Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1436242-Sisters-Desire
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Cultural · #1436242
four sisters search for the truth about their ancestors.
    Constance, Raven, Eva, and Jasmine stood on their beach, holding hands in a circle. As they spoke the wind began to howl and the sky began weep. “We call to earth, to air, to water, to fire give us the power to achieve our desire...” all chanted then Raven spoke with power through tears “a terrible secret hidden for years hidden by sorrow covered with tears…”Raven quieted as Eva spoke soft yet steady “long forgotten past dropped at our door, yet here we stand one by four…” ever mindful Jasmine added “forgetful family tells us not of a past they’ve long forgot…” Constance spoke their request “elements that bore us to be allow us to view what cannot be seen…” together they finished “as we will it so mote it be.” the four, still holding hands, began to feel a collective illness, the beach began to spin and the stars above turned to a daylight blue joined by a bright blazing sun.

    As the four women stood to steady themselves, Raven spotted four more women holding hands in a strong circle. “Sisters look.” she exclaimed in a loud whisper. As she broke the circle to signal the direction, she held onto Eva’s hand to keep the energy, magic and connection strong. The sisters began to walk toward the unbroken circle. Each woman in the circle resembled one of the visiting sisters. The first with brown hair, a fair complexion, and pure green eyes which reflected stability, resembled Constance. The second with black hair, porcelain complexion, and deep blue eyes that revealed sincere emotion, appeared as that of Raven. The third having red hair, tan complexion, and passionate charcoal grey eyes like Eva. And the fourth was a classic beauty with blond hair, naturally smooth complexion, and ice blue eyes exhibiting keen intellect reminiscent of Jasmine.
      Approaching the circle the sisters came to a halt as they saw a man approaching it in the opposite direction. “You don’t know what you’re doing. Please let me explain… I had to tell them I meant you no harm.” Without missing a beat, the air child challenged him. “If you mean no harm, Michael, step into the circle and join hands with us.” The man looked hesitant and all present knew why, No harm can enter a circle and nothing but love could exit. The man was tall dark and handsome. He had black hair and brown eyes he looked trustworthy but something in his eyes was scary, dark, and dastardly. When he reached out to grab the air child’s he flew back as the protection around them repelled the darkness within him. Fire blazed in his eyes “insolent women I have offered you none but kindness and guidance and you shut me from your circle you are all fools!” suddenly his face softened and worry covered it “Please leave this place. They come for you; even as the sun grows short they ready their gallows. Four noose tied ropes hang in the town square.” The child of water turned from his voice as if he had slapped her. As she turned she saw the sisters. She said nothing instead she turned back and squeezed the earth child’s hand, as the earth child spoke to defy Michael “ if they come for us, let us finish our work that our gift may be passed on in a time and place more excepting of our craft. “Having said her piece she looked to the water child as they silently spoke sister what ails your thoughts the earth child asked we have spectators who are unseen to Michael. Is it possible they come to help? Earth, not missing the hope in her sister’s eyes sensed the visitors intentions they are not here to help us, they seek knowledge. As if to signal the dramatic events about to unravel the sea became dark and in the sky clouds closed in violently. With one glance to Michael the four finished their spell “in this place at distant time, our powers pass to four that bind. Four sisters find a past so cruel, and use it as a healing tool. Celestial beings let them see, as we will it so mote it be.”  As they finished a pillar of light shot from the center as though a fire erupted from under their feet. All four children of the elements were thrown from each other. “The circle was broken sister!” the water child stated, emotion covering her wary face “yes sister none of our blood shall suffer this injustice again.” Suddenly enraged Michael’s face contorted as he spoke “you will not win I will be back for them.” As sudden as it came his darkness left “please forgive me.” With these words Michael collapsed and the elemental children left the sea. As they rounded the bluff they were attacked. The visiting sisters followed as the four women were led to their death not one onlooker stopped to help or offered a kind or sympathetic smile. Some even spat on the condemned women. The circle was indeed broken and would remain so for 314 years.     
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