Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1434546-Power-Brings-Destiny-Chapter-1
Rated: GC · Short Story · Fantasy · #1434546
Soft vore story about a girl, and another girl, and power.
Power Brings Destiny
Chapter 1 - Destiny Is A Bitch.
By Ashbringer


Carla Rester woke up suddenly. It was yet another one of the bad dreams that she had been experiencing over the last few weeks. Even though the dream was just nothing but a blur the next morning, she knew that the nightmares were the same as the others. Except for one thing: she felt different this time. She had a strange sense of luck coming her way. It could be called luck, even though she personally didn't believe in it. It was hard for her to describe.

Carla had just turned 19, she was in her twelvth grade. She started school a year later than the other kids did, and she always held resentment towards her mother for such a decision. She had long, naturally radiant, blonde hair, emerald green eyes, a well defined face, and what the boys at her school described as an "almost-perfect body". Indeed Carla was stunningly beautiful and fit, but she wasn't happy.

The reason Carla's lack of joy, was because her social life wasn't "all that". She was shy, and she had very little experience with socialising with people her own age. Despite the number of years for which she had been this way, and despite how much she tried to figure out why, she never managed to find a reason. She never managed to make many friends, and those which she got to know- she never got that close with them. Carla was surrounded by loneliness, and she hated herself for the way she was.

Carla took up her routine as she woul'dve done any other day, despite the intrusion of nightmares into her life. She showered, dressed, packed her bags, and began the short walk to school- which was just down the road. The day would've passed on as any other schoolday would- slowly- if it weren't for that strange feeling returning to her. She was walking down the passageway between lessons, and crossed pathes with Tania Clark. Tania was the epitome of beauty. You could ask anyone to compare the appearances of Tania with Carla's, and Tania would always top, by far. Tania's life seemed perfect to Carla. Tania had amber brown hair and bright blue eyes, which went along well with her slender fit body, well tanned skin, and a gorgeos face. Tania was never seen with anything less than a smile on her face. She hated Tania, but envied her at the same time. As they crossed pathes, their eyes met. What would normally be nothing but eye contact, was something else to Carla. She could've sworn she had seen something in Tania's eyes in that brief second which passed. It was the look in her eyes... like Tania was contemplating something. They never crossed pathes again that day, but they never spoke to each other anyways.

Carla's afternoon passed on monotonously, she spent her hours in front of her computer, playing games. Gaming was her "comfort food"- they kept her mind of the problems in her life.

The night was particularly hot, even for South African weather. Carla would naturally refrain from sleeping nude, as she feared that her parents would intrude and that the covers would be off. She tried to withstand the heat, but eventually gave in and stripped off her pyjamas... and eventually her undies. Hours passed by, where miserable thoughts of having to wake up, sleep-deprived, in only a few hours, raced through her mind. She was getting desperate for sleep, random thoughts and memories racing through her mind. She was lost in thought, and sleep started looming over her. Then the memories of the strange feelings of the day met her mind, and suddenly she felt like she had fallen into cold water. Such a feeling would have been welcomed if expected, but such shock woke her up to full alert. She could not explain the feeling, it was so random.. or was it? It hit her as she connected the mysteries which she experienced that day. Her body was tingling all over, but more so over her lips, nipples and privates. She layed back down, her body feeling cooler, and she drifted quickly into sleep.

To wake up the next morning would have been a miracle. But she never made it to morning- A deep humming echoed through Carla's small white room. The sound was consistent, but it wasn't loud- it couldn't even wake a light sleeper- but it woke her. She was a heavy sleeper. When she realized that the sound was coming from in her room, she rose to full alert. She wasn't to friendly with bugs and such, and this sound gave her the idea of something big in her presence. She was eager to reach for the light switch.. and the door. But before she could stand up, a light formed in the corner of her room, the corner where she was about to head. She froze. The light took a shape, it was sky blue in colour, and formed a circle. The circle divided into rings, along which were intricate runes of some sort. The selection of rings cloned themselves and another identical set rose to the roof. Between the runes, vertical beams of light extended from the floor to the roof. The humming sound became louder. She was stunned, lost in what was happening before her. The beams joined together to form one thick pillar which suddenly exploded, a few seconds later, with a nova of radiance and energy. And just as quickly as the explosion happened, the whole light effect was gone, and silence followed. A minute passed by, and Carla was still sitting on the edge of her bed, trying to make sense of the events. All thought of sleep or misery was gone, only mystery was on her mind. Her nightvision gradually returned to her slowly, and it didn't take long for her to realise that there was something.. or someone standing where the nova of lights had been. She held her breath, trying to hear this thing. She could hear breathing.

"he-he-hello?" She said in a quiet voice.

"Hi Carla..." said a high-pitched, female voice. Carla knew that voice all too well.

"Tania?!" Carla exclaimed. She could see the shadowy figure turn around. The lights came on, and there stood Tania Clark. "Wha-wha-what is-is going o-on?!" Carla stuttered, while forgetting her bareness. Tania just stood there, grinning with her eyes shut. It was a dark grin though, she seemed to have something on her mind. Carla then noticed what Tania was wearing- it wasn't clothes, that much she was sure of. Tania was wearing a robe of some sort, of stained-glass design, with runes sporting it all over. The runes resembled those of which appeared on the portal. Wierd, bone-like structures rested on each of Tania's shoulders. Tania opened her eyes, which appeared to have been focused on Carla while they were shut. At that moment, the runes on the robes began to radiate a bright white incandescence, and a similar gas seemeed to pour from the deep wholes in the devices on Tania's shoulders. Although the appearance was wierd, Tania looked amazing in it. A minute of silence passed by. "Tania?"

"Carla, I am not who you think I am. I have lots to tell you, so listen up please," announced Tania in a serious tone.

"But..." protested Carla.

"I am the Transcendent. I am the hand of the Gods, I am their will. I have my own life, but when they call, I MUST answer, otherwise..." Tania continued, while Carla stared.

A few seconds passed by. "The time has come, and you know it."

"Know what?" Carla inquired softly.

"You know what I mean. You just think you don't. As I was saying..."- Tania looked down at the ground at her feet, and took a deep breath- "Destiny has come... for you, Carla." Tania announced in a mysterious voice. Tania put a foot forward, as to gain leverage against an oncoming force. She pulled her arms back, opened her hands, and a strange incandescence formed in her palms. They grew to the size of her fists. Then Tania threw her arms forths, hurling the orbs of light at Carla- who had only a split second to react. The orbs smashed into her chest, and she was knocked out immediately.

Consciousness slowly returned to Carla. The light shone from the wall, and the other side of the room was looming with shadows. It was clearly still night, so she wasn't out for long. Still lying on her bed, and still struggling to open her eyes, she sat up. However, her legs would normally hang over the edge of the bed when she leant up- but not this time. This strange thought crossed her mind and she forced her eyes open. Everything around her had grown! Tania was still standing there- her immense size made her appear as a goddess. Carla's memory suddenly returned and she realised that nothing had grown- but she had shrunk. Judging her surroundings, she was no more than 4 centimetres tall. She remained silent with shock, until Tania approached the bed.

"TANIAAA!" Carla screamed, now enraged with disbelief at what Tania had done. Tania reached down to the bed, her cleavage exposed. For a brief moment, this sight cleared Carla's mind. She had never felt that way before, perhaps it was Tania's power and beauty that got to her, but she had never been attracted towards another girl. She was tugged back to reality when a giant hand swoopt down and grabbed her naked form. Tania raised her hand to her face, and opened her palm.

"You must understand, Carla, I don't have a choice. If you knew what was coming, you'd thank me," she said unsympathetically as she brought her other hand up, at the same time she was taking the liberty of making herself comfortable, laying down on the bed.

"Tania! What the fuck are you talking about?!" exclaimed Carla. She knew she was naked, but she didn't care. She doubted much could be seen anyways, considering her current proportions.

Tania raised her free hand above the other, and extended her thumb and index fingers, and picked up Carla by her sides, and brought the tiny being closer to her face... closer to her mouth.

Like a bolt of lightning, Carla was just struck with panick, with reality. "Tania?" she whimpered, finding it hard to react. "What are you doing...?"

"What They do," Tania stated, and she raised her hand and head, moving Carla closer to her mouth. Carla noticed Tania swallow, then gasped as as the giantess opened her mouth. The gaping, glistening maw before Carla truely was an amazing, but intentions were obvious now, and fear was the only thing on her mind right now.

Carla began screaming pointlessly, as a rose-red tongue extended towards her. Carla was lowered onto the tongue, and the capturing grip on her disappeared. Tania raised her head more and began retracting her tongue. Carla was now gripping intensely to Tania's tongue, afraid of falling off. Her knowledge of the human body was minimal, so she was clueless of what her fate really was.

Carla passed the pair of pink lips, and entered the hot, humid mouth. A perfect row of pearly whites came into sight. The tiny girl was bathed in saliva, and her taste caused the goddess to salivate more. She knew there was no hope of escaping. She continued to lay on the tongue- which felt like a wet, living bed. She sobbed quietly, anticipating her doom. The gateway which was Tania's jaw, the gateway between the Hell which Carla was in, and the blessed saviour of the outside, began to close.

Tania didn't waste any time, and swallowed. Carla was thrown to the back of the throat, along with a pool of saliva. The walls of the throat quickly embraced the helpless girl, and pulled her down, feet first. Tania's row of whites were the last thing she saw before the plunge. Not a second later, Carla's body was being massaged, as the oesophagus wrapped her graceful body, and pulled her down, down into the abyss which was the stomach. The pressure around Carla gave way, as she felt herself falling in mid air. It wasn't air though- it was stomach gas. The odour was worse than anything Carla had ever experienced. Similar to breathing in nothing but fresh vomit. She soon landed in a pool of muck, which was thick with chunks of food shifting in it. Carla attempted to get to her feet, but it was no walk in the park doing so. The floor, which was the stomach wall, was soft and slippery, and shifting at the same time. The heat and humidity made it hard to breath, and the horrified meal was constantly choking on the gas.

Carla had anticipated on drowning, but that never seemed to happen. Instead, she layed there, wondering what was coming. Would she be taken into the intestines? Would she drown there? Or will she come out the other end? More questions were posed. Or will she be digested? That one rang a bell. She didn't exactly now how bad it would be, but some idea did happen to cross her mind. Panick-stricken now, Carla was desperate for some hope of release. She began kicking and throwing punches at the stomach walls. It was to no effect though, as the wells just contracted slightly with each hit. The stomach growled and rumbled, and she was thrown down. A slight tingling feeling began all over her skin. She knew what was happening- digestion. Furious panick took over, and she continued to scream and fight her captor. 'If only this bitch could hear me!' she thought to herself, hoping to at least get the chance to negotiate.

On the outside, Tania was still laying in the bed which belonged to her meal. She felt herself slowly drifting off into the calmness of sleep, enjoying the living meal. She could feel slight struggles coming from within her, and enjoyed each one. Some even make her sweat a little, and Tania would mindlessly reach beneath her robes to feel herself, and then quickly retract her hand when she realised what she was doing. It wasn't long till the comforts took over and Tania drifted off into sleep on the soft, welcoming, soon-to-be ownerless matress.

Carla had know idea of what was happening on the outside, she could hear nought but the dreaded gurgles Tania's systems: the steady, relaxed heartbeat from above, the horrid gurgling of the digestive system, and the squealing of blood rushing through the nearby veins and arteries. Fascinating under normal circumstances, where the presence of impending doom would've been absent. Carla gave up her struggles, and accepted her fate. She layed down neck deep in the atrocious juices, hoping to end her suffering quicker. The tingling was gone now, and instead, it had been replaced by a burning sensation. A searing pain which did nothing but worsen.

Carla gathered the breath to say her last words: "Tania," she gulped, "I swear... vengeance shall be mine, you fucking bi-" and she drifted off into a black sleep.

To be continued...
© Copyright 2008 Ashbringer (ashbringer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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