will you do now Father?"
    "I'll start treatment tomorrow and then move to the retirement
ship.  Be sure to visit."
    "I will Father," as father and son embrace.
    The next day Sheba kissed Apollo on the chest and said, "Wake up
commander," as she nuzzled against him. "You've got a busy day."
    "Give me another 22 yahrens."
    "Cold feet, lover?"
    "I'm not ready for command."
    "You've done a fine job as strike wing commander.  Take it from me,
you'll be a fine Battlestar commander remembered in the same voice as
Cain, Adama, Falcon--"
    Apollo tossed a pillow at her, "No respect even from my wife."
    "Seriously, love, you'll do fine.  Now let me give you a send off
befitting a commander."
    Later, in the staff meeting room, Apollo and Sheba walked in.
Already in the meeting room were president Tigh, Colonel Omega, Captains
Boomer and Starbuck and Lieutenant Athena and Flight Officer Rigel.  "My
friends," Apollo started, "We have a lot to talk about.  Adama was a
great and wise leader.  He successfully led our people away from the
Cylons.  For the past five yahrens, we have yet to see any Cylon pursuit.
Under his leadership Dr. Wilker and Col Omega started to test the
improved hyperdrive system that will enable our fleet to keep up with us
and have a faster journey to earth.
    "My father was wise enough to see that the future military commander
must be separated from the civilian leadership.  Thus he made Tigh
president of the council and myself the commander of the Galactica.  Now
I have to select my command staff.
    "Athena, you are a fine pilot and a great warrior, but no one else
knows more about the Galactica and her capabilities.  So I make you my
first officer.  Rigel, you'll be second officer and bridge leader."
Apollo looked at his wife and two best friends," Boomer, Starbuck and
Sheba. I thought long and hard as to who will command the Galactica
strike wing--"
      Starbuck interrupted, "No way, Apollo I'm not --"
    "Starbuck, let me finish.  You three are the best pilots I've got,
but I need you to do more.  Starbuck, you will command Blue Group.  Sheba
will command Silver Spar Group.  Both of you can name the commanders for
the squadrons under you.  Boomer, you'll be the strike wing commander.
The three of you will need to train our new cadets and continue to be the
mainstay of fleet defense.  Omega, our first priority is to get the fleet
equipped with the new hyperdrive.  How does it go?"
    "Dr Wilker, Boomer and I have perfected the drive and equipped two
vipers, which we call 'hyper-vipers', and a shuttle.  We testing these
craft to see if we can equip the fleet within the yahren."
    "Great, keep it up.  President Tigh and I decided to keep the fleet
here.  The planets here have been providing us with food and fuel.  We
also have a great hiding place here.  We also need to start moving out no
later than the end to the yahren."
    Later on the bridge, Apollo looked out the screen as Athena prepared
to launch the patrol.  Athena said," Long Range shuttle and hyperviper
escorts are ready to launch."
    "Are the probe relay satellites in good condition?"
    "Yes commander."
    "Launch the patrol."
    The shuttle left the launch bay as the two vipers blasted out of
their tubes.  The shuttle would deploy six long range scanning probes at
their designated locations which would increase the fleet's scanning
capabilities and prevent unwelcome surprises.  As the shuttle
rendezvoused with the vipers, they entered hyperspace.  Twenty-four
centars later, the probe craft returned to the fleet.  Their success
caused Apollo to breathe easier.

    The bright white light faded away as Falcon stirred and rose to his
feet.  Fear turned to relief that he and his crew are still alive and the
attack was over.  He then turned to his duty.  He ran up to the command
dias and tried to bring the screens on line.  He noticed Typhon getting
to his feet and said, "Report colonel."
    Typhon, still rather disoriented, checked a damage status board and
said, "Commander, I don't believe this, energizer 2 is undamaged.  We
have major structural damage throughout the ship.  The bays are still on
fire, but they're controllable.  Long range scanners are out, so we
cannot get a position.  We are no longer near Cimtar."
    Falcon processed that information as he said, "What about our
fighters and engines?"
    "We have no operational fighters and our thrusters are down."
    "Try to access our position and contact the fleet.  Work on our
damage, I want to get underway within 24 centaurs."  The crew of the
Solaria began to repair their damage and find their position.  The
Solaria meanwhile, was detected by the Colonial fleet's sensor probe and
also by another party.

    The unicom woke Apollo and Sheba from their sleep. Apollo said,
"Yes, what is it?"
    "Apollo, Athena here. Sorry to disturb you commander the the probe
found something you need to see."
    Apollo and Sheba dressed and went to the bridge.  When they arrived,
Athena escorted them to the probe scanners, "Commander, our Long Range
Probe satellite spotted this at sector 3968.  It's very large and doesn't
answer interrogation."
    Apollo looked at the sensor, "It could be a base star.  Can you
resolve the picture?"  Athena resolved the sensor picture to reveal the
thruster section of a Battlestar dead in space.  "Oh my lord." 
    Sheba looked at the screen open mouthed. Tears streamed down her
face as she said, "Daddy...  Apollo lover its the.."
    "I know, its the Pegasus.  From the looks of the damage, it looks as
if she was just in quite a fight."
    "We've got to assist her."
    "We will, Sheba, but their comm must be out or they'd answer the
probe's interrogation.  If they were fighting the Cylons, the tinheads
may be waiting for us to try a rescue.  Lets take this one step at a
time.  Athena, try to ascertain if there are any Cylons in the sector."
    Sheba said, "Let me take a patrol to check it out also."
    "All right, honey.  Boomer, pick another pilot to go on the patrol
and check out the Pegasus.  Be careful Sheba.  Make sure you evaluate the
situation carefully before you make contact."
    Within a centaur the patrol vipers piloted by Sheba and Bojay left
the Galactica and went into hyperspace.  After watching the launch,
Apollo said to Boomer and Athena, "Athena, prepare the Galactica for
hyperdrive.  Boomer, leave a squadron here to protect the fleet.  When we
get word from Sheba via the relay we'll go to render assistance.  But
we'll only go when we get word from the patrol."

    The patrol emerged from hyperspace well away from the battlestar
Solaria.  After Sheba ordered Bojay to recon the immediate area, she
turned her viper toward the stricken ship to conduct a damage assessment.
    "Bojay," she said, her voice shaking, "she looks in bad shape.  The
engines are out.  Both bays are ruined.  Let me fly along side her.
She effortlessly maneuvered her fighter to the starboard side of the ship
to survey the damage.  "She looks gutted.  Wait a centon.  The name on the
bay, it doesn't say Pegasus.  I don't believe this.  Bojay, it says
    On board the Solaria, Typhon reported to Falcon, Two small ships are
within range.  Scanners are still damaged so we have to wait until they
get closer to find out what they are.."
    "They're probably Cylons here to finish the job.  Do we have
defensive lasers?"
    "Yes sir."
    "Commence firing"
    The lasers fired at the two vipers but because of the extensive
damage to te sensor arrays, the firing was highly erratic and easily
evaded by the highly skilled pilots.  Suddenly, a communications officer
yelled out, "Sir, emergency hail on Fleet Com Alpha. Priority Omega."
    Typhon said, "Pipe it up here."
    The communications officer complied and soon Typhon and Falcon heard
Sheba's frantic voice, "Battlestar Solaria, this is Silver Spar group
leader.  Please cease fire, cease fire.  We're transmitting recognition
code now."
    "Typhon, those are Vipers.  I recognize their call sign, Silver Spar
is one of Cain's squadrons."
    "Well sir, these rec codes read that they're from Galactica."
    "Nice try tinheads.  Continue firing."
    Bojay said as the laser barrage continues, "Hey boss, they didn't buy
    "I wouldn't either, they're probably just as confused as we are.
Lets get out of here."  The vipers soon escaped into hyperspace.

    Soon at the Galactica, Sheba, and Bojay reported the situation to
the command staff.  After quietly listening, Apollo said, "That's
impossible.  The Solaria was destroyed with the rest of the fleet."
    "She did look like she was in really bad shape, but she still put up
a fight." 
    Starbuck said, "After Adama pulled out the Galactica, the Pacifica
was the next battlestar to be destroyed.  The Solaria was the last one to
go, we all saw it go up you remember that Boomer."
    Boomer answered, "Like it was yesterday.  It has to be a Cylon trap."
    "It may be a trap, but if the Solaria somehow survived, we have to
help.  If the Cylons spot her she's a sitting duck. 
    Starbuck said, "You know Apollo, they may not be too glad to see us.
After all they did see the Galactica leave in the middle of battle.  They
don't know the reasons why."
    "That's a chance we have to take.  Boomer, scour the wing for anyone
left who served on the Solaria and have them on the Viper escort.
Athena, get a repair crew on board the Hypershuttle to help get them
underway.  Be sure to brief all pilots to use their old squadron call
signs and have records of the destruction of the Colonies on board.  I
want the expedition reaty to launch within a centaur."
    Apollo looked out the window into space and said, "I want the
Galactica ready to join them in five centaurs.  Starbuck, get Blue group
deployed to protect the fleet."
    Starbuck protested, "Apollo, you may need all the fighters in case
it's a trap."
    "The first priority is to protect the fleet.  Even though the Cylons
don't know its wherebouts and the probesat gives you ample warning, I
don't want to take any chances.  With you here I'll breathe easier."
    Starbuck relented and said, "I'll deploy Red squadron throughout the
fleet and land Blue on Haven 2.  I'll take command on the Rising Star
with President Tigh."
    Apollo said, "Sounds good.  You know what to do people.  Get to

    On board a Cylon BaseStar near a dead planetary system, Baltar
looked out at empty space.  "Soon",  he thought, "I'll have to find the
colonial fleet soon.  The Imperious Leader's patience does have its
    Lucifer, Baltar's second in command entered the throne room and
said, "By your command."
    "Speak, Lucifer."
    "Long range patrols have located a BattleStar dead in space."
    "Any signs of the fleet?"
    "Negative.  We did detect fighter activity."
    "At last we have the Pegasus where we want her.  What is the range?"
    "Thirteen centaurs at full speed."
    "Move to launch range.  When we get in range launch all raiders.
Who knows my friend, we may catch two rats in the same trap."

    Meanwhile, back at the Solaria, Typhon said to Falcon, "Command, we
still don't have long range scanners so we cannot get our position, but
our short range and targeting scanners are back up."
    "Begin scanning our immedate area for any intruders.  Keep trying to
get long range scanners up.  We need to access our position.  What about
the rest of the ship?"
    "Beta bay is wrecked beyond repair.  Alpha bay can launch and
recover shuttles only.  There are hull breaches-- hold on sir.  Spatial
distortion 10 centons away.  They are identified as, Sir they're
colonial, two vipers and a shuttle."
    "Hail them.  Confirm their identicode."
    "Identicode shows that they're from Galactica.  The escort fighters
are flown by two of our pilots, Starnes and Keit."
    "Patch me through, This is Commander Falcon to incoming ships.
State your name and purpose or I'll commence firing."
    In reply, Starnes said, "Commander, its good to hear your voice
after all these yahrens.  We have got a lot to tell you and not a lot of
time.  Request permission to land repair parties."
    "Permission granted," to Typhon, "Let's go Colonel.  Security to
landing deck Alpha."
    Soon after the shuttle and escorts landed, Colonel Boomer exited the
shuttle with the repair teams.  He related to Falcon and Typhon
everything that had happened to humanity from the destruction of the
colonies to the escape of the fleet.  Both Falcon and Typhon were in
shock.  Falcon said,"By the Lords, we've been missing for all those
yahren.  All I remember was the Pacifica being destroyed and the Columbia
in flames.  How could we have survived?"
    "We're not sure, but Commander Apollo is afraid it may be a trap.
He sent us to help you try to get underway.  The Galactica will be here
in 2 centaurs and he wants the two of us to be underway soon after."
    Repairs on the Solaria continued with the additional Galactica
crewmen.  The engines were soon back on line and fired up.  The Galactica
soon appeared and Apollo met Falcon.  The two commanders reflected on the
sorrow of the destruction of the colonies and their mutual joy at finding
more survivors.  Their meeting was cut off by the alert klaxon.  Apollo
and Falcon ran to the bridge of the Galactica and Athena reported.  "From
the number of fighters it looks like a BaseStar.
    Falcon said, "They probably knew that we were here and were waiting
for you to show up.  I'll get back to my ship."
    Apollo yelled, "Launch Fighters."
    The fighters soared away from the Galactica to engage the Cylons
with the odds as usual against them.  The Vipers fought valiently,
however, the numbers of Cylon fighters soon start to overwhelm them.
    On board the Solaria, Falcon observed the unequal fight and said,
"Colonel Typhon, get the wounded ready to transport to the Galactica.
Boomer, get your people and mine out of here.  That's an order."  Boomer
looked around and left the bridge.  After he left Falcon said, "Typhon,
after everyone leaves, set course to that BaseStar at best possible
    The Solaria launched her shuttles and escape pods.  After they set
course to the Galactica, she started toward the BaseStar, attracting
Cylon fighters in its wake.  With the attacking Cylon force cut in half,
the skill of the viper pilots started to gain the upper hand.
    Athena said, "Commander, wounded and survivors of the Solaria are
secured.  She's making for the BaseStar."
    Apollo said, "Raise Falcon on Fleet com Alpha."  when Falcon's face
came on the screen, Apollo said, "Falcon, what are you doing?"
    "I've set my energizer and solium storage temperature to critical,
when I get in range of the Cylons, I'm going to set off the galaxy's
biggest bomb."
    "You'll be killed."
    "We've been dead since the battle of Cimtar."  Falcon signed off.
    Athena said, "Commander, she's built up her engines to critical.
She's going to ram."
    "Recover the fighters and get us out of here," Apollo shouted.
    The Solaria, like a flaming arrow, speared the base star just
moments before the solium reached critical.  The resulting explosion was
like a supernova.  On the bridge of the Galactica, at a safe distance
from the explosion, Apollo, realizing too late the cause of this debacle
said to himself, "Damn you Iblis."

    The Galactica's pilots drove away the remaining Cylon fighters and
her damage was repaired.  She later returned to the fleet.  Apollo met
with Tigh and Adama on board the Rising Star and reported on the battle
and the final destruction of the Solaria.  He concluded, "I feel we
should have done more to help the Solaria.  Falcon knew that the basestar
probably triangulated our position.  He felt that the only way to ensure
the safety of the fleet was to destroy the base star.."
    Tigh said, "Iblis knew that we would send the Galactica to assist
the Solaria.  But why didn't he bring the Pegasus?"
    Adama said, "Maybe he never meant for the Peagsus to be the bait in
this trap.  Having the Solaria's deaths on our conscience is probably
more satisflying to him.
    "Well, father, I nearly destroyed my first command."
    "Nonsense, Apollo, you handled yourself brilliantly.  I would have
done exactly the same thing.  Don't worry about it, symmetry has been
    Adama embraced Apollo and said, "You'll be a fine commander of the
    "I wonder though when we'll run into Iblis or the Cylons again."


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