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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1436132
Cerean must learn her Power in order to save her new life as a Keeper of Time.
I held my breath and squezzed the necklace til i felt as if my palm would bleed, unsure of what i was doing. What if they found me? They were searching for me by way of my power. They had to know of me by now from this afternoon? I closed my eyes, only wanting to see if it was real, if i truely was who i had wanted to believe all along. If my life wasnt just reside to a borning London lady, but someone special, someone of worth. Someone Powerful.
I felt the tug at my body as i shot forward through the hallway of light. Bright and shining, it threw me in and landed me with eyes wide into a whole of different time all together.
I was laying in a grand bed, feeling rather queasie. I crept out of the bed to a mirror. It was certainly me. I had done it! On my forehead, the scrape from this afternoon was now present. I was wearing a rather old, but yet new, silk nightgown. The morning had just started to come and was smiling through my closed windows in the cornor of the dark room. I opened them flooding in light to fully see my room. Indian saris and shaws lined the room as decoration. Minature elephants and hand-made craft of great skill were splashed throughout the bright room. I didnt know where i was, but i assumed i would soon enough. I had read that once in the past, your would remember both your future and who you are supossed to be. Its not a real exchange, of one life for the other, but what you do here can affect futures to come. I made certain that i was myself in my head, Cerean Amis, daughter of Ronald and Christine Amis, British trader in India for the last 6 years. 20 years old, born into wealth of the British Indian Trading Company. Memories of a false childhood and teen years flooded my head. I could see both my real experiences my life here. I didnt think they would be so distinct, of which i was grateful, so not as to confuse myself. My two fathers, one i loved and one only a memory. My two home, both grand but in different levels of reailty. My two mothers and nannies and pets and educations. All so different yet exactly the same, floating in my mind. It was as if i had two brains, each holding seperate information. I was a ture Keeper. I could retain all memories! I wasnt going crazy. This was real.

"ah! you are awake!" Kaje came creeping into my room. "i thought you would still be so tired after such a trying day!" she smiled.
"im quite fine" i say in a soft voice.
"your dress is on the cushion" she says motioning to a large sitting area in the middle of the room, filled with cushions of different colors, reminding London me of an old opemium room i had seen once in a magazine.
"thank you" i smile and walk to be dressed. The binding corset is worse than i remembered. No wonder they got red of these blasted things! I dress in my light cotton blue dress that i can seem to remember as a birthday present.
"can we go to the marketplace again today?" i ask Kaje, though i know she can not say no to me.

I enter the strange aromas and dancing spices. Its exhilarating to be here. I can feel my giving into my other self as i take in this new experience. It is so odd to have two beings. I can feel the Star under my dress. In the humid and burning air, it is not so hot to my skin anymore. I can feel it still glowing from this morning, tensing lovely vibrants of power through me.

"oh Kaje! Look here!"i say excitedly pointing to a brightly colored scarf. I know Eliza would have a royal fit over this. I havent found out weither i am strong enough to carry items over the two worlds, but would like to try anyway, to prove to myself i am not merely dreaming.
"oh Cerean, it is beautiful, but you know i can make you one grander" she smiles, feeling smug in knowing she is correct.
"yes, well i would like this one now, please. where is the seller?" i ask pereing over the make-shift stand. Next to it a boy sits, leaning against the wooden post, basking in the warm sun.
"excuse me?" i ask.
His dark eyes pop open as he lifts the drape on the post covering his face in a hurry to stand up.
He is most handsome for an indian. I had never found one attractive, in either memories. He has penetraing eyes and a strong face. He seems surpirsed by me, and blushs slightly, though it is hard to tell on his tanned skin. My eyes instantly jump to a black marking around his wrist that is covered by a cloth
"how much for the scarf?" Kaje says in hindu. He frowns a little.
"uh. i cant recall the price of dates?" he fumbles in Hindu. I realize he speaks English.
"how much for the scarf?" i say in English. He turns on a brillant smile.
"thank the heavens. Its been gettin' to be most tirin' runnin' this shop a'day" he winks at me.
Kaje is most disgusted. "what kind of artisan does not know his Hindu?" she sneers.
"well tis not mine, im merely...wa'chin' it...til 'e owner returns from God only knows bloody where" he frowns, but never takes his eyes off me. His swearing makes a little girl walking next to me giggle.
"well how much for the scarf" Kaje says imaptiencely, noticing his stare.
" 'ere" he wraps it around my neck, boldly brushing back my hair and graving my jaw. "sometin' so beau'ti'ful seems out a place when on someone so...breath-a-takin'" he winks again
Kaje is infuriated. "how dare you! this is the admiral's daughter! you street rat! you will not touch a girl of Britian." she flys at him, hitting him on the head with her wallet. Its a bit comical for she is so tiny and his tall stature is barely touched by her hard whipping.
"Kaje, Kaje" i laugh.
"im 'orry! im 'orry!" he says to shoo her away, taking in her beatings.
"is there a problem here?" two large men carring weapons approach us, making Kaje run up. I can see that they are the British officers, by their European appearance. One is very handsome, with light hair and a startling smile that enchances me. The other is stone faced and frightful. He looks at the other with warning eyes as he contiues to grin at me, ignoring the other.
"well!" Kaje starts.
"no sirs, there is none" i say quickly, glaring at Kaje.
"well then, have a nice day, miss" the blonde one says kindly. He stops appraising me with his eyes long enough to look to Kaje and then turn around on his heel after the other who had already left.
"Why did you do that?" Kaje wails.
I turn to look to the market boy, but he is gone. The scarf burns into my neck where he had placed it. I know that in customs, even in 1952, i should be embarassed by what he did, but somehow it draws me. I leave the stand after much disappointment of searching it for him. Kaje thinks it is to repremand him, but i can not say what it is.

Kaje is still angry with me as we leave the market.
"silly girl, has no morals for virtue. He should be arrested at the very least." she says under her breath.
"kaje, it is of no harm to me, my virtue is quite intact, my tolerance, however is wearing thin of your foolishness" i laugh.
"well fine, miss. but im not to be so forgiveing next time" she huffs carring the scarf disgustingly.
Back in the grand fortress i come to recognize as my home, servants bustle about and run through the hallways. My 'father and mother' are in London and for some reason i can not recall, i was not to go. It makes me less sure of my power to not be able to remember this. But Kaje soon informs me that i was never told. I go to bed with a foolishly heavy heart in knowing that i am ready to go home now.

I feel the power pulling me home. The light floodes in me, but something is not the same. A cry for help startles me as i fall faster. It is my fathers. I try to find him, but it is useless as i am hurreled down the hall, dragged by the necklace and close my eyes as the fimailar light intensifies. I open my eyes to find myself in the living room of the apartement, returned in the same position as i had been. Eliza now comes into the room starling me.
"Blast it! Eliza! do not sneak up on me again!" i scold.
"what is the matter with you?" she questions at my frightened look.
"nothing. you just startled me is all." i quickly close the book quickly hiding it under the couch. My throat is dry and harsh. Traveling took a lot from me. I look down in my hand to the fine feel of the scarf. I quickly hide it in my room. A memento of my sanity, my Power, my new secret. Eliza's wedding gift as well i laugh to myself. In a matter of a day my life has become so changed that i can not begin to comprehind the impact of it. My Father's burden becomes my Treasure. My Dark and mysterious treasure that will be my secret of hope.

It has been a week since i last used the Powers. i realize now how simply foolish it was. My dreams remind me of this. Father's voice is all i can remember once i awake. His speeches are lost to me once i open my eyes, but it is enough to make me realize the danger of what ive done. I havent spoken to my mother since the first day of my new life as a Tempust. it scares me to think of the Power. I am overcome with the want to travel, to go through time, but i am too fearful. I have my father's cry to recall the reasons why i am in danger. I know that i must talk to my mother before i regret it. I still hide the scarf in my room, not so much from Eliza now, but from my self.
I must find some way to make mother understand, for i know the reasons why she hid this from me. Alexander Thorn's diary relates this.

I must tell you of the immense longing i have of the Power. The time controls my life more greatly than the others. Since i am so new to this life, i can barley control the hunger. It as if i am an addict to the sensation of seeing the light. The shining tunnel of time. I am scornful to the Masters. It is their fault we can no longer travel. Had they not killed Tempus, we might have been more sucessful at finding who is the newest Tempust. They know of my resentment towards them. They are forming a new order and i am certian there will be much to pay for anyone who does not join. The Masters have already invited members and i pray to be one of them or they will surley kill me. Salizar will surley have the power of this Mastery. he killed Tempus, so what power remained in him, what time had been captured in his soul was transfered to him. I had not known of this. They keep it from us, The Masters do. Apparently anyone who has traveled has retained some Power in them already since the time controls us. I fear that Salizar will find the new Tempust before us, and instead of unlocking his power, will kill him for it. This is not what we planned. Other Masters, beside myself know this. If the Tempust uses his powers outside the Travels we coul find him. How badly i miss the travels and how thirsty i am for the Power.

I am so frightened by this last entry that i burn it in the fireplace next to the couch. Salizar. He is the one responsible. He is the one who killed my father. The Mastery of Tempus will find me and take away my powers, this i can live with. The Powers that cost my father's life. The worthless ability to time travel means nothing to me if i could have him back. Salizar, however will kill me, absorb my Power himself. I can not understand this though, for in the book it mentioned the harnesing of one's Power. Only the true Tempust could control his own power. I am thankful though that they assume only a man could be the Tempust. It puts a rather delightful spin on things, i think sarcasticaly. At least it will make it more difficult for them to find me.

I walked into the kitchen where Eliza and my mother are busy at work on the seating chart for her wedding. It is in 3 weeks, a very quick engagement, but at the astounding movement of her wedding planning i assume it is not so diffficult.
"no, no dear, your father has already made it quite clear that he does not want to be next to the Darcy's. And that is quite understandable, might i add" she laughs.
"mother. Could i borrow you for a while." i say sadly. My mother shurggs me off, saying that Eliza needs me until she looks up at my face, twisted in the agony of what is about to come.
"Cerean, what is wrong?" Eliza and my mother both ask at the same time.
"i just need to speak to you mother. For once can you please just talk to me without floating off in Eliza's bloodly wedding." i say angryily now.
"Cerean do not be jelous" Mother laughs bitterly.
" i think i better go" Eliza smiles appologetically at me. For the first time in almost a month i am extremely appreaciative of her and remember why we have a friendship.
"well, what could you possibly need to talk to me about? my goodness, Cerean, how rude you are! you know that Eliza needs me to help her with her wedding right now! i am sorry that i have been preoccupied, but really." she says disappointedly once Eliza had left.
"mother, if i was angry about you not paying attention to me, it would be about 2 years too late. Since father died, you have shown me nothing. Angry or resentment would be better than the coldness of your greetings. Eliza is not the problem, you are!" i shout now, realizing that i might as well start the conversation off right.
"Cerean, you know why" she starts to look appologeticly. "i am so sorry that this is what ive become, but i just can not help but feel that you dont need me. You dont want me anymore. I can not say or do anything right when it comes to you. You have become such a wonderful yougn lady without me and i am sorry, but when your father died" she choked up. She had never admitted his death outloud before.
"mother, something has happened. Something you need to know" my eyes start to whell as i take out the necklace. Her eyes turn to a harsh grey and a resounding gasp slips from her lips.
"what have you done, Cerean. What have you done?" she booms.
"i need to know what is happening to me, mother. You would not tell me, so i found out on my own. i always felt the Power, and now i know it is real."
It took her a moment to answer, but once she did it was in a calm, resolved mannor, i was not expecting.
"i guess i always knew it would come to this. I could hid away the Star from you, but the Power would still be inside you." she closed her eyes as a single tear streamed down. She was beyond the state of normal panic. She was defeated, beaten.
"mother." i said slowly. "how was he killed"
"they did the only thing to kill him, they stole his Power. The Time is apart of you once you start, you can not turn back. Oh, Cerean! how i did not want this life for you. I though since you  were a girl you were safe, but then strange things started happening. You were so intelligent and strong and i knew that they would find you eventually. Your Father never admitted that he was scared. He was constantly on the run from them. At first Tempusts were feared. They controled the lives of the Mastery. But then, they grew weaker. Your Father's Power began to dwindle once you were born. It was almost as if you absorbed it, all of it." she cried now, and held to my hands. "you must promise me not to use it, Cerean, please. It is so addicting and i will not lose you as well. had i know." she stopped herself. "you are the most powerful Tempust yet. You are stronger than the Mastery could ever have imagined. You are the one to bring the Power back to its original strenght, dont you see. Noone has ever opened the Tunnel of Light so young. You may not recall, but when you were a baby, your father had leaned over your crib to closely, and you caught hold of the amulet and you both arrived in the kitchen. A mere baby! you were never to have recieved the talestment, Cerean. Never" she squezzed my hand.
I was shocked. My mother now sat beside me. My own mother, not the shell of the one i had know, but my actual mother. Her voice was sweet and edgy with real emotion. I had missed her so much, i could not help but hug her.
"i am sorry mother" i cried back into her shoulder. "i will fix this then. Salizar will pay for what he has done."
"no!" her look was of pure terror. "you must never do that! He is stronger than you and will certainly kill you! i will not allow you to travel any longer, give me the amulet" she said forcefully returning to the shell of my mother, with her hand outstretched. "it is for your own good, Cerean, please" she begged.
"I can not, mother. You yourself said i can not go back. I have already started this, and i will finnish what i have started. the Mastery will know what i can do." i said angrily.
"Cerean. promise me you will not use the Power outside of the travels!" she pleaded. "they will be able to find you and i can not lose you. At least through travels the trail is less distint. They will only know that the Tempust has returned, not who you are!" she cried.
"i promise i will not" i agreeded. Truth be told i was not at all certain how else my powers worked beside travel, but figured it best to not know.
"Eliza will be comingback soon" she wiped her tears and stood up to fix her hem.
"will you travel with me?" i asked her.
"you can bring me along so soon?" she sounded impressed. "not today dear." she said quickly changing her tone to the shell. "we must get ready for Eliza's party. Come along and quickly fix your hair. It looks as if the rats have been resting in it" she scowled me.

It felt like a great mass had been lifted off me. I breathed with a new determined posture. Eliza's party was frightfully boring, despite the pleasure of everyone else around me. I played with my necklace aimlessly as i sat at the table, waiting for it to be over with.
"so hows the party?" John questioned gloomaly.
"i see you are having about as much fun as i am" i laughed, taking a sip of my drink.
"this is ridiclous, she doesnt even like half these people." he scuffed, leaning next to me.
"well we have that in common," i sneered, knowing most of the people in the room, and despising almost all of the boring old prats.
"want to go blow off and have a little fun?" he smied. John was someone i truely liked. I was pleased for Eliza for finding him and to be actually holding onto him.
"anywhere is better than here!" i laugh.
I feel the pull of the Power as the room holds still, John frozen in a laugh.  The tunnel of light is suddenly opened and the necklace is pulling me in. NO! This is not what i meant! i scream in my head, but its too late and im being sucked into the light, feeling the warm embarce of the Power. I close my eyes to the light and open them to find myself in the middle of the dusty street where the market had been. It is dark out and no one is in the streets. I feel a wave of panic and i realize that i am not supposed to be here. I look down to see myself in my white cotton dress, shivering at the realization of the cold at night. The streets are an ominous bare. I try to hold my amulet and the ray of light encircles me. A rush of screams reach my ear and i am suddenly thrown back to the same street. I rush along, trying to find my way back to the fortress of my house. I pass a rather rough looking pack of urchins who call out to me.
their whistles and calls chill me to the core. What am i doing? how foolish it was to be alone in the streets without an escort. How did i end up here instead of my bed where i should be. I realized though that time did not move here like it did in the real world. It must be about a week since i was here. Time moved on without me unlike in the world where it stood still.
I feel myself running as the urchins walk behind me. They are following me. I reach for my amulet, feeling a bit cocky with the power still fresh in me. Yet, when i reach for it, it is not glowing as it should be. It is dim and cold. I run faster, turning down a roadway only to see at the last second that it is a dead end. I go to run back, but it is too late. they have found me.
One was a tall man, most likely Austraian by his accent.
"lookie what we have here! whats a pretty little lassie doing all alone at night. that just sounds like an invitation for trouble dont it lads?" he says to his Indain cohorts who are as filthy and disgusting as he is.
I back against the wall and find my voice finally.
"you stay away!" i try to scream but it turns to a whisper in the air.
a roar of laughter from the men make me what to vomit. The out of place Austrialian comes closer to me, pushing up against me, as i turn my head from his.
I throw a hard punch, but he merely laughs and takes hold of my wrists. I feel something exploding in my chest. I think it to be my heart, but i am still alive. The amulet glows a harsh color of red.
Behind the man, a roar of the men let him know something is not right. I can not see but it appears that someone is after them. they scatter, excpet for the man still pressed up against me, not ready to leave without his prize.
"let her go!" a fimailar voice shouts.
The amulet brightens.
"and why should i?" he laughs in my ear.
"please, i am wwarning you!" i quiver. The anger flares in me and a red flash blinds me for a second.
The mans face freezes in a state of terror and he slowly lets go of me and falls to the ground. Dead.
I let go a violent scream i had finally found.
"come with me" the voice calls, but i can not move.
The market boy grabs me gently, folding me in his arms as he runs away. I hear footsteps coming toward the alley as he sets me down on a roof across the way, having had difficultly climbing the ladder. He lays me back, as i realize i had fainted. I open my eyes to see him gently brushing back my hair.
I go to scream, but his hand is over my mouth.
"no dont go and make a scene!" his cockney accent hits my ears.
Im breathing too heavily and he seems to enjoy the sight of my chest rising so quickly as he sits me up, startlingly close to him.
"now ima let 'ou go but 'ou gotta make sure that 'one a this screamin' comes 'ut, rit?" his deep eyes plead with me. His stunning features overwhell my fear, as foolish as it sounds.
"who are you!" i finally manage to say.
"i mit be askin' 'ou the same question" he raises an eyebrow, but finally sighs. "Kaden Kajti." he smiles handsomely. "and you miss are extremely lucky i saved 'ou! i almost thought id 'alf to do the 'ast one, but i seen you knock him sometin good, but my he looked awfuly shocked, what did you do to 'em?" he laughes
At first i think he is about to molest me, but instead he merely reaches for my necklace, tangled about my neck.
When he sees the Star, he drops it as if it were some deadly disease and backs away quickly.
"wait. wait" i stand up and move after him. "please. dont leave me here" i beg.
He stops moving long enough to see the desperation in my eyes.
"you should leave" he says now in a deep tone that catches me completely offguard from his high cockney tone. "get out of here immedialty and do not return" he yells angrily in this soothing voice, enticing me further. He turns his back to me, about to jump off the roof. something i remembered finally makes since in my head.
"Please. I need your help! Protector." i say the last part in a whisper
he stops and turns around, but it is too dark to see his face.
"i noticed your arm that day in the marketplace. it took me forever to remember where i had seen it. it was on my uncle's arm as well. He was one of my father's protectors." i recalled.
"what makes you think i am here to Protect you. I may have merely wanted you to myself" he said dangerously.
"i would not talk to me that way" i warn, my eyes narrowed in the darkness, but i am sure he can still see the brillant teal, making the warning real. "i need your help. You are a Protector. I read about you. You have to help me if i call on you."
"you are not my concern."he wounds me
"i am the Tempust. i believe i am" i reveal myself stupidly to him. I dont know why, but i feel as if i can trust him, that and i would do anything to make him stay.
"you are a silly girl with her father's amulet." He turns his back to me.
I dont know how or why, but my anger grew so excitedly that i was now facing him. I wasnt scared that i was hovering over the ground a story up, though he seemed to be. I felt more powerful that i ever had, being around him.
His eyes grew wider than i thought possible.
"i told you to leave" his strong voice cracked. "you are in too much danger to be here. Go!" he said hollowly.
"i can not return home. Not yet. I need your help!" i tell him again.
"what." he answers coldly.
"where are the others?"
"they are not here." he answers without looking into my eyes. I come closer to him, standing on the edge of the roof now.
"i do not think you want me to use the Power on you like i did the man in the alley" i bluff.
He calls it. "i do not think you can control it enough to even hurt me" he smiles.
"so you bet" i threaten.
"fine. follow me!" he jumps off the roof beside me, making me fall into his arms with a scream. He smiles at my obvious inexperience and lies.
"unhand me!" i say as he holds me longer than nessicary.
He laughs as he sets me on the ground.
"i will remind you that i am a lady, Mr.Kaden." i say his first name as an insult. He narrows his eyes as he leads me along the way. We pass by curtains among curtain. Its a eerie graveyard of fabric hanging along the street creating the most haunting pathway. As we walk by a monkey screeches, making me jump to his arms. He seems amused and grabs my hand to lead me further into his den. A light is glowing from behind a broken brick wall and three men sit beside it. they appear to be gyspies, all rather strong and tanned. One catches sight of me and stands. A quick growl from Kaden in a language i did not understand sends the man to his seat in a hurry. the other men look up, shaken. He pulls me roughly through more lenghts of fabric until he finally moves back a long dark curtain to a cave in the wall of a ruin. The broken brick shows a view of the city and a most amazing sight of the dark rolling sky. A small fire is lit in the cornor of the ruin structure. I go to lean over the opening, looking down the building to the street below. His network of curatined tunnels are invisible from the street below and the warm fire draws me in.
"so. why can you not go back?" he ask finnaly.
"i do not know" i say, about to cry. "i keep coming back here." i admit my own inept Powers.
"is there something that concects you here?" he asks looking into the fire
"my father" i say sadly. "i know it is his cry that im hearing. I just cant understand why!" i am about to break down, but soon gain hold of myself.
"why would he keep you here, knowing what will happen once they find you?" he seems to know more about me than i thought.
"maybe its that they already have." i look up into his eyes. "they can not harm me in the worlds. I am too Powerful here"
"you do not know how to use it though" he laughs lightly.
"i do not need to, it is instictively done for me" i scowl.
"yes, but imagine how great it would be if you could truely control it" he sneers back
"i am trapped." i sigh.
He leans over me, at an attempt at comfort, but i wince at his touch, uncontrolably, sending him back to the opening of the cave.
"i am sorry. do not take it personally. i am just not comfortable around you." i offer
"i will protect you." he sighs
"thank you" i whisper
"only becuase i can not leave you. It would be against the laws of the Protectors." he bites. "you can sleep here." he rips down the black cloth and folds in down in the cornor for himself and is soon fast asleep. I lay down on the lone cushion as far away from him as possible. For some reason, as im falling asleep, i feel an immesnse longing to be next to him.

I awake to his boisterous snap.
"Damn it!" he hisses as he holds his hand.
"what is it?" i ask groagly. He seems startled that he woke me. It is not yet morning, but the sun is on its way.
"nothing. go back to sleep" he orders.
"let me see." i demand, seeing blood drip from his hand.
"no" he sighs, but allows me to sit beside him. The knife lay at his side.
"what the bloodly hell were you trying to do?" i spat, taking him back by my language. "remember that im not from 1890" i smirk.
"right." he rolls his eyes and goes to rip off a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding.
"let me take a look" i pull his hand forcefully from him to his shock. The wound is angry and deep. I put my hand over his gently, not sure what im doing, only that it feels right.
"what are you doing?" he sounds appauled that i am touching him.
"im not sure?" i say as a question, but once i move my hand, his wound is gone. He stares at me with a horror-filled face.
"the least you could do was say thank you instead of looking at me in such a way"
"your not supposed to be able to do that. how did you?"
"i told you that i have no idea. it just felt right. I wish for something and it happens" i say standing up to escape his stare.
"so your your own genie" he mocks
"i guess i am yours for now" i say sarcasticly. "your welcome" i grind my teeth
"thank you!" he snaps.
"why are you so focused on being cruel towards me when i have done nothing but help you?" i ask finnaly
"i dont consider barging in on my home a helping matter" he says in a gentlemanly tone that would put most pompous dukes to shame.
"i could hardley call this a home" i smile.
"well then you could leave it"
"i would love to be able to but seeing as i cant, and you are the only other person that i can trust, i am stuck here with you." i push him. He catches my wrist and moves me against the wall, making me wince from the blow.
"and how to you know you can trust me?" he hisses in my ear, one hand on my throat the other around my wrist.
the amulet starts to glow red as he backs off quickly.
"i would not anger me, mr.Kaden" i warn him again.
"i will do as i please. You are a sorry excuse for a Master, let alone a Tempust. I will never bow down to your wishes." he smiles as if i had just given him a present on christmas.
"do you think i want this? do you think i need to be reminded everyday of what i am and of what happened to my father. You are sadly mistaken" i shout. a tear escapes my eyes and i run from him through the horrid curtains tearing past them. I wonder down the open ally way. I turn from left to right, but am hoplessly lost. I feel him watching me. I catch his eye sitting perfectly at ease in a window.
"i am sorry" he appologizes half-heartedly
"i am not" i call.
"oh come on back" he sighes and hops from the window. "You have no where else to go" he reminds me as i walk away. "what good is it going to do to go to this Cerean's home?" he calls. I never remebered mentioning my name to him.
I turn around in confusion, but he is directly behind me, making me run into his strong chest. I look up into his dark eyes.
"how did you know my name was Cerean?" i asked
"i knew your father. I was sent to watch over you" he admits finally.
"how?" i whisper.
"i am a member of the Mastery. the way it once was before Salizar. There are still some of us among them. i was sent to watch over you." he repeats.
"if you are my protector then why didnt you tell me?" i asked
He put on a rather large grin. "i was more fun to stalk you" he laughed.
I turned around and continued to walk. He suddenly appeared in front of me.
"i didnt know it was you though. only that the Tempust was here. I must say i was rather frightened of the thought of meeting you." he smiled. "but when i saw that it was a tiny little girl, i felt much better" he laughed a billowing chuckle that filled the empty street.
"i am not a little girl!" i defended. I was 20. and he could not be much older than I.
"it was rather odd to imagine a Tempust being a girl." he continued, matching my pace eaily as i practiaclly ran. "especially one like you" he looked over at me from the cornor of his eyes with a slight blush. I stopped.
"well, Kaden" i was over being formal with the scoundrel. "this little girl will make her way home without your guidance, thank you!" i shouted.
"i must admit though" he continued, making me angier by the second. "i am certainly glad i saw your necklace before i did what i was planning to do to you" he smiled a devilish grin that made him frightening and admirable at the same time.
"oh!" i scuffed and slapped him straight in the face. his laugh was my only reply.
"you are disgusting. A thieving street rat!" i repeated Kaje's words.
"hey now," he said slowly, i realized that he had backed me into a cornor and i was ready to attack if needed. "if it were not for me, you wouldnt have your precious virtue." he moved in closer, pushing himself against my chest. The amulet glowed.
"youd be raped and dead." he said coldly
"i believe i was the one who killed the filth" i narrowed, the amulet glowing brighter as he contiuned to push up against me. "get off of me, i am warning you!"
"you want me on you" he smiled and the amulet lifted into the air just as he reached into kiss me.
An explosion occured inside me. I opened my eyes instantly in terror to make sure i hadnt killed him. his lips still pushed on mine as his tongue wound its way around mine. His rough hand explored my back, pulling me to him, as the other gently held my face. I closed my eyes as his smile formed over my lips. he let go of me, but still pushed me against the wall.
i stared breathlessly back at him.
"i told you, you wanted me" he grinned and was suddenly gone. I moved away from the wall, and called out his name. "Kaden!" i yelled but to no reply. I ran down the path where he had led me only to see my fortress on the other side.
As i entered the gate i felt the pull of the necklace. I was suddenly enwrapped in the light. My father's voice called to me. "Cerean, be alert, danger is all around you. let him protect you." he warned. As i swirled back into the party my father's voice echoed. "let him protect you" it repeated.

"you okay?" John asked suddenly in motion now.
"oh yeah, yeah, im fine" i lied. ive returned from what seemed like an eternity. My father had led me to Kaden? That could not be possible. Maybe it was merely a coincidence, a stange and disgusted coincidence.

John led me to a bar down on the East Side, sneaking past Eliza's glance. No doubt she is worrying her pretty head off, her blonde curls in a tossel as she feverishly twists her neck acorss the crowd, unsucessfully trying to find John who is now happily sipping at his beer. No spirits for myself, but he insists on at least a beer.
"did you imagine engagment to be this merry?" i chuckle.
"about as much." he smiles, looking at me from the cornor of his eye and taking a sip. "i really do love the silly girl though." he stares off into space as he laughs, no doubt at something Eliza did, or he excpeted would do.
"honestly. i wish you were my best man instead of hers." he sighs. "we get along quite well, and i am very fortunate to have your friendship" he smiles at me.
"oh dont get all soggy on me after only one drink!" i laugh. "i dont know how i will explain this one to Eliza. She'll bloodly well have my head all ready, dont need you mopping, talking about the meaning of friendship" i snicker.
"to each his own" he nudges me.

The stark bartender leans over the coner, handing me another beer.
"oh no thank you" i start to say, but he shrugs.
"from the gent in uniform" he says, pointing down the bar lenght to a lively blonde man in a pressed military suit. He looks as shining as his glossly hat with stunning features and bright green eyes.
"Aye!" john sings, getting up to greet the friendly, handsome man.
"John!" he laughs, taking his hand firmly. "nothing like hitting on a man's girl to get his attention, huh?" he smiles at me in a lovely voice that hums like a chours of angels even though its in a taunt mood.
"Oh, this isnt my girl, shes back at home, this is, well basically her sister. One of my best friends, Cerean" he introduces me flatteringly. "Cerean Tempus and Cerean this is Wense Hardval. Admiral Wense Harval now, huh?" he adds, admiring his metals as i am.
"well," he reachs for my hand "its very nice to meet you" his smile is intoxicating. I grab his hand firmly and a shock vibrates through me, making me pull back quickly.
"sorry." i appologize, embarassed.
"quite alright" he laughs.
" Wense and i grew up together. I asked him to be my best man for the wedding!" John boasts. "are you going to be in town long after?"
"actually ive just been stationed here, so looks like im going to be here for a while" he says, still to only me.
"well, right hold. You know that Eliza and i are planning on a quick engagement?"
"oh, yes i remember your brother saying something about that" he grins, staring towards John. I never knew that John had a brother. In fact i was sure he had told me that he was an only child. Yet John merely nodded.
"well good good. would you like to come to lunch tomorrow noon? Im sure Eliza would love to meet you!" John says excitedly, still under Wense's stare.
"certainly!" he accepts wholeheartedly then turns to me with powerfuly fixed eyes. "and will i be seeing you there, i hope?"
"yes, if your lucky" i manage to smile.
"well, i must be off, but i will see you tomorrow then" he tips his hat the john, then winks slowly at me as he leaves. I feel something stir inside of me, but i am unable to shake it.

© Copyright 2008 Bri Marie (brittmarie24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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