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High class processing in a Dolcett world. |
"Ms Asya ?" He didn't really need to ask as she was the only woman waiting in reception. There were a few men waiting, but they were not His concern today. The young business woman had been writing something on her hand-held, and with one dismissive glance at His clothes clearly decided that He was hardly worth interrupting what she was doing. That wasn't an unusual reaction here. There she was, looking the part of thrusting executive in her expensive suite, her perfect hair and make-up. Here He was in His stained boiler suite. She knew she had much better things to do than come with me, but no doubt the manager that had sent her here had told her to do what was asked of her. As He walked back to the elevator He could hear the sharp heels of her shoes following me. I pressed the button to take us down and as the doors closed He studied her reflection. Her skin had a dusky hint of the far east, her pursed lips moist as she studied the screen of her hand-held. By the time the doors opened again she had finished what she'd been doing and was putting the machine back in her jacket pocket. She caught His glance, and assumed He was interested in her work. "I'm been asked to do some very important work by the VP.' He mumbled a reply and she seemed disappointed that He wasn't more impressed, but then she didn't really know what her employers thought of her. In this He knew more than she did, even if He had no idea of who she worked for or what she did. With her following He reached the door to His work station. Despite her height she couldn't see past me as He opened the door, but even if she could the room was dark. She hesitated in the doorway, but with one callused hand against the small of her back He pushed her into the darkness. I'd been doing this for years. Sometimes a dozen times a day. This was obviously her first experience of this situation and as she stepped onto the sensor the lights flared on. They always reacted. No matter how calm or self absorbed they were on the way down what the light revealed held their attention for the brief seconds it took to press the taser against the back of her neck. With a buzz she started to collapse like a puppet whose strings had been cut. But He caught her by her shirt collar and guided her stagger so she fell to the ground on the other side of the room. She was groaning, trying to regain control of her body, but experience told me she wouldn't have time. He grabbed her twitching legs and flipped the waiting loop over her feet. With an almost silent whirr He had her hoisted off the floor. I steadied her, catching a good feel of her firm breasts as He stopped her swinging. He often thought it was a bit of a waste, but from the look in her eyes He knew that He would have never got past first base if she had any say in the matter. So as it was He wasn't missing anything when He spun her to face the wall and cut her throat. She managed a few jerks as He held her, but by the time her blood had stopped spraying she was still. He stepped back from Ms Asya's draining corpse and checked that He hadn't been splashed. Satisfied He went back for His next client. Ms Erickson had been working on her make-up when He collected her from the reception area, and even on the way down in the lift she was touching up her lip gloss. Still it meant He didn't have to make conversation. She looked like a bit of an uber bitch. Her hair back in a painful looking bun and cheekbones sharp enough to cut should you ever touch her. As we reached the door she put her lip gloss back into her slim attaché case. Client's like this made me nervous about working alone for although I'm much bigger and stronger than most His clients some of the butch ones could react quickly and violently when the realised they'd been sent here for disposal. This time His fears were unfounded as when the lights went up the sight of Asya's draining body was almost stunning enough, freezing Ms Erickson with shock. Still He applied the Taser anyway. I almost tripped over Ms Erickson's attaché case and with the stunned woman on the floor He hauled her over to the drains using her tightly knotted tie. Once more He hoisted her up by her legs so that she was over the blood spattered gutter next to Ms Asya. Ms Erickson was already starting to recover, trying to grasp His legs. Fortunately she was still weak so holding her tie out the way He gave her a second mouth under her strong jaw line. Her twisting was enough to spray some blood on His boots, and once she became still He left her to drain. With Ms Erickson still draining He checked Ms Asya. The flow was no more than the odd drip so He guided the hoist over to a work bench. With her hanging by her feet it was easy enough to strip of her upper clothes. Jacket and shirt going into a storage sack. Her bra, simple cotton, was used to wipe His boots clean of blood before it went into the sack. A client's clothes and belongings were always returned to her employer for appropriate disbursement. He just had time to drop her corpse onto the bench and strip her trousers and shoes before it was time to fetch His next client. 'Please call me Alex' That was the first thing she said when He found her waiting in reception. She was certainly different from the first two of the day. A little punkette wearing an apparently ragged T-shirt and cargo pants. Certainly not a business woman although even He could tell that she was clean designer punk. Actually the real reason He could tell was that a street punk wouldn't have been sent to me, He only dealt with customers who wanted to downsize their staff politely. This pretty designer punk must be employed by someone who would be embarrassed to send their staff to the public slaughter houses that a street punk would inevitably end up in. Well He had to admit that she was a pleasant girl and I'd we'd met later in His shift He might have wanted to know her better. Of course Alex, a tiny girl with her spiked hair and friendly smile probably wouldn't have given a male like me a second thought on a normal day. But I'd often found girls like her getting very friendly if they got the chance after they realised what His job was. But as He led the chatty young woman to His work room He decided not to play with this one. In the lift she talked about relaunching her career, as apparently she'd been a singer a few years ago. She said that she'd been worried that her record label was going to drop her contract, but her agent had told her this would boost her sales. He didn't have the heart to tell her that her agent had only told her half the truth. With her career conclusively over there would inevitably be a 'best of' album out soon. I'd have to ask His daughter if she'd ever heard of Ms Parks when He got home tonight as she was into music and she'd be proud to boast that her father had met someone famous. On the way down I'd become fixated on her delicate neck, so He almost enjoyed touching her smooth white skin with the electrodes. She only let out a whimper as she collapsed so He still had no idea as to her singing voice. With her hanging over the drain He did His best to make the experience as quick as He could. Unfortunately either He used too much force, or her throat really was as fragile as it looked. The end result was her pretty little head landing in the gutter as the blade passed clean through her delicate neck. Her body barely even twitched as her life blood made it's way unobstructed from her body. Leaving Ms Alex Parks to drain He manoeuvred His earlier client over to the bench. Ms Erickson had made a mess of her clothes, getting blood everywhere. He didn't have time to deal with the blood soaked knot of her tie and with a flick of a blade tossed her tie into the sack. Her clothes quickly followed, together with her attaché case. Leaving Ms Erickson's cooling body to keep Ms Asya company He went to fetch His next client. Natasha was someone He recognised, but at first He wasn't sure where from. She looked a bit of a fashion victim, wearing an almost transparent silk dress that left almost nothing to the imagination. Natasha's outfit would probably have been OK for a swish restaurant, but in the middle of the day she looked really out of place. It was only with her face reflected in the lift doors that it clicked. She was a presenter on TV. First Alex, now Natasha. His colleagues would be jealous. Unfortunately when she wasn't reading a carefully prepared script Natasha talked absolute nonsense. Even in the few minuets it took to take her from the reception down to His work room she was driving me up the wall. She was apparently expecting to be met by a celebrity video team for a 'TV Special'. Well no one had mentioned anything like that so He assumed it had just been a ruse to get her here. I was so distracted that when we reached the door Natasha walked straight ahead, not even slowing when she caught sight of Alex's headless body hanging from the hoist. Luckily when she did try to stop she slipped in the blood, landing flat on her back. She may have banged her head as she was a bit stunned, but taking no chances He pulled her dress and pressed the Taser against her bare belly. She convulsed, knocking the Taser out of His hand and out of reach. Not as effective as shocking the back of the neck, the Taser did well enough to slow her down. I don't like improvising, but without the Taser to put the young news reader out of action He wanted this over with. So with regret He grabbed the blade He could reach and sitting on her chest to pin her down He pulled the blade across her throat. Using a hand, then the ruined silk of her dress, He did His best to muffle her spraying throat. Only when her blood started to flow rather than spray did He sit back. Using the dry hem of her skirt to wipe His hands He hoisted her into the air so she could drain normally Returning to the first two of the morning He started with Asya. The draining cut hadn't made much of an impression on her neck muscles and He had to resort to a medium weight cleaver to separate the vertebrae, but that done He bagged her head. She looked a bit lonely when He placed it on the pallet but He knew she'd soon have company. Her hands and feet were in good condition as you'd expect with a woman who probably never lifted anything heavier than a pen. With her hands and feet bagged up for the speciality market the cleaver made short work of her limbs which He tossed into a large crate. He set her torso with it's speciality meats aside for after lunch. Ms Erickson was a tougher cut. All sinews and hard muscles. He thought the chef would have a hard time making anything edible from the former office hatchet face but maybe her former co-workers would enjoy her. With Natasha draining he picked up Alex's head in one hand and guided the hoist with her drained carcase to the empty bench. He doubted that there'd been any life in Alex's head as he'd finished Natasha, but he enjoyed the thought of a pop star watching his work. With that thought he placed Alex's head so that she could watch the work on her own body. He knew some of his fellow processors enjoyed an intimate relationship with the meat, but he thinks it's just unhygienic. That's why he always insist that the wife washes any meat before cooking. With that thought he had Alex stripped in no time. She was such a delicate girl that he had her bagged and boxed ahead of time, which turned out to be useful given the trouble that would come later. As he guided Natasha to the bench just vacated by Alex he almost forgot the trouble she had caused, but stripping her bloody and torn clothes revealed few surprises. Apart from being covered in blood there was little difference between Natasha in her revealing dress and naked. Running late He topped and tailed the young new reader, her components going into the bags and boxes with the rest of the mornings work. He'd been planning meet a fellow processor down in the canteen as he'd let on that a hot receptionist from the 4th floor was on the menu, but when he opened the door to leave he nearly walked into a waiting film crew. "Um sorry. We're a bit late" He recognised instantly recognised the young woman and realised that Natasha had been telling the truth about the 'celebrity film crew'. He'd seen her in some hit movies before she'd been reduced to bit parts on TV. Now Keira had been reduced to doing TV specials in an attempt to rejuvenate a flagging career. "I'm supposed to meet a colleague here, Natasha . . ." His expression must have given it away. "Oh dear, have you already, you know, done it?" The actress looked very disappointed, whereas the crew looked to be in a panic. He realised that they probably had a problem with this evenings TV now that their 'TV Special' had been done. He was unsure of what to do, so decided to show the young actress his workplace. As he showed her how he processed his clients, and the neat pile of parts he had accumulated, the producer was in discussion with the station. They were presumably discussing whether they could still go ahead with the special even if they could only show the aftermath of Natasha's conversion. He waited while they filmed his work area and took close ups of Natasha's head where it sat next to the rest of his mornings work. When they seemed to finish filming they then went into a huddle to discuss things. He was getting a bit frustrated as the best cuts of receptionist had probably gone by now. Eventually they finished talking and Keira made him a proposition. He supposed it would be all right to do as she asked. The price of her meat would pay for his time and a little bit of celebrity wouldn't do him any harm come annual appraisal time. Decided he led her back to the gutter where her colleagues were waiting with the camera. Noticing the red light on the camera Keira stood up straighter, ready to speak to the imagined audience. The producer whispered to her not to mention the mishap that had led to Keira volunteering, and the young actress seemed to realise that her act would be more impressive if no one realised it was the result of a mistake. "Hello, today we are in the specialist conversion room in one of the most prestigious office complexes in the city. It is to places just like this one that executives and celebrities come when it's their time. " The camera panned slightly, taking in the now empty benches and the body parts stacked waiting for further processing. "During my career in film I have of course played many roles, from rough bounty hunter to an English gentle woman." No one mentioned that she'd since played increasingly smaller parts as her career had nose dived over recent years. To point out such an obvious fact would have been unkind. "But today you will see reality as we go through what it means to be processed when you are rich and famous" Of course Keira wasn't either any more. "For those people the killing floors of the public conversion plants lacks the personal touch. Not for them the stench of fear and blood as they wait in line." The camera came back to Keira. She stood before the blood spattered concrete walls, the toe of a patent leather shoe just touching the pooled blood in the gutter. "Now pleasant though this space is, most celebrities that get to this point are barely aware of where they are. " She feigned looking around as if she'd only just noticed where she was. He thought that if they had an Oscar for over acting then Keira might just get one. "Before a celebrity reached this point the highly skilled processor would have ensured that they were stunned. This is a highly skilled task with the individual processor choosing their own specialist equipment." He felt the weight of the Taser hanging from his belt. He'd never thought of it as specialist equipment. Keira stood close to the camera, giving the viewers a good close up of her face. This way they couldn't miss her trade marked features. "But of course we have had to do things slightly differently as otherwise He could hardly explain what was going to happen." The camera pulled back, and Keira took hold of the noose that hung from the pulley. "This is where the stunned celebrity is hoisted into the air by her feet. Now that would normally be uncomfortable but of course they have already been stunned by this point. This is where excess fluids are removed." Removal of fluids? He'd never really thought of it in that way before. "Now our host uses electronics to stun his clients, although that is somewhat controversial as some traditionalists insist that only percussive methods should be used." Keira shrugged her shoulders, the rest of her anorexic frame barely moving. "But today we will be showing the process without the stunning." The young actress walked back towards a bench, still talking to the camera. The sight of the immaculately dressed young woman out of place next to his bloodied work area. "With the excess fluids removed a client is then moved, still on the hoist, over to this area." She casually touched a bloodies surface, coating the end of her finger in what was probably Natasha's blood. Realising what she'd done Keira forgot about the camera for a moment as she carefully used a starched linen hankie to clean her finger. "It is on these tables that former celebrities are dismantled. Components being released onto the market to obtain the best prices possible." She smiled at the camera again, realising that when she finished with the description it would be time for a demonstration. "As part of our arrangement today certain more identifiable components will be auctioned off to charity, with the rest being contributed to our processor to cover expenses." She knew she had nothing left to say, and trying not to appear too hesitant followed the camera as they walked back to the drain. Once more standing over the drain Keira seemed to have a problem. This was an area where four women had been bled dry over the last couple of hours, and inevitably it wasn't exactly clean. However the next part of the demonstration required the pretty actress to be lifted into the air by her legs. That was position B and she clearly wanted to get from A to B without getting her pristine clothes dirty. He was just going to suggest that one of the assistants could hold her while he tied her legs when she had her own idea. Taking the clip board off the director she placed it down near the wall. "Here goes." Then she placed both palms on the clipboard and did a handstand. The director clapped at her ingenuity as she grinned back at the camera. "There we are, nearly in position without mess." He took this as his queue and looped the rope around her ankles. At the press of a button young Keira was airborne. Not unsurprisingly her linen shirt had pulled free from her trousers to reveal her perfectly toned belly. This was almost inevitable when he hung girls upside down, but it was also Keira's best known feature. "I've nearly finished with my commentary now, so remember to put in a good bid for any components you want, including my Yves Saint Lauren suit that I've got on now. Remember all proceeds go to charity." He waited to make sure she was finished, not wanting to interrupt her final role. But she clearly had finished as He could see fear creeping into her face. With one hand he took hold of her tie as if to stop it hanging between her face and the camera, and as she watched by hand holding her tie, she didn't see the other hand with the blade. "Gurgh!!" That was all she could say as her mouth filled with blood. He'd used his sharpest blade so she probably hadn't even felt it pass through her flesh. But if the blade had gone unnoticed it's effects had not as her franticly beating heart sprayed crimson everywhere. He stood back, letting her swing freely. This was her staring moment and the camera clearly did not need him in the shot. So they all watched. She jerked around for a few minuets, at first in response to panic signals from her dying brain, then just the spasms of her body as it too died. Again He gave her time, waiting until the director was satisfied with the shots of the dead starlet. Of course all her efforts to stay clean were obviously wasted as her once white linen shirt was now mainly red, as were her colleagues who had stood too close when he cut Keira's throat. He wanted to get this over with quickly so ignoring the film crew he guided the still dripping Keira over to a bench. She apparently had a rider on her contract that made it clear that there would be no nude scenes, which the director said that if she was without clothes then she should not be identifiable. Well that turned out to be easier than they thought. While she was still covered in her blood soaked clothes he used a serrated blade to cut away the muscles of her neck, then using a thin blade between her vertebrae he split her spine so her head fell to the bench. Now her still clothed headless body hung over the bench, and bagging Keira's head he put it with the others in a crate. Now he could strip her without worrying about the nudity clause. Knowing that her clothes would be raising money for charity he took more care than usual, even so far as unknotting her tie, and soon enough he had her naked. He wasn't surprised to find pierced nipples and Celtic tattoos, but luckily he used a hand scanner that revealed one more. He'd never thought anyone would put one in there and at first he thought it might be one of anti-rape devices, but it wasn't a loaded Vagina Dentata, it was just a clit bar. Still he bagged up the scrap metal with her bloody clothes to be returned to her employers at the TV station. The camera crew stood back as he finished up. Cleaving her limbs from her torso and separating her hands and feet. With her components boxed up the red light on the camera went off, and we could all relax. With Keira's colleagues finally leaving He took the opportunity to slip one of Keira's piercings into His pocket, a gift to the wife for our anniversary next week. Further processing of his clients could wait until after his lunch date with the receptionist |