Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1434663-The-Trip
Rated: GC · Other · Action/Adventure · #1434663
A Friday night, while out of work.
The Trip?

10:28 pm-Body Buzz-ish, weird, pupil-thing happening in the mirror. Approximately 80 minutes after dropping. We'll see.

10:35 pm- Palms sweaty?

10:52 pm- Burning one has become priority one now. I can't get this shit-eating grin offamyface. Life! Beware! Can't spell what I want to spell! Rejoice!

10:56 pm- Frank has to shit. He's terrified by that prospect. My dick is useless right now. I just need to cut it off and mail it to Alaska. They'll freeze it like Walt Disney. Then they'll send it back. Yes!

11:03 pm- Got some pot in now. I feel fuckin powerful right now, sadly.  Jesus, the train's leaving soon. Jesus? Save humanity? Fuck, why not!

11:12 pm- Brian Regan is hilarious!

11:20 pm- But Seinfeld is more...hilarious! I'm for Seinfeld, I'm for Seinfeld.

11:35 pm-Nothing to report. Actually, seeing that it's the beginning of baseball season, I'd now like to declare my undying love for the game.

11:44 pm- "It's when the uppers take me down and the downers take me up, Joe." This is Frank explaining the strategy (?) on how to handle a potential acid trip. Because right now it's only potential. We'll see!

11:50 pm- Decision time: That's so Raven or Weekend at Bernie's?

11:57 pm- OJ is hitting the spot but is it hitting the spot? Or is that something someone said one time? Rambling got too deep, thought too much!!

11:59 pm- The thought right now of being out of work is laced with codeine and citrus. It's not bothering me right now. I'm sure it's supposed to, but it doesn't. I wish I had a Cadillac to drive around in. I need better books to read. I wish I had...better sense of entitlement!

12:15 am- Who is saying hi to Hee Haw's Roy Clark?!

12:17 am- Decision time: Hanna Montana or The TV Land Awards?

12:20 am- Is this it? I hope not. I want more out of fucking this!!!!!

12:30 am- "You're not controlling the ride, Joe.

12:31 am- Why's TV so bad on Friday nights? What?! Urban Cowboy?

12:41 am- The moon looks like an egg that nestled softly in a golden sea shell. Previously, it had a ribbon around it. I am a novice.

12:50 am- We've just entered a superhighway that leads to Texas. Let's roll!

1:11 am- Has it been four hours already? I'm warm and soothed.

1:25 am- What the hell, man! More! I wanna...to be continued.

1:45 am- The pier by the docks by the boats by the fish by the water. Dried up. Pet the funk. Embrace your jukes, sycophants!

2:07 am- Some commercials are more vivid than others. My furry, evil shit of a little cat might be stoned right now. I think he might kill me someday. I love this pen.

2:15 am- Girls Gone Wild!! Only $9.99 ! Girlsgonewild.com! Frank doesn't know this yet, but I ordered him some Enzyte. I hope he enjoys it, like that fella Bob does. It took my mother years to make an edible gravy.

3:02 am- Two next door neighbors and one of their cunt sisters stopped by for 45 goddamn minutes. Only Elzick I didn't want to throw out. So I'm not a HUGE fan of George Carlin. I think he's fuckin' overrated and outdated.

3:04 am- "Go crazy for ten hours or go to jail for ten years."

3:04 and 17 seconds am- Getting kind of hungry. Too early? Too late?

3:08 am- So my roommate Frank has just revealed he hates Stella Artois. How could this have happened? What has Stella ever done to him? Give him sophisticated refreshment at a reasonable price?! Fuck!

3:19 am- All reports are one minute late due to the clock on the wall losing time.

3:31 am- Still kind of pissed though that that fucking CC invaded my home and spewed her filthy, coke-riddled venom in every which direction. I'll forgive her though. It would suite me. Word.

3:47 am- Left foot, right foot. I can't be too picky, stupid, stupid, stupid. Fuck Bob and fuck his Enzyte.

3:48 am- Thing to do  before I die: participate in a parade.

4:00 am- I honestly don't mind Roger Loge.

4:37 am- Y'all know my quandary regarding NBC's To Catch a Predator. I think it's blatant exploitation of America's retarded. It's cruelty pushed forward by America's thirst for humiliation and being humiliated. It makes un-ironic mockery of America's legal system. It is sick, it is twisted, it is fear-infusing, it is right-wing rock n' roll. It is heartbreaking, embarrassing, painfully and outrageously cunning. Sneaky. Too bad, for these unlucky dudes are branded for life. They are eternally and oh so sincerely screwed. For the rest of their lives. They can never look at their wives, children, friends, coworkers, acquaintances or anybody they have ever met, just once even, in the eye again. They walk out of jail, teary-eyed, already dead. America weeps, then laughs. Or laughs, then weeps. But the problem is, I can't look away. I, me, am part of the problem. It's me who's up at 4:52 in the morning watching this horseshit. That's why it's on at 4:54, because guys like me are up to watch it. Sorry, America! Chris Hansom will save us! Chris is the boyishly good looking knight in the nice suit. He's bringing these sick sons-of-bitches on their hands and knees, having them pray to their god for a second chance (or third, or fourth...). About time, eh?
Indifference has suddenly overcome me. But 4:52 am will come again. And I'll be ready.

For Bill Hicks
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