Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1436166-Silver-Rose-Chapter-5
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1436166
this chap reveals some questions you may have about the plot or story.i like this chap.
Chapter 5: home.          

         I had no clue how to fly, yet the feeling of wind
beneath my own wings was indescribable. The feeling was as if I'd known how to fly forever. I speed up to Skyler who was still carrying Zoe in his soft, strong arms. Swiftly grabbing his wrist, I looked him straight in the eye, "How," I know pathetic,
”How can it be like this?"
"Just wait, when the time is right you'll understand everything and all your questions will be answered."
"Okay." This was turning into a freakin' Soap Opera!
" Oh and I don’t have a temper on Zoe, she's just been getting on my nerves lately." Wow, how'd he know that was one of my questions... the one I was just thinking about actually. "Well lets get one thing straight, why do you and Zoe's eyes keep changing color?''
"It's because they change with our moods or what we're doing at the time, and if your really angry or something, little shapes will show up."
"Why are your eyes blue right now?"
"Oh, it's because when your flying they turn the same color as your wings, like yours are a really cute light-grey." He sped up in front of me with an amazing twisted grin on his face while I was just gapping at him, yet I was smiling.
         I think we just crossed the Minnesota, Wisconsin boarder. The land of cheese and all things dairy. Ya know, this whole thing was starting to fall in my favor, because who doesn’t love cheese!
Skyler and I were flying in a cool bird formation. As I was flying all conflict and question left my mind, except for one thing: where were we going?
      I'd say it was about 7:00 because the sun was setting. where were we going to stay?
"Move down to Madison, into Bluff central." announced Skyler even though he was only talking to me. Zoe was still out like a light!
"Why Madison?"
"Do you want to fly through the night?''
"Good, because Zoe weighs a ton and I think my arms would fall off if
I flew one more second with her!"
I smiled; I liked the sarcasm and pure humor in his voice. The only question was Zoe was sooo thin how could she weigh a ton? And it wasn’t sarcasm.
The wings.
        The little cave we found was okay it was high enough so no one could see us and facing the moon so there was some source of light. Sky set Zoe down against the wall.” Is she okay" I was nervous.
"Yeah, this thing happens when she talks to much out of her states."
"Out of her states?"
"Yeah, there's a code of rules to the Silverwings, it's not like a secret society or anything, but the Silverwings still alive must know their basic set of rules so we don't get caught. So each year a Silverwing who does not fallow the code will lose something, that something is talking. The state in which the code was broken is the  state you cannot talk in; just automatically, I mean like you can say a few sentences, but after that you'll pass out until your out of state and have been feed, sadly, dirt. Now Zoe has broken quite a few rules, so we normally try to avoid Minnesota, California, Virginia, and Alaska, but since you lived in Minnesota we had no choice."
"God, what'd she do?"
"Well she tried to brake into Disneyland, convince the government to set wild birds free, try to set wild birds free, and gave Alaska back to the Russians for a week, which luckily nobody heard about, so all in all the Silverwing laws are all the normal laws plus a few of the don’t reveal yourself’ rules."
"Wow, so I guess your going to go get dirt?"
"Yep!" We were laughing at this, and, like I had hoped it would, his laugh made me tingle on the inside and the happy smile I loved was just glowing on his dazziling face.

        About an hour later Sky came back with dirt, wood, and, somehow, matches.
"Where'd ya get the matches?"
"There was an empty cottage a little ways from here.” He feed Zoe the dirt and she immediately woke up and puicked. I think it stained the ground too!
"I'm going flying for a little bit to stretch my wings.” announced Zoe.  I sat down against the cave wall well Skyler started assembling the fire.
"So, tell me a bit about you that I don't already know."
"Well it depends. What do you know?"
"Well, I know that your very confused, live in Rochester, have a polka-dotted room, have had a difficult life, your a great student, and look great." He was grinning with how much he knew.
"Have you been spying?"
"Well, I had to watch you, it was my job."
"What do you mean your job?"
"Me and Zoe are suppose to find unknown Silverwings and save them from any harm, or from becoming a Darkwing. We've been watching you for about 6 months, well at least I have because we know Zoe can't live without talking!"
"So, what's a Darkwing?" He came and sat down next to me.
"Their the most vial type of Silverwing, or more like creatures. They are the ones the Silverwings did not save from any harm. The ones who caused the tragic end to Silverwings. They look exactly like a Silverwings at first when their caught, but then they turn you wings pitch black and make your hair also black, and make your face into the most hideous thing. Now in 1985 they attacked all living Silverwings they had made an army of over 2,000 with some of the best Silverwings of all time that they turned into Darkwings. Zoe's father is one, a Darkwing, my older brother is too."
I was starting to get tears in my eyes,” So after 7 years of was almost all Silverwings were killed, turned into Darkwings, Taken captive, or became a Red wing. Now a Redwing is what your parents are, and a captive was Zoe's mother, and my parents died after I was born because I was born. A Redwing is a Silverwing injured and allowed to be safe afterwards and very few ever became Redwings. “
          “I grew up with my older brother, he was nice until he tried to save me, that's when he was caught, trying to save me. So I lived on my own until I found Loretta a girl 6 or 7 years older than me, also a Silverwing. She toke care of me, but then she became a top Silverwings rescuer and is pretty mush my boss now and not my best friend. Zoe had a hard life. Since her mother was captive she fell in love with Zoe's father, also a captive, but soon he was made one of the worst, most violent Darkwing and the last thing the Darkwings needed was a captive being pregnant with a Darkwing, one of their best. So, for the 9 months of her pregnancy they didn't know which Darkwing was responsible. When she gave birth to Zoe "he" watched her go through the worst type of pain," I was litterly crying now, not weeping, but still tears were falling from my face,
         ” After Zoe was born the first thing they did was turn her wings black, oh and she was born with wings because her mother and father were both recent Silverwings, but anyway they turned them black and then they went for her beautiful, brown, curly hair, and made it black as well.
        Now this is where the story flips around, a few of top notch Silverwings came bursting in the Darkwing prison and saved Zoe's mother, now right before that they had taken Zoe to mess with her face, so obviously, her mother ran in, stole Zoe, and they all flew away. It doesn’t end there either because after they were saved, 3 days later they found Loretta and I, and so Zoe and her mother lived with us ever since. Now we do all the wok, we live on our own pretty much, Zoe and I only get to be home only about 1-2 months a ear because of our job, and because we are the only Silverwings left young enough to save and find ay others."
"You mean that's just it? We're the only ones left?"
"Yeah, that's why we're suppose to find unknown ones,”
"Wow, So are there still Darkwings?"
"Of course, there's billions!" I donno if he thought this was good or bad. Bad all the way!
"So hey, how bout I teach ya how to do a loop-ti-loop tomorrow."

We were laughing and having a good time before we went to sleep, slash when Zoe came in.
"Their here." announced Zoe.
"What! What do you mean!" Skyler sounded paniced.
"Their here! They've found us! That’s what I mean!"
"Damn it! Turn out the fire and hide farther back in the cave!"
We all ran behind the large rocks in the back, running from I don’t know what! Then it went quiet. We could hear the flutter of wings approach and land on the bluff. noises...or voices. Then a low toned voice snarled, "Where are they!"
Another high, a woman, "They've been here." Oh god, they were in the cave!
"Do they have the girl?"
"Of course you idiot! Why wouldn't they! Lets go!" footsteps away.
          "Who are they...." Skyler cut me off by snapping his
hand to my mouth. "They aren’t gone.” he whispered. He was right. They had walked so slowly to the cave opening that when I whipped around to peek, they were still standing there looking out over Madison wondering where we were. They then burst out huge black wings, and from that point I knew who they were.
“Oh my god, how did they find us?” I calm, cool, and collectedly asked…sortta.
“I dunno, but we better move out fast.” Replied Skyler.
        We few, and flew, and flew some more.
“Where do you guys live anyway?”
“New York.” Zoe didn’t seem that happy about it.
“Wow, where in New York?”
“TS of L.”
“Where’s that?”
“The Statue of Liberty.”
“Is she serious?”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t joke.” Skyler matter- of-factly stated.
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