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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1433550
Short stories looking for feedback
I Want
I lay in bed at night thinking of you. I wonder what you are doing as I close my eyes at night. I wonder if I will dream of you. Will I be with you in the dream? What will we be doing? How can I guide the dream, do the things I think of doing during the daylight hours?
I have saved all the letters you have written me. I keep them in a red, orange, and purple striped box in my closet, on the floor, hidden behind stuff. I don't want anyone to be snooping and find them; the words you have written on the pages are for my eyes only. I can not share them with others, I don't want to. You are my secret.
I have told people minor details about you. I have not revealed much, I don't trust anyone with any personal information. I don't want anyone to know exactly how I feel when I open a recently received letter from you, or when we talk on the phone. No one knows who you truly are, except for me. I am learning more and more every time we exchange a letter or phone call.
I know you have told others about me, and that doesn't bother me. From your letters I gather that your family supports you, and understands where you are coming from. I am so happy to know you have that sort of support system. Unfortunately, my life is not surrounded by the same.
I am alone with my thoughts; taking care of the responsibilities in my life is what consumes all my time. I focus on the daily grind, and try to stay in touch with myself, my family, and my friends. I have you. You make me smile. You make me feel loved. Your words are linked directly to my inner core, I have given you the power to make or break me.
Giving that power to you did not happen over night. It was a slow process. Gradually, through your words, I was wore down and began to believe the words you wrote. I feel every word scrawled on the pages. Those words are my truth. The have become in sync with my thoughts and feelings.
When I am lying in bed at night and am touching myself, your face is what I see. I cry out your name when I am in the throes of an orgasm. It is you I tell "I love you" as I drift into a peaceful slumber, wore down from my exertion.
With all that I have, I still want more.
I want to be your "something better to do".
I want to know you refused going out with your friends because you wanted, needed, to see me.
I want to lie on the couch, with my head propped on your lap while we both read.
I want to cuddle with you on the couch while watching a movie.
I want to argue with you. When you can't take it anymore, I want you to push me against a wall and shut me up with a brutal kiss. I want that kiss to lead to a rough meeting of our sexual needs. I want to feel you thrust into me violently, bringing my body to the fine line between pleasure and pain. I want to feel you come inside of me with a force that takes my breath away. I want to be pressed against that wall while I gasp for air.
I want to pass you in the kitchen and be a smart ass with me. I want you to challenge me, knowing I will meet the challenge just to see what you will do to me. I want you to pin me to the kitchen counter, leaning me backwards, pushing my crotch against your hard cock. I want to feel your mouth on my exposed skin, feel your tongue graze my jaw, your teeth nip at my neck. I want to feel your hands slide into my hair and tug my head back. I want to feel the strain on my muscles, the way I instinctively fight against your motions, and how you force me to your will.
I want to lean on you emotionally. I want to confide stories from my childhood and teen years. I want to not feel threatened by telling you my secrets. I want to hear your secrets, and have you look into my eyes and know that no matter what you tell me, it doesn't change how deeply I feel for you.
I want to know with certainty that you will never try to see so deep into my eyes that you will break through every barrier and catch a glimpse of my soul. I want to know that you will never ask me for more that I feel I can give at the moment. I want you to have complete faith and trust that I reciprocate everything.
I want to move at a pace that suits us both. I don't want to be a perfect fit for you. I want our differences to collide, and for us to disagree on some things. I want to know that our disagreements will not ruin our relationship. I want to know that our disagreements add a distinct fragment to our relationship.
I want us to have separate lives outside of each other. I want to have friends that you are not threatened by. I want to spend time away from you so that when we come together again, we are frantic to reconnect. I want to lose my breath, and feel the rush of excitement when I walk into a room and catch a glimpse of you. I want to see a smile grow on your face as I walk toward you. I want to see the glint of primal urges in your eyes as I approach.
I want you to pull me so close that we become one as we dance, barely moving. I want to feel the full length of my body against your, feel your desire through the motions of your legs and hips. I want to feel the suggestive pressure of your cock rubbing against me through your pants. I want to feel your arms around me, your hands lightly stroking my back, my neck, playing with the ends of my hair. I want to feel your eyes on me. I want your eyes to burn a path wherever to look. I want to feel the pressure in your fingers as you stroke my jaw, running your fingers along the tendons in my neck, feeling my pulse as it speeds up.
I want to hear the desire in your voice, as you speak softly, with hushed words, what you plan to do to me in the near future. I want you to hear the guttural moan your words pull from me.
I want to know that all of the thoughts that run through my head constantly have a possibility of actually occurring. I want to know that my hopes and dreams are not just a figment of my imagination. I want to know that you feel the same way toward me. I want to feel your heart as you share that you feel the same way.
I want.

Rough, Tough, and Tight
Crouching down, I leveled the paintball gun, securing it against my shoulder, and gauged the distance to the SUV. Considering the well-lit parking lot, my shot was clear. I slid my finger onto the trigger, and squeezed.
'Yeah' I thought to myself. Seeing the three fluorescent orange splatters against the dark blue paintjob on the Yukon brought a smile to my face. A door slammed down below, and I dropped flat on the roof. The smell from the drycleaners emanated through the roof, and I wrinkled my nose as it started to burn.
Hearing footsteps on the sidewalk below, I pushed myself to my feet, and hurried across the roof, eager to leave my smelly hideout behind me. Reaching the fire escape, I took the steps two at a time. As I turned the corner, as shadowed passed in my peripheral vision, and I pressed my body into the wall closest to me. The footsteps drew closer and my breathing slowed.
Listening intently, I waited to see who was coming. The steps echoed against the cement, and then faded away. I crept along the wall and quickened my pace, wanting to get to my car that was still a few blocks away.
Glancing over my shoulder as I reached Portage Road, I took a deep breath, my pulse finally slowing down to normal.
Pausing to glance at a window displaying jewelry, I felt the adrenaline run through my body. I had helped get revenge on a friend's ex-boyfriend, and had fun doing it. Feeling excited, I continued on my way to my car. I was comfortable walking the downtown streets at night, even with no other people around. Having grown up in the area, I felt safe and had faith I could protect myself if the need arose.
Rounding a corner, I could see my car in a deserted parking lot in the distance, 'Only a hundred yards till a safe getaway' I thought to myself. With two store fronts and a dumpster before me, I continued on my way. I peered into an alley as I passed it, not stopping my pace. A flicker of silver caught my eye, and I back-tracked a couple of steps. The alley wasn't lit, but wasn't that deep. Ten steps in and I was stopped by a 20 foot brick wall. Looking around at the ground I couldn't see anything that might have glinted in the faint street lights and drawn my attention.
I turned on my heel and started the short walk back to the sidewalk. A few steps from it I felt a hand touch my arm.
"What the..." was all that escaped my mouth before a hand clamped over it. I was pushed against a store's brick wall, into the darkness, and a body pressed close to mine.
"Have a little fun tonight?" A voice questioned. I tried to move my body away from the wall and felt a knee nudge between my legs, securing me in place.
The voice was low and menacing, but faintly familiar. Thinking hard, I tried to place the voice to a face but came up blank. The body pressed against me more and I had difficulty drawing a breath in.
"Why are you always instigating shit?" the voice questioned me. I shook my head in denial. The body leaned closer to me, and the face attached to the voice came into view.
I immediately pushed against his chest. The hand covering my mouth fell away but the body stayed pressed against me.
"Nate, what the hell are you doing? You scared the shit outta me!" I hissed at him.
"You just paint balled my best friend's car and your asking me what I am doing?" he questioned me, his face impassive.
"He never should have slipped that drug in Monique's drink. Payback is a bitch!" I replied.
"Yes it is, yes it is." He said in his southern drawl.
"Would you get off me, I want to get home and call Monique; it is my bragging right after all." I asked.
Nate took a deep breathe in, reminding me how close together we were, and said, "We need to have a little talk."
I stood there, waiting for him to continue.
"Why did you do it?" he questioned.
"I felt like it, what do you care anyway?" I retorted.
Nate leaned his face closer to me, our noses almost touching.
"Why?" he whispered again.
I didn't reply. I looked at him, and raised one eyebrow. Nate reached a hand up and grabbed a handful of my hair. Jerking my head back, he growled, "Answer me."
"Let go of my hair Nate." I said calmly.
He watched my face, waiting for a clue to what I was thinking, waiting for a verbal response.
He clamped his mouth over mine, and kissed me roughly. I didn't move, waiting for him to stop his physical assault. A few seconds passed, and he pulled away, looking at me again.
"No smart ass comments?" he questioned.
"No." was all I could say in response.
He kissed me again, his grip on my hair pushing my mouth against him more. I could feel his tongue probe my lips and I allowed him to slip it into my mouth. Slowly, I joined in the kissing, becoming a willing participant. His mouth tasted deliciously salty.
Nate slid his hand against my scalp, deeper into my hair. I felt his other hand slip around my waist, drawing our bodies fully against each other. I could feel his arousal growing, and moved my hips in response.
I felt my body slam against the wall before my brain comprehended that I was being shoved away. I stood there, motionless, looking at Nate in surprise. Instinctively, I moved to swing at him, and as my fist whipped through the air, he grabbed it and used my momentum to swing me around and back against the wall.
"Nate!" I squealed, "It was just for fun. I didn't do any lasting damage to his fucking SUV! It was just a little revenge!"
"Bullshit! Tell me the real reason why!" Nate yelled at me.
I didn't respond. 'Damn it.' I thought to myself. I wasn't going to explain myself anymore. I refused to. I wasn't anything to him but a pain in the ass linked through mutual friends.
I felt Nate's hand slip into the waistband of my black yoga pants, and slide across my ass as his knee worked its way between my legs, spreading them again. As I opened my mouth to tell him to get his hands off me, two fingers plunged into my pussy, deep inside of me, and all breath left my body.
He moved his fingers in and out, quickly becoming soaked. I could feel my juices coating his fingers and hand. His fingers disappeared and my pants were pulled down to my knees. The cool night breeze blew across my dripping pussy, causing me to shiver.
He pulled his cock from his pants and rubbed the head along my lips. When it was slathered with my juices, he thrust it fully into me. I yelped in pain, surprise, and instant fulfillment. My pussy engulfed his cock with each sway of his hips.
Within moments I was pushing against him, encouraging him to go deeper. Our breathing began to get ragged.
"Mmmm, rough, tough, and tight. What an interesting and rare combination." Nate growled in my ear. I moaned in response and clenched the walls of my pussy around his engorged cock inside of me. I felt rather than heard his throaty laughter in response.
Continuing his thrusting, I angled my hips up and was immediately satisfied when his next thrust brought his cock against my cervix, sending waves of pleasure through my body. Nate felt my body's reaction and repeated his movements. Within 30 seconds I was riding the waves of my orgasm. A few strokes later, Nate groaned deeply and came hard inside of me. The sensation of his come shooting into me brought on a second orgasm and I was having difficulty breathing.
Nate collapsed against me, both of us recovering slowly. I felt his cock start too slid out of me, and he moved the hair that was stuck to my neck.
"Why?" Nate whispered in my ear.
Giving up my inner struggle with the truth, I finally confessed. "I knew you had his SUV for the weekend. I knew you would search out whoever did it. I knew you would catch me."
Nate slid his tongue against the side of my neck, and then bit me hard. I gasped, feeling myself getting excited again.
"Now you have a reminder of a lesson learned. I don't play nice, and I don't play fair." He whispered. 'I know' I thought to myself, hiding my smile.

Leaning over the body on the bed, I felt for a pulse. Acknowledging the thump-thump-thump against my fingers, I straightened.
"How long has she been unconscious?" I asked him.
"For about twenty minutes. How long does the drug last?" He questioned in return.
"She should be waking up in the next half hour, but she won't remember a thing in the morning." I replied.
He nodded his head, a smile forming on his lips. I could only imagine what was going through his mind. Shuddering, I wipe the thoughts away.
"Get her cleaned up, then get out of here, I will handle the rest." I ordered.
He mockingly saluted me and turned toward the sink. I walked out of the room and into my study, where I sunk into my overstuffed couch and got comfortable.
Lost in thought, I ran through the many options of how to work through my problem. I owed this girl, but was worried about the outcome if I followed through with the plan.
A moan from the other room jerked me from my daydream. I stood up, stretched my neck and arms, and walked back to her bound body.
She was looking frantically around the room, trying to figure out where she was at. She finally saw me, and attempted to yell, but her voice came out scratchy and muted.
"How are we feeling honey?" I crooned down to her, rubbing the back of my hand down the side of her face.
She made noises, pleaded with her eyes. I smiled down to her, lowering my head till my mouth rested against her ear.
"You are going to suffer tonight. In the morning, when you wake, the only evidence will be the mark you will carry in your mind. " I whispered.
Straightening again, I tucked her hair behind her ears, and peered down to her until she held the gaze and recognition passed across her features.
I wandered toward the front door, anticipating the knock that sounded moments later. I opened the door and let the gentleman in, admiring his form. He was delectable. I was briefly jealous of the bound female, wishing for a night alone with the gorgeous specimen.
His army fatigues fit snuggly across his ass, held his cock on loving display, and bunched at the top of his boots. The brilliant white v-neck t-shirt displayed his upper body perfectly.
"Explain things to me again. I want to make sure I fully understand." He spoke with authority.
"She is yours for the next four hours. You can express your love to her anyway you wish. Every word spoken and movement you make will leave an impression in her mind, but she will not remember the exact details. At the end of the four hours, you leave, and I will inject the second drug, she will lose consciousness again, and wake in two hours. She will be back in her bed and feel refreshed. The first interaction you have with her tomorrow will begin to trigger her confidence and she will instinctively act accordingly. She will no longer experience the fear and trepidation around men caused by her rape three years ago. Also, she will be able to move past that incident and heal emotionally." I explained.
He nodded his head in understanding and went into the room where she was lying. His eyes roamed over her body, his response immediately noticeable by the bulge forming in his pants.
He took one last glace at me, and then closed the door; the lock clicking into place.
He hesitantly walked toward her, unable to take his eyes from her naked form. She was so beautiful in his opinion, and he wanted to strangle the bastard that turned her into a scared, hidden women. She did not deserve the treatment she received at the bastard's hands, and he was grateful the guilty man was forever behind bars.
Stepping up next to the table that her body rested on, he guided his fingers along the length of her body; slowly dragging them across her skin until goose bumps arose. Her skin felt soft as he continued his ministrations, and was rewarded when she began to moan quietly.
He slid his hands under her back and legs, picked her up, and walked over to the king-size bed. He gently placed her in the center of the bed, arranging her limp limbs comfortably.
He yanked his shirt from the waistband of his pants and up over his head. He was impatient to feel her skin under his, but knew he had to move slowly so that the impression left in her mind did not damage her further.
He placed one foot on the edge of the bed and untied it, then slid it off. He repeated his movements with the other boot, and then unsnapped his pants. Glancing up at her face, he quickened when he realized that she was watching him. Not only that, but she seemed to be interested in his movements. He said a silent prayer that things would work out for the best and proceeded to unzip and remove his pants, pulling his socks off as well.
He walked to the foot of the bed and gently crawled on. He moved until he was between her legs, close to the junction of her thighs. Leaning back on his heels, he slid a hand up, over her stomach, and grasped her breast, lightly pinching the nipple. She immediately gasped, and he leaned over her body, placing his mouth on the other nipple. He took turns flicking his tongue and sucking soothingly on one nipple while moderately pinching and massaging the other. Her moans grew louder as she enjoyed his observant care.
He felt awkward, unused to a companion not touching him in return. The hopeful outcome of the night was the only thing that pacified his mind.
He exchanged his mouth and hand, paying equal attention to both nipples. When she moaned again, he moved up to her neck. He kissed and flicked his tongue across to her shoulders, leaving no bit of skin untouched.
Moving agonizingly slow down her body, he worked his way over her breasts and to her ribs. Outlining each rib with his tongue, he lapped up the flavor of her skin, savoring every inch. Progressing further down to her stomach, he paid the same attention to detail.
He moved his knees down, bringing his mouth at level with her pussy. Angling her legs further apart, he could see a drop of fluid nestled between her lips, and he dipped his head down, licking the dew.
He used the tip of his tongue to lick in between her lips, drawing them open. Raising his hand, he moved the hood covering her clit back and began to rub it in circles with his thumb. Her moans grew louder as he slid his tongue inside her wet pussy, thrusting it in, fucking her with it. Her wetness soon flooded his mouth, and he leaned in further to suck every drop from her. He replaced his thumb with his tongue, taking her clit into his mouth and gently nibbling, sucking, and licking. Her moans turned to screams as she climaxed harshly, while her body stayed immobile. He cleaned her with his tongue, making sure not to miss any juice as it leaked from her pussy.
When she quieted back down, he grasped her legs and spread them further. Her pussy lips pulled apart and he could see the pink flesh inside. He ran a finger along the slit, back and forth. When his finger became slippery he slowly pushed it into her until it could go no further. The muscles around his finger clenched, startling him for an instant.
Slipping the finger out, he reentered her, setting a steady pace until his finger was thoroughly wet again. He added a finger and maintained the speed, moving in tune with the gripping muscles of her pussy.
She began to moan again, and he increased the tempo. He leaned down, sucked her clit into his mouth, and began thrusting his fingers inter her harder. She vocalized the orgasm as it ripped through her body, and he continued the motions, drawing a second orgasm from her rapidly. A third orgasm plunged through her immediately following the second, and he started to slow his movements, releasing her clit from his mouth in the process.
When his fingers were barely moving any longer, he pulled them from her pussy and licked them, enjoying the taste of her on his skin. He could hear her gasping for air, recovering from the onslaught of his attention.
Moving his body over hers, he leaned onto his elbows, placing his hands on either side of her face. Lowering his mouth, he gently nipped and kissed her lips, while sliding his hands into her hair.
When he felt he had her distracted, he plunged his raging hard cock into her, burying it completely inside. He paused, allowing her body to adjust to his thickness and length. As he felt the pressure surrounding his cock lessen, he started a slow pace, pulling his cock almost completely out, and then sliding his entire length back in.
He focused his mind and tried desperately to control his movements, not wanting to come before he was sure he had left a complete impression in her mind.
He felt the muscles in her pussy flex, and began to thrust harder. The sounds escaping her mouth moved him quicker, and soon he was plundering her pussy with no control.
With one final thrust he moaned loudly, his voice mixing with her, his back clenched solid. He relaxed slowly, and pulled his partial hard cock from her pussy, causing her to moan in protest.
Crawling down the bed, he stood on shaky legs. Looking around the room, he found a soft towel, and moved to wet the edge of it in the sink.
He cleaned her gently, being careful not to put too much pressure on her battered pussy. After he cleaned himself up, he put his clothes back on, and walked to the side of the bed.
He braced his hands on the bed, leaned over, and whispered in her ear, "You belong to me."
Standing up, he took one last lingering look at her body, then turned and walked to the door. He turned the lock, opened it, and continued on until he was outside the house. He looked up at the sky; noticed dawn was approaching, and walked down the sidewalk to his car. He needed to take a shower before he began his day.
I moved into the room, flipped open my cell and hit speed dial.
"She is ready to be transported home, be here in fifteen minutes." I said tersely.
I flipped my cell phone shut, pocketed it, and dressed her. Removing the cap from the syringe, I injected the last drug into her. Her eyes fluttered briefly, and then she was peaceful.
Yawning, she awoke slowly. Her muscles screamed as she slowly stretched out. Wearily climbing from her bed, she moved toward the bathroom, flipping the water on. She brushed her teeth as she waited for the water temperature to heat up, then stripped and climbed in under the harsh spray.
She washed her hair and body, stretching her muscles as she went. Turning the water off, she stepped out and wrapped her dripping body in a soft towel. She moved into her bedroom, walked to her closet, and examined her clothing. She pulled out what she wanted to wear, and quickly got dressed.
She became more focused on the thoughts spinning in her head. She thought about how her life had changed in the last three years, and decided that she was tired of being afraid. Smiling to herself, she grabbed her tennis shoes, pulled them on, and hurried toward her front door, grabbing her keys and purse on the way.
She ran down the stairs of her apartment building, across the parking lot and climbed into her car. Moving into traffic, she gradually made her way across town, and arrived in front at his house in less than ten minutes.
Taking a deep, cleansing breathe, she got out of her car, locked the doors, and walked up the path to his front door. Knocking hesitantly, she stepped back when he flung to door open. Half his face was covered in shaving cream and a towel was wrapped around his waist.
"Am I interrupting?" She asked shyly.
"No, no, come on in. I just got out of the shower and was shaving. Give me a minute to finish up and I'll throw some clothes on." He replied.
He sauntered into the bathroom and quickly finished shaving. After wiping his face clean, he walked from the bathroom to his bedroom. She was sitting on his bed, leaning back, resting on her arms.
He stopped, taking in the picture of her on his bed. He could feel his cock getting hard immediately. She glanced down, noticing his arousal, and pushed herself up to stand.
She strolled over to him, placed a hand on his chest and pulled his head down with the other. Their lips met and they kissed. He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling her into his embrace, and she moaned against his mouth.
He wrestled his mouth from hers, looked into her eyes, and seen the passion burning. Picking her up, he carried her to the bed. As he laid her down gently, he smiled at her and said, "It's about time."
She grinned back at him and pulled his mouth down for another long, hard kiss.

The First
My body stills as I hear the door open. Turning on my heel, the air evaporates from the room when I see the look on your face. One eyebrow raised, you stand there, with your arms crossed, legs slightly apart.
I bite my lower lip with anxious tension. 'Fuck it' I think to myself. I walk across the room, stand on my toes, and lightly put my lips against yours. I kiss you slowly, trying to get a response from you. Your jaw loosens a bit, and I nip your lower lip. In an instant, you have me pushed against the wall, a hand on my throat. Startled, all I can do is look at you, fear, apprehension, and nervousness flashing across my face.
You reach your other hand behind my head and yank at the clip holding my hair. My hair spills around my face, and you brush it out of my eyes. You then slide your fingers across my cheek, over my shoulder and down my arm. Grabbing my wrist, you raise my hand to your mouth. Locking eyes with me, you force my fingers open, exposing the palm of my hand. As you pull my palm to your mouth, I gasp, knowing what is coming.
You hold my gaze as you lightly flick your tongue across my palm, and then kiss it. My eyes slide shut, and you put pressure against my neck, causing my eyes to snap back open.
As quickly as you had grabbed me, you release me, and take two steps back. Your eyes move down my body, and as they rove back up to my face you take another step back.
My hands are itching to touch you, and I flex my fingers, trying to make the tingling go away. You glance around the room, taking in the sparse furnishings, then grab both my wrists and pull me toward the bed. Putting your hands on my shoulders, you push my body down, forcing me to sit on the edge of the blue blanket covering the full size bed.
You slip your t-shirt from the waistband of your pants, and jerk it over your head. You slide off your shoes as you unzip your pants. You kick your pants and boxers off and drop them on top of your shoes. I stare at your chest, uncertain what I should do, my grip on the blanket next to my thighs tightening.
You nudge my legs open so you can stand against the bed, between my thighs. Leaning over me, you slide one hand around the back on my neck, into my hair, grabbing a handful of it. Tilting my head back, you latch your mouth onto mine, and begin harshly kissing me, as if you're trying to suck the life from my body.
When you thrust your tongue into my mouth, I stop fighting the intrusion, and open to you. My hands finally rise and tentatively touch your stomach. Moving my hands upward, they eventually grasp your shoulders and I pull you down toward me. You place one knee on the bed, against the crotch of my pants, and guide me back, moving me toward the middle of the bed.
I pull my legs up and open, creating room for you to settle directly on me. With me further onto the bed, you climb on as well, and nestle against me, holding your upper body up with your elbows.
We become hungry for the taste of one another, and our kisses grow longer, more intense. I feel you pulling at my shirt, trying to yank it up and I move to make it easier. Our mouths break apart as you remove my shirt. I lie back, and rest against the bed, gazing up at you expectantly.
My eyes widen as you move slightly, and I become aware of the pressure of your already hard cock straining against my covered crotch. I lift my hips a fraction, causing your cock to push against me harder, and you respond with a smile. The transformation in your face makes me breathless, your smile softening your features, and my heart skips a beat.
You reach down and I hear the snap on my jeans release, my zipper slide down. You push up onto your knees, lift one of my legs over your head, and pull my jeans off, grabbing my underwear simultaneously. I immediately move to put my leg back, and as my heel touches the bed, you thrust two fingers into my pussy. As you lean down over me again, your fingers slip in and out of me, becoming damp with the evidence of my desire. My hips instinctively begin to move, pushing against your hand, deepening their thrust. I can feel the tell-tale signs of an orgasm approaching, and make no attempt to hold it off.
My hips move faster, my hands clutch at your shoulders, and our eyes lock. You gauge my reactions and slide your fingers in one last time, keeping them inside of me, but not moving. A groan escapes my throat, and you smirk down at me.
A few seconds pass, and I feel your fingers slip from my body. You bring your hand up, and rub your fingertip across my lower lip, wetting it with my juice. My tongue darts out, licking the trail your finger left, then I raise my head, and stroke your finger with my tongue, lapping all my juice from it.
You groan, and intertwine both hands into my hair, vigorously tugging my mouth to yours. You penetrate my mouth, roughly. I slowly relax my body, muscle by muscle, and let you ravage me. Your fingers tighten, and my head is pulled back, my neck stretching.
Your cock has become positioned against my entrance, and I move my hips, trying to help it slip inside of me. You avoid this, knowing what my intentions are, and continue conquering my mouth. My lips now bruised, you move down to my neck, kissing, licking, tasting every inch. I feel your mouth hover over my pulse, and your teeth bite into me sharply. I groan, but am quickly left gasping when you thrust fully into me. The pain is sudden, my pussy struggling to accommodate your cock.
Breathing quickly, you stay still, gazing down at me, taking in the tear tracks running from the corners of my eyes. I close my eyes and feel you kiss my tears, wiping them away with your lips, then your mouth brushes against mine, with gentle, but persistent pressure.
The muscles in my body slowly relax as you lengthen the kiss. You begin to move your hips, causing your cock to slide, inch by inch, out of me, until only the head remains. Patiently, you push back into me, giving me time to get used to your size and length. By your third advancement, I push on your shoulders, shoving you away from me. You settle onto your back, and I immediately straddle you. Lifting my hips, I grasp your cock and guide it back into me. Your hands move to my hips, but I slide them down to my thighs, wanting to be in control of your penetration. You dismiss my movement, and wrap your fingers around my waist, digging them into my skin. You pull me down onto you, and your cock plunges further in than before.
I rock my hips, causing your cock to leap in my tight pussy. Your growl, and raise me up a few inches, and then jerk me back down. The force of your movements sends me off balance, and I catch my upper body on my hands, which land on either side of your head.
The slight change in angle puts pressure against my clit, and I grind against you, enhancing the sensation. Our bodies begin to move; your hands completely guide me through the motions, as I give up all control to you.
One of your hands venture up along my spine, as the other continues on leading me. I shiver, and your hand becomes engulfed in my hair, pulling my face towards your again. We kiss, our mouths mimicking the movements of our lower bodies.
I break my mouth from yours as I begin to feel the waves of pleasure building in my body. I gasp for air, look down, and our eyes link. You read my facial expressions and know that I am getting close.
Our bodies rock faster together, and I feel your cock grow harder still. I grab both of your hands, interlace my fingers with yours, and you curve them above your head. Our mouths reconnect, and your thrusting becomes harder.
Deftly, you push me over, returning me onto my back. Our fingers still interlocked, you pin me to the bed with your weight. You drive your cock into me, pushing my body to its limits. I whimper, and whisper your name. You respond with more pressure. My back arches, and my pussy clenches tightly around your cock, ripping your orgasm from your body harshly. You moan, and continue thrusting. I feel you come deep inside of me, and my pussy pulsates in response.
Seconds pass, and you collapse on me, rolling to your side, pulling me with you. With your cock still inside of me, we both gasp for air, our hearts pounding in our chests.
When our breathing slows, you hug me tighter to you. I feel your lips brush my forehead, and hear you murmur you love me.
I smile secretly to myself, enjoying the afterglow. As I start to doze lightly, I feel you cock lurch inside of me. I quickly pull my face away from your chest, and look up at you questioning. You smile guiltily, and shrug one shoulder.
Laughing, I pull your head down and press my mouth against yours. I whisper 'I love you' against your lips, and you kiss me roughly, leaving no doubt in my mind that I have been branded as yours.
© Copyright 2008 Secret30Writer (secret30writer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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