Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1433589-Time-Flies
Rated: E · Short Story · Personal · #1433589
Helena is triying to get through high school but it's not going fast.
                  Helena Paterson walked out of the airport and was looking for her parents. She was at camp for the entire summer, working as a counselor. It was nerve-racking for her because she was in a new place and was going to a new school for her senior year. She wanted to get through the year with high marks and maybe a social life.' This airport is really crowded' thought Helena as she scanned the crowd for her parents.  They weren't in her line of vision. Both of her parents, Alan and Maria Paterson, were in law enforcement. They didn't have to move around usually but they were working on a four-year investigation/ case that meant Helena had to go with them. "Helena!" said a woman. Helena's head whipped around and she saw her mother and father. She walked towards them and walk to the car. As she looked out of the window, she realized that it was the beginning of a new life and she was excited, but she knew it would be hard.


         Helena was in homeroom, doodling aimlessly in her spare notebook. Everyone at the school ignored her. She was lonely since it was almost October and she had no friends. Helena was nice when people asked her for help, but when she asked for help they ignored her. It seemed as if she the ugly duckling of the school. The label "the swans" gave her was " the new girl" otherwise, fresh meat. The teachers were nice to her, but they were the only ones. What Helena didn't need was the title of "teachers' pet" stuck across her forehead.  This year would take forever.

         Helena was sitting in her last period class, talking to Avon and Derek. The way these three became friends was an unusual tale. Helena was walking down the hall and some jock bumped into her. The jock was Mark Martins, the quarterback of Golden Gate High. She just kept walking but he yanked her around her around and threw her towards the lockers. His friends came and huddled around them. All of but one of Mark's cronies was there to help Mark in whatever he was planning. Derek Kingsman, the foward of the team. Mark pushed Helena towards on of his friends. That person shoved Helena to another and that went on for a while before Derek and Avon Goodman, his friend, walked by. Helena was starting to get dizzy by the time Derek pulled her out of the circle. He proceeded to get everyone away from the scene. Avon got a teacher who called the vice principal. The guys were all suspended from playing football. They weren't really good at it anyway, and the team that replaced them actually won some games. Derek and Avon started to talk to Helena after that incident. She thought they felt sorry for her. But soon, the trio became very good friends. It was December. Things were getting better for Helena or were looks deceiving?


         Helena's world went from all right to bad, really bad.  Avon had finally gotten up the courage to ask out Derek, even though she knew that Helena liked him. Nonetheless, Helena was happy for her two friends, but only for 2 months. Something was going to happen that concerned Avon and Helena knew it.  She watched Avon closely for the next few weeks. Avon might've been her best friend but she still had to look out for Derek. Unfortunately, Derek was completely oblivious to Avon. He had to find out the hard way. Helena and Derek were in the mall one day when they Avon. She was kissing another guy. It just so happened to be Mark Martins! Derek was furious with Avon. He asked Helena if she knew. Of course she denied it but she told him she had her suspicions. Derek was too mad at Avon to even consider what Helena had just told him. It was April, so close to the end of the year. All Helena could ask was why.


         Derek and Avon were on end for a good month before Avon apologized. It was still rocky, but they were on speaking terms. It was uncomfortable between the three. Mark and Derek became friends and Mark apologized to Helena for what happened at the beginning of the year. Helena wasn't fully convinced but accepted his apology anyways. Avon and Mark started to go out. They were a good match for each other. As for Derek and Helena, they started to go out., but not before they made a pact. They promised if the dating didn't work out then they would always be friends.. That pact never really got a chance to rear its head. Derek and Helena were perfect for each other.  Avon and Mark went to Massachusetts over their summer break. No one ever heard from them again, except for the occasional postcard from some exotic place. Helena and Derek stayed in New York. Derek became the head of a big company. Helena became a forensic detective.  They had no kids but are married.  Helena knew that time flies, literally.

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