Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1436053-Bound-By-Words-Chapter-1
by xxhHxx
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1436053
This is a Rydon fanfic that I am also showing on Quizilla, username xcopxcarxlightsx.
As any other morning in my life, my hand wandered freely, pen in hand, all over the back of last night's math assignment.

Its not as if I really cared about math class. I mean, I sat by the same fucking people and listened to the same fucking teacher drone fucking on and fucking on and fucking on. Fuck.

Needless to say I was bored out of my fucking mind.

So was Jon, I could tell. Normally his random state was all over the place, but currently his head lay across the table, frowning at wood.

"Hey Brendon?"

"Yes?" I turned my head to look at his sluggish self, prying my eyes away from the swirls I happened to be making.

"Who's the new kid?"

"Huh?" I asked, not understanding. Not that I really ever payed attention. I was notorious for not really paying attention to much of anything, except for the things that aren't really eye-catching or things you shouldn't really look at, like the sun. That would be why I have these damn red-rimmed glasses. Pushing them up my nose, I looked confusedly at Jon.

"The dude with the brown hair?" Mechanically his head turned to look at me as he motioned to the corner of the room.

"Hasn't he always been there?" I questioned, looking in the kids direction. My intentions were to quickly take a glance at him and look back to Jon, but instead I acted like a dumbshit and stared straight at him. And I dont know how awkward this was, but that boy had looks.

His hair was this sort of carmel-ey color, but lighter, almost like hazel but better, like the kind you really wanted to mess up. And I couldn’t fool anyone, those eyes were gorgeous. They were sort of hazel, but mixed with dark chocolate and green hues. His fingers ran through those locks out of what was an unreadable emotion.

“Brendon? Brendonnnnn?” Jon tried to recapture my attention in the background. “Hey, gayass.”

“What?” I responded, forcing myself to look at him. This, of course, sent him into a raging fit of laughter, because I actually responded to the name ‘gayass’.

I don’t know if I exactly brandish it, but I’m sexually confused. I mean, its not that I don’t like girls or that I don’t enjoy a poster or two of a curvy woman in nothing but tree branches, its just that if a guy is hotter than me, I admit that he’s sexy, unlike other guys who get all jealous. And I don’t limit my heart to only girls, if a guy is a really good close friend and holds some sort of companion-like qualities, theres no reason I find that I cant love him.

Not that I’ve ever fallen in love with a guy, that is. I mean, sure little crushes here and there, but nothing serious ever.

And in Jon’s eyes, it was needless to say that I was breaking bisexuality.

It is also needless to say that the kid across the room could turn any straight guy gay.

“You are such an idiot.” John shook his head pitifully at me.


“You were totally checking him out.”

“I was so not!” my voice raised a few hundred notches and Jon smiled.

“Dude, you are so desperate, you are so desperate!” and he laughed while doing some awkwardly eye-catching dance while pointing and taunting, “You think he’s sexxyyyy, you think he’s sexxyyy, you want to raaaappeee him, while he is sleeeeeeping!”

“Will you shut up!” my voice was an urgent whisper on repeat, but I was cut off by the teacher.

“Alright, hold up last night’s homework.” And he prepared to check it in.

Jon hid his face in his arms on the desk, laughing continuously as I rather fed-up raised both Jon and my papers.

The boy across the room held his hand up and looked shyly at Mr. Freier.


“I-I don’t have my homework, sir.”

“Ah, yes, youre the new kid, correct? Youre, uh…” and he scanned a piece of paper on his desk. “Mr. Ross.”

The boy nodded, straightening up until his posture regained it’s perfection.

“Well, I’ll have to get your materials ready. Meanwhile, why don’t you get on up here and tell us a bit about you, hm?”

Through his lightly tinted lips he sighed, causing me to look away and at the head of the room.

It was amazing, the second he got up there he became Mr. Cool.

“My name is Ryan, uh,” he thought, “I moved here from a city just above though I was born here in Vegas. Er, I play the guitar-“

At this one of the popular and plastic girls gave a suggestive ‘oo’-ing sound and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“Thanks,” his smile was amazing as he flashed it in her direction. “Er, I’m 16 years old, I like to street and club dance, and I’m single.”

The applause radiated and showered the boy in all his glory. I, meanwhile, rolled my eyes. Great, the last thing I need, another guy that’s better than me to stand over my shoulder and make personal rude commentary on every move I make.

When class ended I swept my books off the table and smacked Jon in the back of the head, waking him from his sleep.

“Lets go,” I urged, looking off in a random direction, quite pissed.

“Whats you’re problem?” he asked, standing up with his things and reading my expression.

“I don’t have a problem,” and I jerked him by the back of his collar out the door.

“God, Brendon, cool it!” His attempts to calm me didn’t work very well. Its not that I was mad at the Ryan kid, I was just mad that before I even got to talk to him (not that I was planning to) the popular people ate him up in a second.

He was probably popular at his other school, too. He probably got all the girls there. He probably lives in this great big house and has two ideal American parents and has 2 little sisters who worship him. He’s probably rich, too.

Its not as if I had a shot at saving him. Then again, maybe its really just damnation and I think its saving him.

“Wait!” someone called from behind me. Out of natural response, I turned around, staring angrily. Until I saw who it was.

“You forgot this in the class room. You are Brendon Urie, right?”

My homework with the doodles on the back lay in his hand, and all I could do was stare at him.

And all he could do was stare back.

Jon interrupted, breaking the trance. “Yes, he’s Brendon. Youre the new kid…er…Ryan?”

“Um, yeah, that’s me.” He smiled, looking from me to his feet.

At this point, I’m pretty sure I’ve scared the poor boy. But what do I do when pure gorgeousness stands before me? I can’t look away, that’s a disgrace to its wonderfulness.

And anyways, this boy is way beyond me. He’s already got a line of girls waiting to show him a damn good time. I’m just the kid that never gets a say.

I pushed the glasses up my face to distract me, but it didn’t quite work. I figured Jon could be my translator.

“Well, although Brendon’s being a gayass and not speaking, he thanks you.” And Jon took the paper with a nod.

Ryan laughed, that smile showing up again. “Alright, no problem.” And he vanished in a crowd of people.

“Dude, you are so desperate.” Jon shook his head.

“I am not!” I snapped back, and the argument lasted all the way out the door.

© Copyright 2008 xxhHxx (xthatgreengirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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