Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1432999-welcome-to-my-life
by MGL
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1432999
maddie's day countinues, but hardships in friendship, family and school set her back.
may 1, 2008.

today, was such an ordinary day. as usual, normal morning routine.

    wake up late
    get dressed
    attempt at makeup
    screw up makeup
    half wash face then relize how late i am for the bus
    skip breakfast [STUPID!!]
    meet travis at the top of the street
    run to the bus, usually tripping on something large, or small, perhaps a ladybug.
    hope to god a dint kill the poor ladybug.

thats my wakeup schedule, everyday. adn very rarely dose anything happen to disturb my peace an so called tranquility. id like to see you try.

sure, i go to school, but that has no importance what so ever. math, hah, math, maybe ill explain this. i my algerbra 2 teacher is no doubt of her zyrtec. not kidding. shes from brooklyn, mrs.jones. and she has the funniest accent. she looks like one of thos dogs that are so ugly they're cute. pugs, haha, funny name. the has a sticky up nose and shes really short and squat. like an autumn vegetable. she kinda reminds me of a zucchini, come to think about it...

procedding.. she has her moments. naturally, shes not very funny. jsut another crazy teacher who talks to fast and eats WAY to many muffins. she catches her waves of humor daily, but usually by threating to hang reid from a flag pole if he doesnt shut up and sit his tight ass in a seat. yeah, i get 1 and a half hours of her. everyday. i swear to you...

next up [ i suppose sence i explained math, ill go with science and english and whatever next.] science. mr.kale used to be cool. yeah. used. past tense. in the beggining of the semester, he was hilarious. but by the end of the 2nd month, his jokes got old, and so did he.

english? english is,, haha how can i put this,, should i say good?  sure, i can say that. i can say its great. after all, it is. great teacher, mr.costantino. he can get us a massage, break it down to the whole class. hes young, so he understands.

i usually skip home-ec. send in a "doctors note" saying that i fell off a roof and broke my back, so i cant cook for forever and an eternity. honestly, i love cooking, its something i can do. but i cant do it when i have a snotty house wife attempting to teach leaning over my shoulder 24-7 critisizing my mini keaches. shut up ms.fig.

-------- other than the introduction, perfectly normal day.

maybe an occasional excitment.

me and davis walked home today. together. for once. we used to do it all the time. but hes really popular, and im the tomboy who could so b a girly cihck of she wanted, who jsut sits around. he liked the holes in my jeans, he liked the way i didnt wear alot of makeup to school, he liked how i wore really expensive clothes that looked like something u got from a goodwill. he just liked,,, me. then, he got blamed. for pretty much everything. you know how it starts. "OH EM GEE DAVIS!!! i saw u walking home with maddie yesterday. didnt you see me and daddy drive by in the porch? we waved and u didnt answer!! ewww r you guys going out? shes wierd, she just writes and listens to music. shes like a guy with boobs." and thats about how me adn davis ended, once rumor spread.

i digress. walking home with davis. got caught in mr.mulligans sprinkler, its automatic, like motion detected. so we decided to get on mr.mulligans nerves and totally crash the damn sprinkler. we spent about 25 minutes running through it, and once it was dumbfound [sprinkler] and mr.mulligan was threatening to call the police [even though he cant get off his 300 pound ass to reach the phone] we left. guess who wore a white tee-shirt. yes, that would be me.

he offered his shirt, which i took. i changed behind a tree, which was CLEARLY losing its leaves.

the rest of the walk home was quiet, just shared the IPod until we reached cape hill, which is where we said our "c ya l8rs" and left. im still wearing his shirt.

im kinda glad travis has football practice in the afternoon, my walks are my serenity.

after i got home, it was 1 hour of skating, 2 hours of fall lacrosse, and then a run to pick up travis at the uppy's after his practice, where he awaits me with a milkshake and gummi bears. my favorite snack. my favorite friend.

returning home to a house full of boys and animals.. not kidding. seven brothers. one dad. brother's friends, 3 dogs, a snake, a pregnant iguana, and a hamster, whose probably underneath the refrigerator.

the boys: [brothers]


along with the boys comes all of junior class, sophmore class, freshman class, and all the 8th graders at rider middle school. big house for big kids. perfect.

[btw, there is atleast 22  guys in my house at one time. my parents are very loose on rules.]

and yes, i have a "mom". step mom. cherry de' triese or however the hell you spell her name. some retired french supermodel. shes into my dad for the money, she doesnt like anything we do. she hates out doors, she hates ground, she hates water, she hates paint [long story.], she hates virtually anything thats not pink and fluffy. this including food.

its 3 a.m. i dont know why, but i cant sleep at all.


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