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I have posted the link to (part 1) in the beginning of this story. |
Part 1: http://www.razyboard.com/system/morethread-the-beginning-introduction-lithia-203... Part 3: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1437254 Part 4: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1441479 Part 5: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1447872 Emily's mouth opened as if to speak but closed again several times as she starred at Angel in trance. She ran the word over and over in her head, starring into his blue eyes to look for deceit; but none was found. His eyes were as soft as ever, resting in their sockets like smooth pebbles. She knew she believed in such things and spoke freely of it, but people often ridiculed her because of it; it made her lose trust to anyone but herself. In despair for finding a suitable explanation she began to laugh mockingly. "That's a good one" laughing outwardly, crying on the inside, "Almost had me caught" her voice rang nervously, putting the green dress over the back of a chair. Angel looked at her calmly, his eyes running over the dress as she laid it aside. "You think I lie?" he asked with his creamy voice. "I can't believe I had thought you were real. I knew someone set this up...only natural, make up someone like you to humiliate me as if I hadn't been burned enough! Was it Herald? Or no! It was Darcy wasn't it?" she spoke swiftly, walking towards the door in angry stomps. A hand grabbed her just as she was about to leave but a footprint behind, keeping her secured in the door frame. She stopped, the warmness of his touch was so different from the rough hands that had run over her before. "I have watched you for every second of your life. It sounds bizarre, and yet I know more about you than you do. You have the potential and soul of an angel but you aren't and haven't been treated right. I am disturbed by what Herald and Darcy and Ferian and George and Victor and countless others including your parents have put you through. I was until lately convinced that it was all part of Gods plan for you, no matter how tormenting I thought it was your destiny to learn to resist such blasphemy. After thoroughly considering it I realized that if you continue to be pushed and forced to decipher it on your own, your beliefs would crumble, as would your faith and trust. I see now that I should have come earlier because your trust already leaks freely from you and you begin to believe others as they say you have lost your mind. Your childish innocence has been ripped from you, and your mind is slowly losing its creativity because of it. Please give me the chance to restore your faith, to show you the actual truth and to help you understand. I came here, sacrificing my wings, and here I stand...degraded from God's elite army to help a single soul when I could help hundreds. I find myself uncaring about all the other souls because I know now that you, more than anyone, need someone to take you back to the light which you have subconsciously begun to abandon." Angel spoke, his voice more saddened and hurtful than ever before. Emily stood there, her back turned to him, frowning at his words because they seemed with depth. No one could possibly say something with such compensating tone and not mean it, she thought. She closed her eyes as if to listen to herself, searching for an answer of what she was to do. "You're an angel?" Her whisper was carried to his ears through the wind. "I am your angel." He added. "Angels don't have gender..." she persisted, not sure if to trust him yet. "Right. They do not, but as I was sent down I was given a choice of gender...so I could fit in." "And why did you choose this exact gender?" she sounded somewhat angered. Angel starred at the back of her head, feeling her pain and being affected by it. "You are more likely to listen and trust in the opposite gender." He said softly. "I see..." her voice faded as her eyes sank to the floor. "When I sat before God begging to be let down to earth he refused at first. Angels are only lowered to earth when they have broken one of the Plithian Rules, and are thereafter highly frowned upon from the heavens and become fallen angels much like Lucifer. I have never been disloyal to the rules or to God, so God was confused about my decision. God got up off his throne and climbed down, kneeling down in front of me kindly and asked me asked me a simple question... "What brings you unease?" "Standing innocently by as a pure soul is being falsely pulled to the depths" I replied. "I see..." and god placed a peaceful hand on my shoulder, "Angel, some souls are Lucifer's to take." "Not this one!" It was the first time I raised my voice in the presence of God, I felt ashamed and bowed my head in apology but God still kindly smiled at me, even though I could see hurt in God's eyes at my decision. "You would sacrifice this much for a single soul?" "I would!" "You are sure?" "Even in knowing I have gained an emotion Angels are not supposed to possess, I feel for this soul. If I am barred as a bystander in the heavens much longer I believe love will no longer satisfy my spirit and it would sink to sinful emotions that I do not wish to bring into the Garden." "You are loyal Angel. I will wait for you at the gates when you return...I trust you are aware of the consequence if your soul is stained with sin..." I nodded in reply. "Then I cannot hold you here any longer" ...God stood up before me, and the only thing I remember was an unbearable pain, a bright light and a slow fading to darkness, and then I saw you and I felt relief." He explained, knowing she would understand what it meant. Emily had long since turned to look at him, her expression faint and stunned. "You idiot" she said both angry and blissful. "You would let a hundred souls die just to see me happy?" Angel's eyes lowered to the ground, "I admit that it was selfish of me, but even so it is a reason for me to part from heaven...how can I show my face and smile if I am volnurable to selfish thoughts? People who think as such are the reason for an evil plague among the greater good because they refuse what their spirit is asking of them." Emily glanced at him in pity, she couldn't imagine how painful a decision he must have made, but she knew the vastness of his sacrifice and couldn't help but feel guilty. She held his hand that had grabbed her wrist as she had made to leave, softly smiling at his ashamed expression directed into the ground. "Please do not pity for me, I do not regret my choice for but a second." He asked of her, raising his eyes to level with hers. Emily nodded, replacing her confused frown by a simple smile. A smile that covered an equal guilty feeling that would have been immediately detected by Angel, had he not sacrifices his abilities to become a mere human. "Now tell me what has happened to you today?" He requested, quickly changing the subject. Emily took a moment to lift her hypnosis from his enticing eyes before she could nod in response and walk back inside. "I walked home from school as everyday after the sun had settled on the west end of the sky, quite unsure about my emotions. I do always try to look for happy things to keep me lively and forget about those things that cause me unease, yet sometimes even though I have convinced myself of happiness...a shadow still lingers beside me subconsciously. And I felt it there. I was fully aware of its presence, so aware that I could almost hear it whisper to me. However my thoughts were interrupted as I came to the barn. I heard quarrel so naturally I ran towards it, and when I got to the inside I saw Deidera in the hands of a stranger..." "Your father's horse?" Angel questioned, sitting down with her. "Yes...his breeding horse. I remained covered in the shadows, not sure if my presence would be of gain and listened to what they were saying. It took me a while to recognize the man, Theodore Henderson, brutal butcher with absolutely no means of a heart. Deidera had lost his ability of cross breeding, he was still a good riding horse but my father refused to keep him...he said it was: 'dead weight'. I left my hiding place and joined in the quarrel, Deidera was after all my only friend as I was little and was banned from leaving the barn." She explained, frowning her forehead as she spoke and choking back the frog in her throat. "Anyway..." she started back after a break. "My father sold him to the butcher for spite, requested to make salami out of him so that he could feast on him. To top it off, as the butcher violently loaded the horse onto his god forsaken truck, despite my pleads and cries for mercy my father stood by to watch, smirking at my back and enjoying the sight of me." Emily's voice grew angry as she finished, the face of her father imprinted in her mind and the desire to claw at the same face to make that wicked smirk disappear. Angel inhaled deeply, sitting there and looking at her for a few moments in silence before he raised from his chair and stood before her with his hand reaching out to her. "Come, let me show you something." He said to her silently. She took his hand, looking at him suspiciously as she was pulled out the front door. The moon lit their path, watching over them like an undercover guardian as Angel walked with Emily through a field of hip-high grass. Emily followed silently, all the while curious where they were headed. "Where are we going?" She finally asked as they were stomping through the field that seemed endless. "Some horses, aren't horses, they reveal their true form at night under the full moon if you look closely...very closely." He got on his knees, pulling her down with him and lurking from the protection of the high grass at the grey horse ahead. "Close your eyes" he whispered to her, and she did. He leaned over to her and whispered something into her ear that she couldn't understand, it was like another language. "Now look closely." Emily opened her eyes slowly, curious and nervous of what she might see in its stead. Her lips parted in awe as the moonlight hit the grey horse and turned it into something so much more divine. Before them stood a unicorn, its horn slightly bent into a curve, its tail looking like pure silk as it swayed from side to side in the night. Its entire body was embedded in a creamy white light that looked so warm and gentle. The eyes that were once round pupils now contained a single slit that glowed up in white and was otherwise surrounded by black. "Th-this is the same horse?" she asked breathlessly in admiring its beauty. "So to say. Unicorns used to roam freely on this earth, friendly to the touch of man unafraid of his actions, but when man continued to evolve Unicorns could not keep up. Man had abandoned all things spiritual, begun to hunt it for food because its taste was so much more satisfying than that of a normal barter. And so...slowly the spiritual creatures turned their backs on man, some were filled with so much rage for what man had done to them that they turned evil and began to serve Lucifer in hope for revenge. And others, to this day remain loyal to man...they agreed to a life of servitude, torture and hunt to protect man from himself. So they took on the form of believable creatures and sacrificed their freedom and powers to keep the balance of good and evil." Angel explained. "Kind of like what you're doing" Emily couldn't help herself. "Yes...I suppose you are right." He answered, turning his gaze back on the grazing unicorn. "Why is its horn bent?" Emily asked to change the subject. "A unicorn's power rests in their horn, if bent or broken their power is equally disrupted. When unicorns decided to become normal horses to help man, they refused their original form therefore also their horn...and with it the power they posses." "So humans are at fault?" She asked frowning at him with dislike in her voice. "Not completely, after all they chose to become this. But alas humans are the reason they chose, it was still free will though." Angel Explained. Emily and Angel watched the unicorn graze for a while, Emily bewitched by its beauty and pureness and Angel happy that he could cheer her up at least temporarily. Every now and then he would look at Emily, smiling as he saw bliss shine in her eyes reflecting the beauty of the unicorn. They were both surprised as the dark clouds suddenly fixed themselves before the moon, hiding its light and making and eerie darkness fall upon the earth. Emily looked back at the unicorn but found a normal horse in its stead. Frowning in confusion she had thought that the beautiful creature fled from the clouds but soon figured out that they only reveal their true form for those who watch closely in the moonlight. A loud thunder disturbed her thinking pattern as the rain began to pour down hard and vastly. It felt like someone was pouring buckets down at them because they were wet in a matter of seconds. "Wh--?" Angel began, confused and dripping wet. "I've never felt the rain" "I haven't felt a storm like this in ages either?" Emily shouted back to be louder than the storm. Angel laughed, stretching his hands outwards to welcome the cold drizzle of the rain as it poured down his chest and into his mouth. Emily looked at him with a smile on her face, somehow seeing him enjoy the rain made her enjoy it all the more. "I never would have thought that it'd be so wonderful!" He laughed spinning around and taking in every drop he could. Finally as he was satisfied by the feeling, he dropped his arms and fixed his gaze at Emily, looking at her smiling face in laughter and slowly growing quiet. It was the first time since he had come to earth that he felt selfish, it was completely new to him. "Do humans often feel like this?" he asked her quietly, barely audible through the noise of the storm. "Like what?" she leaned her head to the side in question. "I'm not sure...like selfish in a good way. As if you couldn't be happier with yourself or with what surrounds you?" Emily lowered her head, her smile fading into abyss. "No." she muttered. "No?" his own smile fading. "Humans no longer appreciate. They see things through the pessimistic eye. It's all about how well they fit in with the crowd nowadays. They rarely stop to look at how much they have because it would mean being satisfied...and satisfaction is, in their opinion, only a myth." She explained from her point of view. "You amaze me" He commented with a smile. Emily looked at him with a frown. "You live amongst these people and still have enough wisdom to find your own truth...it's amazing." Emily's forehead was still frowning but her lips curled into a smile that looked awkward as a whole until her frown softened. She bit her lip and turned away from him beginning to walk from where they came in the rain. "You're silly" She said finally, hearing his childish footsteps jumps through the high grass to catch up with her. "That so?" He asked looking at her as he finally walked beside her. "Mhm" was all she said and silence fell among them. Letting them appreciate the cold rain they walked in, the lively grass that embraced them as they walked, sucking the water from their wet clothes. Being a gentleman, Angel walked her home, knowing fair well that she didn't want to go home. He grabbed her wrist as she advanced the steps. "I'm always here for you...you know?" he said to her. Emily turned to face him with a warm smile that covered an anxious frown. "Good to know" she said with a shaky voice. "What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked enthusiastically, changing the subject. "I have school. Why?" she asked quietly to not alert her parents. "I want to take you somewhere..." he requested. "I could come by after?" she asked getting a hyper nod in reply. "I'll see you then...Emily." He said with his creamy voice, sending chills down her spine as he said her name a way she had never heard it spoken before. He winked at her and turned around to leave her there, with new confidence to go into her house with a smile; something that hadn't happened in a long time. Her eyes followed him as he left, until he could no longer be made out in the distance. "Angel..." She whispered with a choked laugh, finally turning towards her wooden house door and leaving the soaking porch exposed to the hard rain as she closed the door. |