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Rated: E · Other · Research · #1429694
How was the Civil War and what ow was it like?
                        The Civil War started over a battle over a fort.
                                              FORT SUMTER:
                    The battle of Fort Sumter was what started the war!
                The Union controlled the fort but Confederacy wanted it!
            Confederacy fought the Union and made them give up Fort Sumter.    That's what started the war between the Rebles and the Yankees!

                                  BATTLES OF THE CIVIL WAR
                                          Battle of Bull Run
                                        Monitor vs.Merrimack
                    Battle of Antietam(bloodiest battle of the Civil War)
                                        Battle of Fredericksburg
                                        Battle of Chancellorville
                Battle of Gettysburg(most famous battle of the Civil War)
                                    Sherman's March to the Sea
                                    Lee's Surrender at Appomattox

                              Most of the war started over slavery.
  But later it was about Fort Sumter and the states that they called the Confederacy States seceeding from the Union!

            The first state to seceed from the Union was South Carolina!
    ThenVA,NC,TN,GA,AL,MS,FL,LA,TX,and AR joined the confederacy as well.
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