Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1435036-Chapter-2-Its-all-About-the-Fight
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1435036
Let the battle begin.
It’s all About the Fight

I do not know what I was doing. I was not thinking, okay I was, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I was running back, back to the place that I had spent the past decade or so. All I knew is that had felt like an eternity. One question kept running though my head “what have I done?” I could not believe how naive I had been, so engrossed in my work that I could not see the truth what was really going on.
By the time I had gotten back to the lab it was nearing night. I cast my self into the increasing shadow and waited for my moment to strike. I had to get in there, but I did not have a plan at that moment. No only thing I knew was that I had to stop the mass production of that formula if it was the last thing I did. The spot lights grazed over the grass waiting for any sudden movement. It passed over me with out a second glance and gave me my opening.
I bolted for the door hoping, praying that the guards were on break. God must have been cheering for me because the guards were gone and the door was unlocked. I slowly opened the door not making one sound. I looked around, the hallway was unlit, that gave me the assumption that everyone was gone and I was free to end this terrible production.
I sprinted down the dark corridors knowing I would be spotted on camera, but what would it matter; I was going to destroy the facility anyway. I kept running till I came upon my old office. “SHIT!!!” my office was empty; everything to the smallest dust particle was gone. There was absolutely no proof that I had ever worked there for those many, many years. The day before I had announced my success I hid a vile under a tile just in case, not knowing if I could trust the pale skinned man. I slowly walked over to the spot I had hid the vile. It was gone. How could they have known where it was? I had made sure that it was ever so carefully hidden, I could not believe it.
Then I saw it, it was hidden in my desk, a camera placed in the eye of an eagle carved in to the desk it’s self. I started to fly in to a rage like no other. “How the hell could I have possibly missed that camera?” I yelled not caring if I was heard “I have spent the past ten years working, sweating. How did I miss it?”
I then heard the door open behind me, it was him “Hello, Andrew, back so soon?” he snickered under his breath obviously amused by him self. “Your wonderful creation is no longer here but on its way to be mass produced, isn’t that fantastic.”
I turned around and looked him in the eye and said “You son of a bitch. I wasted away my life working for you and what do I get in return? I get a death sentence and my life’s work stolen.”
“Yes, and now I am going to fulfill that death sentence,” next thing I knew he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me “see you in hell!” He shot the gun but luckily for me that old coot had no aim. He also was completely oblivious that he had missed so I fell to the ground with a plan in mind. “Any last words Andrew?” he asked as he pointed the gun to my head.
“Yeah,” at this my plan went in to action; I kicked out the pail man’s knees and watched him tumble. I stole his gun from his trembling hands and said “learn to shoot jack ass.” and ran for my life. I ran into the control station and activated the self destruct system and made out for the woods before I became part of the ruble. I dove into the bushes and saw the explosion I had caused and stated under my breath “You deserved it.”
Content with my work I fell asleep and when I woke up I saw something that still gives my nightmares to this day. It was a colossal city floating above the earth big enough to blot out the sun.
To be continued….

© Copyright 2008 Jack Micdevit (flip724 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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