Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1431001-The-Wolf-in-Camelot
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1431001
A werewolf with a difficult past befriends and helps Arthur as he becomes king of Camelot.
Seath was tracking a rabbit when she heard human footsteps and the sound of someone muttering under his breath. The rabbit heard the noise too and bounded into the bushes, quickly dissapearing in the brown and green underbrush. Seath jumped onto the low branch of a nearby oak tree and stood perfectly still. Her many-colored pelt blended in well with the forests colors. She was very good at staying unseen. Looking down from her perch she saw a boy. He was walking slowly down one of the many deer trails that wove through the forest. She inspected him carefully; he had slightly curly auburn hair that was streaked unevenly with dark blond strands; down and loose it came to just below his ears. His eyes were hazel, with such a mixture of brown and green that you couldn't discern if they tended towards either color. He was tall, slender and still had the gawky, loose movements of boyhood. Seath thought he looked about 16 years old. His well muscled figure was clothed in dark brown breeches and a short tunic of the same color. His face still had the look of youth, yet his eyes held a wisdom that Seath had never seen in one so young. After a few moments of close observation Seath recognized him. This boy and an old man had come into the woods about a week ago. They had almost seen her when she had lingered to long observing them from a bush that had suddenly appeared to be directly in their path. In her wolf shape she had fled into a thick grouping of brush and trees. Since then she had been carefully avoiding them, it would only cause trouble if they realized she was here. The boy bent down and pulled a twig from one of his worn leather boots. I wonder what he's doing so far from his den, Seath thought. Usually only the old man wandered this far from their living site. She watched him for several minuets. He was retracing his steps over and over again, for some reason. When she heard him calling, "Merlin! Merlin, where are you?" Seath realized he was lost. Humans, Seath thought with mild disgust, they couldn't find their way through a forest if a path as broad as a river lay in front of them. She gazed at him from the tree for a few more moments. She really hadn't wanted to be seen by either of the humans, as it would only create more difficulty in her life, but she couldn't just let the boy wander into a trap meant for wolves or deer, as was likely the way he was blundering along without care. Still, she paused. Seath guessed she had been in the forest around eight years now, as she had begun her life in it at seven. She had not spoken to a single human in all that time, and had become mostly a wild creature herself. She did steal clothes from travelers, though is was as much to remind herself of her half humanity as it was for warmth. Plus, humans were untrustworthy, she had learned that well enough... It was because of this and more that it was so large a struggle to leap down from the tree -shifting her shape as she did so- and approach the boy, with every natural instinct screaming at her to run, to hide and stay hidden till every danger was past. But she mastered her body, stepping in front of the boy and opening her mouth to speak. A strange sound came from her throat that sounded, Seath thought crossly, like a sick goat. It had been a long time since a human word had emerged from her, and Seath had to close her mouth, swallow and think a moment before she tried again "Hello," Her voice was rusty and feral sounding from disuse, but it was understandable. The boy stared at her, startled. He clearly didn't know who she was but he still answered, "Er...Hello" His voice was wary and his eyes glinted with caution. But he was curious too. Seath didn't say anything for a moment as she collected her thoughts. In the end all she said was, "If you want to go back to your camp, follow me." She turned and started off. her body tense, waiting to see what he would do. She really didn't want to be doing this, she hated humans, and what did she owe this boy? But she wasn't a cruel person, and it was probably the right thing to do. So Seath just gritted her teeth and walked on, ignoring the fear that lay just under the surface of her calm manner. Holding her body so tights made her leg begin to ache, as it always did when she used it in human shape. The boy was staring at her, she could feel his eyes on her back. For a moment she thought he was going to ignore her words and continue on his own path. But after a few moments he came to a desision and walked after her. His camp really wasn't that far away, and after about ten minuets of wordless travel they were there. It was almost dark and Seath saw that the old man had started a fire. With a growl that shouldn't have come from a human mouth, Seath leaped backwards, her face formed in a snarl. The old man looked up at the noise and raised his eyebrows, " Well Arthur, you are back late, and who's this?" The boy started to speak, but was distracted by Seath, as she growled once more and ran away from the clearing, quickly dissapearing. Once she was sure the humans could no longer see her, and she could no longer see them, Seath began to change into her wolf shape. It was easy and painless, and it only took a few seconds to turn completely. Her shape was much like a normal wolf, aside from her larger size, and the fact that her claws were retractable and sharp, more felid than canid. In fact, if it weren't for her odd coloring she would easily have been mistaken as another wolf. But her coat had too many changes, and the colors were to pure to be normal. Her pelt was entirely black, aside from her light tan ears, white muzzle and legs, and silver grey tail. Her eyes were the blue-green color of shifting water, and very unsettling to look into. The local villagers had never been able to look at her face for long, even when she was a young girl. Seath knew it would be better if she were to go deeper into the forest and find a comfortable place to sleep, but her curiosity wouldn't let her. She wanted to watch the two humans, and see what the did. Something about them made Seath feel almost compelled-as if she had to go back and find out more.
Staying in her wolf form she silently crept back to the human males' den. She came to the edge of the clearing, and, hiding in the plentiful underbrush, gazed with pricked ears at the humans. The boy, Arthur was speaking of his meeting with Seath. The old man-Arthur had called him Merlin- was listening intently, though his eyes were closed.  Seath growled very quietly, the noise barely sounding from deep in her chest. She really hadn't wanted to be seen by the old man. His scent was strange, and even his average behavior was somewhat puzzling. Although her growl had been soft enough that even another wolf wouldn't have heard it, Merlin opened his eyes and turned his head so that he seemed to be staring right at her. Seath flattened her body on the leaf covered ground. After a few moments, he looked away, and said something to Arthur. The boy nodded. Merlin then stood, and stepped quietly into the forest on the oppisite side of the clearing. Seath lay where she was, though she felt uneasy. Near ten minuets passed, and the old man still didn't return. Seath finally gave into her exaustion and stood up, turning to leave with a sigh. Merlin was standing right in her path, watching her without expression. Seath gave a high pitched yip of surprise shyed backwards. But her left hind leg, which had stiffened up from being still so long, refused to hold her weight, and Seath fell.  Almost before she hit the ground she had lept up again, whirling to see if the man had moved. He hadn't.  He was still in the same position, between her and the forest. Seath began backing up again, more carefully this time, until she was just inside the clearing. Then she turned so that she was facing humans encampment and got ready to sprint across to the other side. She'd have to run past the boy Arthur to do it, but she could make it. Without another thought she sprang out into the clearing and raced across in a blur of color. Arthur shouted in surprise. Seath ran a wide arch around him and dove into the undergrowth on the other side. This time she didn't stop running until she was at her den. She stood panting for a moment, then lapped at some water that had puddled in a bed of leaves. After her heart stopped racing Seath entered her den, scraped at the dry sand that was her bedding, and curled up to sleep.
Arthur stared into the forest with wide eyes. "What in the world was that?"
He asked his teacher Merlin, who had come to stand beside him. "A wolf." Merlin answered. Arthur sighed. Merlin loved to be mysterious. Or maybe he was that way naturally. Arthur wasn't sure. "I know it was a wolf, but why was it so close to our fire?" Arthur knew that wolves usually stayed away from humans. "Was it sick"? "No." Arthur was feeling a bit impatient now. Merlin was, as usual, giving him no information. He never told anyone what he knew. But then, to Arthur's surprise Merlin went on, "It was watching us. But it meant us no harm." "Why was it watching us then?" "Probably curious, but it doesn't matter now. Its time to sleep." Arthur sighed again, realizing he would get no good answers tonight. He went to his small pallet in the hut, and fell asleep easily. He did not sleep so easily however. His dreams were filled with wild eyed girls and odd colored wolves.                                         
Two weeks passed by in a blur of hunts, stormy days and cold nights. Seath saw no sign of the two humans, though she hadn't gone near their dwelling site since that first night. She wondered if they had left the forest. Winter wasn't very far away. The leaves were already turning red and orange, and falling from the trees. The oaks still stood tall and leafy. Even in winter they didn't lose their imposing air. Today Seath was looking for a new den site. Her current one had been flooded by the rains, and was slowly collapsing.  At the moment she was traveling down a fairly open path that smelled of bear. Seath was moving at a ground covering trot, which she kept up for about four miles, before her nose caught an unfarmiliar scent on the air. But it was one she recognized. It was the human boy, Arthur. But his scent smelled odd, Seath realized she smelled fear. Speeding up a little, with only a slight limp, she lifted her head. As she rounded a bend in the path she saw a huge hole in the ground. A hunters pit, she realized in disgust. One meant for bears, wolves, or any poor soul that happened to fall in it. Walking carefully up to the edge, she peered down inside and saw the boy. He was on his knees at the bottom of the pit, his hands hovering over a gash on his right leg that was bleeding heavily. Seath thought the leg was in a rather odd position as well. She was glad that the pit hadn't been the kind where sticks were sharped and left so that whatever fell inside was speared in many places. For a moment, Seath sat and stared at him, thinking. She gave a small whine, and Arthur looked up.For a moment his fear scent grew, then he cocked his head, and his eyes widened. "You are the wolf that was by our camp that night." He said, his voice slightly wondering. Seath ignored him and stood as an idea hit her. She turned her head, and saw what she was looking for. A dead limb, fallen from one fo the huge oaks that scattered the forest, lay only a few feet off the path. Seath loped over to it and grasped the small end in her jaws. It was heavy, but Seath wasn't a normal wolf. With several heaves on her part she finally managed to drag it to the pit. She let go for a brief moment to check on Arthur and make sure he hadn't moved. He was right where she had left him. Giving a small bark of warning, she pushed the limb into the pit. After the dust had settled, Seath looked down to see if her plan would work. The limb was't quite long enough, falling about three feet short of the edge of the pit, but if Arthur could manage, it would work. The youth stared at her for a moment, trying to get over his apparent surprise. Seath barked, telling him to hurry.
Arthur stared at the wolf above him. If it was even a wolf. He didn't know what to think of this odd creature. When it barked he blinked, then realized he should start climbing the branch. He made to move, but pain shot through him, and his leg seemed to be the source of it, 'tis broken he thought with disgust. And his leg still hadn't stopped bleeding from where he had cut it on a sharp root. This was going to be difficult. Still, he managed to use his left leg, along with his arms, to push himself over to the branch. Clenching his teeth against a groan he began pulling himself up. He made it half way before he lost his strength. "This isn't going to work" He told the wolf-thing. He wasn't sure it could understand him, but it was certainly smart. He stayed where he was on the branch. If he was lucky Merlin would come after him soon, and save him. If not... well, his leg didn't look like it was going to stop bleeding any time soon. Suddenly he felt a tug on his tunic. The wolf was had climbed down the branch as best it could and was trying to pull him up, its teet firmly fasted on the cloth by the back of his neck.
Seath had no clue why she was trying to save this boy, aside from the fact that he had no reason to die. "Hey now! What're you doing"? The stupid fool shouted. Seath growled at him through the shirt, then began backing up, pulling him along with her.  Her leg wasn't holding up very well, but Seath managed to drag him the rest of the way out of the pit before she finally ran out of energy and lay on her side, panting. She had exausted herself, and her legs were wobbly from her effort. After a moment, Seath lifted her head and glanced at the boy. Their problems weren't over yet. She could tell his leg was broken, but what worried her even more was the fact that the gash near his knee was still bleeding. And it didn't seem to be slowing. She raised herself up and walked slowly over to a nearby bush, one with wide, yellow-green leaves. She pulled off a few and went back to Arthur. She dropped them by his side, then picked up just one, holding it carefully in her mouth. She layed the leaf over the cut, and pressed, hoping that the boy would get the idea. He did, and quickly moved his own hand to apply the pressure. Hopefully the bleeding would slow. Seath sighed. It wasn't enough though, she would have to go fetch the other human. The old one who made her fur stand on end. Merlin. She really didn't like that human. He had a sense of strong power about him, and that scared her. But she couldn't just leave this lad here until he died or was found by some other person. She limped a few strides away from him and thought.
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