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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1436135
Cerean must learn her Power in order to save her new life as a Keeper of Time
Eliza is an emotional mess as the music starts. Her long flowing gown, covered in lace and beads fits her to a t and her makeup isnt running, though shes been crying for the last hour. I fan her as she is about to go, quickly hopping in line just in time for my walk, my gardenia bouquet matching the billowing white and gold of the decorations. Eliza did a most magnificent job at planning. She should have choosen this for a career. The lace, that perfectly matches her dress, flows from the isle and on the back of every chair, a sparkling dew covered flower is perched. The isle is marked by a satin white sheet with scalloped edges and a eqsuisit bow at the alter. The gardenas and baby's breath dance along the vines arch where John nervously waits, looking charming in his pressed black tux, a single red rose in his buttonhole. His eyes are watering, and im not sure if its from the heap of gardenas' overpowering smell or the butterflies in his stomach. He gives me a hopeful nod as the music switches from a soft hum to the wedding march. I take my place just as she comes down the isle, happy holding onto her poor father who looks more anxious than john. He always was such a nervous man. Earlier i had to literally calm him down before he went insane with worry that John was not the right man for Eliza. Everything seemed at peace as she kissed her father's cheek and then turned to John with a smile that could outshine the sun. Her father went to sit with Ms. Darla, Eliza's mother, who inturn was like a second mother to me as well. My mom sat next to her, crying like a baby. Since last week, she had cried at every oppurtunity. It made me laugh slightly, for i never found weddings as serious and emotional as everyone else. Maybe it was just that it wasnt my own.
I stood, holding Eliza's red rose boquet as well as my own as she took John's hand and they began the service. I quickly scanned the crowd and saw Kaden, sitting near the very back of the crystalized room. He seems to be laughing at something, a private joke between him and the back of the chair in front of him. I turn to see Wense giving him the death glare. His eyes stare at him like he just slapped him. This must be what he was laughing at. I should have known better. why did Eliza have to invite him! I shake my head and turn to find Kaden again, but something catches my eye at the very top of the room. On the upper balcony, a shining trinket reflects light to my eye. A man sits, with dark hair and a large scar around his mouth, turning it into a purpetual grimace. His eyes are the most startling shade of blue, almost white. His snowy eyes match the decor of the wedding perfectly. I can not look away as he watches me. His eyes glit with a feriousness i had never before seen, except...
"you may now kiss the bride" the pastor smiles as i turn to see Eliza and John share their first kiss as husband and wife. They walk out of the chruch in a chours of chaps and congraduations. I quickly look back to the balcony, but the shadow of a man is gone. I compose myself as i walk down the isle, quickly tring to catch up with the rest of the party, now heading towards the reception, equally as elgant.
Kaden catches my elbow as i hurry past, pulling me to him and locking the door to the cramped closet of a room.
"what was that?" he asked
"what?" i pretend
"i saw your face. It looked like you saw something. you just stared up, with this horrified expression of terror. What was it?" he said quickly
"i just. Its nothing, really" i tried to move past him, but he held my arm.
"Wense noticed it too" he gaged his name
"fine. There was a man."i said, focusing on the image. "he had dark hair and a horrible scar. He... he had the most terrifing eyes" i whispered the last part in a breath.
"Do you think it is Salizar? Do you think he found you?" he said, now scared.
"even if it is, he wouldnt try anything with all these people around him. that would be too much of a danger." i hoped.
"fine, but i am staying close to you" he warned. "weither your Wense likes it or not" he smiled.
He checked unnessicarly out the door before opening it. Everyone was already at the celeration outside. The dusk set the sky in a harmony of colors. Swirls of blue and pink mixed with orange and yellow creating the perfect end to their day. The reception was set with the white flowerd satin cascading down the tents and an arangement of orchids danced along the tables. The band was playing swing and the dancefloor had a shiny tint of pearl. It was a breath-taking sight for certain.
"can you believe it darling!" Darla came to me with an excited smile, toating my sobbing mother not far behind her.
"hardly" i grin and kiss her rosy cheek. She was always a relaxed and calm woman, quite the oppoisite of my own mother, but today her jublient attitude was expected.
"my little girl's all grown up" Eliza's father mopped.
"oh, She's quite a beautiful bride" my mother gushed, looking back at Eliza who now motioned me to her.
She hugged me so tightly i thought i was going to faint.
"i need that neck for later" i laugh as she finally lets go.
"oh, Cerean! i am married! i am Mrs. Worthington! oh!" she bubbled with excitment. "Wense is looking for you." she winked and pointed behind me to him, sitting back in his chair, scanning the crowd.
"dont want to make him wait" i grinned bashfully and walked over as Eliza turned to John, busy at entertaining the guests.
"so" i say walking behind Wense, making him turn with a brillant smile. "about that dance"
"yes, about that" he stands, taking my hand with a delicate kiss to the back of my palm and spins me gracefully into his arms.
"you were lieing" he says suddenly, moving me closer to him with a pull at my back.
"about what?" i questioned nervously.
"That dress didnt even remotely extinguish your beauty" he smiles.
"now your the one lieing" i laugh as he spins me again. Over his shoulder i see Kaden, scanning the room then his eyes fall on me. He gives me a coy smile, but i can see his disdain with my dancing partner. His jealousy broads on his face a moment before he can turn to look else where. Girls line up beside him, waiting for him to ask them to dance hopelessly.
"you friend seems to be attracting a crowd" he laughed at the girls swooning over him.
"so it seems" i say without emotion.
"he seems to be uninterested." he hinted
"i think hes only interested in men" i smile. Kaden's eyes flicker to mine and narrow.
"oh?" Wense seems taken back. "you are quite a good dancer" he grinned, changing the subject.
"you're not bad yourself" i flirt as he pulls me in again from a spin as the music's already fast rymth is quickened.
His grace was truely amazing as he moved me in tune, swinging me to the music. I laughed as he kissed my neck playfully as the music stopped.
"would you like something to drink?"
"uh. i think im okay. I have to go check on Eliza for a second, but i am expecting another dance" i smile.
"you can be sure of that" he winks and disappears in the crowd.
"excuse me miss" a soothing voice comes from behind me. I turn to see the dark shadow reaching out for my hand.
"could i have this dance?" his voice is threatning even with a gentle gesture. His glowing eyes entrap me and i feel myself floating to him.
"shes already taken for this one, maybe later" Kaden's arm snakes around my waist as the man's eyes let go of me. His smile does not falter as he nods and walks off.
"thank you" i whisper
"is that him?" Kaden asks in my ear. I had not notcied, but he still held my waist tightly in his arms.
"yes" i manage.
"are you okay?"
I only nod in response. He has taken me completely in his arms now, elegantly twirling to the slow pace of the paino and flute. His arms radiate heat through me and his strong push sends me closer to his chest than i want.
"you are a good dancer" he reinstates Wense's words.
"id be even better without you spying on me" i narrowed my eyes up at him.
"hey, if it werent for me, youd be dancing with Creepy over there, who could possibly be a murderous fien who wants you dead, so i think i deserve a thank you" he sighed
"fine, thank you" i whisper.
"i did not hear you" he smiled.
"thank you" i roll my eyes.
"you could also appologize for calling me a homo" he glared.
"If i hadnt Wense probably would have hit you by now" i said, glancing around for Wense who was no longer in sight.
"i could take him" he boasted.
"well i hope to never find out" i sighed.
"i am sorry" he said timidly. "i understand that you...have feelings for it" he grimaced.
"it? i swear you are the most annoying person i have ever met!" i shake my head
"but i am also the most handsome and mysterious" he said pompously.
"and the most cocky" i added.
"at least we are in agreement about something" he smiled down at me.
"why are you doing this?" i said after a moment
"am i doing something wrong?" he looked down at his feet to monitor his dancing.
"thats not what i meant." he looked back up at me, a confused expression on his face. His ebony brow pulled together. "i mean why are you being nice to me?" i said embarassed
"because your letting me" he said outright, spinning me back into his arms. "like i said, i am quite charming and dashing, you just have to be nice to me"
"me? im the mean one?"
"well you're certainly not the amiable one" he said smugly.
"well you are not the most graceful one" i sneered as he stepped on my toe.
"yes, well, that just helps prove im completely manly. I would be watching out for light loafers over there" he shot a look at Wense.
"oh, i am certainly positive of his sexual preferences" i narrow. He stopped dance for a second, and his face dropped. I almost appologized but he quickly put on a smug face and pulled me closer, his hand ungentlemanly positioned.
"i suggest you stop that" i pushed.
"oh come on." he laughed. "if im a homosexual, what does it matter"he played.
"fine then, i am sorry that i said that, even if it was for your well-being"
"i told you, im not the one that would not be well after a quarrel." he shook his head.
"what if i was the one who hit you?" i tried. "what could you do then?" i asked
"then id hit you right back" he said as if it was obvious
"you couldnt hit me" i said appauled.
"i usualy have a problem with hitting girls, but considering that your dress makes you look like a man, i figure its okay" he smiled.
I gasped at his insult.
"your the most annoying breed of slim imaginable. bugger!" i mutter, pushing off him.
"hey hey" he holds me firmly against him. "im only kidding, no need for language you unlady like thing!" he laughed
"and that dress is not that bad, i guess" he sighs at my resistance. "in fact, it looks quite descent on you" he tries.
"descent? that is the best you can come up with?" i ask
"fine, fine." he puts on a serious face, his eyes smoldering and deep. "that is the most georgeuos dress in my opinion because you are wearing it. You could be wearing anything in the world and it would look just as lovely. I am immensely pleased to be dancing with the most intesely beautiful girl in the room." his eyes broguht me to him and lulled me.
"how was that?" he smiled, breaking the spell
"not bad" i blush as i realize the music has stopped. He still holds me as another tune begins to play.
"well, i enjoyed this dance" he laughs
"i guess it wasnt that terrible" i roll my eyes with a grin. He reluctantly lets go of me, kissing my hand gently as he walks away.
I am suddenly being hurrled forward into a dream. The omnious feel of it beats against my heart. My father is waiting in the tunnel of light. His expression is hurt and frightful. I can barely recognize his harsh mannor
"Cerean" he says gravely. "you must act quickly. Time is running out."
"what do you mean?" i ask.
"he has found you" he says slowly
"father, i thought i could face him, but i can not." tears start to form. "i am unsure of my Power, i do not believe in my ablitly any longer."
"that is what he wanted. He wanted to shake you. Cerean, listen to me, i am almost out of time" he said. I could feel reality pulling on me as he spoke
"you must unlock your powers."
"but i already have"
"you unlocked the power of the amulet, yes, but i seems that will not be enough" he hurried, his figure fading.
"i do not understand." i call to him, but i am alone in the tunnel, which is starting to pull away from me.
"find the Grave Of Time" his voice swirled in my mind as i approached conciousness. "the Grave of Time" he whispered again as i came too.
The room suddenly came alive again as i blinked once more, hoping for the vision to return.
"hello again" Wense smiled his wonderfuly amused grin.
"hello" i said, shaken
"is something wrong?" he seemed conserned.
"no, no" i pulled myself together. "i was just thinking about Eliza and John" i lied with a smile.
"such a lucky pair" he mused, looking to the two, whispering in each other's ear, thinking no one was watching.
"yes they are" i laughed.
"so another dance then?" he reached for my hand.
"actually" i sigh, regretting what i was about to say. "im feeling a bit unwell. I hope you dont mind" i frown sadly.
"no, not at all, come, come" he says, leading me to a chair.
"thank you." i smile to his shining eyes. "i dont know whats come over me, im just feeling a little faint" i admit, though i do know what brought on this episode.
"are you alright? you look rather flushed" Kaden says, carring two small sodas, placing one in front of me.
"thanks" i say informal and sip at the bubbling liquid slowly, hoping to regain my health.
"she is just a bit faint, tis all" Wense informs Kaden with an unusal scratch to his voice.
"well she may want some fresh air" Kaden pulls me to my feet, gliding me past Wense before he has time to deny. He leads me out of the crowded tent and into the chrisp chilled air of the late afternoon
"what did you see" he says frankly once we are past the white curtains of the entrance.
"my father"
"and.." he says imaptiently
"he siad that i would have to find the Grave of Time" i whisper.
"what?"He looks confused. "but that doesnt egsist." he starts to say. "come, we must go through" he hints, motioning towards the silver necklace with the trinket tucked descretely into my dress.
"do you think it is safe enough?" i say worried and he now understands my fear.
"are you frightened?" he says as if he is talking to a child watching a scary movie.
"yes" i finally admit. "Kaden, i am not strong enough, i will not be able to win, not after today. Not with his eyes." i close my own, putting my face to Kaden's shoulder.
"i will not let anything harm you" he promises, kissing the top of my head.
I take that as enough of a reassurance and feel the amulet grow hot under my skin. Kaden's hold tightens and he is being hurled through the portal along side me. the hallway glows a violent ivory and with a sudden jult, we are standing in the fimaliar white room. Alexandria and Hogan are waiting, sitting at the long marble table.
"for what have you returned?" hogan's face is confused.
"i have seen Salizar. He has found me and i do not" i start
"we need to find the Grave of Time" Kaden cuts in, not wanting me to reveal my lack of confidence in my Powers.
"but my dear,"Hogan says only to me "that is merely a myth of our kind" he says with a diminnished chuckle.
"The Grave of Time was said to the the birthplace of our Power. Once we were given the magic, the Grave became no more. It was where Time would rest. Years of Before, swirling through the air, waiting to relive again in our Power. It is not real, for if it were, Tempusts would have found it by now. You see, it is rumored to be what controls the Powers. Control the Grave, control all of time itself, not just what your amulet can bring you" Alexandria spoke with intensity, lost in the story. "Unlock the Powers hidden inside the Grave and any Power is yours to keep." she shook herself back to us. " it is merely a story told through the generations, a lengend to future Masters as a bedtime story." she shook her head.
"Well, my father believed it, so shall I." i said boldly. "i must find it, "i pleaded.
"it was said that only a True Tempust could find it" Alexandria nodded. "it may be possible through you" she looked to Hogan who looked unconvienced.
He let go a long sigh before speaking.
"No one knows how. It comes to the person it seeks. But to unlock the Power" he looked gravely." the Tempust must place their amulet in the Grave Chamber."
"that is all you know?" Kaden said harshly.
"we are sorry, but like i said, it is merely a myth of our kind" Alexandria looked down.
A sudden fog came around the room. I felt myself swaying. Kaden's arms came around me and I slipped through the room to the tunnel of light. Eyes. His eyes held me, struggling to capture me. I looked away and at once, the spell was broken. The room came back into focus and Kaden hovered over me.
"He's here" i whispered.
"where?" Kaden asked, paniced.
"in the tunnel of light. He overheard our conversation, he knows to look for the Grave now" i panted. His mind was so clear to me in the vision. I saw his rath, his hatred, his surprising bravery and most importantly, his wanting of the Power.
"you must go." Hogan said. "be strong Cerean. you must fight him, find the Grave, then" he said warily. "kill him in the Tunnel, but do not absorb his magic" he warned.
"how?" i asked weakly
"say these words, 'I bind you salizar, i bind you of your power, i bind you of your wrongs and of your lies, i bind you of your evil magic and of your inner Power' then you must kill him" he said sternly.
"how will i know if i have absorbed his Power"
"because you will feel his lack of true gifts and his intense thrist. His evil will overcome you. Do not do it" he threatened.
"i will go with you" Kaden said bravely.
"no, she must go alone, you will not be able to help her" Alexandria said sadly "she is the only one who can find it"

© Copyright 2008 Bri Marie (brittmarie24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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