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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1434320
An intense sexual experience one night at the local Azteca. REV 1
My day at the Post Office was over and I was going home. I kept thinking that my job at the Post Office was over and another one was about to begin. I had to go home and make dinner, wash the clothes, do the dishes, clean the house, help the boys with their home work, walk the dogs and do everything else that comes with having a Navy husband who is out to sea. Always out to sea and sometimes I really hate that. Sometimes I really hate him. Today I hate him, I miss him, I love him. All I really want to do is take a shower, sit on my bed, watch TV, smoke a cigarette and drink a glass of wine. I just want to relax. That’s all I really want to do. Things never seem to work out the way we want. Tonight would be no different. Things were not going to go the way I hoped.

Dinner was cooked, the dishes were washed, the boys were both showered, had finished their homework and were watching a little television before bed. Now it was my turn to take a shower and relax. I got undressed, finished my glass of wine and waited for the water to heat up. I looked at my naked body in the mirror and rubbed the stretch marks on my belly. I rubbed my boobs that sag a little more from nursing four babies than they did when I was younger and ran my fingers through my pubic hair and wondered what my husband, 11,000 miles away, was doing. I stepped into the shower and felt the warm water splash over my naked body. The warmth of the water felt so relaxing. I put shampoo in my hair and washed my body with this new brand of soap. I washed my pubic hair as the warm water ran down my body. I could feel my pussy starting to get wet. My clitoris was starting to get hard. I began to rub it a little but decided I was too tired to continue. Maybe I would finish later. Most likely I would just go to sleep.

As I was getting out of the shower the telephone rang, it was Maria calling from her cell phone. She had just completed a horrific day and needed someone to have a drink with. I told her I was too tired but she promised me that it would only be for a little while. She promised, no more than an hour. She wanted to have a drink but didn’t want to drink alone. It seems that she was having problems with her ex husband again. Most likely it had something to do with the way she was raising their children. He always thought she was doing something wrong. Her boss was a sexist pig and life was sucking for her on that day.

I was in the process of getting dressed when she got to the house. I was still in a towel when she came into my bedroom. I was trying to decide what to wear when she picked out a denim skirt that I had just bought for Steve’s homecoming. She said it would look good and since she was wearing a skirt we would match. I really didn’t want to wear it but decided what the hell. I bought it to wear it. It was a little slutty but not too short. It would be ok. Besides it might be fun to see if anyone noticed.

We arrived at the local Azteca around 7 o’clock and they always have good Margaritas during happy hour. When we walked in, the restaurant was packed but there were only a few guys at the bar so we took a booth in the bar and ordered a few drinks. After about an hour into listening about her tragic day and a few Margaritas, a couple of guys she knew from PSNS came in. She waved to them so naturally they came over. She introduced me to Mike and Jeff. I think they were pipe fitters or something like that. Maria asked them to join us so they sat down, ordered some beers and we started talking. It was going pretty well. The one guy, Mike, she seemed to like but his friend was a little odd. He just kind of seemed out of place. He was a nice enough guy. We talked about his job for a while and then we talked about mine. We were just getting to know each other. I ordered another Margarita and he had another beer. I was starting to feel a little tipsy but I was having a pretty good time. I was nice to be out of the house, have a drink and talk to someone other than my kids.

As it so often happens when I drink, I get the urge to smoke a cigarette. Since Washington State passed that new law we weren’t allowed to smoke inside the restaurant anymore. So we had to go outside to a designated area. Jeff, the guy I had been talking with, decided to come outside to keep me company. He wanted to finish our conversation about the stupid things the government is doing, plus he wanted to smoke as well. I smoked the one cigarette I had while we talked. I noticed it was getting late and said I should be getting back. We had been there a lot longer than an hour. Jeff asked me to stick around for a little while longer. At least until he finished his cigarette. It was around mid night and the restaurant was getting ready to close. Our conversation changed our personal lives. I don’t know why but I told him I was separated, which was technically true. My husband had been out to sea for a couple of months and I was separated from him. Jeff had been separated from his wife for a couple of months as well. He was going through a nasty divorce. I laughed and said, been there, done that. I had finished my cigarette and he was still smoking his. He wanted to smoke one more cigarette before leaving so we could finish our talk. He asked if I wanted one of his cigarettes but I didn’t like his brand. I told him I had another pack in my Highlander and that I would be right back. The restaurant had started turning out their lights as the last of the people were leaving. I hadn’t seen Mike or Maria come out yet so I kind of figured they were still in the bar.

When Maria and I got to the Azteca earlier in the evening, it was crowded. There were only two parking spaces left and they were out by the dumpsters around the back. As I walked to the Highlander I kind of wished that Jeff had come with me. It was kind of dark and creepy. You never know who or what could be hiding in the bushes. I unlocked my door and leaned in to get my cigarettes. While I was looking through my center console he came up behind me. It scared the hell out of me when he leaned in, pressing his body against mine, and asked if he could help me find my cigarettes. I said it was ok, I had them. I could feel his hand sliding up the back of my leg. I turned around and said “slow down big guy”. He removed his hand and pleaded that we had been talking for a few hours and things seemed to be going pretty well. I agreed that we were getting along and having a good time. He leaned in and kissed me. I knew it was a mistake but I kissed him back. It had been so long since I had been touched by a man.

His hand started to slide up the front of my leg. Just as he got to the hem of my skirt he stopped and moved his hand back around my waist and then let it slip down to my ass. I’m sure he could tell I was only wearing a g-string. We continued to kiss as he rubbed and squeezed my ass. We were holding each other when he whispered in my ear about how long it had been since he had been with a woman. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, his moist soft voice in my ear and it felt good. I started to quiver a little and I could feel myself getting a little excited. He held me tight around the waist and started to slide his free hand up my leg. I started kissing him again. He placed my hand on his crotch. I pulled it away but thought what the hell and put it back. He held his hand over the top of mine and started to caress his cock through his jeans. I could tell he was getting hard. He let go of my hand, reached under my skirt and started to rub my pussy.

I longed to be touched by a man, to feel special if even for just one night. I pulled my hand away from his crotch and looked into his eyes. He ripped it off my g-string, brought it up to his nose then put it in his pocket. A souvenir I asked. He just smiled as we leaned up against the Highlander. We were in the back of the restaurant, it was dark and there was no one around. He started to rub my pussy. I was really wet and it felt so good and yet it so wrong. He stuck one finger in my pussy and started to pump it faster and faster, deeper and deeper. He was rubbing my clit and it felt so good that I was about to cum but the thought of Steve popped into my head and I just couldn’t do this again. I asked him to stop for a second. He guided my hand down and I could feel his cock straining against his jeans to get free. I lost the thought of Steve and started stroking his cock through his jeans. We started kissing again. I continued rubbing his cock faster. He must have been getting close when he said “please stop”.

He stopped rubbing my pussy long enough to unzip his jeans and pull out his cock. I knew that something that shouldn’t happen was about to. I didn’t want to do anything but just couldn’t help myself. I started stroking his cock again. He wasn’t anything to brag about but he was ok as far as size goes. I was stroking his cock real fast. He was rubbing my pussy again. He told me that we both needed it and we could both get it tonight. He said he was tired of taking cold showers and playing games with little cock teases. He kept rubbing my pussy and I begged him not to stop. I was about to cum when he spun me around, pulled my skirt up over my waist, exposing my bare ass, and bent me over the hood of my Highlander.

I was trying to push back into him when he slapped me on the cheek of my ass. I feel the sting and let out a little yelp. Then he thrust his cock deep into my pussy. He grabbed my hair, pulling my head back as he continued to drive his cock into me. I cried for him to fuck me harder. I could sense by his actions that he was about to cum. I pleaded with him not to cum in my pussy. That I wasn’t on any kind of birth control and I couldn’t get pregnant again. In mid thrust, he pulled his cock out of my pussy and without hesitation he forced it into my ass. A searing pain shot up through my body as he continued to pump his cock into me. I felt like I was going to pass out when he thrust his hips as hard as he could as his body began to spasm in orgasm. He continued to push into me again and again until there was nothing left. He finally pulled his cock out of my ass and released his hold on me. I kept thinking to myself it’s over? I slid to the ground and was pissed that he put his cock in my ass, didn't warn me and I didn’t get mine.

He waited a few minutes and tried to help me up but I didn’t want him touching me. He apologized and said it was all a terrible mistake. I told him I had his cum in my ass, that he should have asked or at least let me know before he did it and that I didn’t get mine. He tried again to help me up but I slapped his hand away. I was screamed at the inconsiderate fuck to get away from me. He stepped back and apologized. Told me I looked pretty. That I had good taste in cars and blah, blah, blah. I looked up at him and laughed. At least he was trying. Finally I let him help me up. I leaned against the hood of the car trying to regain my composure. My legs were trembling as his cum oozed out of my ass. I looked back at the tattoo of his hand print on my ass and started to giggle.

Mike came around the corner. I was a little incoherent and could barely make out what they were saying to each other. It seems my friend Maria had found another ride home. I guess she thought I had left with Jeff. Mike and Jeff talked for a few minutes and then they came back. They wanted to know if I wanted another go around and promised that this time I would definitely get mine. I said, I don’t think so. The mood is pretty much gone. Then Mike pulled out a joint and asked if this might help out a little. I said it depends on how good it is. They both laughed and said “it’s real good”.

Jeff stood by me as Mike passed the joint. I took a hit and passed it to Jeff. It really was good. I was feeling pretty fucked up after the second hit. Jeff reached up and guided my head down. His cock was pointing to the moon. I couldn’t believe he was ready to go again. He pushed his cock into my mouth. I could taste his cum from before. I started to gag a little but he held my head and continued to push his cock down my throat. Mike walked up and began to unzip his jeans. His cock was huge and I knew there was no way I was going to be able to give him a blow job. Jeff pulled his cock out of my mouth and stepped back to give Mike room. Mike grabbed me under the chin and proceeded to push his cock into my mouth. I gagged immediately and he pulled out. He pressed his cock against my lips and slowly pushed it deeper and deeper into my throat. I started to gag and he pulled out a little. I relaxed and started on him again.

Mike grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. I said “hey” and Jeff piped up “what the fuck”. Mike apologized saying he didn’t mean to pull my hair like that. He turned me around and bent me over. Jeff was standing in front of me. He took his cock and pushed it into my mouth. Mike took his huge cock and thrust it deep into me. He held me by my hips and he started to pump more of his cock into my pussy. He was fucking me real fast and real hard. His huge cock was sliding all the way into my pussy. I could feel his pubic hair against my ass. Jeff kept pushing his cock down my throat. He told Mike not to cum in my pussy because I wasn’t on any kind of birth control. Mike said cool, and while he continued to pump his cock into my pussy he started sliding one finger, then two in and out of my ass. Jeff’s cock was normal size and it hurt like hell. I kept thinking, if Mike was going to try to put his cock in my ass it was going to cause some damage.

Mike pulled his cock out of my pussy and told me to relax. He placed the head of his cock against my little brown bud and started to push. I felt that lightning bolt of pain shoot through my body as Mike pushed the head of his cock into my ass. He slowed and waited until I was ready. The pain faded as he reached down and started to rub my clit. Now his cock was a good 10 inches long. The biggest cock I had ever seen. He was porno big. Slowly he worked it inch by inch into my ass. His rhythm was slow at first but then picked up. He fucked quite a bit harder and faster than Jeff. I could feel that Jeff was about to cum again. He pushed his cock down my throat and held it there until he came. I could feel his cock spasm as he pumped his cum down my throat. I could feel what I couldn’t swallow drip out of the corner of my mouth. Mike was no where near being done. He continued to concentrate on my clit as he pumped his cock into my ass. I remember Mike’s fingernails digging into my hips as he thrust the entire length of his cock into my ass and came. He came again and again in violent jerking motions which sent me over the top. My orgasm was so intense that I almost blacked out. One after another they ripped through my body. I was spent as my sweat covered body collapsed on the hood of my car. Mike pulled his cock out of my ass, Jeff helped me clean up and compose my self and we all kind of sat back and laughed.

We smoked another joint and then Mike helped me to my feet. I readjusted my skirt. They got a kick out of looking at my pussy while we got stoned. Men are so stupid. He helped me to the driver’s seat of my Highlander. I told them that I doubt I would be hanging out with Maria any time soon as she just sort of left me. Although the night turned out ok and I ended up having a good time she’s not much of a friend. They both agreed it was pretty shitty what she did. They asked if there was any chance of getting together again. I replied, “I really doubt it. It was fun but I am married. Then again, you never know.” As I drove out of the parking lot I wondered what was I going to tell Steve?
© Copyright 2008 Scorp739 (scorp739 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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