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Rated: 13+ · Other · Inspirational · #1439468
betty strikes for all her kind.
Betty Bunch walked up the aisle of the small court room. She sat back as the county cut more than $507,000 from the health department and she had paid gravely. She would not sit back and let them take the one public service she needed to stay alive. As she reached the podium she and adjusted the microphone she could hear a mixture of snickering and whispers, but still she continued.

" ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I..." She stopped as laughter erupted from the gallery behind her.

The Chairman dropped his gavel to silence them, then directed his attention to Betty " Miss we are not a jury. There is no need to be nervous please start over."

"My name is Betty Bunch." more snickering ensued. "I am here to speak for my family about your proposed cuts to the bus system here in the city." She paused now and lowered her head to catch her bearings.

"I stood by as you cut the funding to the human services program and yet I was effected. My foodstamps were decreased and my children no longer have health insurance but still i was silent. I watched as you took money from the health department and again I was effected. My husband died in the Spanish flu outbreak last year, but still I did not speak out." Finally the snickering was silent and justifiably so.

Here stands a woman with children and a life that has been terribly torn at yet she stands. This brave woman stands in front of the committee her over worn jeans frayed at the cuffs, Her Jean jacket patched at the elbows and other various places  to cover wear, And her shoulder length thrown into a simple pony tail. The Chairman thought that perhaps she was going to break down when she continued.

" I am going to ask you to imagine if you will a 25 year old mother of three. Her husband is dead and gone and she is left to provide. A woman if you can imagine who started having children after high school and has no fancy degree to fall back on. Now imagine this woman having two jobs and no form of reliable transportation. are you all with me so far?" She paused for effect and it worked.

"I will assume that's a yes. Now remember those three children. Well the oldest, he is in kindergarten. All three children are fed and dressed, and this half family is out the door by five A.M. to catch their first bus of the day. The oldest is dropped off at school and the others at their fist baby sitters. Luckily the second sitter is family so she doesn't have to pay them. Then as per-usual she catches the next bus to her first job. She then picks up her children full of sugar and the days events and inevitably one of them will be cranky, annoyed, or  otherwise upset." She stopped and thought of her children

"She must take five more buses just to spend half an hour with her children before they have to sleep just to repeat the whole process again tomorrow. I ask you is this fair? Is it adequate that your simple budget cuts take mother from her children? Is it right that these cuts only seem to effect the poor?" She waited through the applause that had burst from behind her.

"You seem to be lost for words so allow me to help you. No, No, and No. It isn't right, it isn't fair, and it is certainly not justified. For years I have stood by while you took from my families mouths and hearts, I say, no more." More applause followed by the gavel as the chaiman found his voice.

"And what are you apealing for Mrs. Bunch." Seemed to be all he could say.

"Isn't it obvious Mr. Chairman? I want to provide for my family. I want to raise good children. I cannot do this if you take away the only way I have to do it. I did not speak out for my children when they lost their healthcare. I did not stand when you took my husbands life, but I will not be silent as you take my pride. I stand now, I speak now..." Her voice faltered but still she spoke "please find a different way to get your money without hurting so many." Tears began to pour as she finnished but still she stood as proud as royalty.

As her tears fell so did many others including, Betty noticed, the Chairman.He called for a recess so he could confer with the committee and he thought gather himself. Betty waited in the gallery with all the other hopeful hearts until the comittee reconveened. Though she seemed calm as the surface of a pond, her nerves were as ferocious as the sea.

The Chairman stood to convey the Committee's findings " First of all I would like to thank you all for coming to share your stories with us. Mrs. Bunch you pled so eloquently it made many of us reflect on the situation. Now to the matter at hand. the bus system must stay public. It is not going to be cut, but some of the services will be changed and the fare will be increased to meet the needed revenew."

At this last statement the crowd around Betty began speaking over the Chairman which was immediately silenced While Betty smiled silently to no one in particular.

"Is there something you would like to say Mrs. Bunch?"

"No Chairman. You found your money. We still have our buses. I just wish so many didn't have to suffer for the great and powerful dollar, but as my mother used to say 'you can complain because a rose has a thorn or you can rejoice because the thorn has a rose upon it."

leaving the committee stunned and enlightened she turned and walked back up the aisle, went through the door and waited once more for the charriot to her family's future.
© Copyright 2008 crissylastrange (crissylastrang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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