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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1437248
willow and jordan find unexpected spark in a fire they thought could never be rekindled
Chapter 1

         There she was with him on top of her, Passion consuming his every thought and reflecting in his eyes. She knew he wanted her; she wanted to drive him crazy. She knew the spot she’d used it a hundred times. Slowly she reached up to the back of his neck, gently pulling him to her. He felt her soft breath playing across his neck followed by a gentle lingering kiss. She was ready so was he “take me” she whispered in demand. Slowly she felt the pressure of him as he plunged inside her as if to douse her indigent fire. As she reached her first peak and he thrust in and out deeper and deeper she watched his mouth form words but all she heard was BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! “Oh no! Not yet” she yelled “Not yet! Please Not yet!” unfortunately the damage was done. The dream was over, she was awake.

      Willow Marie Alexander was born, raised, and currently lived in the same small town. By all accounts she was normally a morning person. “Damn alarm clock.”  She grumbled on the way to the shower. Trying not to wake her roommate, she tiptoed to the bathroom only to find Jenna already occupying the tiny shower. “Sorry Jen I thought you were still asleep.” waiting for a reply she was annoyed to see her shampoo sitting on the edge of the tub. She was about to say something about it when Jenna interupted. 

      “Well it’s pretty hard to with all the moaning and groaning going on next door. Dare I hope you had a living breathing man in there?” sheepishly willow simply shrugged

“what do you think?”

Jenna laughed “you must have had a really good dream.”

slightly embarrassed willow said “Yeah I’ll tell you about it later. I am going to get some breakfast.”

Twenty minutes later willow went through the entire dream all Jenna had to say about it was “well, that was a good dream. Hey speaking of hot Johnny is coming home for the weekend.” willow knew what that meant; an entire weekend of oh’s and awe’s and goo-goo eyes she couldn’t help but roll hers.

“Great so I should check into the super eight by the highway on Friday?”She said jokingly

“naw.”Jenna retorted “you should at least spring for a room at the Days Inn you should be comfortable if you are paying for it.” She smiled wide then went on trying to be nonchalant as possible “actually I was kind of hoping you could entertain Johnny’s friend Jordan Cameron.”

Willow jumped from her seat on top of the counter ready to scream 'how dare she try to set me up she thought it’s only been a year since Terrance died.'

“Lo, it’s been a year and a half, it’s alright to let go, Terry wouldn’t want you to hold on to a memory you can never have again.” the pity in her voice had Willow thinking of ways to hurt her. She knew Jenna was right, she was definitely done crying for Terrance and she was almost ready to move on, but not just yet. Instead she devised a plan.

“Alright I’ll entertain him.” She said and turned to walk out “stop using my shampoo it’s expensive” with that she stomped out to take her shower.

      Willow stewed all week about her friend’s scheme, though she never let Jenna see it. When Friday finally came, her plan was set into motion. First she called her boss at the deli and complained that she had a migraine, leaving out, of course, that her migraine had a name and physical address. She then set to giving herself a make-under, sweat pants, a baggy t-shirt, no make up, and her long brown hair tied up in a messy bun.

    When Jenna brought Johnny and Jordan home, Willow was camped out on the couch watching the sappiest chick flick she had “terms of endearment.” At first sight Jenna was befuddled and couldn’t help herself “wh… what’s going on lo? Are you alright?” Willow had it all planned out, she just hadn’t expected such a shock to her system at the sight of a complete stranger. As depressed as she could, despite her amusement at Jenna’s confusion, she started her act

“oh it’s an emotional day you know how I get.” Jenna, finally catching on, was so angry she almost couldn’t speak

“well do you think you could manage to join me in the kitchen?”

still in the act Willow’s answer was small “sure” she slithered out of the seat and slinked into the kitchen. Once she was in the kitchen she straightened up and sat on the counter facing her friend “sup?” she asked as if she didn’t know the subject at hand, which just made Jenna all the more hot.

“Damn it what’s with the act? I mean Jesus how hard can it be to brush your hair.” She paused a moment then had an idea “Lo…, I’m sorry I thought you were over this, guess I was wrong I’ll just send Jordan to a hotel.” guilt, she decided, was the only way to get back at her traitorous friend “oh honey, do you want a hug?” As she leaned in to embrace willow she was rebuked.

“Look, don’t send him away. But I am not ready to move on just yet, almost, just not yet. Okay do you want us to leave so you and Johnny can be alone?” she asked with a wiggle of the eye brows.

“Please. We won’t be too long, go to a movie, you know do something fun like you used to. Lo, please don’t be mean to him he’s been hurt too.” Jenna had that look of pity on her face that Willow hadn’t seen in months

“I’ll try…” Willow stated as she started out of the kitchen “by the way Jen, you need to work on your acting skills, that little guilt trip you tried on me was just lame.”
She stated with a smirk then ran from the kitchen as her friend chased after her threatening her with bodily harm.
    Jordan hated waiting alone in places unfamiliar to him, add an obviously despondent woman to the equation, and Jordan was one giant nerve. When Jenna walked in the living room she could see the anxiety on his face and did nothing but smile to ease his torture. She knew the questions were coming but isn’t that why she had Johnny do a beer run? She sat and waited until finally “is she okay?” the words leapt at her which both amused and startled her.

“well?” she drew it out a little to put more power behind it “That’s kind of a loaded question, I suppose you’d have to know her but yeah she’s fine that was just her way of … setting me straight, I guess.” His hesitancy vanished and was replaced by confusion

“about what?” he asked but wouldn’t get an answer because there was a crash in the bathroom followed by a roar of laughter. the door opened to a beautiful woman well put together with no trace of the scene that had been played only minutes before. Jordan figured it was another roommate until he saw her eyes, he decided that it was impossible for more than one person to have eyes like that. his heart stopped at the transformation. His anxiety was back with questions to spare “what was that? Do you need some help? What happened?”

Willow, realizing that her little event had more of an effect on the visitor than planned, decided to explain “oh well I had a little accident and it serves her right, Jenna, that is, she has been using my shampoo and I had to get my new stuff and I accidently dumped her make up in the sink.” She had hardly finished and Jenna was sprinting to the bathroom

“you what? that stuff’s expensive God ‘lo”

as her voice trailed off Willow caught Jordan’s arm and whispered “we better be off before she realizes that it was actually that ugly fish I broke and not her war paint.” They were out of the house and in her car before they heard a yell of terrified shock.

“Wh… stop just stop… stop the car please.” She had almost forgotten his anxiety until she had pulled over and it was covering his entire face.

“I’m so sorry I guess I need to give you an explanation huh?”

      After twenty minutes by the road with her explaining and him gradually relaxing he had one question for her “so wait she was trying to set us up?” the confusion in his eyes almost covered his annoyance but not enough.

“yeah, you didn’t know?”  she caught his annoyance but let it slide since she knew the feeling.

“No. I am perfectly capable of finding my own women Christ what does a person have to do it’s not like I am sad and pathetic you know. Not that your not beautiful and I would be blind if I didn’t see that but I have a girlfriend at school.”

Stunned by the fact that he thought she was beautiful but also by the fact that Jenna had missed such a major detail she decided that the movies were out of bounds just yet.

“ how about this you and I can go to Just Jo’s and have a beer and you know hang out no strings just two people trying to waste time while their friends get their “freak” on what do you think?”

finally relief came to the forefront and he relaxed completely “I could go for that.” As they set off again they were able to maintain polite conversation that did not include friends and their traitorous plans.

      Jenna examined her yard sale fish and ultimately decided it was a lost cause. She had collected the pieces and was on her way to the trash can when Johnny staggered through the front door. “Alright everybody it’s time to start th…is thing.” He looked around for his friend and his woman neither of which were there “hey where the hell did every one go? Jenn?”

Jenna heard him and quickly discarded the broken keepsake “oh hey baby, Willow decided she wanted to go out and offered to take Jordan with her.”

Still oblivious Johnny was suddenly aroused “oh yeah?  So uh what we are going to do. ”oh she thought we are going to do plenty

“oh I imagine we can think of something. Just let me call and check up on the new cup…I mean friends.” She smiled to herself and clearly missed Johnny’s disapproval.

She hung up the phone “that’s funny she’s not answering. Oh well hope they are enjoying each others company.” She turned to Johnny and suddenly she saw something she had never seen in his face before, vicious anger. “What’s wrong honey?” she faltered on the last word giving away her fear

“so what?” he shouted “you decided to make me a fool all of the sudden and don’t expect me to be pissed? Or were you just too busy making plans to tell me that you are trying to set my best friend up with yours?” before she had a chance to answer he continued. “both of whom aren’t over their own personal things. What the hell’s wrong with you Jenna all that hairspray finally kill your last living brain cell?” he knew he went too far and instantly wanted to apologize when she cut him off

“you don’t seem to mind all that hairspray when I am buying your school books or your tickets to come home” she spit at him “or how about the fact that I have been the only one of us who seems to care about our future enough to save for it. As for Jordan and Willow, who, in case you forgot, are both grown people, if you can’t see that your friend and mine are both miserable you don’t need me to make you the fool. Good night Johnathan.” She turned and promptly stormed out.

He heard the door slam shut behind her and knew he was in trouble, hell she used his full name. resigning himself to sleep alone he put the beer he no longer wanted in the refrigerator. He’d make it right by the end of the weekend he always did. He closed eyes and laid back on the couch and fretfully drifted to sleep. 

Willow hated to admit it but she actually had fun and she was fairly sure Jordan didn’t think she was still crazy. He still wouldn’t open up for her but she expected that to change if he decided to come back. When they pulled up to the house she decided to make the offer it was the least she could do but before she could he spoke

“ So I was thinking I might like to sight see tomorrow is there any thing interesting around here?” what do you know she thought not as freaked out as I thought.

“um yeah in town there’s plenty to see if you want to go down there I could take you but it would have to be Sunday we normally go into the mountains and find something to do on Saturday.”

She forgot about the anxiety that had been there a few hours before and apparently so did he as he said “Oh yeah? They look so far away is it a long drive?.” She put the car in park in the spot.

”Yeah, it’s about an hour and a half. Do you fish?”as they got out of the car they could see the lights on in the living room and Jenna’s bedroom

“I wonder if we should have waited a little longer” she waited a beat then let out a maniacal half laugh “nah who am I kidding? hey watch out for cacti as you walk” she stated a half a beat too late as he jammed the side of his foot into a large prickly flowering cactus and let out a string of swears that would have had a sailor blush. “

sorry” she said still smiling “I forgot just follow the sand path it leads to the door.” A little more doleful than necessary he looked at her and stated

“gee thanks”

As they entered the house they both spotted Johnny on the couch with skeptical looks to each other they parted ways she for Jenna’s room and he for Johnny on the couch.   

Willow knocked on the door, waited a beat, then entered instead of the weepy mess she expected Jenna was stone asleep. She sat on the bed and gently woke her friend

“Jenna are you alright honey?”

Stiring awake Jenna wiped her sleepy eyes with gentleness that Willow knew she could never possess

“well hello there sweet thing” willow said as she had every time she woke Jenna. Groggily Jenna grunted then remembered the fight she had with Johnny and frowned then stated

“He didn’t come to me Willow” still out of the loop but catching on willow asked

“what happened baby did you fight?” Jenna recounted their fight while Willow responded with the appropriate confusion and disbelief at the appropriate times. When she finally finished she could only think of her intentions and how she might have hurt her best friend and felt entirely too stupid to talk. When she found her voice again she turned to willow

“I’m sorry if you feel like I pushed you into this whole thing I realize every one heals in their own time.”

Willow was taken aback. “ it’s alright I actually had fun and to tell the truth I kind of wish he wasn’t involved with someone at school it might just be interesting to see how nervous I could make him.”

At this statement Jenna’s face went blank “he has a girlfriend? Since when? Never mind. I am glad you had fun any way.” She finished as a smug smile crept over her face and  was instantly wiped away as a knock sounded from the door.

“look here it seems that he did come to you after all. See you tomorrow.” With that she opened the door and gave Johnny a knowing smirk and shut the door behind her leaving them to there business.

After changing into her pajama’s Willow went into the living room to check on Jordan. As she entered his blood heated and left him speechless. She stopped in front of him and gave a slow amused smile

“you need to stand up.”

“what… oh alright…why?” was all he could manage as he stood

“well if you plan on staying here I figure you might like a place to sleep and seeing as all the other beds are occupied I figured I would be nice…” she began throwing the cushions off the couch “and pull out the hide a bed.”

Idiot he thought she’s just a woman as he helped her situate the bed and cushions. He wanted her to stay, wanted her, he wanted his blood to stop rushing so he could speak.

“There you go, all set? Would you like any thing else.”

'You' he thought. “No I think I should be fine.” As she turned to walk away a sudden panic hit him. Where was she going? He had to keep her there he knew it was a stupid “are they okay in there?”

she turned and smiled as though she was sharing a private joke “Has she thrown any thing at the wall yet?”

he rolled his eyes “yeah about ten minutes ago.”

She shook her head “and has he shouted that she was a stubborn wench?”

he lifted his eyebrows “yeah about five minutes ago.”

She grinned “has he come to get a beer yet?”

now he grinned “no looks like your wrong about that one.”

She only continued to grin and waited about thirty seconds when Jenna’s door flew open and Johnny strutted through the living room.

“unbelievable, how did you know that? They do this a lot?” as Johnny came back through he winked at them and kept walking.

“yeah like every weekend.” She paused and gave him a questioning look. “what you don’t have a fight routine with your woman, Cameron?”

he rolled his eyes and looked harassed. He knew he had to come clean she had to know something was up. “look I don’t have a girlfriend. I lied.”

He hung his head and missed her amused expression “now why on earth would you do a silly thing like that.”

He started to lie again and gave up “because I thought you were crazy.”

Instead of being miffed, as he thought she should be, she started to laugh and continued until she saw confusion written all over his face. When she finally stopped laughing she realized that she might have hurt his feelings by him not hurting hers. “Okay Jordan lets make a deal. We go to bed and wake up and pretend this girlfriend thing never happened what do you say?”

suddenly too tired to argue he agreed. she smiled and took his hand to shake on it and gave them both a jolt. Neither had expected to find such heat in a casual touch. He pulled away first pretending that his other arm itched.

“Well…” what she thought “Good night Jordan Cameron, it was nice to meet you. See you tomorrow.”

She turned and sauntered out.

“G’night” he said to no one as he watched her walk away.  That is a hell of a woman he thought laying back trying to lull himself to sleep, hell of a woman.

© Copyright 2008 crissylastrange (crissylastrang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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