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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Experience · #1433060
Collection of my poetry, mostly experiences.
Only You 

Only you can help me through,
Only you can see...
Only you can be you,
The only one who can comfort me...

I love the way you look at me,
I love the way you smile...
I love the way you can see,
That this is all worthwhile...

You see when I am happy,
You see when I am sad...
You help me not feel crappy,
You help me not feel bad...

I need you to be here,
I need you to see...
I need you to hold my hand,
And always be with me...

If you leave me here alone,
I would surely die...
But I know that you wouldn't do that,
Because you are the one that makes me shine...

Only you can release me,
from this empty shell...
Only you can cast me,
in this lovely spell...
Only you can release me,
from this world of hell...

Just a Joke

You had to do it, didn't you?
You had to just come into my life like that.
You didn't see me, you just knew...
How would I know what you were playing at?

You spread rumours about me,
You told everyone they were true.
You really didn't actually see,
Me in front of you, with my plea:

How could you do this?
You know that I love you.
How could I miss,
The way you were so untrue.

You hurt me badly,
I never thought you could.
But now, sadly,
I know you were misunderstood.

I used to see you,
shining bright.
Now I see you,
In a very different light.

It was all just an act,
Us going out, just a play.
It was all just a joke,
So you could dump me the next day.

Do you know how much I loved you?
Do you know how much it hurt?
All of these mixed feelings,
Kicked and thrown into the dirt?

I know now it wasn't really you.
That guy I loved?

You were hiding behind a mask.
I know, because I have asked!
Stop Lying to me, my friend.
I never want to see you, EVER AGAIN!

Mixed Feelings

I have just got to say,
you make me feel O-Kay.
You make me feel astray.
You make me feel dismay.

I have just got to speak.
You make me feel weak.
You make me feel like a freak.
You make me feel unique.

I have just got to let you know.
You make me glow.
My feelings show.

Nobody knows.
About these mixed feelings.
Nobody sees,
These mixed feelings.
Do you believe,
That this is love?
Or is it just part of
These mixed feelings.

I don't know how.
You make me feel wow.
I will now,
Take a bow.

You Chose Me

She was looking at you,
But you were looking at me.
She noticed and said,
'Oh Woopee! Nothin' special 'bout her! What do you see?
You can do much better. There's always me...'

But you kindly refused,
Leaving me amused,
Leaving her to lose,
I love you.

You know she's beautiful,
But still you held on.
Now I know you really love me,
Now I know you are the one.

You turned her down,
Just for me.
You could've gotten such a pretty face,
But you chose the girl with the case.
The case of unknown love,
The case of individuality.
Instead of her,
You Chose Me.

Autumn Leaf (Limerick)

A leaf falls from an autumn tree and drifts to the ground.
There it settles, making no sound.
It is the first leaf of the morning,
While everyone's yawning,
And it's only the first leaf of the round!

A Big Chance

One popular boy
And one shy girl
Their hearts reach out as their love unfolds

No-one could guess that they're in love
It truly is a gift from above

As they walk, they hold hands
They are taking a very big chance
They both know where this can lead
True love or True defeat
The boy tells a joke and they both laugh
They both know that they've chosen the right path

No-one is around
To see the love that they've found
All is quiet, not a sound

All is silent
Not even a leave rustles
There isn't the usual hustle-bustle

It's the pair's love
Because only eachother they see

This boy is him,
And that girl is Me.

I love You

I love you, darling,
And you love me.
We'll be together for eternity.

Always think positive,
Don't you forget.
We don't have to listen to them.

They are just jealous,
That is all.
They are just trying to make us fall.

No-one knows how special this is.
It doesn't matter,
It's none of their biz.

I'll always be here for you when you're sad.
You'll always be here for me when I'm feeling bad.

We both know that they don't see.
See how special this love can be.

We sit together every day.
We sit in our own special place.

No-one's seen us together there.
If they have, they don't care.

If they see me with you,
They just say,
'They look so cute!'

But no-one knows how special this is.
It doesn't matter,
It's none of their biz.

I love you, darling,
And you love me.
We'll be together for eternity.

Don't You Dare

Don't you dare say I'm an ordinary girl.
I am different in every way and ordinary isn't real.
We are all very strange, in our own way.
I will not change, not any day.
I am just me,
a weird, wacky girl.


There's a fire,
deep inside of me.
No-one can put it out,
It's my individuality.

I am a country girl,
Alas, the cowboy hat...
I am a wacky girl,
And I don't care about that.

I am strange,
But I am not deranged.
I am weird,
But I am not going to change.

You can say anything you want,
You can't put me down.
You can be anything you want,
But you can't bring me to the ground.

There's a fire,
deep inside of me.
No-one can put it out,
It's my individuality.


I am alone here
Without a say
There is no reason to cheer

I am not feeling Ok

What is wrong with me?
Am I not like everyone else?
Who can I believe?

Can I even trust myself?

It is all your fault
The way I feel right now
I feel like I'm not me anymore

Like I have died, somehow

This is not a good feeling
You can count on that
I feel like a loony,
Like I'm crazy,

But lets not chat

I have nothing to lose
I am not really here
Now I have to choose

Death over fear

I know you won't miss me
While I am gone
In fact, You probably won't even notice

Because this time I will be gone for way too long

I am never coming back, you see
Why should I if I am not even me?
If there is nothing to be?

I am Killing myself.

How to do it?
I'm not sure
But I know you won't miss me

Because all you think about is her

Say goodbye now
Actually, don't
I'm saying goodbye

Because I know you won't

You won't ever see me again
Believing all your lies
The last words that you'll hear about me are:

'Sorry sir. She has died. No-one knows why.'

Then they'll hand you a note that says:

'I loved you.
But you betrayed me.

I'm falling for you

I'm falling for you
And I don't know what to do
Should I tell you up straight
Or should I just wait?
Either way, I'm falling for you.

You don't have a clue
This love is so new (to me)
It's right in your face
A helpless case
Either way, you don't have a clue.

I didn't expect this
But love isn't to be expected
If we could just share one kiss
I know that we'd feel more connected

Just one holding of hands
And I know you'll understand
That I'm falling for you
And there's nothing, at all, I can do

Everytime you're near
I experience a fear
That I'll mess up
and get it all wrong

I feel a million ways
So many I can't even try to explain
And I know it must be love
Because I swear you're sent from up above

Don't you see
Do you even care?
You'll always be in my heart

Can't you even guess
That I love you when you're near
I love that fear
My dear...

I know we are great friends
Of that I am sure
But I know we both know
That we could be much more...

I'm falling for you

I didn't expect this
But love isn't to be expected
If we could just share one kiss
I know that we'd feel more connected

Just one holding of hands
and I know you'll understand
That I'm falling for you
And there's nothing, at all, I can do

I'm falling
I'm falling
For you........

School (ABC Poem)

Alot of people hate
Back to school day
'Cause they have to face their teachers
Deranged, weird creatures
Essays overdue
'Finished Miss, its true!'
Getting in trouble
Homework doubles
Ignorant people always going to the loo
Just as we meet our friends
Kids rush around as lunchtime ends
Lazy teachers give you sheets
Many Parent/Teacher meets
Nothing can be worse than school
Obvious reasons: #1. Its not cool
Placed in seats away from your friends
Quench of thirst needed (Till class ends)
Really I don't see the point of school
School is boring
Too many rules
Usually I always think, (Our teachers must be)
Very sick (Of us)
When we say 'My ankle hurts'
X--rays are needed to prove it (They dont trust us)
Yakking away about the end of the day
Zzzzzzzz who likes school? ME!!!

Like the Rest

One of you left me
I loved you so much
But you just left
Without even saying goodbye

One of you tricked me
Such a big crush
But it was all Just a Joke
Leaving me to cry

One of you hurt me
You didn't want to, but you did
Because you messed with my feelings
Leavin' me to wanna die

I've been left standing
Tricked into crying
With a messed up head

Just as bad as eachother
I wonder who is next?
But I don't think I should bother
Because he'll turn out like the rest...

Writing makes me feel good

Writing makes me feel good
It controls my rush of feelings
Poems and stories and journals
And all those secret dreamings

It helps me to explain
This huge rush of feelings
The love and the pain
All reaching to the ceiling

I don't think of what I write
I just write it down
It just might
Turn my frown upside down

Writing really helps
It honestly does
Whether it rhymes or not
It explains all the love

Not in the mood

Don't you see what you've done?
How much damage you have caused?
Now I'll have to start again,
And try to avoid the wars.

Why did you do this?
It was going so well.
I hope you miss me,
Now just an empty shell.

I needed you, ya know.
Everyone thought we were perfect together.
But now you make me feel so low.
Now we're just like bad weather.

I hope you remember the good times
And guilty feel you should.
I can't remember mine,
But I'm not in the mood.

Riverdance (Acrostic)

Russian dancing;
Irish dancing;
Very difficult spanish dancing.
Even a choir,
Remember the orchestra;
Don't forget the tap. I
Admire that.
Nothing makes them tire,
'Cuz they're always gettin' higher;
Everybody clap!

Silent Tears

Crying silent tears
I watch you leave
Crying silent tears
I do not speak
Crying silent tears
I think to myself
Crying silent tears
Isn't gonna help
I thought that we were the best together
But no one ever lasts forever

The Gift

My heart has melted
All because of you
It's in a good way
This is so true

You gave me a gift and
I didn't know what to say
You gave me a gift
and looked away

Can you see me melting
because of this feeling
Or are you too busy
staring at the ceiling?

I know I said it was weird
but there was no other way
To describe to you
what I felt that day

Forgive me
for saying it's weird
Because really it was
the most lovely gift

Our friends came round the corner
but I hid it just in time
Too bad because they thought we were pashing
and laughed till they cried

They said it was Okay
that they didn't care
But they were so wrong
it really wasn't fair

Since then I've loved you so much
more than before
So please love me back
because you I adore

The Very End

I know we aren't together
I know that we're just friends
But I will always love you
So love to you I send

I know you don't like me that way
But I always will
So I hope you have a good life
And good luck for finding the next girl

I hope you find the girl of your dreams
And when you do
No matter how snobby she is
I will be happy for you

If she hurts you or breaks your heart
I won't say I told you so
But if you need someone to listen
I'll always be here, you know

Not even love
Is as good as being friends
Because love never lasts
But friends stay all the way
Right until the very end

Did it ever Occur?

Did it ever occur to you
for one small second
that saying 'I don't want to hurt you'
makes it hurt even more?

Did it ever occur to you
did you ever reckon
that later on in life
I won't love anymore?

Did it ever occur to you
for one long minute
the love and the pain
that I've been through?

Did it ever occur to you
for one day that
even though I love you
your love is way overdue?


It happens every time
None of you were mine

I'd like to warn whoever's next
Remember they're just like the rest

It is all just a test
Results are a mess

You have messed with my head
There, all has been said

Bad Dream

I'm gonna run away and hide
But I still can't get away from your lies
I'm gonna close my eyes and scream
I hope this is all just a bad dream

Even though it feels so real
Somehow I'll convince myself
I'll turn away on my heel
And pinch myself to wake up in the real world

But what is the real world?
I get so confused
Sometimes I want my dreams to be real
'Cause they bring me so much closer to you

I can't tell the difference
Is the real world really a nightmare?
Are my dreams not really dreams?
is the real world even there?

Maybe I should just live in my dreams
'Cause I can't face myself out there
I'm not a part of any team
I'm lost in my own world somewhere

If you notice anything wrong
Just think of all you've done
All I've been through
And what that's made me become

I Thought

I thought we would be forever
I thought we would stay together
But I thought wrong.

I assumed that you would stay with me
I assumed we would last for eterninty
But I only assumed.

I thought,
I assumed,
But I got it all wrong.

I thought,
I knew,
But you were lying all along.

You tell me it's for my sake,
but my crying makes the ground shake,
I'm crying a whole lake,
And now it's my turn to speak.

You say you didn't want to hurt me,
but if you told the truth before,
It would've hurt much less.

I thought you were different from the rest.

Don't Pretend

Goodbye, my friend.
This is the end.
Don't pretend
you even liked me.

I don't see how,
I allowed you,
But I do now.
Get away from me.

I'm saying goodbye,
'Cause you make me cry,
make me wanna die,
'Cause I just can't be me.

So go away,
don't you dare say,
that you may,
wanna come back.

All His Fault

I know you like me
and I like you too.
But you don't know why I can't take the risk.

I've been hurt
too many times.
I've been through much more than little white lies.

If anyone hurts me
just once more,
once more.
I can't be sure.

But I bet I'll break down and cry,
and say I wanna die,
and you'll ask why,
and I'll say:
"It's all his fault."

Just a Game

Love is just a game.
That has no rules.
If you play,
You're a great fool.

Because I've played it so many times.
And I always seem to lose.
I couldn't call any of you mine.
Because you all play me, get bored, and are gone before I even have the chance to say goodbye.

The Best (Family)

I wish they wouldn't do that.
They push me way too hard.
But it isn't my fault
That I can't get what they want.

They say I didn't try my best.
Just 'cos I wasn't first.
I say at least I did the contest
But now you're making me feel the worst.

Just as I'm at my high point.
Happy with what I've got.
They have to go and ruin it.
With one of their stupid talks.

I don't see why they do it.
They make me feel so bad.
I guess I'll have to get used to it.
At least I'm glad.

They ask why I say these things.
As if they don't know.
They just want me to win.
Every single show.

They want me the best Irish Dancer.
They want me the smartest too.
But I am really sorry.
That's something I can't do.

Irish Dancing

Take one step
Skip two three
Please don't fret
You'll learn quickly

Paddy bar
Brush hop down
Now in the next part
Your talent will be found

Hard shoe now
Hop click down
The end isn't far

To the side
Cut point back
That's right!
You're on the right track

Heel heel stamp
Twist two three
You're a champ
Compared to me

Turn around
Hop switch leap
And now you know
Irish Dancing!!!!!

"Write a story or poem about finally getting something you've always wanted, but in the end, it doesn't turn out to be as great as you imagined."

Real Friends

I was talking to my friend.
Looking into his eyes.
Oh how I wish he was my boyfriend.

He didn't even know.
But I wanted to try.
So I cleared my throat.

Hey, friend, um...
I need to tell you something.
Even though it's dumb.

So I started to talk.
In full swing.
And he watched me like a hawk.

Oh, friend, I love you.
I know you don't love me.
But this love is true.

He said yes.
I knew it.
I also need to confess.

Friend, dear friend.
I love you too.
This is not pretend.

So then we were.
A couple dare I say.
Everything we shared.

But my friends all left.
Said: You've changed in a bad way.
We don't like it.

Soon even with him I was alone.
Couldn't take it anymore.
The real me was gone.

Then he said:
this won't work out.
Could we just be friends?

I cried and I cried.
To me he had lied.
he was never really mine.

Then one by one.
My friends came along.
And I said: I'm sorry, I was wrong


When everything in your life is perfect
And you think nothing can go wrong
You would never have guessed
What your life would become

Your friends are always there
But the next time you turn
They seem to not care
They disappear; they're gone.

Your family is supporting you
Spoiling you with everything
But then they won't pay for what you do
Your talents your clothes your school fees

Your teachers they help you with what you wanna be
They give you special lessons nobody else gets
but then they too turn away
Why is everybody going away to quit?

You are starting to lose all hope
But you tell yourself not to give up
You can't just sit and mope
You still have enough to stay tough

You'll be fighting for your life
and everything is not alright
but in the end
you find a friend
Who sticks with you
no matter what you do
And all because you didn't lose hope


Hinda found out 'bout my poems today.
She read them out loud and I wanted to fade away.
My poems are personal can't she understand?
They explain how I feel who I like who I am.

They are the only things I can let go with.
What was she thinkin'? It's none of her biz.
So, she asks, then why'd you put them on that site?
Oh I have no idea alright?

After that I thought about it.
I know why, because I'm anonymous.
Nobody knows who I write about, who I am.
So I can be myself without being laughed at.

At least they appreciate them.
I could tell them my whole life story and they would listen.
Not like others who bring me to tears.
On my site I can write without fear.

So can you see now?
I write my poems to let it all out.
They might be depressing but that's my life.
The love the lies the goodbye's the strife.

They mean alot to me.
So don't go and ruin it please just leave me be.

Think Twice

How do I cope when my deepest secrets are being revealed?
How can I hope when my hopes and dreams are now not concealed?

How am I meant to act as though everything's normal?
It's now a fact that I'm trapped against a wall.

What can I do now that they all know?
To some it is wow to some it is 'so?'.

What do they think about it all?
Do they think it stinks or are they in awe?

Actually I'd rather they didn't know anything.
Because now I've lost one of my wings.

I can't fly so freely anymore.
I liked it much better before.

Before they knew anything about it.
Before I was discovered.

But now they all know and I'm cowering away.
I will never be able to face the new day.

But the new day has come and I'm trembling inside.
What do they think? If they ask why I write I will die.

So I guess I'll have to be more careful next time.
But the good thing is..........

I know now that they'll think twice before they say goodbye.

In The Valley (Haiku)

Sometimes the Valley
With its beautiful green grass
Helps me feel alive

But in the winter
When the snow falls softly down
Its covered in white

Which is the better?
Is it sweet green or soft white?
I will never tell

How do I decide?
Is it the view or feeling
That I truly love?

I think its the best
When I am just standing there
Enjoying the feel

Can't Resist

You make my
My friends say that
But now there's
And you have to
And then there's
My friends say you're
But my head's
I'm hoping you
But I am
I'm not sure
And all my
How cr
And I hope
'Cos I dont think
All my friends warn


Isn't it Clear?

How can you say you love her when you have no idea?
You've seen what happens haven't you? Isn't it clear?
Do you even know what she has planned for you?
She's cooked up a plan that will destroy your heart and mine too!
Oh please don't be fooled by her!
I know you think she loves you but I don't want you to get hurt!
Listen please I know you think it's true but it's not!
And don't wave off my claims as just jealousy okay 'cos I fought.
I fought not to be jealous but I am and I'm angry.
Not at you but myself for all of this jealousy.
But don't buy her lies please she's just using you!
Are you so lovesick you can't see? I know 'cos I've been through it too.
But I have to get through to you and I'm not giving up!
And hopefully you'll get it soon and you'll know it wasn't love.

It'll Sting

I feel like killing you, girl.
He just doesn't get it.
But you don't care, do you?
Trust me, you'll regret it.

What do you think'll happen when it all ends?
You don't have any feelings for him.
He doesn't know it's all pretend.

I really don't care about your love life.
But when it involves an innocent person,
You better be careful.

'Cos if you hurt him,
I mean even the tiniest thing you say or do
that might possibly hurt him or me,
You better kiss his butt goodbye,
'Cos when I'm through with you,
You won't even want to hear his name ever again.

Don't mess with people's feelings, girl.
Especially mine.
'Cos I'm not like other girls.
I won't just sit back and watch it happen in front of me.
I'll actually do something about it.

And trust me.
It'll slap you in the face.

And it'll sting like hell.


So you kissed.
So you hugged.
So you said those few words.
That's just so you.
So you lied.
So you tried.
So it worked.
So I cried.
So I'm jealous.
So I'm upset.
So I'm insane.
So what that I care?
So I overheard.
So you planned.
So you wanna get over another guy.
But it so hurts me watching him about to get hurt.
So I'm the one that actually loves him.
So you're just lying to him.
So what about me.
So what about what I think?
So you fooled him.
So you don't care.
So he doesn't know.
So what about what he thinks.
So I need to say something.
So I need to tell him.
So I don't break down.
So he doesn't get hurt.

Just for Being You (Taking a Chance)

Just being near you
And knowing you're alive
And wondering if you
Will ever turn out to be mine

I'm the best at dreaming
But not as good at making my dreams come true
Sometimes I forget the meaning
Of everything I probably don't mean to you

Looking into your eyes
Is more than just looking into your soul
You are just so sweet and bright
Everything about you is just so beautiful

I don't care if I sound crazy
I don't care if I go out of my mind
Because as long as you don't fade from me
You'll always be what makes me shine

Waking up to a new day
And picturing your face
Makes me have hope that it'll all be okay
Makes me hope that my heart's in the right place

Just don't abandon me Sweetness
Don't do what the others did to me
I'm trusting you not to be like them
And I'm hoping this time my heart can see

Maybe you think I'm hoping too much
But I believe in you
And this time I think I've had enough
Of not trusting myself and my fear to lose

So if I, just once, get to know what it's like
To have someone love me too
I'm trusting myself to try just one more time
And I'm taking that chance
With You


I can't fall asleep
My eyes are sore
I try to read
But I can't see anymore

My head is full of pain
I'm warm but I'm shivering
It's starting to rain
My hands are now quivering

I glance at my phone
4:30, it says
I sit up and groan
My heart full of dread

Will I ever get to sleep?
My limbs are aching
My thoughts are deep
My body is shaking

I wrap my arms around myself
I fall to the pillow in a heap
Nothing can help
Help me fall asleep

I try everything
From my head to my feet
I try to get comfortable
I even count sheep

I sigh and roll over
I'll never get a proper rest
No wonder during the day
I get so exhausted

Okay, one more time
I'll try just one more thing
The last thing I can think of
Is meditating

"Relax, close your eyes
And think of a place
A place for only you
For when you meditate

"Now tense up your muscles
And slowly let them go
And fall deep into a trance
That only you can know

"Now you are relaxed
You should inhale really deep
Hold for ten seconds
And exhale, that's it

"Now your breathing is steady
You can imagine your place
There can be as many people you want
But there is no hate

"Now follow your feet
They'll take you somewhere
Somewhere you need to go
What you need will be there"

By now I'm so deep in my own trance
I can't hear my own thoughts
I think i'll find a friend, love, or romance
But by far I was wrong

I came up to a building
All white, and not a single door
But when I walked up to it
There was a sight I couldn't ignore

Through a window I peeked
There was a lovely comfortable looking bed
So that must be what I seek
Oh I so need some rest

But I couldn't find a way in
No doors, and the window couldn't open
Oh, how I yearned for some real sleep
I had no way to get to that comfy bed

So I paced and I paced
And imagined being there
In such a beautiful place
Where I could rest

And all of a sudden I was laying down
On the beautiful bed
Soft pillows, and no interruptions, no sound
And I finally had a place to rest

In no time at all I fell asleep
And my sleep was full of dreams
Mostly Jesse, Natasha and me
All good, not a nightmare, and I slept deep

But then a faint voice called my name
Which I soon recognised as my nan
She was trying to wake me for school
But I wasn't done yet

The Sweetness in my dreams said please don't go
But I had to because it was a weekday- school
I bid him farewell and prepared for the shock
Of bright sun streaming through my windows

I prepared for the day in a dream-like state
I had found a way to fall asleep
Already the memory of that strange meditation was fading away
So I wrote it down quickly on some paper to keep

That very night I lay awake
My insomnia simply would not go away
Again I tried to meditate
But it was a one-off remedy,
It would not ever work again,
At least not in the same way

So I try to fall asleep
My eyes are still sore
I try to read something
But I can't see anymore

My head is full of pain
The covers are warm but I'm shivering
I'm getting a migrain
My hands are still quivering

I glance at my phone
5:30, it says
I sit up and groan
Half an hour left
I feel like I'm dead

Will I ever get to sleep?
My limbs are all aching
My thoughts are so deep
My body is still shaking

I wrap my arms around myself
I fall to the pillow in a heap
Nothing can help
Help me fall asleep


Jumping, flying, defying gravity
Turning, spinning, twisting your feet
Positions, turn outs, blisters on your heels
Step abouts, competitions, oh how it feels

Teams and solos, state and national
Comps, displays, concerts what a thrill
Choreographing, practising, making up some steps
Timing, rythm, in sync with your dance friends

Capes and dresses, wigs and sock glue
Tiara's and bubble socks, soft and hard shoes
Jigs and slip jigs, light jigs and reels
Hornpipes and set dances, the stage you will steal

Velcro and bobby pins, hairties and snacks
Full wigs and bun wigs, leotards and dance bags
Dance schools and lessons, small schools and large
In comps only dancers are free of charge

Sweat and blisters, bandaids and bandages
Strains and torn muscles, fractures and disadvantages
Practise and hard work come before success
Some aim for enjoyment, some for Riverdance

Chatting with dance friends, sharing new moves
Don't matter what your level is, it always improves
Feeling the music, flowing out through your feet
Keeping in perfect time, land on the beat

Paddybars and skips, shuffles and toes
Flap knocks and twisties, everything flows
Flys and cut downs, turns, spins and jumps
Stamps, knocks and heels, my favourite click downs

Entrechats and butterflies, jump overs and gypsies
Genie jumps and bicycle jumps, sometimes it's tricky
Make sure you learn it, the right way
Otherwise you'll flunk it, but that's okay

Improvise and compromise, make your own steps
Or work with some others, and make a team dance
2, 3 and 4 hands, 6, 8 and 12's
16's are the highest, but only for comps

Aim past your limits, beyond your reach
That way you'll test your abilities
Find your own style, find your own beat
No one can tell you how

I Still Wish On The Same Star

He was always there for me. No matter what was happening, he was always there.
When he left, he was there. It seemed to me he left this world when he was staring into space like that. But he was there.
I still wish on the same star, every night, hoping desperately that I won't lose this feeling. It's beautiful.
I feel like he doesn't know about it, that we never told eachother, that it's just there.
It feels like it's always been there, and it's only flourishing now.
The realisation that he's 100% mine is breathtaking. Literally. I have to actually think about breathing so I don't pass out.
I'm still not used to it. I love it, but it will take some time to get used to the feeling of being loved that he's given me. It's new.
He jokes around. 'I told you I loved you', as he runs up to me and my friend. Loved? Meaning her? Or was it love?
I know what he means. But it stopped me for a minute. Froze my heart for that little second.
Made me realise how much I need him. God, how I couldn't imagine life without him. Ever.
And the dreams... So real. Beautiful and real. I'm living in a dream, it seems.
Sometimes... I feel like it would be so different... if I went back in time.
If I went back and changed even the smallest tiny little detail... even to do what I've always wanted to go back and do...
If I had the chance... I don't think I'd take it. Because if I said goodbye to him, I wouldn't have had all those nightmares.
And if I didn't have those nightmares... I wouldn't have noticed the unfamiliar blank face hanging in the shadows of my dreams.
The person who I couldn't name...
You see, he was always there. Even when I didn't know him, he was there.
He was always the one to jump in and wake me up. To give me some hope. To let me believe, and break my promise.
In that search for him.
And I've found him.

Fallen Angel

You call me your little angel.
And I so do love that name.
But it doesn't suit me at all.
I'm fallen.

I'm a fallen angel.
Fallen from the sky.
Because a few years ago someone I loved left me
He took away my ability to fly

He stole my heart and broke my wings.
When I was high up in the air.
So now I'm fallen, you see.
He sent me to despair.

But then Cupid woke up.
And gave me another chance.
He gave me back my heart.
So I could love again.

Now my wings are back.
I'm soaring high.
And this time I won't lose.
You're not saying goodbye.

This time I won't lose.
You're not going to lie.

This time I won't lose.
You are all mine.

And this time I won't lose.
My ability.
To fly.


I dreamt of staring into your eyes.
I dreamt that you stared back.
I dreamt that you had a surprise,
That I would never forget.

I dreamt you moved a little closer.
I dreamt I didn't move back.
I dreamt you gave me a kiss on the nose,
And took my shaking hand.

I dreamt you asked me, 'Maybe?'
I dreamt I answered, 'Yes.'
I dreamt I wasn't even confused,
That 'Maybe?' isn't even a question.

I dreamt you spoke to me softly.
I dreamt you told me to stay still.
I dreamt you whispered to me,
'I will always love you.'

I dreamt you leaned in closer.
I dreamt my heart beating fast.
I dreamt my breaths coming shorter,
As I saw my future flash past.

I dreamt you kissed me slowly.
I dreamt I kissed you back.
I dreamt that I was wondering,
How we'd gotten there from holding hands.

I dreamt you slowly pulled away.
I dreamt I wouldn't let you go.
I dreamt you chuckle and quietly say,
'I'm not going anywhere, you know.'

I dreamt we were lying there together.
I dreamt of that beautiful place.
I dreamt we told each other there would never be another never.
But then I woke up and it's still the holidays.


My first love was Mitch
And I'm starting to forgive
That he abandoned me to go somewhere else.

He was everything to me
But now he's history
He's probably even got another girl.

Though he promised he'd come back
I've been waiting since '05
Now it's 2009 and he's still not here.

Since then there's been so much
Stupid crushes I had to squash
Because I was waiting for him.

See I believed him when he said
He would come back, he would return
But it had a huge effect on my life.

I pushed out everything
I blocked out everyone
I cried and cried and cried.

But was it worth waiting?
I had enough time ahead
But I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I had to make a change
So when Jesse came
I knew he was who I was looking for.

Because while I was missing Mitch
I was still secretly watching out
For anyone who felt different to me.

I was looking just in case
He never did come back
Although I believed every second that he would.

When Jesse told me
His secret love for me
I could not beleive my senses.

Everything felt so right
I believed him all right
But the feeling was stronger than ever.

I'd never had someone stronger
No one lasted very much longer
All those inbetween were people I just liked.

And they never felt the same
Or even near what i felt for Mitch
But now there's Jesse and I'm psyched.

Jesse felt even more
Before I met him I would ignore
Anyone else who came my way.

I thought it was impossible
To love someone even more
But I do and he even feels the same.

I'd broken a promise to myself.
I wouldn't love anyone else.
But I'm not giving up my chances this time.

So now I think that's alright
Because I've had my turn to cry
But I can't lie

I'm still fragile.

All I Wanted...

All I wanted to do was hold your hand...
That's never happened before I don't get it I don't understand.
You've given me so many new feelings that I just can't explain.
But the best bit is I'm lovin' it and I reckon you're the same.
Why do you think I want you so much?
I see your sweet face and I just want to touch it.
I've never felt this way and it's just getting stronger.
I wished that I could stay with you for just a little longer.
But we both had to go and it's a real shame.
All I wanted to do was hold your hand...


I can be a little impatient
I don't always say what's on my mind
But that's because I have learnt
What to tell and what to hide

Maybe you'd feel a little different
If for one day you stood in my shoes
If for one day you could feel how I feel
When I fail something or I lose

I feel terrible and angry
But I'm not the sore loser here
You push me to insanity
You make losing become a fear

Because unless I win you hate me
You tell me I didn't try hard
You yell at me and scream at me
But that's why I have a careful guard

Why do you think I block you out?
You never have anything good to say
Why do you think I hide in my room?
I would come out but if I did I'd pay

There's nothing to look forward to in my life
Yes dancing, yes school, yes friends
But if I don't excell, be the top
You just miscomprehend

Why do you want to live through me?
I'm not gonna make your mistakes
Can't you just give me a little bit of trust?
Maybe then I wouldn't feel this way

I'm starting to hate my life
Failing under pressure because of you
Why do you think I get lost in my books?
There's no other place to go

You stole my privacy some time ago
Stole my life away
Made me tell you my passwords
So you could 'check up' on me

I'm not a stupid little girl
I don't give out little details
I don't add people I don't know
I talk to my friends and forget the rest

So the internet is a big problem
You watch me over my shoulder all the time
I can't do anyhing 'right'
But how the hell do you expect me to?

All I need is a little trust.
© Copyright 2008 brokensoul <3 darksaint (stara19796 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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