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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Religious · #1429437
religion is bullshit
At this point in time I have decided to rant and rave about one of my biggest pet peeves and one of my biggest wonders...religion. Is there a god, and if there is who's god is the right god? I offer no solution to this question and to tell you the truth I don't even care anymore. Organized religion is as bad as a cult in my opinion. Everyone thinks that their religion is the correct one and they are always too busy shoving their own personal beliefs down your throat, their ears are to clouded to listen to anyone else's suggestions. In my opinion, I think the bible is the biggest bunch of hogwash that I have ever heard of. Christians, please do not take any offense to this article for that is not my intention, it is only to make you see my point of view and to possibly open you eyes. I just do not see how a god can be everywhere at once, and I have not seen god help me out in anything I have ever done. I went to catholic schools for nine years, I have been baptized, received the Eucharist, been confirmed, been to other churches, etc, and I have not once felt anything moving feeling or sense of peace as I prayed. I have tried praying and have turned to try god again in times of desperation and "cried out" per say, and as I prayed I began to feel stupid, because I felt like I was talking to a damn wall. I will now offer Christians a little insight on why I think there is no god. Christians will argue that god is just and loving, and then I ask why does he let so many people wreck there lives? Why does he stick them on an earth full of sin and play the sick of "believe in me or burn in hell". We do not have a chance. Bible thumpers will tell you that this is because god gives you the free will to do what you wish. Well that's all fine and nice, but why the hell doesn't he show himself so we know that he is in fact really there. With all the corruption and different religions in out society today, how would someone know that Christianity is the right one? Why can't god stick his head out of the clouds every once in a while just to let us know he is still up there? I'll tell you one thing, if god stuck his head out of the sky, I sure as hell would be a lot more likely to believe in him than right now, and isn't that what god wants? He doesn't want us to burn in eternal damnation does he? Or maybe god is just a little afraid that heaven might get a little too crowded for his liking? Christians will argue this point by saying, "you have to have faith". Faith in what, as a little kid I had faith that there was a Santa Claus and that was smashed as I got to the age of reason. I think god is used as an adult version of Santa; you wait you entire life for Christmas to come, and then to your disappointment, it doesn't. How do we know which religion is correct? What basis do we have to prove or disprove anyone's religion; they are all flawed. Not a single one of them is flawless, and do not try to tell me I am wrong. They bible changes it's mind on how to follow god from the one testament to the other. How can we hate the group of Muslims that wrecked its planes into our buildings? We kill millions in battle ourselves in wars based on principles of religion. How are we anymore right than they are? I am not saying that people should not be free to worship what they wish, but the religion that you grow up with is what you will be. If you were raised in Afghanistan chances are that you would be Muslim, and if you were born in china, there is a good possibility that you would be Buddhist. Your parents shove their religion down upon you, and you believe it for fact. Personally, I think religion is a great scam. People give millions of dollars to churches, yet for some reason churches are not taxed. Tax the fuck out of the churches. Why not? The churches today are just as much of a business as anything else. It actually says in the bible that you are to give ten percent of you wages to the church; it is called tithing. Whoever wrote that part must have been a preacher. I mean, hell if I were a preacher, I'd write that too. If you loved the bible I have a couple other great books that you might enjoy. How about, the three little pigs, little red riding hood, and how about Cinderella. Cinderella even has a magic pumpkin. The bible never had something as cool as a magic pumpkin. Well Jesus did turn water into wine; I guess that would be pretty fucking amazing. I mean, hell I could use a guy that could tap water into booze. It would save a lot of money with all the beer I purchase. Maybe he could turn sugar into cocaine and oregano into marijuana. Maybe sticks to cigarettes, and candy bar wrappers to blunt wraps, that would help a lot too. I do not mean to blaspheme, but come on people doesn't this strike you as a little far-fetched? I've never seen anyone perform a miracle and the only guy that did died 2000 years ago. Too bad we couldn't witness that; if someone could turn my water into alcoholic beverages I'd worship the hell out of him. I am getting tired and I could keep writing this for pages and pages, but I have a job interview tomorrow morning, and I sadly enough, you need a job to survive in today's world. For my final line I would like to quote a NOFX song, "the world could certainly use some miracles, but until then I'll put my faith in human beings"
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