Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1425311-Another-Snapshot
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Friendship · #1425311
Just another snapshot in their normal teenage lives.Can be connected to"Just an Excerpt."
"That geometry test was a bitch, man,"

"God, I know! Mr. Daley is so gay! I swear I haven't learned a single thing in his class. And it's what? Third quarter?"

"He just stands there and goes on and on over stupid crap that doesn't make any sense,"

"Yah, and he's fat,"

"And he has that pedophile grin,"

"Eww, Emily, that's just..."

"Well it's true! It's like he's raping us with his smiles!"

"...while that's rather creative, it's completely impossible,"

"Shut up Kara! Of course it is,"

"I'd hate to end the melodramatic conversation over our geometry teacher, but I honestly don't think the test was that hard..."

"Well, Carrie, you can't possibly believe everyone is outstandingly perfect like you,"

"Of course not, you guys are just dumb,"

"Ouch Care, my heart..."

"Em, stop doing that, it makes your face look even more stupid then normal,"

"And they just keep coming! Do you kick puppies too? Steal any candy from some babies lately?"

"No I prefer to sacrifice them into a pit of fire,"



"Okay Kara, it wasn't that funny,"

"Ha... gasp...I'm good...gasp,"

"I would hope so, because we wouldn't want you to-"



"...Want to what?"


"...Oh, I get it. I think the source of our friend's speechlessness is coming towards us,"

"Aw, look Em, And Mike Stazley is heading our way, what a coincidence,"

"And look at our dear Carrie's face, waiting in anticipation, all tomato-like,"

"Shut up guys, your whispering skills suck by the way- uhh,"

"Hey Carrie,"

"Uhh... Ileftsomethinginmylockerbye!"

"Wow, out of our entire friendship, I don't think I've seen Carrie run that fast. What about you Em?"



" ..."

"...Err...Emily? What are you doing?"

"Looking at Michael. He's kind of twitchy."

"...I think I'm just going... to leave... now... uhh, bye,"


"Was that really necessary?"

"Was what necessary, Kara?"

"You know, the whole, let's stare at Mike until he is scared shitless, thing,"

"Oh, that? ...Yes. Yes it was,"

"You are so- oh! Look it's Carrie!"

"Oh goody, let's go catch up to her, shall we?"

"Now, Emily, don't start to-"

"Hey Carrie! Get your tomato face over here!"

"-tease her..."

"Not a word, any of you. Not only did I just embarrass the crap out of myself, but I accidentally ran into Mr. Daley and he had to catch me so I wouldn't fall down the stairs,"

"See Kara. I told you she- wait a minute. Mr. Daley caught you? Like around the waist and all up in your business?"

" Shut up. And you were right, his smile is creepy,"






"Please stop..."


"... oh my god... I don't think I've laughed that hard since my brother anciently shaved his head with my mom's razor,"

"...haha... oh my... you're family's weird Em,"

"Wait until you see them at Christmas,"

"We have seen them at Christmas, we both have, several times,"

"Oh yah, I meant funerals,"


"See! I got tomato-face to smile!"

"It wasn't a smile! It was a look of disgust at your extreme weirdness! And are you planning on calling me that from now on?"

"Of course, tomato-face. Now, about Michael...me and Kara got a pretty good read on him after you left,"

"Oh yes, a good long look,'

"...Well? And what do you think?"

"Hmm, psst, Kara, what was our decision again?

"That he is just awkward and nerdy enough, to make Carrie look cool and confident,"

"Yes, yes. I remember now. But Mike better watch out, because Mr. Daley is offering some pretty good competition,"

"You two still suck at whispering. I think the whole hallway heard you,"

"But you still love us, don't you tomato-face?"

"... I choose not to answer that,"

"Psst... I think that's a solid yes,"
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1425311-Another-Snapshot