Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1431288-The-Spectre-of-Communism
by Sarah
Rated: E · Essay · Educational · #1431288
Part 1. The downfalls of communism.
Note: This is one of two papers that I wrote over communism last semester. We had to write one paper against it and one paper for it. Feel free to check out the other paper, Communism and Equality in my portfolio for a glance at communism from the other side.

"The Spectre of Communism"

The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848 by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. The persuasive political document outlines the principles of the communistic system of government. The introduction of communism was met with a lot of controversy and even fear. The Manifesto itself refers to communism as a spectre that is haunting Europe. Some of the goals of communism include the elimination of the ownership of private property, rights of inheritance, and the social class system. The use of these ideas induces terrible consequences. Communism is an ineffective form of government because it stifles individualism, takes rights away from citizens, and disregards human nature.

The main goal of communism is to make everyone the same. The communists suggest that everyone should have the same cars, same houses, and even make the same amount of money. Making the income of all citizens equal eliminates the rewards for accomplishment found in capitalist systems. In the United States, good work is rewarded. If we make good grades in high school, we get scholarships. If we go to college, we get better jobs. If we work hard at our jobs, we get promotions or raises. In a communist system, everyone would have the same income, regardless of what type of work they are doing. A person who went all the way through medical school would make the same amount as someone with only a high school diploma. In communistic systems, there are no rewards for excellence. Lack of recompense for a job well done results in a lack of motivation. It would be hard to go to work every day knowing that no matter how hard you tried, you and the guy who does the bare minimum he can do without getting fired will be bringing home the same paychecks. Communism is ineffective because it does not allow people to excel and represses the value of individualism by placing everyone in the same category.

When the idea of communism was introduced, many of the upper class, or Bourgeois, were angered. They were angry because several of the plans proposed in the Communist Manifesto intended to take away their rights. One of these rights is the ability to own private property. According to the Manifesto, "the theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property" (Manifesto 6). Speaking to the Bourgeoisie, Marx says, "You reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend" (Manifesto 7). The Manifesto points out that property should be eliminated because it was only available to the wealthier upper class. The right to own land was given to everyone by the government. It should not be taken away just because not everyone can afford to take advantage of their right. The Manifesto also lists the abolition of rights of inheritance as a goal. This too would take away from the rights of the citizens. People who are able to obtain a significant amount of money should be able to pass it down to their children if they so desire. Parents want what is best for their children and for them to have it easier than they did. The right to do so should not be taken away. The communists wanted to get rid of these rights because they were not accessible to the working class because they were not as wealthy as the upper class. Rights should not be taken away from anyone to increase equality. Equality comes through giving everyone the same rights, rather than taking rights away. A communistic form of government means fewer rights for the people. This would result in angry citizens.

One of the key flaws in the idea of communism is the ignorance of human behavior. Humans are all made differently. We all have unique personalities, traits, and capabilities. Therefore, it is irrational to attempt to group everyone together in the same category. A large number of people cannot be happy when they are forced to fit into the same mold. Our differences should be celebrated, not diminished. Communism also ignores the characteristics of laziness, greed, and arrogance. These traits do not mix with communist systems. Communism would not be an effective type of government because human nature is not accounted for in their ideals.

All in all, communism looks good on paper, where the people are perfect and respond ideally to the overthrow of the social class system and the reduction of their rights and individuality. In real life, however, the aftermath of such changes would be catastrophic. Labeling communism as a spectre is very accurate. Communism is not an effective system of government. The lack of emphasis on individuality, reduction of rights, and clear disregard for human nature would lead to disaster.

Works Cited

Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels. Manifesto of the Communist Party. 1848.
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