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Rated: E · Essay · Inspirational · #1427356
be ready to act for god
From the moment we are born, we are taught to "expect the unexpected," to, "prepare for a variety of situations." We bring extra food on a road trip, money wherever we go, and a cell phone to church- "just in case." Good advice. It really is important to be prepared. However, while many people live by this advice when it comes to travel and routines, I think many people forget that "be prepared" applies to acts of God too. They forget that God doesn't always work on a person's heart during church, he doesn't always speak in a loud booming voice, and he doesn't always respond to a prayer the day you ask. He doesn't ask you to work his will on organized mission's trips, or at the same time every day. Although I have no proof that people go through life involved in every church event, while ignoring the nudges of God, I believe it is true because I know I am guilty at times, of suppressing the voice of the Lord, for the voice of convenience, no matter how much it shames me to admit this. I do not have proof of what others are pushing out of their heart, but Jesus must have had a reason for warning against this very thing, and I think it is because the natural actions favor convenience and productivity in money, over the love and obedience of God. For whatever reason, they think that God follows these anchors too, and will not care if they only follow his guidelines when it is immediately beneficial to do so. They are like a child who is still too young to grasp the concept of time. The child will choose a piece of chocolate now, rather than wait half an hour to get the whole bar. A "church Christian,"- one who is only Christian when they are surrounded by organized worship- will set aside the glory of heaven in order to get those errands done just that little bit faster.
"If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping." Mark 13:36. These were Jesus' own words. He knew God would call on people to act when it was unexpected, when they were walking down the street, ringing up a customer at work, eating at a register, taking a shower, it could be any time, any place. He knew it would be tempting to pass the beggar because you have to be at work, to ignore the frantic phone call because you are on your lunch break, or to not donate to a charity because the paperwork would take five minutes of your precious time. The truth is, its not your time, its God's time. He only lets you use it, but when the master calls you to act, it is your duty to answer, as a follower of Christ. Sometimes it really would mess something up to immediately follow the voice in your head, but if you find yourself arguing, and he continues to push at your conscience, you will bode well to let yourself be used as an instrument of God. Of course you have to be careful that you are not hearing the voice of the enemy, as he often speaks in the same voice of God in order to trick you, but If the voice calls you to act with kindness, patience, or in any way Godly, you can be sure it is God, and he wants you to act. Being ready also means seeing God in places other than church functions. He is everywhere, and you should be able to recognize him taking part in small things, as well as large.
"Make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self control; and to self control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love." 2 Peter 1:5-7. This does not apply only some of the time, or only to certain people. It applies always, every day, day in and day out. God is out there, and he wants you to be listening for him no matter what you are doing.
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