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Rated: E · Essay · Political · #1438204
Political satire, paper i wrote for my government class.
With everyone ulimately losing to everyone else, a new communist tenet will be widely accepted throughout the world... once China overtakes us by force, as well as the rest of the world. With all of our resources going towards Iraq and our economy going down an abstract spiral, we're sitting ducks. Most people fret when China surpassed us as the World's power, with good intention. To China's cajole the proverbial Domino effect, the belife that if one country falls to Communism others near it will as well, will inexorably take the world by force.

When we have two simultaneous wars between two long standing opponents, our economy and resources will run dry. With no one, except for the U.S.'s lapdog Australia supporting us in the war against Iraq; we'll have no cohort to turn to for financial and emotional support for President Bush. (there there Georgy- Porgy) Our immutable defeat is define. (So definite it's only comparable to another one of Mr. Karlin's french jokes) So therefore we will be foreced out of Iraq with our tails in tow between our legs.

With inflation, recession, depresssion, and all the dreaded -ions words to add insult to injury even making an optimist raise an eyebrow. With a new instated Communist reign, China would remain as the World's power,as the other dominated countries would be used as storage for their exuberant amount of citizens. With that in mind, why would you invest in a storage unit? The world would suffer in the newly founded financial euality the jaded Americans might prefer a handful of pills and a big ol' nap. With half of the American population preferring suicide to pinko s.o.b.s America would be eliminated as a country itself and merged with the elated welcoming neighbors Canada. (not mexico¬¬)

China dishing out Coal-powered energy systems left and right, the enviroment will be horribly damaged and overall disregard will eliminate forests.

Things that no longer apply: terrorism. The Domino effect will take it's righteous place in the history books and prove to be mroe than a paranoid president's justification! It will prove to be the theory for the end of the world! Everywhere will be China, Iraq is no longer the terrorist... we're dealing with something worse... much worse... EQUALITY! (woman shrieks in background)
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