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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Philosophy · #1437048
After an inhalant overdose a man visits a mad afterlife & learns the secret of existence
Vumm vum vwaumm vum vum.....

After taking his second deep huff from the gas can, this is the electronic sounding hum ringing throughout his mind.

How pathetic of a sight he must have been. A 33 year old balding man, wearing a stained wife better and a pair of old gym shorts, hiding behind the bushes of his parents house huffing the gas fumes from his fathers gas can used for his riding lawn mower.

He took his third deep inhale of pollution and rested his head on the brick wall of his home as he exhaled. This time the hum became more of a pulse. The pulse seemed to vibrate through his brain all the way down to the tail of his spinal cord.

As he observed the landscape of his parents backyard, it seemed to him that all his eyes projected in front of him was two dimensional, as though he could poke his finger around and manipulate the scenery. He tried this but had already forgotten the agenda and was more fascinated with the movement of his hand.

After his fourth huff, his face was that of a starving child, with his eye bulging from their sockets. He leaned his head on his shoulder and began to drool a bit. This made him laugh.....and drool more.

His weightless head lifted for his fifth breath of fuel and he hit his gums on the nozzle of the jug. Drops of blood fell from his lips as he laughed even harder and started sucking from his vitamins teet.

After about 11 hits his body was deeply rooted into the ground and there was never any intention of escaping.He just sat there dazed with a shit-eating sloppy grin glazed onto his face. Every two or three minutes he would lose touch with all reality. Seeing colors he had never seen, shapes never constructed in geometry, and words and voices unimaginable to the human psyche. But then he would come and forget all about the storm that just went through his mind and would begin to huff some more.

As the sun began to climb its way over the tree tops that surrounded his parents backyard, one ray of light found it way throught the leaves branches and shot straight forward landing directly on his face. This man is now a new person. His eyes were rolled to the very back of his head, his swollen yellow tongue hanging three inches from his lips, and his face was now a new dark shade of violet, the color only found on the face of a man who has die of asphyxiation and a sever lack o oxygen to the brain.

Now if this were a real event, this would have to be the end of the story. His body would have been found, he would have been buried or cremated (whichever he'd prefer), and his parent, until their deaths, will be ashamed of how their failure of a child spent and ended his life. But this my friends is a story.

Your last mental image at the end of that story was this unnamed mans swollen lifeless face. But now the idea of a story, cutting a whole in this picture, a door if you will. A door to see whats going on in that strangled, abused dead brain. Some good ol' fictional afterlife.






This is all he seemed to be doing for the past seven hundred years. He was beginning to tire of the field checkered with green and violet bushes. Every now and then he would see a zebra striped snake fly from one bush to the next, as though frightened by his prescense. In the center of the field, there was a path as though it were made just for him. He thought that if there happened to be a bush in the middle of his path, it would disappear before he got to it..

He wondered why he was walking. He looked forward and saw that the field stretched to no end. But he could'nt stop walking. It was as though the nerve endings in his legs had a mind of their own.

Was this his hell?

Had he died and this be his strange damnation?

I'd give my legs for just a small change in scenario, he thought to himself.

And with that very thought, in the blink of an eye, he stopped walking. Shocked, he looked down to his feet, which seemed to look back up him as confused as he was. Looking forward again, he was even more shocked to see a towering, translucent white wall racing towards him, disintegrating the field in its path.

He began to panic and tried to run in the opposite direction, but his feet and legs were to comfortable where they were, and remained firmly planted in the ground.

The white wall made his entire earth shake but he still remained still. Even the sky above began to quak. The white wall came closer.

The wall was very close now. So close he began to hear it speak.

"Come to daddy...Come to daddy....Come to daddy.."

The wall repeated this phrase as it continued to hurl itself in his direction. There was nothing he could do. He stood firm and tightly clenched his fist, awaiting his fate.

"Come to daddy....Come to daddy."

The wall was about 200 yards away now . All he could do was watch.

"Come to daddy...Come to daddy."

He was surprisingly ready. He started counting the feet as it plowed through the field towards him.







"Come to daddy."






"Hello there Ronald, I am your father, and it's time for you to learn everything," said the sweetest voice Ronald Bearkins had ever heard.

"There's no use hiding behind eyelids Ronald,. If I want them open.....they will open"

Suddenly his tightly clenched eyelids sprung open almost willingly. He now realized he was in the white wall, which was almost a cell-like organism because of its gelatin like innards one would assume to be cytoplasm. The voice speaking to him came from the illuminated nucleus that hovered around the inside of the cell. Ronald also realized that the jelly-like cytoplasm was breathable.

"Where am I?" Ronald asked. Of course, anyones first question in a situation such as this.

"Do you believe in heaven Ronald?"


"You are wrong... Hell?"


"Wrong again." The nucleus moved closer to him. "Reincarnation?"

"It's possible."

"No it very well isn't."

"What about nothing Ronald, just rotting in that ball of dirt and rock enjoying your only chance at complete solitude?"

"It to is possible, but a little too negative for my taste."

"Then do you believe in life Ronald? Do you believe that every plant and animal deserves to experience life and not have it bothered. Living as freely as they choose. Being good only for the sake of being good, until finally they get to answer that one question that you only get one oppurtunity to its answer.What else is there and why are we here?"


"Then you are correct."

"Well then.....what else is there and why were we there?"

"That is the very reason you were there, to question it . To question everything.. That is why we created you. Most species of other planets are told right from the beginning what their purpose is and what chapters await them. The Valginvians, for instance, their purpose is to keep gravity and the rotations and orbits of all planets in check. The Colostanoids outside of space create these planets. And we Eubians give these planets meaning and purpose. But your purpose is the most important of all. We created your species and deliberately ignored them leaving them completely clueless as to why their existance has come to be. All of this is just to see what ideas the living goalless mind could create. And I can certainly tell you, it has been terribly interesting to watch."

"Your kind have created ideas unimaginable to the rest of the universe. Humans invented what you call murder. You've created the idea of exchange and giving things a price which brought about the idea of inequality. You've invented war, greed, mental illness, suicide, imperialism, terms and ideas in which the rest of the universe cannot comprehend with our vast intellects."

"The place you are now at is named Loom. Here is where the lives we create come when they die. A place where we allow you to chose a vast array of purposes to live for in another life. Your new home until that life ends and we let you come back here and let you chose another purpose all over again! Outside of the Earth we know only what is good . Our purposes are stitched together to make one unifying purpose, to the advancement of life for all living species."

"But now we have realized a horrible was made."

"Not giving the life you create a guideline to live by leads that life to not know the distinction of right from wrong, fiction from reality. Like leaving a newborn in a dark closet its entire life with no one to teach it, the result can never be positive."

"So we are sending you back Ronald. In five minutes you are going to bust out of your coffin which is at this moment being carried by your weeping father, brother, and uncle. You will only speak of the truth I have told you here, and convince the world there is one simple way to achieve the utopia they have always wanted, and that is by dying. The religions they have created, although noble, are false tries at trying to make everyone comfortable with themselves. The good and the bad will equally be perfect here. And the universe is theres to create, until the condition of life in the universe is absolutely perfect for every living creature."

Flabbergasted by the wealth of information in this speech, Ronald asked,"Do you really think the entire world will believe me?

"The entire world has been waiting since its creation to believe you."

After those words, Ronald disentegrated into the sands of the vast desert.






Three Earth days later, the population of Loom changed from anyone who has ever died into everyone who has ever lived. Leaving the Earth an unaccompanied hermit shell waiting for the next wind of space to fluster life into ito once again.

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