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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1436133
Cerean must learn her Power in order to save her new life as a Keeper of Time
I crawled into bed with a strange mixture in my chest. It felt as though i was sick, but not in my stomach. It was a nausaus beating of my heart in the wrong location. Eliza had chewed John out in quite a volumous tone, and it was just now beinging to quiet on the other side of the walls. I laughed a bit as she gave me a happy hug and goodnight, then continued on to chastize him.
The cool pillow only made the heat radianating from me more promenant. I must be sick, i told myself. My Star hung on my neck, motionless and without warmth, so i knew it was myself who was having this strange temperature. I fought my thoughts and tried to relax my tensed body. Sleep slowly found me and engulfed my conciousness with a slow moving wash.
I was walking along a fimilar pathway through a jungle. Jasmine hung everywhere and a enormous tree sprouted in front of me. I sat on one of the bolbonious roots as a tiger cub wandered beside me, inspecting a butterfly on the flower. I reached out to touch the leaves. The smell filled my nose with imense delight. one of my favorite sensations became realitity in my dream. I heard a faint giggle and turned around.
"is anyone there?" i call into the dense greenery around me. the sunlight bouncing of the canapoy overhead, shines a single ray onto a little girl with taunt red curls and shining eyes the color of a peacock's tail. She giggles again and turns to run away.
"wait, wait please" i call after her and bound down the side of the monumetous root and through the slapping forest leaves. The path dissloves below my feet as i run deeper into the denseness, the giggles leading me. I am finally pushing through a patch of large, red wild flowers growing in a twisting wall. Light shines onto my face as i enter an old ruin's ground. The large structure before me shines as gold and for some reason i recognize it as home. I walk into the large stone doorway of the ruin. My father is sitting in a large cushioned chair in what appears to be the library. He gets up immediatly at seeing me.
"Cerean! darling how ive missed you!" he calls to me.
The indescribable joy flows through me even though i know it is only a dream and will hurt more once i awake. Tears whell in my eyes as i run to him and hug him tightly.
"Father!" i shout.
"oh Cerean! what a lady you have become, no longer my little girl." he apprases me with a smile.
"Father, i have had so much to tell you about! so much to ask you!"
His face gets suddenly serious. "that is why i have come." is my only reply.
He leads me into a long hallway of the ruin, bright and clear as if we were outside in the sunlight. In a room to the left he leads me, where a long table is drawn out with books and maps spread across it. Jewels and Treasures are scattered about the maps and the brightness of the hallway pours into only half the room. A scene of the marketplace is playing behind the table like a picture-show. It switches to different locations, oceans, beaches, deserts, mountains, plains, cities, jungles, winterlands. All countants are spread out along the screen, playing segments of their culture. I realize that it is not only places, but also time periods as the Colonial America rushes by of a scene in a ballroom.
"what is this father?" i ask in amazement
"this is the Tempust Hall"he says in a voice i imagine as pain. "Cerean, this is yours"
"but i don not want it" i stomp as if i am again 5.
A light laugh from his calms me.
"you must understand that this life i never wanted for you. I wanted you to lead a normal life, away from the burden of time." he says sadly.
"but father, i dont understand this power. it is so new to me." i remember the most leading question in my mind. "Why didnt you ever tell me? Of this life, the tempust, the mastery, Salizar" his face turns to a molded frame of hate. It takes me aback for a moment to see my father like this.
"how i wanted to tell you, Cerean. But i did not know if you would be my sucessor or not. these secrets are not to be shared except for thoes within the Mastery. Your mother only found out when i died, such a burden it put on her as well. She closed up from you, knowing that you would be destined to this." his face turns colder. "Sailzar was my fault. Someone who was basically like a son to me. I tought him the power, but too well. He was not destined to be a Tempust, only a Master, but that did not stop his want of the power." he turned to me, an apologetic face. "you see, my dear, only a tempust is able to control the power fully. Masters do not even lightly have what we control. When the gift was given, god himself formed the Tempusts to control time, but after sharing our gift and abusing it, Time now controled us. the Mastery could not take the effects time put on them, so they binded their powers and gave it to the strongest amonst them, the true Tempust. At first, they rejoiced not having the burden, but then they relaized that their power was limited by the Tempust. Only the Tempust could start the cycle of Light, open the Door for the others to follow.  But not for you! you are the most powerful tempust to come. The power you posese can not amount to anything before or after. That is the mastery misguidence. They think that since the Tempusts before them, myself included, were so weak, that you shall be too. Sailzar knows better, though i doubt he can fully understand your magnatitude. He will try to test it, i am certain. He is beyond the Mastery. His wickedness excesses him and the deception he will use." he trailed off.
"but i do not know how to control my power"
"that is because it is so new to you" he smiled. "my dear, once you have unlocked the magic inside you, no amount of restranint can stop you. I know you will know how to control it. I know that you will do good, and right with it." he started to fade in my mind. the ruins, the jungle, and my father started to sail past me.
"no, wait" i screamed. But it was too late, and i was awake in my own bed.

That afternoon, John and Wense can to our apartment.
"again in uniform" i smiled as he walked over to the couch to sit beside me. "dont you know, sir, the war has been over for some time now" i grinned, pouring him a glass while John and Eliza talked to themselves in the kitchen, leaving us together.
"for a good soilder, war is never over" he retorted, nodding a thank you as he took his glass.
He was as clever as he was handsome. During supper, i couldnt help but be entranced by his witty remarks and comical stories. He hadnt taken his eye off me since we finished eating, and neither had i from him.
"so miss Cerean." he moved closer to me, resting his hand gently on my knee. "tell me about yourself"
"there not that much to tell really" i smile, sipping at my sherry.
"how old are you?" he asks with a grin
"almost 21."
"well then, i doubt someone so yougn can really appercaite sherry" he smiles, playfully taking away my drink.
"hey now" i laugh, going to take back the drink.
He quickly pulls me to him and to my surprise he is kissing me. I pull back, unsure of what just happened. His face is not bashful and blushed as it should be, as mine is, but instead is pleased and smug.
"i think it is time i go," he sings, standing up, leaving me gaping after him.
"it was a lovely meal, and you had best expect to see me tomorrow" he winks at me as he walks out the door.
I sat on the counch in a state of shock. John and Eliza are laughing at some private joke behind me, but i am sure that they saw us kissing and i blush a brillant red. How forward a gentleman! I sit twirling my necklace, when the room stops. I feel the pull of the brilliant light as im being engulfed by the shining hallway. The Star pulls me forward and when i finally settle, i find i can not breath.
I sit up quickly. Smoke is pouring around me and i cough violently. My eyes water from the intenstity of the fumes. I suddenly feel strong arms pulling me off the bed and cradeling me against a hard chest. Kaden is running me down the hallway of the house, frantically searching for an exit as flames move closer.
"Cerean, i pray you can hear me." his voice is harsh and tensed. "please, move us anywhere but here. Please dont let me be underestimating your strenght." he says the last almost to himself.
I grab at my neck for the amulet and once i find it, it glows the brightest white it has ever. I hold Kaden's neck so tightly i figure he is about to gasp for air, but instead he holds me with the same intesenity about my waist. I feel a sudden emense flood of power over me. My head feels as if it is about to burst from the weight of the power in me. The amulet lifts itself into the air and the flames of the house dissappear and a new warmth comes over me. My father's words flooded into my spinning mind,
my dear, once you have unlocked the magic inside you, no amount of restranint can stop you. I know you will know how to control it. I know that you will do good, and right with it.
I close my eyes as the brillance of the light grows and i am suddenly thudded against a hard surface, my head hitting a hard and cold ground. Kaden's voice is over me, and i realize i cant breath. My eyes flash open to his smile above me.
"you did it!" he wails
"kaden" i gasp
"oh sorry" he blushs and releases his hold on me. Air flows back into my lungs and i sit up slowly, ever concious of the sharp pain in the back of my head. I feel it instantly leave as i touch it though. I look around at where i had taken us. A dark and ominous cave way greeted me. The mouth of the cave showed little hope either, with white sleet raining down. Further into the filthy cave, a fireground was set up and Kaden had already moved towards it, trying to start a fire with the wood already piled up, waiting for a flame.
"what was that!" i say finally as enough air enters my chest.
"they found you" he breathed slowly as he rubbed a rock with the stick. I had not meant the fire, but thoes questions now flooded my mind.
"what?" i gasp. For some reason i feel an imsense saddness for the home i did not acutally know. The people that could not escape as i did. Kaje, someone i knew only in fantasy suddenly pained me of her loss.
"the mastery army found you and they burnt down your home" he sighed, looking appologetically. "they felt your power and they found you. They knew that you were not there, only in spirit so they burnt down the house in an attempt to bring you back. Luckily i was there to save you" he rolled his eyes.
"You did nothing of the sort, i saved us!" i said sharply.
"i dont know how." he said honestly. "ive never heard of a tempus being able to transport someone with them." he seemed impressed, but quickly turned his back to me, still playing with the fire. I glared coldly at his back and with a snap of my figures sent a flame through the wood. He went sailing backwards as the fire blazed apon him. I laughed and sat on a hollowed log beside the fire, searching for warmth.
"how did you do that?" he asked annoyed.
"it seems that that little adventure has unlocked my powers" i smiled, tapping my amulet which now glowed a constant brightness.
He seemed amused and reluctant at the same time.
"at least now you will be of more use" he scuffed and turned his back to me.
"how did you know to save me?" i asked.
"i felt you" he said, seeming a bit embarassed.
"what do you mean?"
"i could feel you needing me, even though you didnt know it yourself"
i looked around, throwing another twig into the flames.
"what does it feel like?" i ask, genuinely curious
"i dont know why i am telling you, but it feels" he stopped thinking for a minute. "i feels like a part of me is in danger"
I couldnt tell from his dark complexion but i could have shorwn i saw him blush. The flames casted twirling rays of light against his bare chest and danced along his strong face. I felt the urge to be beside him once again.The need to be with him swelled inside me, and i blushed slightly. His face suddenly became still as his eyes closed. He seemed to be focusing on something, like a song, dancing through the wind and he was trying to recognize the melody. He seemed to sway with the happy tune as his still mouth turned to up to a tight smile.
"stop doing that!" he said finally, staring at me, breaking his concentration.
"doing what?" i said innocently, shocked my his sudden anger
"calling me to you!" he yelled.
"i have no idea what you are talking about" i whipsered.
"yes you do. You are calling me. You did it the night in the market as well. I can hear your voice, whispering to me in my head." he growled
"i didnt mean to" i was now the one blushing. "i did not know i was doing it."
"How can you not know you are doing it" he sneered harshly. "I can hear you breathing in my ear, sending me fantasies" he narrowed his eyes.
"i am sorry." i blush again and feel as if i am about to cry from either his anger or my own embarassment. "i did not know that you experienced what i did" my feelings blazed now in a bright pink on the necklace, showing my akwardness at the situation.
He smiled at this, having exposed me. I turned to the side of the boulder.
"how long are we to stay here?" i broke the sclience that was clawing at me.
"you are the one that sent us here. Youd think you could have choosen a warmer place" his eyes narrowed again. "we must wait til i know that it is okay to use your power to get us back."
"how will you know?"
"i will." he snapped.
"why are you so cross!" i yell back now.
"because i am shut up in this cave with you" he spat. He may not have realized it, but that wounded me greatly.
I turned towards the end of the cave and threw myself to the ground, just as a small matress appeared underneath me. i thought i heard his gasp from behind me as i coiled myself into the warm comforter and drifted to sleep in the pillows.
I found myself in the jungle, again, yet something was wrong. i walked to where i knew the imense tree was. I gasped as i came apon the burnt roots. The tree had been sourched. dark marks of flames twisted and thrashed about the mangled tree. I bent to the ground and cried at the horrible sight. The girl suddenly came behind me, but her smile was gone. "do not cry." she placed a cold hand upon my shoulder. "you are to fix it, it is your destiny." she whispered. "it is your destiny" she repeated again and agian as she faded away.
"wait!" i cry. I try to grab her hand, but it disappeared like smoke when i reached for it.
I am moving through time. I feel a pull on me, but it is not the one from my amulet. I am in the marketplace, which is frozen in action. The artisans' mouths are still open, still in thier shouts to passerby. I walk past the motionless people, some in the middle of talking, others frozen in their hurry. A small girl has glistening tears, held still by the time from her eyes. I wonder past them and find myself searching for the curtained way. At the very end of the market, down the fimialr dark alley between the two tall orange huts i find it. The sheets are stained a horrid black that drips onto the dusty road. I push past them, my fear increasing with each frightful linen. I am finally in the ruin and the curtains stain increase in size and omnious warning. I push back the last one to see him standing over the windowed break in the wall, his dark bear back to me, tensed in the moonlight. I go to step forward, but he is already apon me, his full lips on mine. I reach for his face, but his hands are about my wrists, pushing me against the wall. I feel him push me down onto the hard ground, but i can not open my eyes. When i do, he is smiling his brillant grin, making my whole body relax under his. He slides his hand up my leg, under my dress as he moves to unbutton my collar. At first i resist, and go to push him off, but his cool lips trace my jaw, sending me into his entrapment. His toungue traces my neck as he removes my dress and hurriedly tears at my corset. I look into his black eyes, the color of the curtain's harsh dye and feel a sudden pain as he pushes against me.
I woke with a start to the intense cold of the night. I run my hands through my tangled mess of curls pinned against my neck. I could tell by my increased sence of time that it had only been an hour since i was asleep. I turned over to see him hunched over the fire, shivering for warmth. His thin cloth pants were barley enough in this firce cold blowing from the mouth of the cave. An embarassment washed over me at my dream, and i tried to go back to sleep, but couldnt with him in this state.
I sat up in the bed, startling him.
"not comfotable enough?" he snapped
"come here. we can trade postitions every hour. i can watch while you sleep." i sighed, motioning towards the bed. "come here, it is warm" i repeat
"why offer that to me? im sure your soilder would find it more approiate" he lashed back.
it took me a moment to comprehend what he was saying.
"how did" i began
"i told you i can feel you! everything that you do. I am your protector and i know every emotion you have. Even when you are in reailty. Since you seem to think that i can not tell that you seperate the two so distinctly." his eyes were harshly ebony under the flames, sending a chill down my spine.
"i did not want that kiss and even if i had, what is it to you!" i shouted, thundering in the cave, feeling a new wave of embarassment to him having scene our kiss.
"you know what it means to me" he came forward, firghtening me. "in the street, you kissed me back. You know that as your protector i am devoted to you, and you know that as a man i can not help but see your beauty"
His frozen body came to mine, sending a cold shock across mine. He gripped my throat and moved me against the cave wall. if he had not been so terrifing i might have found this intoxicating, him being so close.
"dont toy with me, Cerean. I do not care of your power, for i know of your weaknesses." he wispered in my ear. "i know all your secrets, all your wishes... all your dreams" he said harshly, releasing me to the ground.
"what?" i coughed out catching the last part distinctly.
"Only a protector knows all of the tempust's secrets. Like i know all of yours even before you were born. I knew your fathers from my father who protected him. I know what you feel, what you think about...what you lust" he laughed hollowly
"that is not fair!" i shouted back at him, having nothing to say to his acusations so resoulting to acting like a child.
"this life has nothing to do with fairness or both of our fathers would still be alive and i would be able to have" he caught himself while he said the last. His eyes grew big at the slip of the secret that was his own.
I walked to the bed, where he stood, motionless beside it. His eyes followed me with a blank stare.
"You want me?" i asked with a slight smile, playing with him.
"stop it" he growled.
"you do!" my eyes lite with a fire.
"stop" he repeated.
"why should i?" i threatened
"because.... i will not allow you to dream of me any longer!" he shouted, now the one taken back and with nothing to say.
"believe me, i would rather you werent in my life, let alone my dreams!" i stomped over to the fire, my intense stare sending it roaring to life in a resounding mannor, that i am pleased to know had to frighten him, weither he showed it or not.
I stewed on my hatred at the fire, leaning against the hard and digging cave wall, tring for sleep. He tossed on the bed and i hated his warmth and comfort, though i was fine myself, just angry. i felt riduclous and enrgaged at the same time. Enraged because of the obvious and riduclous because of how idiotic i was being for hating his comfort. An hour had now past and i was contemplating flipping the mattress into the air sending him flying from the cave into the snow. I turned to face him and stopped to see him awake and staring at me, on his side in the bed.
"not comfortable enough" i mimiced him
His face stayed in the same trace, staring at me. I felt myself become extrememly self-concious with the way he looked, appraising me. He rolled over finally, breaking our stare. I marched over to the bed, surprising him.
"move over!" i growled and threw myself onto the bed, not caring how improper and scandlous this action was, for who would ever find out? What would i care anyway? i knew i would care though, i cared what he thought. My back burned against his as i stared into the fire, drifting to sleep. The billowing mattress engulfed me, sending me to sleep. He broke my almost sleep with a loud sigh, angering me further. I turned to face his back, but was shocked to have bumped into face, hitting his chin with my forehead.
"ouch!" i said dumbly.
He stared down at me with his eyes from my dream, so perfectly depicted. "dont ouch me, its your own fault, miss" he sighed again.
I started up at him harshly, but was drowned in the tension and self-conciousness of being so close to him. I realized his hand was about my waist and i quickly swatted it off and turned on my stomach, faceing my head towards the flames.
I feel his hand moved its way across my back and i froze.
"what are you doing?" i ask disgusted, proping myself up on my elbows.
"getting the covers" he smiles smugly, and i feel the barness of my body without the sheet.
"you are impossible!" i shriek and throw myself on my back, staring up at the cave cieling, dark and jagged, threating to impale me at any moment, which i pray is soon.
"you are improper" he says back in a way that suggests he is higher than me, making me gasp.
"you streetrat!" i slap back.
"you spoiled princess!"
"uh!" i growl and go to get up but he is upon me. "you will unhand me at once, scoundrel!" i fume
"or what! youll sick your necklace on me" he laughs, too close to my face. I feel his hot breath and his sweet smell that is a mixture of curry and cinamon with insenses, intoxicating me into his snare.
I burn angerly into his skin and he hops up quickly, falling onto his knees holding his hands to his chest.
"AH!" he cries. "what did you do!" he aches in pain.
"that, sir" i spat. "was my own power."
"you witch! you evil witch!" he insults in a gasp, still holding his chest. "i hope they find you!" he wounds me.
"ill kill them and you first!" i shout, sending him another ray of pain to his chest.
"Stop!" he pleads falling back to his knees. I can not stop the anger flowing and i send his another sharp dagger of hurt. He lies still on the ground and for a moment i fear i had killed him.
"Kaden!" i scream. i rush to him, leaning over his broken face
"you silly girl!" he spits, half able to move. "what have you done to me?" he asks without volume.
"im sorry" i find myself crying. " i did not mean it, i swear. let me help you, i am sorry" i say again. "where does it hurt?" i ask, though i already know.
"here!" he says ripping at his chest. "you stupid witch! what have you done?" he aganizes.
"do not insult me further!" i scream agerily. "here, let me undo it" i feel the amulet beating agianst my skin and the brillant warmth it offers. I place it over him, leaning so our noses press. His face relaxes and his eyes open. "i am sorry" i say without moving.
He sitts up, knocking me back.
"what was that?" He asked dumbfounded.
"my anger" i smile slightly.
"i meant when you healed me" he rolled his eyes.
"why?"i say slightly embarassed.
"what spell did you put on me!" he says now.
"i just wanted you healed." i lie. I had wanted him healed, yes. But i also wanted him under my trace. It hadnt worked exactly as i planned though.
"it felt like something else, too" he raised an eyebrow. "it felt like you wanted...wanted...this" he said, pulling my face to his. His mouth came over mine in a rush, flooding me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. I felt suddenly weak from healing him. I felt myself slipping from conciousness as he held his tongue to mine, pushing me too close. I pulled back, preventing me from fainting.
He stood up suddenly.
"what.." i went to say, standing beside him. His strong hand came about my mouth and pulled me behind him. At the cave's mouth, ghostly figures stared to appear, slowly gaining more substance still they were whole. Almost 10 people stood in the cramped mouth, eyes ablaze. I noticed that everyone had a talestment like mine over their black robes. Their hoods prevented me from properly seeing their faces as the flames casted a horrific shadow of them against the cave. Kaden backed slowly, ready to defend me.
"we just want the Tempust, Protector" one said from the front of the line. He pulled down his hood revealing a small face, with large bright blue eyes, fierce and threatening. His mouth is tant and strict as he speaks. "give her to us"
"leave"Kaden threatens in a voice that scared even me.
"we will take her my force if needed" the leader replies.
"i will not be threatened!" i yell from my spot, struggling to break free of Kaden, to face them. I finally suceed and walk bodly forward.
"what do you want! what do you want from me!" i yell to them. they are obvious taken back my stubborness and look to each other in confusion at my appearance.
"bind us your powers or we will kill the boy" the leader threatens.
"that would be doing me a favor" i snap, shooting a worried look to Kaden who is at the ready.
"do not make us use force" the leader warns
"oh really" i laugh. "you want my power. TAKE IT!" i scream angerly at the ones who killed my father. I point to the leader who is surrounded by light and is instantly at the ground thrashing and making the most terrible sound imaginable. The scream rings through the cave.
"what is happening to him!" one of the robes screams, coming close to him in fright. the hood falls to reveal her scared face. Others run away, but most are frozen in place.
"stop this, please!" the girl calls, tears in her eyes.
"you first" i growl in a voice that is much more terrifing than my own.
"what are you doing to him!" she shrieks again.
"let this be a warning to you!" i cry. "i have done nothing but given him a small dose of my power." whispers fly about the remaining robed members. "This is bearly the amont of power in one finger. "i laugh at the truth. My father told me about what it would do to them. This is the proof they needed. "i did nothing but give them what he wanted. you want the power! you can take it if this" i point to his writhing body. "this is what you want. and you shall get it"
"no please" i is now kaden that is pleading with me. My angry fog disappears, but the vendetta is not.
"they killed my father!"
"it was not them, it was Salizar." he reminds me. "please, Cerean."
i will the power back and the man stops his terrifing screams. His body returns to normal and his breathing slows, though he is not fully recovered.
"leave. and do not return or i will finnish what i started." i say merclist. "i will not be afraid anymore." i vow to the girl. She picks up the man with the help of one of the only 2 others that remained, frozen in their fear.
Once they have scrried from the cave, Kaden is awed at my reaction.
"why did you do that?" he asked, not coming any closer to me, knowing what i could now do to him to.
"i am sorry for what i did to you. I truely am. It was merely my anger and i should not have been so aggressive." i sigh. "but for them. i am not." i walk over to the fire and poke it lightly, burning the edge of the stick til it breaks. "you do not know what i know, kaden. I read the diary of one of the Mastery. It was like they could care less that my father was dead. They just wanted his power and when they found him, they were disgusted because they didnt get the chance to tourcher him first to find me!" i called. "i gave them what they asked for. He wanted my power, i gave it. It is his own fault that he could not handel it, not mine." i said harshly.
"was that really barely any of your power?" Kaden asks, finallly sitting next to me, his inviting scent, rushing to my nose as he leans against me.
"yes. I didnt even focus. I just acted. If i had given even half of my Power, he would have no doubt emploded!" i laugh maliciously.
"they killed my father too, remember that. But there is a time and place for revenge. Right now the best position to take is that of a leader. They can help you find Salizar. You can defeat him and then you can punish thoes who were involved."
"Kaden, they all played a part. Thoes that did not actually act against him, did not defend him. He was their leader and they did nothing. For that, the Mastery is just as guilty. To knowingly let someone die, and not even try to help, no matter the situation, is just as commiting the murder themselves. I wont seek revenge, but i certainly will not be forgiving. No harm will come to thoes that do not cross me, but thoes that come to me with a hope to gain my power. I will freely relenquish ALL of it to them and then watch them suffer as it eats them away. I can get my power back, but they cant get back their lives." My speech of terror doesnt seem to both Kaden as much as it should.
"i know that you did not ask for this life, but you certianly seem to understand the want for it better than anyone else." he sighed.
"i think it is time that i return us" he immediatly understood that i meant him to India, and i to 1952 England. I could sense the hurt rolling off of him from that comment. I regretted the truth behind it almost more than actually saying it.
"right" he breathed heavily. He walked away from the fire and grabbed hold of my waist, looking into my eyes. The necklace glows a vivid white light as we are transported through the hall of light by heavy pull that guides us.
I open my eyes to the sunlight of the marketplace, but Kaden does not loosen his hold.
"i need to go" i whisper.
"i understand" he says in a uniformed mannor, almost as if we were disgusing confidential military information as generals.
"Kaden, i am sorry for all the things i have done to upset you. I want you to know how i truely do care about you" i say, but quickly add, "as my Protector"stupidly. I grimace at the amazing way i can ruin perfectly happy moments.
"yes" he sighs and lets go of his hold on me. "when are you planning on coming back?" he asks, unsure if it is appropiate. "just so i can know when to come running in to save you" he adds with a sneer.
The akward tension between us is swarming around my head as i, without thinking, reach up to kiss his cheek gently. He looks at me for a second, gauging my emotions, then pulls gently at my lips with his. I can not control myself as i claw at his hair and kiss him with an unexcepted intensity that makes us both blush. As i quickly pull away i clench my amulet and am being pulled by the light with his frozen expression of shock as India is suddenly far behind me as im sailing through the cascading light and onto the sofa in my apartment.
For it seeming such an eternity since i was home, nothing had changed. Eliza and John are just now getting up from their privacy in the kitchen and John on his way out the door. Eliza comes gushing towards me.
"oh heavens, tell me what that was about!"Eliza practically shouts "he kissed you!" she smiles.
At first i think only of Kaden's kiss. Was it really only a few minutes ago that Wense had also kissed me?
"oh my! what a night" i laugh.
© Copyright 2008 Bri Marie (brittmarie24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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