Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1436802-Bound-By-Words-4
by xxhHxx
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1436802
Rydon fanfic.
After Brendon had left, I rushed down the steps, watching him walk home.

"Yes." I whispered to myself with my eyes shut and back against the wall.

He was gone.

A long sigh escaped my pale lips in relief. Hallelujah.

I mean, I didnt dislike it when he was here. Actually, I loved his company, which was why I was relieved when he left. Maybe I was enjoying him a little too much. Maybe I was holding back a few urges. Maybe.

But rest aside, my dad really was coming home soon, and I'd have to face his drunk ass and then added on to my stupidity, leave to meet Trenton, aka boyfriend #1 to you.

Out of instinct I ran my fingers through my hair as a calm down like I usually do and stood, keeping far from the fridge. I hadnt eaten all day and was going for a record of self destruction.

What to do...how to distract yourself from a sandwich or that strawberry pie or precious, precious ice cream?

"Ahh, myspace."

Heading for the basement, I trudged through bad smells and broken chairs and cans and books and magazines to the front of the room where the computer was every-so conveniently placed to my liking.

I used Opera as a server so when I opened up a window, I already had it set to Myspace, the site I was on before I exited out.

Of course, I had around 271 friends on here, but few that I talked to. Only Spence, friends from school, lovers, and about 3 people I dont know but are almost equally cool.

"6 messages in the past 5 and a half hours," reading aloud, I went through them.

One from Kara (gf #1);

We on for this Friday?

Shit, Brendon was coming over Friday. But I couldnt let anyone down, no way in hell. I could pull it off.

Yea 9 pm?


One from Trenton (bf #1);

hey bby how r u?

lstn i wana c u


lv u bby boi


Yeah, he was really, really gay. And really into me. And 17. But he was mine and I had to watch over him like always.

Mmhmm. Not for long though. Cant wait.



One from Evan (bf #2);


Look, things arent going so well.

I need you to...I just need you.

Come over, soon as possible.

Well, now I knew where I'd be tonight. Evan was alright. I mean, naturally, all these relationships are physical. But they can be somewhat on a caring level. Not that I was in love with him or anything. He was just really nice.

You know you cant count on me with these last minute demands, Evan. But I'll try, ok?


And one from Trish (gf #2);


Sry im seeing some1 else. lv u 2 but hes bttr
"AHA!" My loud laughter was quitedefinite, and I smiled. Finally we were 'over' (as if we were together). She was so bitchy all the time.

Next one was from Spencer, of course. As if we didnt speak enough, we also rapidly message over this thing here.

hey how'd brendon go?

i hope your home tonight, cuz i really wanna hear how it went. thought i'd remind you how much it annoys me. =D


To clear a few things up, Spencer and I aren't together or anything. We net in kindergarden back at Frank Elementary school and have been best friends ever since I asked for the pink crayon. It was one of those friendships where you'd have an awesome/awesomely awful day and you'd spend hours on the phone that night discussing it. At one point I may have had a boy crush on him, I admit, but I grew out of it. He's like myconscience. I went to aseparate high school than he did due to lack of SOC (School of Choice) in the area, and I had to get a transfer because I was constantly coming home half dead due to my knack of always finding someone to fight. He's pretty happy I'm away from that now, he's always been my older brother and I dont see him changing so I'm pretty alright with that.

But when it comes to Brendon, he's kind of annoying. Persistent. Intimidating. I cower in fear.

Boy#2 wants to meet up,he's having problems and needs help.

Brendon was alright. Kind of nervous.I promised to hang out w/ him on Friday. Just for fun, you know?I'll be out tonight,call you in the am? Around 2?
He'd be disappointed but oh well, I tend to have that effect on people. I know I shouldnt, since he's the only person I know that cares enough to stay up until 2 am to help me out with issues.
The next one was from Cris. Cris Catastrophe to be exact, he was an online friend. We met in a chatroom and we've been talking for 4 months now.
Oh. My. Gosh. I've got a story of epic proportions.
So I was sitting in class today and you know the guy with the gorgeous angel's face? I went to his house today (for a school project) and it got really awkward. I mean, he seems quiet and all, but he's a real badass apparently. He lives in a lower class home and had no parents home and his room was a mess. And we were doing our project and it sounds like he's into a lot of bad shit.
I dont know Arron, I mean, he's hot but he needs help. And thats strangely attractive.
We're hanging out next week, any advice?
So occasionally we joke around, y'know? Like, the whole 'were like twins' thing, but this is quite ironic. Really ironic.
So I was Aaron Apocalypse and he was Cris Catastrophe, and he lived in Maryland and I lived here in Vegas, but nonetheless we were quite alike. But...opposites. In a weird way.
Funny, hah. Y'know the guy with the nice ass? He came over to my place today and it was the most embarrassing time of my life next to middle school. I mean, he's gorgeous and funny and nice but he really makes me nervous, I mean REALLY REALLY nervous. I dont think he likes me too much anyways, he was really...uh...giving me the cold shoulder.
But at lunch I saw him looking my way and I almost fell out of my seat. I swear, it was breathtaking.
I lied and told him I had a girlfriend, which I kind of do I guess, only one of them broke up with me today (horray).
I've got to go see BF#2 tonight. I know you hate it, but hey, he feels really awful for some reason and I'm a nice guy. Thought you should know.
-Aaran Apocalypse *Heart*
Cris was a nice guy. I felt like I could trust him with things, though most of that may have to do with the fact that I dont know him in real life.
Smiling to myself, I closed up and logged out, trudging back upstairs through the massively repulsive setting.
i checked the time, it was 6, 7 pm. A quick run to Evan's place wouldnt be too hard, I mean, my dad normally came home from the bar he was at at around 8. I decided it would do and I sighed, playing with my hair unwillingly as I grabbed my car keys.
Evan lived 15 minutes away, I met him at a party at a shitty two star hole in the wall a month ago. He was nice and he needed a fix and we were careless and I of course had already sipped half of a glass and so we fucked. Not my best work, but we kept in touch. Now Evan wasnt as gorgeous as Brendon, but he was pretty fucking hot. He was tanned and slightly built and worked out and always smelled sweet of sweat and sex.
Dont ask me why that appeals to me, it just happens to be so.

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