Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1425760-Mothers-Garden
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1425760
Reflections for Mother's Day 2007
In my Mother's garden I watched many things grow,
How she made it happen, I never thought I'd know.
But as I watched, I learned to tend the plants,
Sometimes even helping, until distracted by some marching ants.

In my Mother's garden it seemed that everything came alive,
The world will never be as green as it was when I was five.
A new creature revealed with each stone unturned,
Each with a new (and sometimes tough!) lesson to be learned.

In my Mother's garden we would laugh out loud and sing,
And take joy together in what the day had to bring.
Endless hours she and I toiled and played away,
Amazing how much about the world can be discovered in just one day!

In my Mother's garden I always felt safe, loved and free,
Just me myself, that's how she designed it to be.
All the while I never realized what was right in front to see,
What was most important to Mother growing in her garden was me.
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