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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1432880
Esume avanges the death of her family and clan
Ocean's Air

"Tonight even the Lady cannot help us and the stars will cry their blackest tears, Esume, for the destruction of this world, will be unavoidable for the birth of the new. No matter how hard we try to stop it. Tonight they will be hunting for us; pray to the Lord and Lady that we make it through."
The words high priestess had spoken only hours ago while the sun, one of our defenses, was still up; letting the actuality of the war sink in. It couldn't be true we couldn't have had lost and there must be something I could do. There had to be, this war was the reason of my existence, the moments I was created for. As I closed my eyes in preparation, I knew with all certainty that I could still make a difference as the tattoo, called Lady of the Night, passed down from my ancestors, began to pulse and grow bright red on my back as the sun fell.
Lady of the Night was only passed through the strongest woman of the clan, showing the dominance of the female wiccan-vampire, who would honor not only the blood of life but the blessing of life given by the Lord and Lady. The tattoo belonged to the Lithia Clan, the first of the vampire clans to take up a human religion. The Lithia Clan was one of the most prominent of the clans through out the world reigning for more than two-thousand years until the war, 50 years ago.
Through the fifty years' Jedus, a once-respected member of our clan, betrayed and slowly exterminated members of the clan, bringing our once thriving clan into a weakening force.
Now there are only a hand-full of us left, determined to bring down Jedus and his army of rouges. For the last two years I've been closing in on Jedus, until, finally, last month I came here to California.
The tingling in my back turned into full on burning, signifying that it was finally going to begin. With my eyes still closed I think about the end of this world, breathing in the ocean air that I always loved. Opening my eyes I look around the roof-top that I called home for the last month, I was like a ghost up here, doing everything I could to prepare for the night knowing that this will be my final battle place, then look over the sides, three sides being covered by land. From up here the city lights burn like a thousand miles of fire, like it was waiting for the end.
Finally I take out my anthem, gripping the now-warm steel in my hands and made the necessary cuts on my body, infusing the blade with my power and performing a ritual to help with the upcoming battle. Now I was fully ready to fight the last battle of the war as the blade gleamed with my power of life.
Looking over at the fourth side of the roof for a second I wish the thundering tide would swallow every inch of the city. Taking out all traces off Jedus and every thing he had done to the world. I'd scream my anger and pain right in his face if I could. I swear to all the lives lost that I wouldn't miss his heart as Jedus is taken by the currant, so that he wouldn't get away from the death that I held for him; even if I had to die in process.
Yeah, a tide like that sounded too good to be true, but I know that no matter what I would never help in the destroying innocent lives. The air shifted, plowing into me carrying with it the smell of the ocean mixed with blood, it was finally time and turning around to face him I couldn't help for look into his face for answers, and as his eyes, black and lifeless looked into mine, my heart pounded heavily, and instantly I knew that neither of us was going to survive this. My wings, a mix of black and blue, materialized from my back, expanded to its full span of seven-feet wide, short to his black and red wings of about four-feet, but that was okay as I was built for speed and agility. Meaning he won't be able to get too easily without me letting him, and I had more angles to attack while in the air.
Summoning all the energy I had I took off, launching myself straight at him, pulling my wings closely to my body so that my body was like a bullet. The anthem in my hand pulsed, as if in anticipation of the impact soon to come- just as I was. Looking into his eyes and finding no kind of regret some how made things clearer that what is was, now there was no doubt about it, he was not going to survive this night no matter what, I promise to make sure of that.
The only thing that could be heard was the labored breathing from both of us, as the clashing blades stayed silent and constantly moved in its fluid motion, neither of us willing to even stop for a moment, giving the other an advantage. Locked in battle the only thing seen was the inky black sky and what looked like a thousand miles, formed from the city lights.
Suspended in mid-air I finally have the advantage as I get inside his defenses. With the pain-filled cry of those killed I use all the power I have and use both hands to plunge the anthem into him. Looking in to his eyes I see his fear, I know where I put it, straight into his heart, just like I knew I'd never miss. In that second his wings wrap around me placing me against him tight, and he wasn't going to let me go, not even in his death. But nothing matter any more now as we plunged toward the sea. What mattered was that the birth of the new world wasn't going to be tainted with the evilness Jedus was going to bring. Falling towards the city it seemed like a fitting way to die, upon the water lit by fire, it kind of seemed like the way they used to honored the kings and the great warriors in the past by sailing the bodies of the dead in the water then using arrows to lit the boats on fire, combining the two most powerful substances in the world. I always wanted to die like that honored by my family as a great warrior. Though this had nothing to do with the reality, there was no people here to see me off, no boats, and the fire a mere allusion, I couldn't help but let the though comfort me, for no matter what I am a great warrior, past and present and will always be.
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