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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Philosophy · #1439928
lots of new poems, from 10/20/08 til 9/20/08. peace love and zen

to dear family

2:38pm November 20th, 2008 |

we cannot sit to think
it rushes at us, in seconds
light apart from the womb

i cannot sit and think
life rushing at me, in seconds
the voices are squabbling

dear family
i am apart from the womb
its feelings all rushing at me in seconds
its needs all rushing at me in seconds
and the broken, the guilt, the despair of pushing
barraging by the second

the freedom to sit and think
the godhead rushing as a second
unhinged from all that is

apart from all things
I extradite myself
I will return with a clear head
a clear hand
carrying the love
of my birthright
free of a guilty name

unfinished lyrics

7:05pm November 12th, 2008 |

a bit of every body
lives in every body else
a bit of every body sits
inside and waits upon a shelf

because most of every body
wishes that they were some body else
so a piece of every body sits
awaits the day it calls itself

my name, my name
i could not tangle children in this game
my name, my name
you shall be born without a name


6:45pm November 10th, 2008 |

heavy contours
cast themselves out
beyond the lampshade

black and white
the blinds bicker
shades of gray

the broken chair
the broken drum
the broken lightswitch

i hide inside the wall

shame, shame
i bore it all to you

shame, shame
where was the magic
where was the special glow?

my treasure is an old sock
now, damnit

recognizing flowers

6:36pm November 10th, 2008 |

for so long
I have wanted flowers
oh, i coddled the bulbs
i gave them my love
only to despair

for years the bitterest winters

for so long
i have wanted recognition
i coddled my words
i gave them my love
only to despair

four years and i’ve been given flowers
I only had to shit all over my ideas
the guilt of recognition

I am lobotomized

6:36pm November 7th, 2008 |

I am lobotomized
I have split the organ
Of knowledge
Of knowing
My relation to the space of things
Their names
Their colors and scents
Their functions

I have broken history
The chain of forcefed memories
The limited factuality
Here and now
Always be
Something more than only me

The knife is singular
It is but one Dimension
It pierces like a beam of light
It spreads in all directions
I am nothing but its glow
I am nothing but the wisdom
I am nothing but the sum of parts
Knowledge simply connects dots

worms make you dirt

6:36pm November 7th, 2008 |

If you plan on dying
Would you return to the earth?
Brothers and sisters,
why do you hide your bones underground?
I know the legends go
Rot away and return home
Back to the dirt
To the worms
To begin again
But would you begin again?
Are you not tired?
its but a catnap,
a catnap, 6ft under
Your tired eyes
Freshly dead!
They are freshly alive now, in your casket!
You are reclaimed in the manure!
Your compost stirring!
So be quick!
Dig yourself up!
Don’t die in shame of the light!
Sit out upon the mountian precipice
Drinking it up
Taking the golden path home!

this is about comic books

8:49pm November 4th, 2008 |

witness this please
as i’m on my knees
brain in the sky
mind wrapped in pleas

crow eyes
crow eyes
that man -he
did this to me
the- city beneath me
see if you want to see
he said to me

i’ve been here before
I always get here and I remember
by the thrill of it all I-
I always get to where things are weird
where things are said
and get hung up on
angles, slants, hooks and nails
on mirrors, inside them, beneath them
inside me, I remember, I remember
though I always forget and regret
when I float back and sink
into these old lids
I am It is We are You Me I I I I I I I You Me You Me You
you and me

super dink

7:44pm October 20th, 2008 |

nameless energy
the raw form
sorrow runs its course
when tears dry
power of the self
call it in the name of beauty

hungry hungry hippo power

1:09pm October 20th, 2008 |

oh the hungry
lusting for the loved stomach
the content-in-fullness
could I convert your pangs
like boomerangs
sent back circulating
to my fingertips
may I bring a touch force to this world?
or will I only sing a song
about the famished

Oct 15, 2008

second sight, third sight, fourth sight...

precious thoughts
i slip your secrets
out from beneath my tongue

in your perfect form
the beautiful, inexpressable
you are quick to be sipped
the liquid leaping at the first dip

so it is always the mouth
spitting, spitting
boiling thought-matter with words

now, snatch it by the eyes!
look outward
teach them to feel
see slowly down the sidewalk,
spreading their corners!

crushing me

could i kill the tiptoes
could i break the silence with a smile
not a nervous little mile
without a word about it

could i cut the heartstrings
emancipate myself from pulleys
become the freedom fully
and sever all my ties

i am the wave
i am the dividing line between bodies
the flux
the fluctuation
the balanced face
of push and pull

i peel back ribs with the crunch of cracked knuckles
Satisfaction in breaking the brittle!
I take the heart and dig in with my fingers
Blood pours out my soul!

te tm ts tt ta tem

obscure me
in every picture, looking idly
corner smiles
pointing to the sky

i no longer long to be featured
could the body lines wave away
the color of my faces stray
from me as wind

June 17, 2008 6:38pm

meditation in vain

i would rather not
face the white wall and its corners
the mess of clothes covering the laquered floor
so I close my eyes
I would rather
float freely
through the pieces

pieces like film slides
sailing through space
spinning on abstract angles
dancing on the corners of their movie magic

forget that I am here
like a babe reborn
with each image presented
gazing at the stars, behind the screen,
they stay the same
as i am naive
and watch worlds move in front of me

what would I say to the lovers?
blinking, twice
and looking on at something that stays new
but then what words
for the jaded ones
fading ones
pained through

I saw split seconds of Father
wished I had one
wished I was one
but was forced to move
by my own self
back to shallow room

now i’m peeling paint from the walls
tearing up the floorboards
and flinging nails

i want to be space-child
and watch imagination project
a distant window of humanity
one i am content in watching through
that shows me truth

when will I forget that I am real?
I want to peal
and resonate
a vibration in a moment
that has already passed


June 15, 2008 12:16pm

The pacific escapes me
It elates me
to know
One day I’ll make me
Find the space in me
that moves

I sang the songs
I saw the pictures
The smiles hidden in your tan-lines
The smiles in escaping the city-smog
Heading out demystified to the mountains
To sit
he shared it with the rats beneath the cabin
fed the crumbs to the birds upon the treetops
in space and time
to join me and history
to become divine


June 15, 2008 11:49am

i’ve been too soft
lost my edge to love, I say
but wasn’t it these highlights
captured in sound
that turned my head round
spun us together like twine
maybe it was always just the music
i coudn’t recapture the song
maybe it just made me mad along the way
for all the times I said
I’m no longer bitter
but then I stayed

just blabbed this out in a few seconds trying not to think about it

unity unity unity

June 15, 2008 2:12am

lately in myself I see the man
drawn out by your smaller hands
and bodies that connect like the coasts
that once were tied
lately i find it becoming to stare
the particles adrift in air
between our eyes like radiation
we dissolve this separation and
are one

more to come, i'm back in the swing of things 8)
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