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by Sira
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1425807
Loosely based on Star Wars. Read for more.
Imperial Memories and Forgotten Dreams

I do not own anything Star Wars. Han, Leia, and Luke are all borrowed characters, obviously, with Samantha Heart and Komiak being my own creation.
I wrote this a LONG time ago so please be patient as I "update" it...lol. Enjoy!


Surprise Encounter

         The forest is silent around them, silence overtaking everything in the aftermath of the crash.
         Further up the hillside behind them and through the trees Leia can see the drifting smoke from the wreckage of what used to be their ship, the smoke almost invisible against the stark white backdrop. The mountains all around them and the forests are covered in thick blankets of snow. Behind her she can hear Han grumbling something as he approaches camp, dropping two packs off near a small fire.
         "That's the last of it. Couldn't get anything else. It's all scragged." Leia nods, brushing off the snow before seating herself on a nearby log. Han seats himself beside her, though not as noiselessly as she had. He is about to say something when he sees her attention is elsewhere. Han follows her gaze.
         "How long has he been like that?" Han asks quietly. Leia glances down at the chrono on her wrist.
         "About ten minutes."
         "What's he looking for anyway?" Leia shrugs, her gaze going back to her brother.

         Luke stands near a tree, eyes closed, his face tilted up toward the snow-laden boughs overhead. The waning sunlight from the trees plays with the shadows on the forest floor, making it seem like he's moving though he is not as they play over his body. Only when up close can you see him breathing, even then it is barely visible.
         His black clothing seems to make him blend in with the numerous shadows stretching through the woods as the sun begins its descent. His entire outfit is black, casual yet battle ready. His black cloak hangs loosely over his tall, lean form, the ends trailing almost to the ground, shrouding his body. His cowl is thrown back, revealing sandy blond hair.
         Behind him Han and Leia continue to study him, sitting on the fallen log near the small fire. Leia starts to scan the woods around them, glancing around idly while Han stares at Luke, his back to them, doubt and slight worry creasing Han's features.
         Han's dark brown hair is in disarray, which isn't really out of the ordinary, his brown eyes making him appear quite older than he is. He sits uneasily on the fallen log, his legs twitching slightly as he waits impatiently for he doesn't even know what.
         His clothes, like Luke's, make him appear ready for a fight. Black leather boots tap constantly against the moss covered ground, his black pants and white shirt seeming almost business like if it weren't for the light brown vest and bright red stripes down the outside of his pant legs. A black jacket finishes the look, the multiple pockets filled with heaven only knows what.
         Leia scans the woods, long slim fingers toying with her long brown hair falling almost down to her waist, woven into a tightly woven braid. Unlike her companions, her clothing is a more elegant. A long white dress, belted at the waist with a wide gold band of cloth, does nothing to conceal her thin figure. Earrings dangle from her ears as she swings her head slowly in circles, continually scanning the forest around them. Her feet, instead of boots, are barely protected by sandals, the thin straps crossing up over her ankles and up her calf a ways.
         Thinking of something funny Leia smiles, leaning over and capturing her companion's attention.
         "It's almost like being on Endor except during the winter." She murmurs. Han chuckles, gesturing to Luke.
         "Yeah, the kid is still acting weird. At least he's not disappearing on us." Leia laughs slightly, then suddenly stops as Luke moves, shifting slightly on his feet.
         "I do not act weird." He states somewhat indignantly. Leia chuckles as Han leans back on the log, grinning that rather cocky looking smile.
         "Sure kid." Luke sighs, shaking his head slightly before returning to stand near them. Both his companions look up at him, expectant. Luke stands over them a moment, Leia staring right back.
         "What did you find?" She says quietly. Han glances between them but remains silent. He had long ago learned that some things between Luke and Leia were better left unexplained.
         "I don't know." Leia frowns, her brow knitting slightly.
         "What do you mean you don't know?" Luke shrugs, a small gesture.
         "That's just it. I don't know." He says quietly, Han and Leia not missing the fact that his hand strays to his side, touching the silver pommel attached to his waist. "I'm going to go scope it out. You two stay here." Han glances at Leia beside him.
         "We should all go." He says.
         "No, you two remain here. You're too well known." Han raises one eyebrow.
         "And you're not?" Luke chuckles slightly.
         "Make camp and stay here until I come back. And keep your blaster handy. If something happens, you know what to do." Han scowls slightly at Luke's back as he easily disappears into the brush. The two stare after him a long moment before Leia chuckles.
         "Never mind. It's exactly like Endor." She comments dryly, earning a chuckle from Han.

         The late afternoon silence of the forest around me embraces me, cocooning me from the world. Here and only here can I truly be myself.
         The only sound to break the silence is the varying hum of my lightsaber's blade at it cuts smoothly through the air in a never ending pattern of parries and thrusts and the crunch of snow beneath my boots as I move, stepping lightly as if dancing around the clearing.
         My horse Nakita and her companion are tied to a tree nearby, munching away happily at what grass the can find at their feet and off of the nearby branches. My packs, enough supplies to last a few days plus a tent and other various necessities, are sitting on the ground nearby, along with my mounts saddle and tack.
         I sense the man through the Force long before I see him, and judging by his direction he knows where I am. Through the force I can feel him searching for me and I shut down my mind, raising the barriers on my mind almost by instinct now. Already I am weary. For the ten years I have lived on this backwater planet, I had yet to encounter another Jedi.
         Shutting of my lightsaber with a quick flick of my wrist, I clip it to it's place on my belt, tucked back far enough into my jacket so no one can see it but I still have easy access to it.
         Knowing that he knows I am here I ignoring the fact that he is getting closer and turn, beginning to adjust the saddle on my mount. The mare goes still beneath my hand, eager to get moving as if sensing what approaches.
         I am kneeling beside my mount, adjust the belly strap tighter when I hear the crunch of snow across the clearing. Though I can't see him, through the Force I sense his mild surprise when he sees me, then an overwhelming sense of relief from him. I frown slightly as I slide the leather strap into place, the frown only lasting a moment before he speaks.
         "Excuse me?" I rise to my feet quickly, peering at him over Nakita's back. When his blue eyes meet mine, I do not have to fake my surprise.
         I stare at the sandy haired man before me, completely taken aback. I stare at him, amazed at such a young looking face staring back at me.
         His voice is deeper than I had expected, and seeing him sends my mind into a blank. I stare at him and he stares back at me, shifting uncomfortably under my gaze.
         "I was wondering if I could get your help. Our ship crashed not far from here and we need some help." Coming out of my daze I look around, not sensing anyone else in the area.
         "We?" He starts slightly at my voice then nods, it taking him a second to catch his mistake.
         "I have two companions. I left them back at camp." I study him, searching for any hidden truths in his voice. Finding none I hesitate a second, an odd, overwhelming foreboding coming over me.
         Our eyes meet a brief moment before he looks away and an image suddenly flashes into my mind. Shocked that such a long lost memory would surface so suddenly I push it away.
         "Where are they?" I ask, my voice sounding a bit harsher then I intended.
         "About a click away in that direction." He replies after a brief hesitation. I look up long enough to note the direction, figuring that his friends are right at the base of the foothills. Glancing up at the sky I think a moment before turning back to my horse.
         "If we get going now, we can get them and bring them to my home just after nightfall. I'll take you to the nearest town in the morning. Let's get going." He nods, not arguing and waiting as I finish with the horses, remaining cautiously on the other end of the clearing.
         As I lead the horses toward him I toss him the reins of the pack horse. Somewhat startled, he catches them, staring in curiosity at the docile creature before following my lead.

         As we traverse the forest toward his camp I study him more. His clothing is worn and dirty from traveling through the woods. His feet find their way over the roots of the trees as if on their own. He walks with ease through the woods, as if one with the forest around him. Through the Force I can feel him constantly scanning the woods all around us, though it is as if he does it on instinct, not really having to focus on it at all. Occasionally he brushes my mind, never probing any deeper than my shields.
         Something nags at my mind as I watch him, slightly ahead of me as he leads the way, and it takes me a moment to realize what it is. As we walk past the occasional blackberry bush or holly, he does not react as the brambles and thorns scrape his right hand or catch on his sleeve.
         As we walk the breeze brushes us, bringing with it the scent of moist earth and trees, and an underlying hint of snow. His black cloak billows out occasionally from the wind, and as it does I catch sight of it. Clipped to his belt, nearly in the middle of his back, is a lightsaber.
         Without thinking I touch mine, my hand sliding down the pommel slowly. The warm metal is reassuring to me, but still it is a bit unnerving for me to see someone else wearing one. It has been years since I have.
         Soon I can hear voices and occasional laughter and the man in front of me shakes his head slightly and I catch sight of a smile. Curious, I stop beside him as we arrive at the campsite.
         A man and woman are sitting side by side on a log, huddled before a small fire. They both look up when they hear us and the man is instantly on his guard when he sees me.
         "You never said it was a woman." He comments uneasily. I glance at the man then at the one beside me. He shoots the other a glare, silencing him.
         "She has agreed to help us." He states flatly. The two look at me and I nod.
         "If we leave now, we can reach my home just after nightfall. If you wish to go, I suggest we go now." I say, repeating my words from earlier. The woman rises, limping slightly as she comes around the fire to stand before me. She extends her hand.
         "My name is Leia." I stare at her a second then slowly shake it. As my skin touches hers I feel a jolt though the force and I blink several times, staring at her anew. Her blue eyes watch me, calculating. I release her hand, and I know she felt the same. Not going unnoticed she simply smiles at me, then turns to her companion. "This is Han." He nods gruffly, making no move to shake hands. "And my brother Luke."
         "I am Samantha. We should get moving." I say as I turn away, leading my horse and the pack horse a  ways away until they are ready to leave.
         It only takes a minute, Han making sure the fire is out and the three collecting their things, which isn't much. Leia injured her leg during their ship's crashing further back in the mountains and hence why they are lost in the woods so I allow to ride on my mount, leading the horse as I walk beside it. Her two male companions remain behind me, Luke again leading the horse as Han walks beside him. The two talk quietly to each other, leaving me and Leia in silence, though I can feel their gazes upon me.
         "So Samantha, what's your last name?" Leia asks, leaning forward slightly in the saddle. I do not glance up from the path before me, barely an animal path.
         "Heart." She smiles.
         "How long have you lived here?"
         "About ten years. I fled from the Empire when they destroyed my home." I say, not looking back at her, keeping my tone flat and hoping she catches the hint. She doesn't.
         "I'm sorry to hear that." The genuine sorrow in her voice startles me and I look up. Her eyes are sad as she studies me. "I lost my home to the Empire too." I look away, not liking the idea of her feeling to sentimental toward me. "So where did you live before that?"
         I debate whether to actually tell her, the silence stretching on. She leans back in the saddle slightly, gripping the saddle horn and glancing down at me, apparently expecting an answer. Behind her innocent gaze I can tell she's calculating, sizing me up.
         "Tantooine." She smiles widely as I answer, though I practically grind my teeth in frustration. I am seriously beginning to question my logic when I agreed to help them. Behind her I hear the two men stop talking, their attention now focused on me.
         "Luke used to live on Tantooine. Where did you live there?" I feel a tingling at the back of my neck and drop my shields, allowing my mind to stretch out, past our little group and out into the surrounding woods. Behind me I sense the instant shock and weariness of Luke's mind behind me.
         "Mos Eisley." I answer off handedly, so focused on the forest around us I hardly think of what I'm answering. I can feel the source of the warning in my mind and inwardly I curse in three languages.
         At this Leia glances back at her companions, a ripple through the Force the only warning before I hear it. I turn swiftly, dropping the reins and drop into a crouch, my hand sliding into my coat and grasping my lightsaber.
         Luke and Han stare at me in shock, not even having time to duck before I leap over them, using the Force to propel my self high into the air to land behind them.
         "Get going!" I yell. They stare at me in shock a moment then Han runs forward, grabbing Nakita's reins as he passes and pulling the two horses hurriedly away, Luke pausing to look back at me. "Now!" I yell at him. He nods, about to turn when the creature suddenly drops down from the trees above us.
         Snow rains down from the trees overhead as the large creature lands on all fours before me. The creature's hide is covered in thick green and blue scales, covering its entire body except it's throat and belly. The skin there is leathery and thick. Long slim legs are tipped with wicked looking black claws, retractable like a cats. A short, thick neck ends in a cat's head, large gold eyes glaring at me with blood lust. Unlike it's neck, it's tail is long, curling down around it's hind legs. Though it may be long and look thin, I had seen that tail break the legs of a horse in one swing. Unfortunately, I was on the horse at the time.
         I watch it watching me, not daring to take my eyes off it as it looks for an opening to attack. Without any warning it leaps at me and I grind my teeth, knowing that Luke is still watching from the trees nearby. Not having any choice I draw my lightsaber, its appearance announced by the snap hiss of it's blade coming to life in my hand. The dark silver blade bounces off the cat like creature's hide harmlessly as it leaps at me. I leap back, putting space between us once more and risking a glance at Luke.
         His eyes are locked on my blade and he stares at it.
         "Luke, go!" I yell. Realizing my mistake I turn back but too late. The cat is atop me in an instant, my blade flying from my hand. I swiftly grab the creature's neck, using all my strength to keep it's teeth from my throat, twisting my body from side to side in the snow as I dodge it's claws.
         One foot hits my side, it's talons digging in deep and I flinch, my hands loosening on its neck as pain rips through me.
         Suddenly a bright blue blade slams into it's side, just below the edge of it's scales and sinking deep into it's leathery hide. The creature screams, trying to move away but I tighten my grip, anchoring it to me as the blade continues to sink deeper. It suddenly convulses, collapsing atop me abruptly, its last breath rattling out of it's chest. The sound of the lightsaber dying leaving the clearing in silence.

         Carefully I push the creature off me, Luke helping to heft the weight off of me. I press one hand to my side to press against the wound, rolling onto my side slightly as I fight to breath through the pain. Luke kneels over me a moment, then his hand presses atop mine, his other returning his lightsaber to its place.
         "Easy. Try not to move to fast. You're losing blood quickly." He says, his voice calm and level. I shrug him off, sitting up slowly. Both our gazes turn to my lightsaber lying a short distance away and he rises, retrieving it for me. As I slowly clip it back onto it's place he stands, extending his hand out to me.
         "Can you get up?" I nod, avoiding looking at him.          
         "I can, just give me a minute." He nods, turning and backing away as Han, Leia, and the horses come back.
         "Luke is...what in the hells is that thing?" He exclaims, pointing at it. I chuckle.
         "It's called a Tlar." Han looks at me, confused. "Think of it as the biggest predator in these woods." He nods, accepting the simple explanation. He kneels down beside Luke, examining the blood running through my fingers.
         "Do you have any medical supplies?" He asks. I nod.
         "In my pack but forget those. We're almost to my house." They both back away as I rise, focusing my will on the wound, channeling a small thread of the force through the flesh to bind it together, though it will need stitches later. Han and Luke retrieve the reins to the horses, following close behind me.
         The pain in my side is throbbing by the time we reach the house. A light snow is starting to fall in the darkness, the sun having set a short time ago. Han helps Leia down, and after my direction they lead the horses into the barn.
         "Leave them there. I'll take care of them in a minute." I call to them, unlocking the door and leading Leia inside.
         Han, unsure of what he is doing, ties the reins around a post in the barn, making sure the horse is within reach of a nearby pile of hay. Luke does the same, seeming thoughtful.
         "So, do you know her kid?" Han asks idly. Luke nods.
         "I'm not sure. She does seem familiar, but it's been a long time." Han pats the horses neck, gesturing toward the barn doors.
         "Well, time to go find out for sure. If she is who she says she is, than we might be able to use this place as a base for what we're really here for." Luke shrugs, not answering as he leads Han from the barn.
         Inside they find Leia seated on a long, very comfortable looking couch, a fireplace blazing near her. She sets her cup down, whatever is inside is steaming.
         "Where is Samantha?" Luke asks as Han sits beside Leia, stretching his legs out with a relieved sigh.

         I hear Luke and Han come in, their quiet conversation in the living room reaching me in the kitchen. I lean over the kitchen counter, my legs trembling. The wound in my side burns horribly and I glare at the pill bottle in my hands, wishing the pain killers would hurry up and kick in.
         The kitchen door closing softly alerts me and I look up to see Luke studying me from across the room.
         "Does it hurt that bad?" He asks as he crosses the kitchen toward me. I simply stare at him a long moment then resign myself to nodding. He comes up to my side, staring at me a moment. "You look like you're about to pass out. Maybe you should sit down."
         "I'm fine." I insist, practically growling it though both of us knowing that it is a lie. After a moment I hear the sound of one of my dining chairs scrapping across the wood floor and look up.
         Luke is pulling out a chair for me, staring at me pointedly.
         Somehow knowing that he wasn't going to let up I straighten slowly, turning to the chair. As I do my side pulls painfully and my head swims, my vision going dark.
         My eyes fly open when I feel strong arms around me and I look up. Luke's face is close to mine and he studies me carefully. One arm circles my waist, the other behind my shoulders, his fingers threaded through my hair and holding my head up. He is kneeling on the floor and suddenly I can feel the cold wood beneath me through my pant legs. Beside us the chair is on it's side.
         I stare at him, trying to collect my wits. The kitchen door behind us opens and Han pauses, staring at us in surprise. Han chuckles, a cocky half grin spreading across his face. Luke glares at him, lifting me to my feet.
         "She fainted." Han raises one eyebrow, studying me. Glancing at the dark window near my I can see my reflection in the window. My face is pale, much paler than usual.
         "You don't look so well kid." He says, stopping beside us. "Maybe you should go lie down or something." I shrug away from Luke.
         "Are you guys hungry at all?" I say, trying to divert their attention. Han studies me.
         "Mind if I ask why you're being so hospitable to complete strangers?" I walk, somewhat unsteadily, to the nearby refrigerator. Despite the availability of modern technology, my home is more old fashioned, less the more modern day equipment that most homes in the system have. This, I notice, is not lost on Luke or Han.
         "You're not strangers." I say. Behind me Han and Luke share a glance.
         "And what makes you say that?" Han asks, sounding somewhat guarded. I smile at him over my shoulder.
         "You are Han Solo. Captain of the Millennium Falcon, General Solo during the battle of Endor. The woman in the living room is Leia Organa Solo, your wife and leader of the Rebel Resistance to the Empire during the war and is now the leader of the New Republic. And you..." I say, throwing a glance at Luke. "...are Luke Skywalker, leader of the Jedi academy on Yavin 4 and the one and only remaining Jedi master."
         Han stares at me in complete shock for a full minute, and I can see in his eyes his mind is trying to absorb all the information I just spilled. After a moment he suddenly glares at me, a hand slipping to his blaster.
         "And just how exactly would you know about all that?" He says guardedly, eyes narrowed. Luke replies for me, never looking away from me.
         "She is a Jedi too."
© Copyright 2008 Sira (sira at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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