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Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #1433557
About alot of middle school drama. Show your teenage girls this!
The Disappearing Friends
By Gracie Brown
Chapter 1:The First Day Of School
"Do I look alright?" It was the first day of school. They were starting junior high! They were finally 6th graders. "Duh!" Steph said. Steph was Karissa's best friend. Steph was over helping Karissa pick out her 1st day of school outfit. "How about this?" Karissa held up a Black skirt and hot pink shirt. "Ahhhh..." Steph hesitated. "Nah." Karissa gave her a piercing look. "Ding Dong." It was Molly and Grace. They are all Best Friends. Molly was wearing a Brown skirt with Brown high heels and a brown shirt with brown earrings and a brown headband. Molly likes dressing in 1 color. Grace was wearing dark jeans and a hot pink tank top. Steph was wearing a purple turtleneck and an orange skirt. Karissa was wearing an orange shirt with a black skirt. "Cute, you guys." Karissa said. "Lets go!" "This looks so weird! All these older kids." Karissa exclaimed. "Get used to it." Grace said. "Hey!" Christina, a 7th grader said. "Hey Molly. Hi Grace. Who are your little friends?" "This is Karissa and this is Steph." "Christina is the most popular girl in the school." Grace whispered. Molly and Grace follow her. "What was that all about?!" Karissa and Steph say to eachother laughing.
Chapter 2:Losing friends
"Hello?" Molly answered. "Hey." Karissa said. "Who was that one girl?" "Oh, she is my neighbor. I'll probably be hanging out with her alot now. We are going shopping." "Okay,well see ya." Karissa called Steph. Karissa asked Steph to come over. "Sorry." Steph said. "Gail is coming over. "GAIL?!" Karissa exclaimed. Gail was the meanest girl ever! "What? What did you say?" "I know she is kind of mean, but I need to get a little bit popular!" Karissa hung up. "Maybe Grace isn't busy." Karissa thought. "Hello?" Grace said. "Are you busy?" Grace sounded as if she was in a rush. "Yes! Miley wants me to come to her b-day party. Yeah!" Grace squealed. "Cool." Karissa said, sadly, as she hung up.
Chapter 3:No more friends
"Hi." Gail said snottily. "Hey." Karissa said. " Do you want to sit by us at lunch?" "Sure." Karissa said. "Well then, thats never going to happen. Too bad!" Steph fake smiled. As they went away, Steph mouthed "Sorry." Karissa glanced over to where Molly was sitting. She was sitting by Christina, and all Christina's friends. Karissa caught a glimpse of Grace and Miley.They were talking and giggling. Steph was sitting with Gail. "Hey." Amanda startled Karissa. "Hey." They used to be best friends. "Can I sit here?" Amanda asked. "Sure." Karissa said. Karissa told Amanda about what happened to all her friends. Amanda said the same thing happened to her friends.
Chapter 4:At least one friend
"Ring Ring." The phone said. "Hello?" Karissa said. "Hey. It's me, Amanda. You want to come over?" "Sure." Karissa said into the receiver. When she walked to Amanda's house, she saw Grace and Miley in Grace's room, laughing their heads off. Karissa told Amanda about what she saw in the window. "What is up with them? Why are they always giggling?!" Amanda said. "I know!" Karissa said. They started laughing. They went on the computer. They danced and sang to music. All the fun stopped as Amanda's Mom came in. "Girls, Trevor is trying to sleep. Keep it down!" They did this every day after school. Amanda's Mom always came in and said the same thing. Amanda and Karissa were starting to be best friends.
Chapter 5:The Worst News Ever!
"La,La,La!" Karissa and Amanda were singing. Amanda's mom appeared at the door. "Amanda, can we talk to you. Karissa can come to." Amanda and Karissa shot eachother a glance. "The last time she said that with the tone that she did was 5 years ago, when my grandparents died in a car crash." "Well, Amanda. Your father got a new job." Amanda's mother said. "So, why is that so bad?" Amanda asked curiously."It's in New York. We are moving." "WHAT!! KARISSA AND I JUST BECAME FRIENDS AND YOU ARE SPLITTING US APART?! YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE!" Amanda screamed as she ran up to her room. Karissa followed. "Sorry I had a major blowout out there." "Apology accepted." Karissa said.
Chapter 6: The moving truck
"Bye! Drive safe." Amanda was leaving. Karissa walked into her house. "I guess I'll have to survive life without any friends. Starting now. Huhhhhh!" "Don't be such a drama queen!" her mom exclaimed. Karissa called Steph, Molly, and Grace. Molly said they had "plans" with Christina. Grace was going to Miley's house. Steph was going to Gail's house. Karissa babysat her little brother, Trenton. "Ring, Ring." Karissa's hot pink cell phone with sparkles on it said. "Hello." Karissa said glumly. "Hi. It's me, Amanda." It had been only a day since she left. It felt like a month. "Guess What? My mom told me we only have to stay for 1 year! We will have 7th grade together!" Amanda exclaimed. "Cool! I gotta go."
Chapter 7:Together at last?
"Ahhh! Gross. Chantelle is picking her nose." Karissa was sitting by Gail and Steph. She didn't have any other place to sit. "OH MY GOSH!" Gail said. "Look at Jason. He is so dumb. He thinks 5+5=10. Everyone knows it is 12." Gail said."Oh, just shut up. First of all, you need a math tutor. Second of all, stop making fun of people. Third of all, I am leaving this table for eternity. Karissa walked away. "Karissa is right." Steph said. "Yeah!" Everyone agreed. Everyone walked away from Gail. Grace came over to Karissa and Steph at recess. She was crying. "What, What's wrong?" "Miley said I wasn't her friend!" She said between sobs! "Why?" "She said her life is complicated with out a me always making plans." "Stop! Leave me alone!" The girls heard someone scream. It was Grace. She stomped over to the girls. "Christina is trying to make me do stuff that is not right to do. They want me to steal from the school store and now since I declined they won't stop pestering me about it!" "So, since we all had a bad experience with friends today, Do you all want to be a gang again?" "Yeah!" They all said in unison. "Friends?" "Friends!" They all repeated.
The Disappearing Friends 2
Chapter 1: Sold
"Look what is in the newspaper. The Pawelski's house FINALLY got sold. I wonder who is going to move there. I hope it's a girl our age." The Pawelski's lived across the street. "The house got sold to the Reimer's. They are expecting to move in on September, 1st." Karissa read from the newspaper to Grace, Molly, Steph and Amanda, who was on speaker. "Hey Karissa, remember, I am moving back in a week on September, 1st. "Oh, Yeah!" "Yeah!" All the girls squealed.
Chapter 2: The New Girl
"This is gonna be the best day of my life! Amanda is coming, and the new girl, Brittany is coming. She is in our homeroom." "Class, Class settle down. I need everyone to take their seats. It is the first day of 7th grade for everyone in this pod and everyone is excited. We do have a new girl named Brittany." "Hi ya'll! I'm Brittany." A girl in a basketball shirt and gym shorts appeared. "Ahhhhh.... I think you are supposed to be in the gym. It is that way." Alex said. "No, I am Brittany, the new girl. I am looking for room 198. Oh, look it says room 198. What a coincidence." "This girl is definently not afraid to stand up for herself." Grace whispered to Karissa.
Chapter 3: Amanda's Return
"I'm back!" A girl burst into the classroom. Karissa didn't recognize the girl at first. "It's me, Amanda." She looked so different. Karissa ran up and hugged her. At lunch Karissa, Steph, Grace, Molly, and Amanda sat together. Brittany came up and said "Hey ya'll, wassup? Can I sit by ya'll?" "Uhhhhh..." Grace hesitated. "Sure you can." Karissa blurted out. "Thanks ya'll!" "Uhhhh....." Grace said. "Your Welcome?" "You guy's, I am just talking in that weird accent because I don't want people to start to like me a ton and act like my shadow. When I saw you guys I knew I wanted to be your friend." Brittany said in a low voice.
Chapter 4: Brittany
"Adios." Karissa said. "I am sorta getting the hang of this spanish thing. That class is challenging." Brittany and Karissa were talking on the phone. "Hey, you wanna come over?" "Su, Wait, I have another call. Hello?" "Hi! You wanna come over." Amanda asked. "Well.... I'm kinda goin' to Brittany's. Sorry." "Well, okay then. Bye." "Hey, Are you still here, Britt?" "Yep." "Well then, sure I'll come over."
Chapter 5: Brittany This, Brittany That
"Hey, Manda. Wanna sit with us?" "No, I have better places to sit." Amanda walked over to Leah, Gail's sidekick. Amanda sure has changed. All she wants to do is be popular. Grace, Steph, and Molly walked up. "Hey, wanna sit with us?" Karissa asked. "Nah!" Steph said. "We are sitting by Gail, Leah, and Amanda." "Well, okay then. Bye." Karissa said glumly. "You may go out to recess, if you want." Miss. Mol, the lunch aid said. As they were leaving Karissa overheard Molly saying in a mocking voice, "Lately, all Karissa talks about is Brittany. Brittany this, Brittany that." All the girls giggled.
Chapter 6: Yes or No What?
Karissa and Brittany were sitting together, while Gail, Amanda, Leah, Molly, Steph, and Grace were sitting on the other side of the lunch room. Their table was know as the popular table. Amanda and all the other girls were starting to wear makeup. "You may go." Miss. Mol said. "Yes or No?" Karissa overheard Molly saying. "No!!!" The girls yelled back. "No Way!!!!" " Yes or No what?" Karissa asked. "Nothing." Steph said.
Chapter 7: Chillax!
"No! You can't! You wouldn't." The popular table was screaming and sobbing! "I have to." Gail said. "You can't move." Amanda sobbed. "Uhh... guys, chillax. It is only a long vacation. For 1 month." "Well, that makes it better." Everyone stopped sobbing. "Hey, guys. I'm still gonna be gone. Keep sobbing. We need people to come ask what is wrong. Duh!" Everyone starting sobbing once again.
Chapter 8: Friends Again?
"Gail's gone." Amanda whispered to me. "Yeah, I heard." Karissa said. "The town isn't going to be the same without her." Karissa said, sarcastically. "Hey, Chillax. It is only going to be for 1 month." "Yeah, I know. Hey, Sorry I was kind of being mean." "You should be." Karissa said sarcastically. "Friends?" "Friends." They said. "Oh Yeah. I've been meaning to ask you why you said yes or no." Karissa said. "Yeah." Brittany said. "Umm... Uhhh." The girls stuttered. "Can we talk to you Karissa?" "Yeah." "Okay." Amanda whispered. "We were asking everyone if we should let you and Brittany join our group. We said yes to you but no to Brittany." Amanda worked up the courage to tell Brittany the truth. She said that she's moved alot and people always treat her like that and she is used to it.
Chapter 9: A New Group
Amanda stopped hanging out with Gail when she heard Gail was causing serious trouble in her new town. Now, the group was Amanda, Karissa, Grace, Molly, Steph, Brittany, and 2 new girls named Katie and Jaylen. They were known as "The Glamour Girls." Whenever there were new girls, they let then join the group. "Rinnng!" the school bell said. The principal came on the loudspeakers and yelled "Schools Out!" I wonder what will happen this summer.........
The Disappearing Friends 3
By:Gracie Brown
Chapter 1: School's Out
"School's out!" Jaylen, the new girl screamed. "Even though I've only been at school for 1 month, I am already tired of it!" "Yeah!" Katie, her best friend said. It seemed like they were separated at birth. They look alike, they sound alike, and they are with eachother every moment. Amanda, Karissa, Molly, Steph, Grace, Brittany, Jaylen, and Katie, "The Glamour Girls" got onto their buses. Karissa and Jaylen rode bus 25. Katie rode bus 27. Steph rode bus 11. Molly rode bus 13. Amanda and Grace rode bus 8. Brittany rode bus 21. "See ya, Mr.Westman! We'll miss you this summer!" Karissa said to her teacher, Mr.Westman. "See ya this summer, Karissa! Hey, can you guys help me carry up some boxes of books to Mrs. Fee's class room?" Mr.Westman asked Karissa and Amanda. "Sure!" They replied, happily.
Chapter 2: Bye, Bye Bus!
After they were done, they went out to the buses. The last bus had just vanished around the corner. "No!" Amanda screamed. "Why, Why? Why us?" Amanda sobbed. "My mom's gonna kill me!" "Relax." Grace said. "Mr.Westman is still here." They ran into the class. "Hey, girls!" Mr.Westman said. "We missed the bus. Can we call our parents?" "Sure." "Thanks, mom!" Amanda said. They climbed into Amanda's mom, Joanne's, car. "Thanks for the ride, Joanne." Karissa said as she walked into her house. "Mom, I'm home!" Karissa yelled. "Hi! I'm giving Trenton his bath. I'll be right down." Her mom said.
Chapter 3: A Very Wrong Choice
Karissa called Grace, Amanda, Steph, Jaylen, Katie, and Molly to see is they wanted to have a slumber party. Only Grace, Amanda, Steph, and Molly could. The girls came over. "Are you ready to party?" Karissa said. "Yeah!" Totally" "Duh!" "Ya think?" All the girls were screaming. After they did their nails, played tricks on her brother, prank called the neighbors, danced and sung to "Hannah Montana", gave each other makeovers, and had pillow fights, they went to sleep. Karissa woke up at 12:52 A.M. She heard some noises. It was Amanda and Grace. They were arguing. "Go steal some ice cream from the general store." Amanda was saying to Grace. "No." Grace said. "Do it. Or I'll tell everyone that you pick your nose." Amanda was saying. "But I don't." Grace said. "I know." Amanda said. "But the whole school won't know I'm lying." "What's going on?" Karissa said. "Amanda told me to go steal some ice cream from the General Store for her." "Did Not!" Amanda said, pretending to look offended. "Amanda, I heard you!" Karissa said. "Grace was telling me that." "I know your guy's voices. That is really wrong to do, Amanda." Karissa said. "And my mother will be telling your mother about this." Karissa said. Karissa ran up to tell her mom. When Karissa and her mom came down, Amanda was gone. "Where did she go?" Karissa asked. "To the General Store to steal some ice cream." "Oh, Goodness!!" Karissa's mom exclaimed. "I have to go stop her!" Karissa's mom said as she scrambled for her car keys. The other girls went to sleep. It was finally morning. Karissa's mom said it was too late when she got at the general store. The cops had already found her. She had to pay 5,000 dollars all together. 3,000 for breaking the window, and 2,000 for breaking the law.
Chapter 4: Katie's D.S.
"Thanks, Katie!" Karissa said as Katie handed Karissa her Nintendo D.S. Katie was letting Karissa borrow her Nintendo D.S. for a week. On the bottom it even had a touch screen! If she broke it or lost it she would have to pay Katie $119.00! Karissa ran into he house, put a poptart in the toaster and started playing the D.S. She was playing "Nintendogs" when the phone rang. Karissa scurried to answer it. It was Katie making sure nothing had happened to her D.S. "See ya!" Karissa said into the receiver. She ran back to her D.S. It was gone. "TRENTON!" Karissa yelled at the top of her lungs. Karissa's mom ran down. "Shhhh.... Trenton's sleeping." "But he took the D.S." Karissa said. "He couldn't have. I was cleaning right outside his room. He never came out." They heard a noise. It sounded like something was being chewed. Karissa ran to the noise. It was her dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Dash. He had the D.S! "DASH, DROP IT!!!!" Karissa yelled, angrily. He dropped it. It was all chewed on and you couldn't turn it on. Karissa's mom said she would pay for half of the D.S. Karissa had to do the rest. Karissa's mom handed her fifty nine dollars and fifty cents. Karissa ran up to her room. She tore threw her closet all the way back to her babysitting money way in the back of her closet. She had babysat since the beginning of middle school, 6th grade. She counted her money all together, and it came out to be 269.00 dollars!!
Chapter 5: No More Amanda
"You are not aloud to hang out with Amanda anymore, Karissa." Karissa's mom said. "She's never gonna make that choice again, I promise. She was just really tired and couldn't handle herself." "Well, your still not hanging out with her." The phone rang. "I'll get it." her mom said. She came back. "That was Amanda. I told her you were at camp for the rest of the summer." Her mom said. "Why did you say that?" "So she won't call and she'll leave you alone." "What if she sees me?" "Tell her you get to come back once a week to visit. After summer, when Amanda is acting like herself again, you can hang out." "Okay. I'm going to Brittany's." She said.
Chapter 6: Amanda....."Popular?"
As she was walking to Brittany's, she ran into Amanda. "Oh, I thought you were at camp." She said. "Um....Uh....I get to come home to visit once a week." "Yeah, right." Amanda said in a snobby voice. "Oh, hi Amanda." Claire came up. She is mean and popular. "Finally..... A real friend." Amanda said. "See ya later, barf breath." Amanda said. "Yeah, tomboy." Claire said. Tears were swelling up in her eyes. "Oh, the little baby gonna cry" Claire said like a little baby. "You should learn to baysit yourself before you babysit real little brats." Amanda added. Karissa ran off. "Oh, honey." Her mom said when she got home and told her about the affair with Amanda. "Just ignore her." Her mom said. The next day as she walked to Brittany's, of course Amanda and Claire were hanging out, gossiping. "Look at her hair." Claire said, pointing at Karissa. "Dumbo." Amanda fake coughed and said that at the same time. "Loser." Claire did the same. Karissa just kept walking. By the time summer was about over, Karissa was used to ignoring them.
© Copyright 2008 Gracie Brown (ggirl123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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