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Rated: 18+ · Other · Experience · #1436550
Something I wrote a while ago, pretty intense especially towards the end, opinion only.
If your kid is a crack dealer it’s your fault

Butcher, baker, candlestick maker. We all aspire to be something in life. When you are a parent it is important no matter what you do for work, for hobbies, for relaxation, for whatever that you realize and understand the importance of being the best person you can be and know that your kids are watching.

In our lives there have been times where we have thanked our parents for what they gave up to make us better people, there are times when we curse them for being idiots, assholes, screw ups, or worse. There are times we wish we were more like them in certain ways, there are times we wish we will be nothing like them. Whatever the case may be the fact that we think so much about how our parents raised us or their lack of parenting, they are important.

Whether you choose to raise your kids like your parents did or choose to be to be totally different. What you say to your kids, what you don't, how you spend your days and nights reflects in the type of person that your kids will become. In my opinion it is the parents who shape their kids into who and what they will become in the future.

You may say that the media, the kids friends, video games, magazines all share a part in how your kids turn out. But at the end of the day when they have screwed up big time and are sitting there either just thinking about what they did or talking to someone about what they did, how their parents raised them and what they did or did not do always comes up. You don't see someone sitting in jail saying, "Damn, I wish I hadn't played that video game, watched that movie, read that magazine, yada yada yada," "If I hadn't done any of those things I would not be sitting here right now." Most of the time it comes down to how much your parents loved you, what they said on a daily basis, the values they taught you, the mistakes they made, how much they hugged and kissed you, whether they hugged and kissed you the wrong way, whether they overlooked that someone else hugged or kissed you the wrong way. All of those things are what shape us as people. Whether or not you have self esteem is a direct reflection of how much affirmation as a person you got when you were young. If your parents didn't love you enough then you will turn to other things to fill that void.

Everyone has an addiction of some sort. Whether its eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much, doing drugs, exercising too much, eating too little, in my opinion its all a direct reflection of your life as a child.

Now the womens' movement was great don't get me wrong. But now that women want to work all the time there is no one but a stranger or relative to take care of the kids at home. People spend too little time with their kids and they wonder why their kids are lazy, have no morals, would rather spend their time on the computer, don't do as well in school. A stranger, a nanny, a relative, a babysitter, a daycare person is not the parent. So therefore in my opinion they do not care as much to teach the kids the same things the "missing" parent would be teaching them at home. Dads can always stay home too.

What I don't understand is why people find it so hard to stay at home with their kids. More people work in the world yet there is more debt. People are up to their ears in credit card debt. Do we want to leave nothing but debt to our kids when we are dead and gone? My husband and I make 30,000 a year, gross pay. We own our own home, we have four cars(used but new to us), we have four pets, and two kids. I don't work. I stay home with my babies. Yet, we are not in debt. We can afford to feed and clothe our family. Yet someone who makes 50,000+ a year cannot afford anything. I mean we have all heard more money more problems. But if WE had more money it would go into savings.

People are fatter than ever before. They eat out non stop because they are so damn busy. They don't exercise because they are so damn lazy. What in the hell is happening to the world? Don't people know how to take a damn break? Slow the hell down and smell the roses. Life passes us by quickly enough why speed it up. What the hell are people going to have to show for their lives if they are in debt, have crack dealers for kids, are big and fat, and are too busy to care about the people in their lives? Why would you want to live like that? And are you so stupid you don't know how to cut out the bullshit in your lives?

I'm just so sick and tired of people saying, how do you stay at home and your husband doesn't make all that much? We don't live like rockstars. We don't have to have all the newest shit out there in the world. We go out only every once in awhile, we don't buy new cars we stick with the ones we have because eventually whether you pay $30,000 or $3,000 all cars break down, we know how to do simple repairs so we don't have to ask some other idiot down the road for 50 dollars an hour to do it for us, we save for shit we want, we don't go buy it the second we feel like it. Life is not about material things. Are you going to be able to take it all with you when you die? I think not. All the money in the world does not buy you happiness. And if you have all the money in the world give it to the people who have none instead of spending it on bullshit that will not make you happy anyway.

What drives me nuts also, if you haven't had enough of my bullshit yet, is that my parents have always made over 40 grand a year, yet now that they make over 100 grand a year they still think they are broke all the time. For people that make more money than I would ever even dream of making in one week, show me how you can be broke...I wouldn't even begin to imagine how you blow at least 2 or 3 grand a week. That to me is beyond insane...INSANE. If I had to blow that much money every week to be broke I would have so much shit you would not even believe. And what scares me the most is that if you do make that much money a week and are still broke I can not even begin to imagine the debt I am going to have to pay off AFTER my parents are gone if they can not pay it off themselves now. Why would you ever get to the point where you owe another human being/company that much damn money. You'd think people would be so sick and tired of giving away their hard earned money from shit that is probably sitting in their garage collecting dust that they would kick themselves in the ass and decide once and for all that its not worth it.

I hate paying bills, let alone paying someone else back for some bullshit I thought I wanted at the time but decided after having paid for it, interest and all, that it was never worth it to begin with. If you want something bad enough you will take the time to save up the money and pay for it free and clear instead of having to pay someone else back. Like I said I hate giving bill collectors money so my husband does it. He is good at it, we always pay our bills on time and he always seems to be able to come out on top of it all. So he does it, people should look inside themselves and decide whether or not someone else should be the one paying the bills so that they get paid. And if you aren't the ones doing the bills but you are the ones spending all the money you should take a look at your finances and see how much of a dumbass you are with your money.

And just to clear the air because I was thinking about it after having read that, most of the time when people bitch about other people spending too much on their credit cards its because the person bitching can't get a credit card for themselves and are jealous, just so you know that is not the case, we have a credit card but it is for emergencies only, save for the pots and pans my husband bought me for Christmas that went on there. We have good credit, again we own our own home, although my parents did help us get our house to begin with because we didn't have enough "credit". So again to clear the air, I am not bitching because I am jealous, further I think it is ridiculous to constantly buy things you cannot afford, because if you could afford it, it would not be going on your credit card it would be coming out of your checking/savings account.

If people took a break to smell the roses, they could also sit down and think about all the mistakes and problems in their lives and figure out how they can be better people. If more people took a look at themselves or had a therapist take a look at them this world would be a better place. There wouldn't be so many damn stupid people. People may think I am an idiot, or asshole or whatever but at least I know what I want to leave behind in this world and it is not a crack dealer for a kid.

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