Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1429454-the-american-dream
Rated: 18+ · Other · Nonsense · #1429454
our kids can't be whatever they want to be
In today's world our youth has been spoon-fed the American dream. We are told that we will be rock stars or movie gods. And the youth is slowly realizing this for themselves and frankly they are becoming pretty pissed. From day one, children are told that they can be whatever they want to be, and they can do whatever they want to do. Well I've wanted to be able to fly like superman since the first grade, but I seriously fucking doubt that is going to happen. I also have had a dream of being in a famous band, or at least make my living doing it...fat chance on that one too. I'll never be an astronaut, a doctor, a brain surgeon, or a professional football player. Why, you might ask? Well I will tell you why, because I'm not that fucking smart or athletic. So I will end up being a working stiff for the rest of my life, just like the vast majority of Americans today. And there isn't a goddamn thing wrong with that. So why don't parents tell their children that it's ok to just make it by in life. It's hard enough for a kid these days without the parents shoving their own dreams down their children's throats. Why can't parents say, "do your best and you'll be fine?" Is it so hard to let their children make the mistakes they made as children? They learned from it, and they are ok, why do the children have to be held to such a high standard. I know parents who ground there children if they have below a "B" in a class. Is that even natural? Maybe for some children, but most won't have "A's" and "B's" in every class. It's ok to receive a "C" now and then.
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