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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1434885
Girl becomes pregnant, thought a virgin. Was raped, wisdom teeth out. Not full story.
Her imagination is spiraling. "What am I going to do?" Her thoughts raced, "how did this happen?"
Well she knew how it was supposed to happen. Her mother had explained to her the birds and the bees side of life since she was six. But she couldn't understand how it happened to her; it just didn't make any sense.
Fear and confusion had been hitting her for weeks and now the reality of it all was thrown in her face.
A couple weeks back she had been having some weird symptoms, at first they were nothing too big, but everything escaladed until she was dragged into the doctor's by her frantic mother.
She came home from school to an empty house. Her mom was on an important business trip in Ohio, her twin brothers were still at the high school and her dad wouldn't get home till late.
This peace gave her time to cool off and take a nap that lately she had been in desperate need of.
She woke up, head pounding, to the twins as they came home and loudly moved around the house.
"BE QUIET!" she screamed as she grabbed the pillow from beneath her head and chucked it as hard as she could at the opposite wall where the boys were laughing about something. What, she did not know.
She quickly regretted her last move as she laid her head against the flat cold surface of the sheets where her pillow had rested just moments before.
She tossed around in her bed as she tried to fall back asleep, but between her aching head and the lack of a comfy pillow, she just couldn't do it.
Frustrated, she got up and settled on a hot shower.
The steam started to relieve her head as she stood there with her eyes closed, allowing the steaming water to hit against her back.
The twins, Ethan and Jordan, sat on the black kitchen bar stools and ate their snack of Dingdongs and peanut butter when they heard a great thud from the bathroom where their sister was taking a shower.
They looked at each other quizzically before Jordan quickly touched one finger to his nose and stuffed the rest of his Dingdong into his mouth.
"Fine, I'll go see what happened," Ethan said as he rolled his eyes at Jordan who had claimed 'not-it' with the swift touch to his nose.
Ethan hopped off his bar stool and walked up to the bathroom door.
"Mariah, are you alri...," he started to shout when he noticed her quiet weeping from behind the door.
"Mariah, what happened? Are you okay?" he gently probed.
Looking back into the kitchen, his facial expressions let his twin know that not everything was alright.
Jordan swiftly followed Ethan to the door front where he lightly knocked.
"Open the door sis..."
There was a pause, then a clicking sound as the door was unlocked and then opened to Mariah who was robed but still so wet that her tears were undistinguishable from the water.
"What happened?" asked Ethan with a look of concern.
Through a mutter of tears she stuttered, "I don't know, I was taking a shower and then I just woke up when I hit the bottom of the tub. I think I fainted."
"What? How did you faint?" questioned Jordan.
"Doesn't something have to be wrong with you first?" Ethan asked.
"I don't know what is going on with me lately, things have been really weird," she replied as the recent events haunted her mind.
"Well why don't you go put on some pj's and we will make sundaes and watch your favorite chick flick," declared Jordan as he tried to lighten the mood.
She managed a weak smile and headed back to her bedroom

Mariah sat on her bed, trying to make sense of all that had happened. She had fainted! Why would she have fainted? Maybe Ethan was right, maybe something really was wrong with her.
Grabbing her blue brush off of her night stand she started brushing her long hair as drops of water fell onto her carpet. She just kept brushing and brushing, trying to brush away all of the confusing thoughts.
Realizing that her head was incredibly sore, she set the brush down next to her alarm clock which vibrantly flashed the time of 6:03pm. She was surprised to see how early it was, the day had just seemed so long.
"I can't go to bed this early!" she thought to herself. Her dad wasn't even home from work yet.
The twins' offer of ice cream and a movie had been in part sarcastic, she knew that, but it started to sound like a good idea.
Walking out into the living room she noticed how messy things were, they never really picked up after themselves when mom was out of town, dad was the worst about that.
She walked over to the movie rack and picked out the soppiest movie she could find, then opened the DVD player and popped it in.
The twins groaned to themselves as their stand-up comedian was interrupted by a blue DVD screen, and then the melodious piano intro to "Pride and Prejudice."
They groaned at a record decibel, but as soon as she turned to look at them they stopped and animated their faces for over the top excitement. But the twins couldn't hold that face for long, they burst into laughter at the thought of them being so excited for such a movie, but strangely enough they never stopped her from hitting the little triangle play button on the remote.
Jumping up from the couch, Jordan bounded over to the freezer were he started yanking out the five gallon bucket of vanilla ice cream and at least six different toppings from the refrigerator door.
He scooped himself out a bowl and the added double the amount of toppings as ice cream. Lastly he added a single maraschino cherry atop of his mountain of spray cream. His creation was complete!
"Hey, you wanna make me a bowl?" asked Ethan.
"Get it yourself SUCKER!" he shouted as he jumped over the back of the couch and slid into his seat while his ice cream slid dangerously around in his bowl.

© Copyright 2008 Mercedi (mercedi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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