Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1438803-A-Whisper-In-the-Darkness
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1438803
A story about a young man named Kenneth who encounters a "supernatural" visitor!
DARKNESS filled the air and sounds of air whispering in the hallway gave the chilly and silent dorm room an eerie feel. It was a late Saturday night and most of the people had gone home for the weekend. Normally, the campus is full of life and energy on the weekend, but for some reason it was like everyone had some supernatural sense to go home and visit family, but in an eerie way. Just the other day, Leison told me that he had a chill up his spine -- the kind where it makes the hair stand up on your skin! As a result, he went to the Prayer Attic and spent time praying for God's protection over the campus and over all the people. When I asked him about it in detail, though, he told me this: "Don't worry, Ken. God is in control and I know He will take care of everyone."
"I know...but what's this feeling you have? How long have you had it?" I asked.
"For a while; moreso today however. I can't say for sure exactly what it feels like it. Just like....I mean...evil. Satanic power is all around us and this place isn't exempt."
"I guess that's true." I said sighing, my facial expression a bit dry and worried disagreeing with Leison's statement. "But...even this being a Bible institution, evil can only go so far so. I mean, I no one around here is worshipping Satan or trying to call forth Baal or something. Everyone here, mostly, is a genuine Christian believer. Surely, it's nothing. Are you sure you're not just tired? You did get little sleep this afternoon?"
Leison smiled but folded his hands together on the cafe table and shook his head.
"Look, I know what you're saying, but I'm all I'm saying is that you just need to be careful. I just have this weird feeling that something is going to happen this weekend." He suddenly looked up at me, fixing his eyes on mine and his facial expression throw a worried look my way.
"You're staying here this weekend, right?"
"Yeah. Not planning on going anywhere. Can't go anywhere..." I said.
"Then...please be careful. You won't have anyone in the dorms to check up on you."
"Look, I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself! I don't need anyone to look after me like I can't handle myself." I said in frustration.
"I'm not saying that, okay?" Leison said, his tone beckoning me to calm down. "I'm just saying that if anything does happen, you'll be alone. Well, no, God is with you, but you won't have a brother-in-Christ with you to face what will happen."
"So, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. You just go home and check on your family. I'll be just fine."
"Are you sure?"
Leison nodded in agreement and then finally got up from the table. As he headed out the double-doored cafe passed the check-in table, he looked back at me and shouted: "If anything happens, just pray!"
I shook in consent and then watched him leave the cafeteria. That was just two days ago.

Now, I sit in my room watching movies on my small tv that my relatives bought over some time ago. The hallway is quiet. Like I said before, it's so just so quiet here. Campus is empty, cars are gone from the parking lots, and security is the only living presence breathing and walking around this place, aside from myself. It's way in the late night now; you're probably wondering why I'm still up? Simple: I just got a bad feeling about something. It's like s sharp pain in my side that pokes me in the ribs every time I lie down on my bed. Two hours ago I tried to sleep, but because of that stupid pain and eerie feeling, I finally got up and just threw on a movie. I've sat through most of it, but it's almost over now. I wonder if it just my imagination playing tricks on me; I just heard a sound of footsteps clapping the floor in outside. I should go and check it out. Err....my stomach hurts and I'm starting to shiver...anyway, let me go check it out.

There is no light in the hallway. The strange shadows dance by the windows, especially the one right by the stairwell. Trying to pierce the thick darkness of the dorm, I made my way by each of the rooms to search for any signs of light from within them. Nothing. To Omar's, my RA's room, first and then to Stanley's room, second, followed by Pursey's room and then finally to Leison's room. Nothing. All empty. What about Dr. Harris' room? He is usually in and out though, so I doubt it. I checked it anyway. Nothing. Marty's room is the very last one that I haven't checked. I walked slowly down towards his room and stopped and turned slightly to my right. I knocked as hard as I could on his door. No answer. I'm completely alone. The small bit of light that shone at the end of the hallway was my only assurance that I could as least see if any shadows danced beyond where they were permitted. I felt the dry air finally catch my mouth and within moments it made me open it and take a deep breath.
"Nobody is here. It's just me." I said aloud.

I turned to go back to my room; I left my door cracked so that I could just open and shut my door as quickly as possible. I went back over to my table and sat down at my computer. The movie was already over and I was suddenly getting thirsty; apparently, the dry air caught up with me and made me thirst for water. The only problem was that my blue school mug was empty and the best source of water was downstairs. Guess I have to go and get some water from downstairs. I grabbed my keys and my mug and opened my door. As I did, I sudden heard footsteps again! Scrapping the floor, sounding now like clapping metal and tapping shoes, it zoomed past my door quickly. Then, I heard a door open and close. Then suddenly, silence. Nothing but the dry air whispering in the hallway again. Only this time the air was making me shiver along with the chill in my spine growing all over like a bad tumor spreading throughout my body. I'm the only one here, I thought. I kept repeating this to myself several times before finally opening the door and heading to the wing door to my left. Immediately, I turned right and headed down the central stairwell until I get to the first floor.

I quickly opened the door and was greeted by a partially dark hallway with sensor lights illuminating the main corridor. The water fountain was right by the door; I quickly took off my mug cap and held it close to the mouthpiece. My trembling hands held the button to squirt the water into my cup. It seemed like forever, but it eventually got full and I screwed the cap back on. As I headed for the door, a sudden sound greeted my ears; but this time,was much louder than before! It didn't sound like scrapping metal or clapping footsteps, but a loud knock and the sound of something growling. What in the world is that? To make things even worse, I thought I heard it coming from the chapel. I started to panic. Sweat was starting to pour from my head and my hands were shaking faster than my pulse! My first impulse was to go immediately back to my room, but curiosity said to check it out. Bad reasoning, but if I was ever going to find out whether I was truly alone, then I needed to do some exploring. Walking slowly to the chapel, I was stopped by sudden darkness that came to life at both ends of the hallway. Now, I was really scared. There were now no security lights, no traces of light coming through the windows, and the stairwell light has also bit the dust. I was now drenched in darkness and swallowing fear, standing in the middle of Mercer Hall on the first floor bathing in the dark. The bad feeling that Leison had was now being transferred to me. I tried to stay calm, but my mind was already processing the danger above and it was just a matter of time before I broke down and screamed. But...not yet. I stood by the chapel door, watching nothing but darkness shout from inside. I took my free hand and gripped the door handle. There is was again. It was even louder than the second time. And...it was coming from in front of me.

I was next to loosing it. I pulled open the door and stepped inside. As I did, I slowly and fearfully walked down the aisle of the chapel, right down the center. I stopped suddenly after hearing that same noise again. Louder, and louder, but this time a smell arose in the air. Whatever it is, it's sounds terrible and smells like a rotting animal. A rotting animal...in here? Man...I couldn't take much more of this! And the noise...no longer tapping or screeching or even footsteps, but now sounding like growling and stomachs rumbling. The smell is getting worse, almost unbearable. In trembling fear, I suddenly shouted out: "hello?" No answer. Nothing. Just noising growling and foul smells remaining at their posts.
"Is someone here? What's that smell?" I started to sound like a little 5-year-old boy trying to find some candy and was suffering from the lost of sugar high. It was cold, dark, dreary, and ominous. Surely...something isn't right. It's like all my discernment went into defcon 4; I can usually sense something potentially demonic as well as divine and in between within the immediate area. It's one of those things spiritual gifts that help enable one to discern teachings and "spirits" that are of God, man, or the devil. In this case, it was definitely demonic. I suddenly found myself choking from the air and being overwhelmed by an unseen energy force that was crushing me to my knees. I dropped my cup spilling the water all over the carpet, and I fell on my knees holding my neck. It felt like someone had their hands on my windpipe and was slowly choking me. I felt the air getting sucked out of my lungs every time I breathed. I gasped and gasped for air, but to no avail I couldn't do anything. It felt like I was dying and my killer was an unseen force that played mind games with me and lured me into the school chapel to kill me. I was slowly loosing my strength and I felt weaker by the second. Within moments, I would be dead. And I wouldn't be discovered until either security came around or someone came Monday morning and found me lying on the ground. Whatever the case, this was over for me...

"If anything happens to you, pray!" Leison's words rang over clearly in my mind. He told me to pray if anything happens. Pray...was that the answer? My enemy...can't see him or it. Total darkness consumed me and my environment with no possible passage of light. In fighting to keep consciousness, I thought I saw two blinking lights, both dim and red. Two orbs of fire glowed in front of me and bounced around like two glowing sparks devouring firewood. The growl became a small whisper and then a voice.
"Die," said a deep dark voice that just made your heart shoot of your chest. Again, the voice came to life again. "DIE!!!"
The pain increased, oxygen was being lost, and my life was slowly drawing to a close. I felt my thoughts waver back and forth from screaming to praying. Guess I better try something. This evil spirit was not letting me go! Finally, with as much as strength I could muster, I cried out: "Lord Jesus, help me!"
"NO ONE WILL HELP YOU!!!" The evil spirit shouted.
"LORD JESUS..." I cried desperately. "Please....Lord, save me!!!"
I felt the grip get tighter and tighter. In a moment, I'll pass out completely. I slowly felt my eyes shut and my body give way to the floor. I felt my face hit the carpet and a heavy presence topple over me like a body falling on back and pressing me onto the floor. At that moment, I felt my body stop shaking and my pulse slowed down. I found my thoughts drifting into words in my mind: "Those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." I felt myself sigh softly and felt my hands and limbs go numb. I couldn't move anymore. I was completely helpless. The air now felt warm and ominous and the pressure was now overwhelming. As I slowly felt my last gasp of air, my ears picked up a voice, different from the one before. This one was sweet, soothing, and recognizable.
"Peace...be still."
"Mas...ter." I mouthed.
"Behold, those who believe in Me will never perish but will have everlasting life."
I felt my body stop completely and my tongue fell to the ground. I then heard nothing. Silent. Darkness. Nothing.

I woke up in my bed and found myself drenched in sweat. The room was dark and small rays of light peered through the window and casted shadows on the wall. My rapid breathing sounded like rushing water over a cliff and my heart raced a thousand miles an hour. I looked around my room and found my vision crippled with fuzzy snow. I'm alive. I'm living. I'm okay. The demon didn't get me. Praise God!!! Jesus rescued me. I remembered what He said last. That was the last thing I remembered. I just out of my bed and knelt in prayer beside it.
"Heavenly Father, I thank you! Thank you for saving me and keeping me from the devil's power. I thank you for your promises; I thank you that the one who believes in you will never perish and have everlasting life. I thank you, Father, for Jesus Christ and the power He has over evil. I know that thanks to You that I am safe and that You are with me forevermore. I ask your protection as I sleep tonight and Lord-willing I awake in the morning to continue to spread your name in this world and live for You. I thank you and I ask you this in Jesus' name, Amen."
I jumped back in bed and fluffed my pillow. I took off my t-shirt and wiped the sweat off my face. Then, I fell on my pillow and pulled the covers over me and within moments I fell asleep. I felt myself drift into a peaceful slumber and the room suddenly started to smell like roses. For a moment, I thought I heard a small whisper in the darkness; "Fear not, My Son, for I am always with you, even til the end of time."
"Thank you...Father!" I whispered back. Immediately afterwards, I fell fast asleep.

DARKNESS filled the air and sounds of air whispering in the hallway gave the chilly and silent dorm room an eerie feel. It was a late Saturday night and most of the people had gone home for the weekend. I was there alone in my room asleep in the middle of the night. As my warm body froze in bed and filled the room with snoring, I felt a sharp pain creep in my side and aroused me from my peaceful sleep. It felt like somebody poked me! I looked around and held my breath in silence. Not again...! I felt my heart drop down into my stomach. Once again, I was getting tormented with an eerie presence. Why me? Why again? I sudden heard a whisper in the darkness. Taking no time to think, I felt myself yell: "Who's there!?"
Nothing. No sound, no presence, just silence and darkness like before. I thought about checking under my bed. The thought scared me, but once again I had to find out. I slowly crept out of bed and put my left foot on the floor. Immediately, something sharp struck my heel! I yanked my heel back up to the bed in fear and jumped up the wall. My heart was now in my throat and my pulse raced again. I started praying again. "Lord...not again! Please, help me!"
I slowly and bravely swept the covers off me and this time jumped off the bed and onto the floor. I carefully and slowly got down on my side and peeked under the bed. Nothing but boxes and shoes. I felt something strike my heel the first time; what could it have been? I sat on my knees and turned to my desk. I just laughed as I looked at the shelf above it and saw my Bible poking out it's version title. I smiled and then turned back to my bed. When I did, my face turned white! Sitting on my bed where I was just laying was my small New Testament Bible. It started me for a moment, but I eventually took it and just started flipping through it. I slammed it on the bed after fingering through several pages. It came to Ephesians 6:10-13:
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."
With that, I smiled and prayed a small prayer and then placed my Bible on my chair. Then, I finally jumped back in the bed and closed my eyes and soundly fell asleep.
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