Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1432002-Sultry
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1432002
This is my first erotica piece. The main characters are named Cherry and Kym.
Written by juggalette and Chris Guy

Three weeks past since that camping trip, three weeks of bed rest since the incident... Cabin fever didn't quite describe things. The blood loss had taken its toll on her and required quite some time to replenish but now that the hardest part of it all was done with; she was feeling well enough now for the restlessness to grab her.

She was lying on Cherry's bed, listening intently to the small clock radio beside the bed as her girlfriends show wrapped up and the end credits where spread through the airwaves. Rolling over she stared up at the ceiling for a short while and then with a bit of that hidden nature of her's coming out, she climbed off the bed and slipped into her own room. First she brushed and pulled her hair back, flipped it up and then dug through her stack of CD's until something caught her eye. Perfect.

Back inside Cherry's room she put the CD in the player and then waited for the clock to tick down. By now she had figured out exactly how long it would take for Cherry to drive home so when she was certain the foot steps outside the hall belong to her mate, she got up and opened the door. With her good wrist she grabbed her hand and 'helped' Cherry in, closing the door behind them she didn't bother waiting for her to put her bag down before Kym took a hold of the front of Cherry's shirt collar and kissed her passionately.

"Hey baby."

Cherry let her girlfriend grab her whenever she walked in the door. She placed a leg up on her hip, kissing her back passionately, tangling her fingers through her hair, her tongue searching her mouth. Pulling away she smiled, but at the cd of choice and the greeting she'd received whenever she's returned home from the show. "Hey sexy." She greeted.

"Did you catch the show?" She asked, somewhat breathless from the kiss

It was a mesh of eager reluctance that washed over her as the affectionate kiss had to be broken off for that pesky 'breathing' thing. She grinned softly and snuggled herself closer, pressing against Cherry as much as she could. Inhaling her scent deeply she relished in it and soaked up as much of the moment as she could.

"Mmmm... you taste like strawberries."

She licked her lips and kissed her again, this time briefly.

"I did, I also heard what you said about us when that one guy phoned in."

She smiled again then drifted away from Cherry, giving her room to sort out herself after just getting back from work but she didn't go far. Slipping in behind her, she settled her arms -careful of her still splinted wrist- around her girlfriend's waist and then played with the top button on her jeans from behind.

Cherry reveled in Kym's touch. Sighing, she leaned back slightly in her girlfriend's arms in content. Pride well up her whenever she heard Kym talk about her show, but that pride turned quickly into things that tightened in lower regions. She placed a hand Kym's, gently helping her unbutton it.

"How are you feeling?"
She rested her chin on Cherry's shoulder and closed her eyes as she gave up trying to mess around with the button, when you only had one hand that didn't hurt to use.. It made the damn task just hard enough that it wouldn't release without help.

"Better, still kind of sore."

She answered simply, giving her the only honest answer she could offer that sounded like things where actually better... She was still tired though, sore and hit with the odd dizzy spells but she was still improving. Kym stood up on her toes and laced a kiss down her ear.

"You had a good show tonight, I think it's picking up too. We'll have to celebrate."

Hmmm," She sighed as Kym kissed her ear. "It has." Turning around in Kym's arm, she brushed a few hairs free that had escaped her ponytail. Setting her purse on the floor, she kissed Kym lightly.

"Yes, we much celebrate," She purred. She kissed Kym again, biting her lower lip, beginning to guide her gently over to the bed.

She followed Cherry's lead across the small space between where they had been and the bed, all the while chasing the slow withdraws with another kiss.

"How do you suppose we ought to do that?"

She questioned lightly with something of a grin spreading over her lips. Once they got to the edge of the bed she waited for Cherry to sit down then had her scoot back a little, following her up on the bed she straddled her with her knee's and then tugged a little playfully at the hem of Cherry's shirt... the sore hand/wrist really did make things more difficult.

"Little help?"

Cherry sat down on the bed, her heart beginning to speed up. She just smirked as she helped Kym pull her Insane Clown Posse tank top up over her head. Tossing it on the floor, she slid her hands up Kym's shirt, running her hands up and down Kym's smooth skin in a feather light touch.

"Help assisted."

Goosebumps prickled up and down her body as her skin reacted to that light touch, a welcome chill raced through her but before she became overly lost in anticipation she gingerly pulled back the sleeve that had been hiding the splint. The last thing Kym wanted was to do was forget it was there and just yank the shirt off without thinking. With the one arm free of her own shirt she kept it safely resting over Cherry's hip while she unclasped her mate's bra and dropped it off the side of the bed and then pulled the rest of her own shirt off.

"I've missed this, just being able to love you like I want to."

She smiled lightly and traced a finger down between Cherry's breasts.

Cherry moaned softly, a shiver ran up her spine as Kym ran a finger between her breasts. She grabbed Kym's hips, grinned her vagina Cherry. She slid her hands up Kym's shoulders and through her bra straps before unhooking it, pulling it off and tossing to the floor. Placing an arm around the back of Kym's neck, she gingerly lowered her on the bed, gently resting her weight on top of her, knowing that she was still sore. Cherry had sensed she still was sore, and she planned to make it better. She laid light kisses on Kym's neck.

"I've missed this to, now looking over our shoulders (she kissed her some more,)...but I've missed you. Your body, (she ran her hands up Kym's breasts), how you taste." (swirling her tongue around one of her nipples).

With enough support from Cherry's hand on the back of her neck she slid easily back onto the bed and rested momentarily on her elbows. She knew there was no way that Cherry was going to be even the least bit careless around her right now and risk hurting her but accidents could still happen so she gave her attention to just how Cherry was going to settle, she shifted a little to move her bad wrist [easily the most tender and raw injury still] completely out of the way and then rested it safely over her mates back. Tilting her head back against the mattress of the bed she ran her teeth over the bottom of her lip and exhaled a shaky breath that turned into a moan. She trembled under her touch as her body responded quickly to every touch. With her one good hand she traced her fingers up Cherry's back then around her ribs to caress her breasts.

Cherry sucked on Kym's nipple, moaning whenever Kym caressed her breast. Leaning up, she kissed her fiercely, a heat of lust rising in her. Cherry licked and nipped her way down Kym's throat, to her stomach, nipping her hip as she unbuttoned her jeans, sliding her hand down her pants.

"Tell me if I am hurting you" she said.

She was so very aware of her own breathing, the pumping of the blood through her veins and the heat of the moment that filled the whole of her being. Her muscles twitched and strained under her mate's knowing touch and from deep within her core she was helpless in staving of the breathless moan that slid through her parted lips. She'd been so filled with pent up energy and anxious emotion but it was all now focused on one basic desire, guided by her girlfriend's every touch and move. They both /knew/ each other, those little sweet spots and all those perfect little motions that set each other off but right now the sweet forming across Kym's forehead spoke of things being run completely by Cherry.

She looked down the length of her body to her beautiful girlfriends eyes and the depth of her soul in which hid inside them. She trembled still as Cherry's lips trailed down to her hips but as she stopped to slide her hand into her jeans, Kym shuddered and wanted nothing more then to just kick her jeans off and melt into her mate.

"Oh god... please don't stop"

She pleaded in German as the lust started to get the better of her, nerves screaming to get on with it. With Cherry out of reach she had let her hand rest against the bed beside her, grasping gingerly at the blanket beneath them.

A wild, warm lust rose up in Cherry whenever she heard Kym beg for her not to stop. She loved it whenever she heard that. Sliding Kym's jeans off, she took her panties along with them. Kissing down her stomach, she slipped her tongue en between the lips of vagina, flicking the tip of her tongue across her clit, all the while sliding two fingers inside of her, mimicking sex with them at a moderate pace that sped up with each thrust.

Would that classify as delivering Kym into pain? Not bloody likely. Rapture exploded through her body as Cherry's motions ignited new desires and drew another moan from her lips. Her back arched uncontrollably and while she tilted her head up to the ceiling she tried to hush herself, to slow down the flood of lust. She bit down on her lower lip to try and help quell it but it was all too unbearable, through her now heavy breathing she gasped irregularly while not quite able to remain still under the actions of her mate.


Cherry continued to work her tongue between Kym's legs, moving her fingers to a slower pace, wanting to take her girlfriend up and up to the point where she would be near screaming, and then being her down. Withdrawing her finger, she slid her tongue inside Kym, and stroked her clit slowly with her thumb. Cherry withdrew her tongue and pulled herself up to lay on top of Kym, kissing her hard, sliding two fingers inside of her again.

"Mmm, what?" She asked in a breathy voice as she pulled away, lust clouding her eyes.

Ecstasy laced her nerves and rendered her as nothing more then putty under her girlfriends care, she groaned softly and moved with the sensations that where 'ruthlessly' being inflicted. A sheen of sweat glistened on her bare skin and while Cherry moved to kiss her, Kym hungrily kissed her back.

"I love you."

She was almost breathless with desire but now that her mate was far enough up on her she could pull Cherry close enough to run her tongue down her neck, kissing and nipping her teeth along the delicate skin.

Cherry moaned as Kym worked her magic along her neck. Her ecstasy filled eyes rolled closed, tilting her head to the side to offer her neck to Kym.

"I love you too," She replied, looking at her mate fiercely, letting her know that she meant it. "Oh god," She shivered, closing her eyes again as Kym nipped her skin.

"Bite me," She whispered breathlessly, continuing to slide her fingers in and out of Kym, her pace moving faster with each thrust. "Hard. Suck on my skin, grind your teeth against it."

Kym had a bit of a unique relationship with her wolf, right from the get the two had bonded and formed a partnership. There had been no learning curve, no slow process in control. So when she pulled at the wolf ever so softly. She answered. She nipped her neck briefly as she moved her lips up just under Cherry's ear and then back down, she paused a little at the nape and then as requested she took flesh between her teeth and bit down. It was light at first, almost teasing but then human incisors shifted into something a little more like the points of a wolf's k-9's. She sighed with a shaky breath that released across Cherry's neck as she started to get a little lost in what her mate was doing but like a sudden realization she bit down again, this time much harder. Teeth pierced skin and drew droplets of blood to the surface and she let them roll down her neck but before they got far she kissed them away and then went back to the bite, forcefully sucking out more of that coppery liquid that the wolf craved. Wounds of course healed quickly though so she had to bit again to keep it open.

Her bad wrist was kept safely over Cherry's back but her other slid down the length of her body and she hooked her finger in the loop of her jeans to push them back out of the way, though with every passing moment it was getting harder and harder for her to control her movements as she was pushed farther.

"Oh god Kym," Cherry cried out, the rhythm of her fingers speeding up as Kym work at the open wound on her neck. Pulling her fingers out of Kym, she flipped Kym gently over so that she was lying under her, making sure that Kym was in a comfortable position before she placed her hands on Kym's neck to keep her mouth where it was. "Goddess, don't stop Kym," She cried out again, writing from the pleasure the pain brought her. She arched her back, grinding up against Kym. One hand trailed down her back, digging her fingernails into her girlfriend's skin.

Obediently she followed the switch up with that same eager anticipation but she had to quickly check herself to arrange it so that she was leaning on her elbow of the weakened arm so that it freed up the use of her good. Still feeling the throb left from Cherry's fingers she regained control of her breathing to slow it down a little, pulling her thoughts back together as she bit down again into her soft skin. Her mouth traveled down the side of her neck and hovered just over her collarbone just before she sunk her teeth in again, biting down on the bone just beneath the surface and refusing to let up with the hard hold. 'Holding' her with the bite she rested her weight on Cherry and slid her hand down her side with a feather touch, snaking her fingers over her withering frame until she slipped inside simultaneously with a stronger bite on that bone.

Cherry drew in a sharp breath and nearly screamed in ecstasy as Kym slid her fingers inside of her and bit her again at the same time. The wolf inside her awoke, her eyes flashing wolf's eyes before returning back to normal. Closing her eyes, she grit her teeth to keep from screaming. "Faster, harder, rougher." She said in between lust filled breaths. Only Kym could get her body to react this strongly. Her fingernails turned into claws, digging them into Kym's skin, she scratched them up her back as she writhed underneath Kym.

There was very little encouragement needed other then the screams of her mate, her begging and the reaction that her body was hopeless to stop. Kym's nerve endings screamed to life again as she felt her mate's claws dig into her skin, she groaned into Cherry's shoulder and sucked away the last of the blood as the small wound healed over. She trailed her teeth over her shoulder as her hand moved faster and harder, all the while searching for that one little specific spot and by using Cherry's reactions she zeroed in on it and circled it gingerly as her own body slipped further down. She trailed kisses down her stomach and pelvis until she tenderly kissing the inside of her thigh. She dragged her teeth along the skin and moved her leg a little to gain access to that vein within it, she kissed her once and then bit down hard enough to sink her teeth in

Cherry writhed under Kym, biting down on her lower lip so hard she tasted a little blood in her mouth to keep from screaming. But the pleasure got the best of her whenever Kym bit down on her thigh, sliding her fingers faster in and out of her. She arched her back again as Kym zeroed in on her sweet spot, stroking it slowly enough to drive her insane with lust. "Ah gods Kym, fuck me!" Cherry screamed finally as Kym bit down on the inside of her thigh, making her writhe and buck beneath her, gripping the bed sheets in a white knuckled grip.

That had been what she was looking for, the unbridled screams of passion. The kind that made you glad you didn't have any other roommates. Her fingers moved in and out in rapid succession that stroked that little spot with every little bit of movement, she licked the blood from her thigh and bit down again only this time she sucked out the blood. Once the wound started to close she abandoned the still trickling punctures and started to move back up her body. She nibbled on her left breast, slowly roaming over her until she bit her again, all the while starting to focus the motions of her fingers into just caressing that g spot. "Scream lover."

Cherry screamed again upon Kym's command as she continued to stroke her G spot. Kym always had known where to find it and always had known how to work it just right to reduce her to the state she was in now. Sweat began to form on her forehead, sighing whenever she felt Kym nibbled on her breast. "Oh god," She breathed whenever Kym bit her breast. She tangled her fingers in her hair, keeping her mouth there. "Suck me, blow me, fuck me slowly," Cherry nearly screamed again in between breaths. "Yes Kym, that's it. That's it! Don't stop!"

It was those simple motions that where knowledge belonging only to a lover that could have such a lasting impact, there was not one other soul out there who understood Cherry like Kym did. Pain and pleasure went hand in hand with her and if you could find just that right mix, the right combination, you could own her. Her fingers moved irregularly inside her, toying with every little thread of sensation that was flooding her mate. Her lips found her nipple and with a few soft nips she swirled her tongue around and sucked slowly at first but quickly escalated, brushing her teeth over her and then bit a little harder, drawing a single drop of blood and quickly licking it up. "You're so fucking mine."

Cherry bit her lower lip again, moaning loudly, her writing relaxing for a just a few moments to take in the absolute pleasure Kym was placing upon her. "Mmmm," Cherry moaned in response with the soft nips on her nipple, and the swirls of her tongue. God, her tongue. She always knew exactly how to work it. It drove her insane with pleasure. She loved how aggressive and possessive her girlfriend was in bed, just as much as Cherry was in both aspects. Another near scream caught in her throat as Kym started sucking on her nipple slowly, but it erupted from her throat whenever she sucked harder. "Oh god, Kym! Kym!" She cried out. Kym was blowing her mind with pleasure. She rose her hips up to meet Kym's thrusts with her fingers as if to beg for more. This primal lust between them had been just as strong since the first day they met and shared their first night together. Cherry shivered whenever Kym licked up the single drop of blood, sighing with pleasure. "Yes," She said, moving her hips up to meet with Kym's thrusts again. "I'm so fucking yours. Take me higher, baby. Make me scream until my throat is raw."

Things between them where as strong now as they had been a year ago, since the first night that they had laid their eyes on each other during that concert. Kym hadn't been able to take her eyes off of Cherry, so much so that she's missed a fair bit of the show. With all that they had been through, all that pain and struggle. She wouldn't trade it for anything. A life without Cherry was no life at all, she'd rather be dead then without her mate and truth be told, she probably would have been dead if Cherry hadn't been there to pull her out of the chronic depression that she had fallen into. She owed her life to Cherry on so many levels.

She drove her hand deeper, rougher as Cherry's hips moved beneath her, craving every ounce that Kym would give her. Her wolf growled, encouraging and challenging at the same time. Her lips traveled upward slowly and kissed her greedily on the lips, severing the taste and probing her tongue past her mate's lips.

Cherry herself had missed a good but of the Rammstein concert whenever she'd first seen Kym. By then, she'd figured out that she was a lesbian, and right away realized she HAD to have Kym. She looked so beautiful and sad mouthing the words of the songs she knew. Sometimes, everything in the background faded out, the voices, the instruments, the roar of the crowd whenever she looked at Kym. Cherry was sure that she'd sensed that Kym was her life mate right that night,

Cherry kissed her back hungrily, biting down on Kym's lower lip briefly, her tongue exploring her mouth, tasting his sweetness, which tasted just as sweet as when she had had her tongue inside of her. Cherry moaned against her lips. She ran her hands up Kym's shoulders and down her back, squeezing her ass. Reluctantly, Cherry pulled away from Kym, massaging her right breast while kissing and biting her neck, not being able to get enough of how she tasted.

"You are MINE, Cherry whispered in her ear. Mine and NO ONE else's." She finished possessively, tracing her fingers across her stomach, working lower as she was stroking, keeping the same feather light touch.

A lot had changed since that show, since they had first 'clicked'. They brought out the best in each other, their true natures and despite all they had been through together, as long as they had each other. They would not, could not fear anything. She sighed and folded into Cherry's arms, relishing every little touch and the way her voice sounded through it all to complete that ultimate safety net. Kym had tired quickly, coming up far to short then she would of normally been but she was still on the mend, still dealing with injuries beneath the surface that where stubbornly taking their time in healing.

"I'll always be yours."

She smiled and lolled her head to the side, soaking up every little affectionate touch and gesture. She didn't want this to end, couldn't let the rush pass her by. "Mmmm..." She mumbled against the touch, completely letting Cherry do as she wished. 'I need to rest a bit... Just don't stop' She closed her eyes and followed Cherry's every touch through her mind, determined not to let the night end.

Cherry nodded, smiling at her mate. She had a smile reserve just for her. She could tell her girlfriend was tired out, and that she was still on the mend. Wanting to do anything to make her comfortable, she rolled off of Kym to lie down beside her, continuing to stroke her clit with her thumb in a slow, relaxing motion, following her command to just let her rest, just don't stop.

Kissing her gently, she stroked Kym's hair with her free hand, "What's your latest fantasy?" Cherry asked gently

She kept her eyes softly closed and remained so completely relaxed in her arms that she might have been able to just pass out right then and there if it hadn't been for the desire that still swam under the surface. Waiting until the time was right to rise up. She mumbled a little, enjoying the feel and motion of Cherry's thumb on her. She snuggled into Cherry's arms and breathed in her scent that was heavily mixed with the smell of lust and sex. It was intoxicating.

"You." She smiled and kissed her with loving intent. "Promise you wont get mad?" They had always been so open with each other, with everything. But this she wasn't sure. Cherry didn't like to 'share' and she possessive and protective. Everything that Kym needed in a mate. How would she react to sharing her, if only just one night? "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if someone... Joined us for a night."

Cherry continued to stroke Kym is thought, pausing on stroking her hair, looking away for a moment, she thought about it. The sex between them had always been amazing. They both knew how to take each other up, up, and up, and bring each other down, down, down to the point of screaming and begging for more. They bother knew each other's bodies so well. Cherry really started to think about it. Perhaps a threesome with someone would take their relationship to new heights. Looking back down at her life mate, Cherry cleared her throat to speak, smiling gently. "The idea is tempting, my love. I think it would take our relationship to a new level if we had someone join us. I am ok with having a threesome. What did you have in mind?" She asked, pulling her lover closer to her, sliding a finger in and out of her for a few thrusts before returning to stroke her clit. Cherry was really alright with this, and she was going to let her girlfriend work it out however she wanted.

She moaned softly as that brief few pushes ignited small stems of reserve energy but she held it back, knowing full well that if she waited and just rested now. It would be worth it later. "That's the part that is kind of a hard... I don't know who I'd be comfortable enough with to do that. You're the only one I've ever been with." She'd been her first and only so the prospect made her almost as nervous as it did lure her. Up until then her healing wrist had been wrapped around Cherry's back, safe from being bumped or disturbed but as the sweet cooled her, chills started to filter over her. She pulled her arm in between them, carefully nestling it against Cherry's chest. "I don't even think anyone else here is a lesbian. Or even Bi. It could be fun with a guy... But I don't know, I don't know if I'm okay with a guy sleeping with you. "

Cherry stopped stroking Kym, content just stroking a sweet spot on her stomach while Kym spoke. Cherry listened intently, nodding whenever Kym shared her doubts and the snags that they were running into, what with almost everyone else in the house being straight or taken. She bit her lower lip. Feeling her girlfriend shiver, she pulled the blanket over them down, continued to stroke the favorite place on Kym's stomach, holding her close as she settled the blanket comfortably around them. "I don't know of anyone in the house that's even bi. It's up to you whether you want it to be a boy or a girl, baby. I am having the same doubts; I don't know how I would feel about a guy or another girl sleeping with you. But, I do want to try it."

If this was what Kym wanted to try, then Cherry was down for it. She would do anything for Kym.

She licked her lips, savoring the lasting traces of the sweet copper taste of blood as the blanket was pulled snugly around them. "It would have to be someone we both trust" she concluded as she thought the idea over. She'd be lying if she said she wouldn't get jealous of someone else getting Cherry's touch, her attention. The unnamed person who got involved would have to be someone hey where both at ease with for that very reason; she didn't want a lurid idea turning into hurt. "We should think about it a little first, and then wait... At least until I can take this splint off. It's driving me mad not being able to use both hands." She smiled a little sheepishly, almost with a bit of an apologetic underside. She wanted to use both hands but unfortunately she couldn't and right now it was Cherry who had to pick up the slack. She started to slowly brush kisses across Cherry's shoulder, already starting to feel better from the short rest.

"I agree baby. Let's give this a lot of thought because I am ok with doing this. I think it would make our relationship and.." She leaned in towards Kym, tilting her head up and nipping her lower lip. "...and sex life to a new height." Cherry kissed her passionately, lust beginning to flair up in her again. She'd glanced at the clock, which read 2:00am. Which met they had been fucking almost all night and from the way things looked, it seemed things wouldn't settle down for about another or so. Not that Cherry minded.

There was something that someone had said once that Kym had just completely agreed with. In that only another girl could bring you to a whole new level of passion just simply because their bodies worked the same way, they knew what worked and what didn't right from the start. It would still be interesting though, just to see what happens and where it took them and it would certainly be easier to find a guy willing to screw around with two chicks then to find another girl willing to do the same. Feeling the heat rise back up through Cherry she kissed her in return and moved that hand safely away where she wouldn't be tempted to put pressure on it. "Alright lover, Remind me just how high you can take me, then we'll talk of threesomes."

Cherry smirked in delight, for her lust had been flaring up again with each and every stroke of her fingers across Kym's skin. Leaning in, teasing her with a possible kiss, she whispered against Kym's lips, "Let's mix it up, shall we."

Cherry kissed down Kym's neck, flicking the hot tip of her tongue along Kym's throat, reveling in how good she tasted. Her skin tasted just as good as the juices between her legs. She licked a line in between her breasts, massaging one, while teasing the nipple of her other breast until it was hard under her tongue.

Glancing back up at Kym, her lust filled eyes held a challenge. "Let's see who can take each other the highest and see who can make who scream first."

She chased that phantom kiss until the proposition was offered and intrigue filtered across her thoughts but as Cherry's lips rolled down her neck she found herself focusing in on every little thing she did. Lying in her arms she mumbled incoherently as words malformed in her mouth and came out mangled until Cherry stopped to issue her challenge. "Mmmmm baby, you are so on" From beneath the warm blanket she traced a nail up the middle of Cherry's back, waiting only briefly until she could kiss her. It May have been a 'race' in one term but that was only a 'loose guideline'. She had every intent to make this last.

Cherry smirked. It was so on. She slid a hand down Kym's leg and then back up to her thigh, caressing it before she teased her fingers just outside of Kym's opening.

When had been the last time that they had been able to just enjoy themselves like this, to let go of everything. It had been a while really, since before Kym had been hurt, back beyond that from when they had been trekking from one pack to the next. Finding a place to fit in just seemed to do them both wonders. Her fingers slid through Cherry's hair and she kissed her softly at first but then the aggression quickly started to surface. Her tongue searched out Cherry's and then beneath the blankets that covered them both she flickered her fingers over her body until she moved around her mates chest and gave her breast a squeeze before she worked her hand in a message.

Cherry moaned against Kym's lips as she kissed her. A white hot lust for her flared up against as soon as the kiss turned aggressive. A softer, more prominent one brushed across Kym's lips as she massaged her breast. They were aching to be touched by her. As she swirled her tongue with Kym's, she caught it in between her teeth, biting it gently before she latched onto her lower lip, sucking one it as she slid her fingers suddenly and aggressively inside Kym. God, she was so tight, and warm, wet. It drove Cherry insane with lust. "God baby," She whispered, her hot breath skimming across Kym's swollen, well kissed lips. "You are so tight."

Heat boiled up from within her core as Cherry's hand searched her out and while she tentatively knew what was coming next, it still shot through her like a bullet. Her breath caught in her throat and for a passing moment she forgot what she was doing until she realized that she'd dug her fingers into Cherries breast. She let up quickly but then sought out her neck instead, flicking her tongue across her skin and bit briefly before she chased after another kiss.. Murmuring through parted lips. "All for you," She moved her hand down between them, over her hips and inside, moving as Cherry's did.

Cherry tore her lips away from Kym's, tossing her head back as Kym slid her fingers inside her. This would be quite a challenge to see who could make who come first screaming and writhing. They both knew each other's bodies so well, knew what the other liked, knew just what to do to those certain spots just right. She moaned loudly before she kissed Kym passionately, rolling off of her, careful to Kym's fingers inside of her, onto her side so that she was facing Kym. She wouldn't problem have to roll over. She bucked her hips to the motion of Kym's fingers, begging for her to speed up her face. Cherry kept her breathing moderated, pacing herself. She fully intended to keep this going on as long as possible, wanting things to build up as much possible so that when Kym come, it would be strong enough to dig her fingernails into Kym's back, or her thigh and run her nails down her skin, releasing. She moved her fingers in and out of Kym, completely dropping the whole slow, steadily picking up her rhythm. Cherry began to run Kym's clit in a circle with her thumb, the harder she thrust, the faster she rubbed Kym's clit.

"Oh god baby, don't quit," Cherry breathed, continuing to being her hips up to meet Kym's fingers. Leaning up and in close, she stopped her thrusts, choosing to just rub Kym's clit for a few moments. "You are mine (she thrust her fingers aggressively into Kym upon saying the word). Mine (thrust) Mine to touch (thrust), mine to kiss (thrust), and mine (thrust) to fuck (the last thrust being the most aggressive of the rest.

She followed Cherry as she rolled over onto her side and she stayed close, never letting the distance between them spread more then a fingers width. She wanted to feel the rush of Cherry's beating heart, the way she could feel it pounding away beneath the skin as they worked each other. Striving for that explosion that would set each other off. Sweat started to collect on her skin again as Cherry rubbed her with a knowing touch, she groaned with the simple pleasure that it stirred in her. Her body throbbed in ecstasy for the second time this night but it was the thrusting that pushed her further, closer with every new word. "Oh fuck." She groaned loudly and whimpered with the ripples of sensations that had her balanced on the brink. Her own fingers moved with exceeding speed, the closer Kym got. The rough she got. Though right then during the moment, she wasn't easily able to get her own motions to act as they should. It looked as though through a little further and Cherry was about to win. She ached for it now, almost desperately waiting for that last shove to send her tumbling.

"Oh...oh god, Kym!" Cherry screamed. She'd caved in screaming first. Her body writhed as soaked up every little pleasure as Kym matched her rough worded thrusts. She bucked her lips to the rhythm as Kym carried her up and and up, and up...preparing to bring her down, drop her off and the end and make her come convulsing, screaming and scratching. This was the first time that they had been able to have actual, passionate, wild, rough sex all night in a long time. It almost felt like it was the first night they they'd given themselves to each other. "Ah. Ah. Ah," was what emitted from her throat with each thrust Kym made.  With some last rough thrusts, she withdrew her fingers. Sweat glistened on her forehead, her breathing was really hard. Cherry look at her life mate, her pupils dilated because she was so turned on. Her long black hair fell into her face as she smirked sexily at Kym. "Keep fucking me with your fingers," She half asked, half ordered.

So there was that small 'victory' in this little rough game of theirs, Cherry had screamed first. Her hips moved with every little twitch of Cherry's fingers, wanting every little touch and caress. She moaned with those last few thrusts and wanted to beg for her to keep going but even though it felt like time nearly stopped in an unbearable pause. Cherry leaned in and guided her on to her back once more. Anticipation roared back to life. She pushed in deeper and then pulled out, pinching and twisting randomly between every thrust until Cher had moved far enough down that she couldn't reach.

Cherry twisted, writhed, moaned and nearly screamed with Kym's every thrust, pinch, and twist. "Kym!" She cried out, grasping the bed sheets in a knuckle white grip of pleasure.

Cherry marveled both in awe and in pride at how swollen with need her girlfriend's clit was as she continued to suck on it. The harder she sucked, the harder she thrust her three fingers into Kym. To tease her a little bit, Cherry withdrew her fingers slowly, sucking on her clit slowly, before she placed the tip of her tongue right in the center of it, swirling her tongue in a slow, tortuous motion, looking up at Kym to see her expression, staring at her deviously before going back to work. She knew Kym was coming. There was a certain way her body started to shudder when she orgasmed. With one last, strong thrust, twisting her three fingers in Kym, giving one last hard suck on her clit, she knew orgasm was beginning to roll over her. And she was going to reveal in the reaction and the favor she would get in return for it.

Both her hands gripped onto the sheets of the mattress beneath her and while she clenched them into fists with the fabric twisted in her palms she had completely forgotten about that tweaked wrist of hers. It wouldn't matter though because she wasn't feeling any pain just then, only the unbelievable amount of ecstasy that had overcome her. Her eyes rolled back into her head and then closed as she moaned softly, almost grunting with the sheer pleasure of it. She shuddered as her body hunkered down and convulsed with the lasting ripples that flowed through her. "Oh gods Cherie, hold me."

Cherry came right as Kym came, Breathing hard, she lay on her back for a moment, trying to get her bearings, staring up at the ceiling. Her body hummed with the feel good endorphins that came in with an orgasm. Moaning in contentment, she turned on her side and pulled the lover of her life closer, spooning against her, sliding a leg over her in a possessive movement. Moaning in completely content again, she brushed the hair out of Kym's face, kissing her on the cheek. "Mmm, it's been so long since we've had the chance to do that," She began. "But it was very much worth the wait." She finished.

Despite all that they had gone through in the past, what Cherry had said was true. The release had been well worth it. "I think we both came at the exact same time." She concluded, laying her head in the crook of Kym's shoulder and neck, holding her a little closer.

She reveled in the feel of being so close to Cher, of having the warmth of her mate wrapped around her in that protective embrace. She loved being held like this, in the safety of her girlfriend's arms where nothing could get to her or hurt her. There was little else that soothed her more then just being with her. The world never mattered on nights like these because nothing could break their bond. "Absolutely," Her voice came in a purr, just barely above a whisper. "God I love you so much."

The sex had been fantastic. It always had been with Kym, from day one. There was no place she'd rather be in the world right now than right here, in bed, holding her girlfriend. This, to her was heaven. The fact that they'd had hot, sweaty, rough sex was a bonus. She knew Kym was her life mate, so they would be lying like this, reveling in each other's company, loving the fact that they would be in one another's embrace for the rest of their lives.

Cherry smiled gently. Cherry had several seperate smiles. There were two that were just reserved for Kym, and this smile was one of them. "I love you too. How do you feel baby?"

That little smile of hers was answered with a soft kiss of affection before she closed her eyes and relaxed so completely in her arms. She took in a slow deep breath to stabilize it completely and then answered her without needing to think about it. "I feel fucking amazing." With all that she had been through in these last few weeks. She really had needed this. All the little ache's and pains where gone for the moment and she was so completely relaxed. Although a little worn out.

Cherry kissed her lover back with the same soft affection, careful not to ignite the flame between them that was so easily sparked, like dropping a match on gasoline and having it catch fire in seconds. The post sex tiredness washed over Cherry in a strong, but peaceful wave. Licking her swollen, soft, full lips, she said, "I feel great to. It's always best to just lose all control with you."

She grinned softly and spoke gingerly, knowing full well that Cherry would never leave her. "As if you could with anyone else," No one would ever understand Cher as much or as well as Kym did and worked vice-versa. There was no holding back the yawn that came and then snuggled herself as close as she could into Cherie and let her eyes drop closed. "Night lover."

© Copyright 2008 juggalette (little_death at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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