Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1431789-Last-Ride
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Horror/Scary · #1431789
A Man and his wife plan to go on vacation on an island off the coast of florida.
Hurry up trent the last ferry is 11:45, its already 11:30 we better hurry up or we're going to miss it! Trent Starts scrambling to look for his last bag, in a rush to get to the ferry trent knows he better find his bag soon or his vacation with his wife will quickly come to an end. Found it Jazmyn! trent yelled to his wife, go start the car. Jazmyn got her things together threw them in the car and waited for Trent to come out side."Beep Beep" Jazmyn honked the horn, Hurry up Trent! she yelled.Im coming Im coming he replied holding his bag in one hand and locking the front door with the other. He tried to rush to the car but took an embarrasing fall on the ground from tripping over there garden hose. "wow silly get up were going to be late" Jazmyn said in a giggling voice. "you know i could go on this vacation by myself Jazmyn" trent said in a playful tone."oh really Trent?" and leave your lovely wife all alone at home?come on you know noone else can satisfy you" she leans over and kisses him on the lips, "you got that right babe" he replied.

They back out of the drive way and headed straight for route 10 that was the fastest way to the ferry. They only had 5 minutes left before they missed the last boat. The speed limit was 65 but they were doing well over 70. "finally were here" said Jazmyn. Trent slowed down as he come up on ferry lane, he pulled up to the stop sign and waited for one of the guys to call him forward to his section. It gets pretty misty at night trent couldn't see anything, but than he saw a hand through the darkness waving him to come forward. Jazmyn looked up at trent and smiled,"yes lets go on vacation babe" as she grabbed Trents hand and put it in her lap."Just made it" a mysterious man said "we were just about to call it a night, that'll be 50 dollars".

50 Dollars it is Trent replied, he gave the man the money, rolled the window up, put his seat back and awaited his lovely vacation with his wife. Im tired babe, Trent said to Jazmyn, "oh ok honey, just go to sleep ill wake you when we get there" said Jazmyn. Alright honey try to stay up, says Trent. Trent relaxed, he knew it was going to be a while before they got to the island. Halfway there jazmyn started dozing off, trying to figure out ways to stay up, she started playing with the radio, turning the volume up slightly just enough so trent wouldn't awake from his sleep. Jazmyns strategy didn't work, she had fell completely asleep. Hours had past before Jazmyn or Trent would awake. Jazmyns eyes slightly opened from her sleep, and than they popped wide open as she realized that they both had fell asleep.

Trent, trent wake up said Jazmyn. She grabbed his shoulder and started shaking him. "what, what is it babe, are we there yet?" Trent said half asleep. Trent, wake up! she said louder, this time Trent Snapped out of it. "what the fuck? where are we Jazmyn? why is it so misty? what time is it, what the hell its 3:00am it doesnt take that long to get to the island does it?" No, said Jazmyn in a concerned tone. "It's only suppose to take an hour. " Well how the fuck did One hour turn into Three. "i don't know" said Jazmyn "I Fell asleep Trent".. "get out go talk to one of the guys Trent" Maybe they ran out of gas while we were sleeping babe" Trent replied. "No, no go see whats going on please". Alright babe i'll be right back. Trent got out of the car to see what was going on. There was noone in sight, he figured they were probably inside the ferry. He walks over to the entrance to go inside but the door was locked. "thats strange, the insides never locked" Trent said to himself.

Trent started tugging on the door, than he started knocking on it. "hello?anyone in there?Hello!" Trent looked up towards the captain. He could see him steering the boat. Trent waved his hands wildly and started yelling to get his attention, but he got no response."fuck, what the fuck is going on". Trent walked back to his car. "The entrance is locked, and I tried to get the captains attention but i got no response". Jazmyns face went from concerned to extremely worried. Noticing the look on her face Trent grabbed her by her cheeks and said "look we'll figure everything out once the ferry stops ok?" With, a still worried look on her face Jazmyn cracked a smile and said "ok".

Jazmyn look! as Trent pointed straight ahead I think that's the island he said. Trent was excited, but moments later the excitement on his face would be sucked away, as they got closer he noticed that this wasn't the island they had intended on going to. "where are we trent", Jazmyn squeezed Trents hand, She knew something was wrong. The ferry was getting ready to Doc, it was 3:30 and it was still dark out. The ferry had stopped, the gates opened and still there was noone in sight. "lets just go see where we are, im sure theres another ferry that can take us back home" Trent said, waiting for a response from Jazmyn. "ok lets go" They tried to turn there car on, but there was no sound. "come on!" Trent said in frustration."what the hell is wrong with this thing. Honey did you leave the radio on before you fell asleep?" "shit yeah i did" "ok, it's probably the battery than, ill get the charger out of the trunk" Trent got out the car, and searched through the trunk, "come on where the fuck is this thing ah got it!" Pop the Hood Jazmyn.

Trent walks over to the front of the car, "alright lets get this thing started he says to him self," What the fuck?! oh my god. Jazmyn! come here! he yells in fear. "what, what is it?" "look" Trent points his finger to the engine. " "what the fuck, where is everything?". Almost everything in the engine had been removed except the battery."Jazmyn, get back in the car" Trent said in fear. He looks up towards the captain, but the Captain was no longer in sight. Trent gets back in the car. "Jazmyn, I need you to stay with me ok?" Jazmyn, had a bad heart condition, she could have a panic attack at any time. Jazmyn started weezing "whats going on Trent, "she Gasps for air" This is starting to scare me" "lJazmyn listen, we have to see where we are. I know this whole situation is strange, but we're going to get out of it together ok?" "Still gasping" Jazmyn, says "ok". Do you have your cell phone on you? Yeah, Yeah i have it Trent. Alright get everything we need and take it out of the car.

Trent and Jazmyn gathered some of there belongings and got out of the car, they only had clothes, a flashlight, a cell phone and two bottles of water. Trent knew they would have to find food or they would quickly starv, at Night the temperature stays at 80 degrees, and in the day 90, he knew the bottles of water they had weren't going to last them long, because of the risk of dehydration. They would have to drink them to keep there energy high enough to walk. They started walking, as soon as they got off of the doc. Jazmyn do you have a signal?"no, we're in the middle of the fucking woods"."don't get frustrated babe we're going to find help ok" "yeah ok". There was a trail that lead through the darkness of the island. "lets follow it, it could lead to a village" Trents says. They follow the trail. Aiming the flashlight at there feet, Trent notices a pair of footsteps. "look, I think we're getting close Jazmyn" They continue down the trail following the footsteps. "dam, it!" what, what is it said Jazmyn. "we're at a fucking fork" The footsteps they had followed lead them to a fork. They could either go left or right, but there was something strange about the fork. "hmm, thats weird"said Trent, "what Trent?". "The footsteps follow the trail that goes left. and the ground is untouched that goes right".

"What's this?" Trent said underneath his breath. There was a sign, he couldnt quite see it because it had dirt covering its faded out words."fuck, a no trespassing sign, hmm but wait a minute it's only for the trail to the left" as an arrow on the sign was pointing in that direction. ". "but thats where the footsteps lead to" Said Jazmyn. "lets just go the other way Trent". "No, wait, if the footsteps lead this way than theres definetly got to be someone down here". "I know but what about the no trespassing sign?" "come on, noones around we're in the middle of the woods lets just go see"

Fine Trent but if we get in trouble your taking all of the blame for it. Jazmyn sensed that this was a bad idea. They began walking down the Trail."see anything yet Jazmyn?" "no" She said in a exhausted tone. "how long have we been walking Trent?" "check your cell Jazmyn" "dam it" "what?" "it's dead". "fuck! lets just keep walking Jazmyn". They began walking again, lost in the darkness of the island and trees surrounding them."hey, hey look!" Trent pointed his finger straight ahead."I think it's a Motel" Trent began running towards the Motel so fast that he left Jazmyn behind." Trent slow down wait for me she screamed" But Trent heard nothing, all he could focus on was getting to that Motel."Yes, we're going to get home" He said to him self, still running at top speed "oh...shit......" Trent said as his speed racer impression caused him to trip over a hard object that was half way buried in the trail. "Trent! are you alright" Jazmyn yelled from a distance.

"Yeah, yea im ok, I just Tripped over something"."now, let me just see what it was...".Jazmyn caught up to him, out of breath "nice, way to leave your wife, I cant believe you did that you know we need... "Shhhhh!!...for one second Jazmyn, im trying to see what this is " Jazmyn was silenced. Trent got on his knees and started digging on the sides of the object trying to lift it out of the ground. "Trent look!" "what is it?" "A Ring" "looks like a wedding ring Jazmyn" "but that still doesn't explain what i just tripped on". Trent continued digging with his barehands."Jazmyn, run to the motel right now, as fast as you can" Trent said in shock."why, what is..." "Jazmyn, shut up and run to the motel". "but just tell me whats..." "Jazmyn! Shut up and Go now!" Jazmyn ran down to the motel awaiting Trent to come still wondering what Trent was doing all she could do was wait.

Trent what took you so long, you were gone for almost 20 minutes."Jazmyn was anyone inside the motel?" "no, wait just answer the question why were you gone so long" "honey, alright listen, we need to get back to the car as fast as possible. "Dam it! WHY!" Jazmyn had had enough, she wanted to know what was going on. "It...it was a dead body" Trent said as his lips were quivering in fear. "what?!, oh no no no what are we going to do, we need to get out of here we need help" Jazmyn was panicing. "I know, I know, but you have to stop panicing Jazmyn...Jazmyn?" Jazmyn started to get light headed while she was staning up. "honey, you better sit down you look like your about to faint honey?" All Jazmyn could here was an echo of her husbands voice trying to talk to her. She slowly fainted Trent caught her on the way down so she wouldnt hurt her self.

"You'll be ok Jazmyn" Trent said as he started petting her across her forehead. "You need to lie down baby" Trent said to himself. He picked her up and carried her inside the motel. No one was inside."dam it nobodys at the desk, it's not going to matter is it Jaz?" Still talking to him self. "fuck it" he said in frustration. Trent broke a door open so his wife could lay down. He placed her on the bed. ill be right back honey he said with a soft whisper over her face. Trent went and got a wet washclothe from the closet to place across Jazmyns forehead. He only walked away for one minute. Trent came back from the other room with his back turned to the bed, where Jazmyn was laying, unknowing what awaited. Trent turns around. "Jazmyn! he screamed in fear Jazmyn! what the fuck...oh my god oh my god oh my god" Something had cut Jazmyns feet off the bloos was gushing out rapidly but she was still sound asleep. All Trent could do was stand there in shock with a wet washclothe in his hand trying to stop the blood from pouring out but it was way to much. Trent was forced to watch her bleed to death. "who did this! he yelled who did this!" but the yelling did him no good because in the woods no one can hear you scream.

Trent finally realized what was going on they had been set up from the beginning he knew then that someone or something wanted them dead it was all planned out. Trent started retracing everything they did realizing that everything was a trap. "dam it, how could I be so stupid of course they would want us to follow the footsteps so it would lead us right to here, where they can kill us dam it they knew the body in the ground would make us run to the motel to look for help, but of course it was all a trap. Sitting next to his dead wife trent tried to suck it up and find a way to get help, but his emotions overwhelmed him. Trent looked up to the sky, and screamed. "I just wanted to go on vacation dam you!!' all of his anger was directed towards god."huh?" Trent hears a noise." is that you motherfucker he screamed hiding behind the bed next to his dead wife. There was a thumping noise that kept getting louder and louder until it finally stopped outside of the door. "come on bring it bitch bring it!" Trents fear turned into rage with a furious anger he directed towards the noise. the door busted open. no one was there but than all of the sudden a bow & arrow is headed directly for Trents forehead."no...he yelled" He knew this was it, neither of them were going to make it out alive he knew if he died than noone would know what happened to them.

Trent closed his eyes to await death, in total shock his body wouldn't let him move out of the way. From the time the bow & arrow had headed towards him Trent started seeing things in slow motion. When he closed his eyes he was already counting backwards from 3 anticipating the time it would take to kill him. 2.........1. Trent, trent wake up, we're almost to the island. Trent jumped up he was covered in a cold sweat. Trent whats wrong? Trent began feeling him self as if he couldn't believe he was still alive and then he looked over at his wife Jazmyn and grabbed her telling her how much he loved her Trent couldn't believe it he was dreaming the whole time. it was only 12:45 he had been dreaming for exactly an hour. "nothing honey, im just happy your here" Trent said to Jazmyn. "and im happy your here as well" She replied. "Lets go on vacation babe" Trent said with a grin.

Trent and Jazmyn went on vacation for a week on the island they had planned on going to. When they got back, Trent decided that that would be the last ride on the ferry he would ever take.

© Copyright 2008 Author D.H. 88 (creativesoul88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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