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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1432699
This is a short story of a boy who falls into a coma and dreams of his destiny.
         I have gone through this before. Fighting for my freedom. It always seems to come on the most inopportune times. I have seen myself fall from the saddle, and have to get back up to try again. I keep trying to find that one thing that will make me stronger, but I can't find it. I fail to see what it is; I fail to see who it is. I fight the good fight with my soul, but to no avail do I see the end of the eternal torment that God has laid out before me. With all of this fighting with myself and the eternal forces that want to tear me down, I failed to see that my body and mind were taking a toll and breaking apart at the seams. It eventually lead to me finding a side of life that hardly anyone sees. A side, that unless you are attuned to it or in the position I was in, you wouldn't be able to see it.
         When it came, it was quick and merciless. It came in and did its job and got back out again. What "it" is you ask? Well, I can't exactly explain "it". I had to deal with "it" for about a week, or at least that is what the doctors told me. They said I had been in a comma-like state, I was awake, but completely oblivious to the outside world. They said I would start screaming in the middle of the night and the whole ward would come and look into my room. But what I saw was twice as bad anything the nurses had seen in their entire career.
         It was a Friday when everything began. I was finally breaking down from all the work, pain, and torment on me. My mind had finally cracked, if wasn't for my brother, who lives with me, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I don't know what happened, all I know is he saved my life. All I could see was a mist in my vision. It wasn't a normal mist either, it was a certain texture, sort of like cotton candy. I could also smell this cotton candy. It covered my vision. When someone from the "real-world" spoke to me, it was muffled and very distant. The only thing I could hear clearly in this state, was the people on that side.
         I still remember like it was yesterday, they came and touched me while I would be lying there. They came to tell me things, tell me things of the future. People think I am insane when I tell them this, for they don't understand. They understand what I heard. I am not even sure I understand. What they told me about was the coming, the coming of something the likes of something this world hasn't seen in years. The tales of anything close to it have been lost for centuries. They warned me, and told me I needed to get better so I could help defend.
         "I don't know how." I said to one of them.
         "You will know when the time comes, until then you have to get better. Fight this."
         After that, they all disappeared, and everything went black. What came next, hell is the only thing I can think of that came close to what I saw. All around me it was pitch black, I could hear screams coming at me from all directions. They were cries of help, some of them I recognized, most I didn't. I couldn't say who they were, but I knew the voice. Then out of the screams came a single voice, a voice of a little girl:
         "You have to save them. Michael, you can't let them die. They are YOUR responsibility. Don't let them pass. Michael! Are you listening to me? You can't let them die! They have to live!"
         "You will know, Michael. Just give it time. You won't be called up in this life time, but be ready for it when it comes." She said to me as her voice started fading. "Please Michael, save us all."
         Her voice completely faded, the screams had faded and I sat alone in the dark again. No one around. No one to see me sobbing in the fetal-position. An orange glow started to come from the distance, and came closer. As it drew closer, it got brighter and grew in size. With it came the heat of a thousand furnaces. What came from this was a laughter, a laughter like no other. It was more like a heckle, and very high pitched. I closed my ears, it was hurting me.
         "STOP! STOP THE LAUGHING!" I yelled.
         "Hush, you demons, the great and powerful Michael is before you! Learn your respect for the angel of fire." A manly voice said.
         "The angel of fire?" I asked.
         "Oh, you don't know? You are the angel of fire. The angel that imprisoned the brightest angel in the heavens. The angel that wanted freedom for the angels. You are the angel, they say, that will defeat Lucifer in the end of the world." The voice told me.
         "There is no way. How can I be that angel?" I asked.
         There was no answer. The voice and the light disappeared. The air got cold and I started to shiver. There came a light out of nowhere all around me, it started out really dim and grew brighter. As it did I could see the room surrounding me. It looked like a cave. Rocks were jutting out everywhere. In the corner was a figure. It looked like a man, but it had wings. The wings were black as night, as was the hair on the top of its head. Couldn't see the face just yet. Chains hung him on the wall by chains.
         His head lifted, I could see his eyes, they were milky with no iris in them at all. The thing that stuck out to me the most was, half of his face was burnt. After carefully inspecting his body a little more, I realized that half of his body had been burnt. All that sat on top of his bones and muscles now on that side was scar tissue. He was looking at me.
         "YOU! YOU DID THIS TO HER!" He yelled at me, but yet not at me.
         "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to anyone." I said back to him. He acted as though he didn't hear anything.
         "But..." I couldn't say anything. I was dumb founded. I couldn't believe he was actually threatening me. I didn't know who he was, or what I did to piss him off.
         Once again, the room faded. Left alone once more in this tormenting abyss. Just as before, I could see a glow in the distance, this time bright red. It grew as it neared. This time no laughter, no shrieking, no sound really, only pictures. As it grew closer, I could see bodies dismembered all over the place. Blood stained the walls of the buildings that surrounded me. A stream of blood was running down the street. A severed hand lay by my feet. It was twitching, at first I thought it was the nerves, but something happened to let me know it wasn't the nerves. The hand jumped up on its fingers and walked away from me. I jumped back from and try to let out a yell, but nothing came out. I watched where it walked to. It was going back to it's body, like a soul finding it's way back to the body after a night of dreaming. I looked out into the mess of scattered bodies to see a dog chewing on a limb. I walk over to it. It looked up at me, at that moment I realized it wasn't a dog. It had a warthog snout with tusk, teeth like a wolf, eyes of a cat, and ears of some quadruped. When it saw me it started to snarl and growl. I turned to run, but tripped over one of the dead bodies. And the beast thing jumped at me. Right as it was landing on me, it turned into smoke and disappeared. The city disappeared.
         All was black and silent. I couldn't see anything, couldn't hear anything. I started sobbing again. I couldn't help myself, I was threatened by an angel, attacked by a dog-like-thing and was sent into the eternal abyss. I think anyone would break down and cry.
         "Please God, help me. Help me God." I was whispering to the darkness. I kept on repeating that. My eyes closed and not noticing what was going on around me. When I opened my eyes, I was back in the hospital, my brother sat beside me. He was smiling at me. My mother sat beside him, and my father was on the other side of me. They all had tears dried to their faces.
         "What happened to me?" I asked.
         "They say you had a nervous breakdown. You have been yelling and screaming. Couldn't understand what you were saying, but that doesn't matter now, you are back." My mother said.
         "What did you see?" My brother asked me.
         "I am not sure, but it all had to do with angels."
         "That just means that angels were watching over you when you gone." My mother said.
         "Don't bother the boy about angels and God right now, honey. He has been through enough without you trying to show him God."
         "It's ok, dad. I want some sleep, though."
         "Alright, honey, we will leave you alone. Sleep well, and hopefully tomorrow you will get to go home." My mother said.
         They got up and left. I turned on my side and went to sleep. I dreamt of that angel in the cave chained to the wall. The one who told me I was going to pay. I am not sure, but I have a feeling I will meet him and sometime soon.
© Copyright 2008 Michael Ray Speer (omegahammer4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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