Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1425287-Hope
by CJ
Rated: E · Monologue · Emotional · #1425287
A stream of conscious styled writing about hope.
When I arose this morning, my dreams kept on going. My life is made of wandering from learning experience, to dreams, and back again. I know the many paths of our greatest minds and I use them to forge my own. I love nothing more than the sound of a child's laughter because it makes my heart ring and reverberate with joy to see such a pure smile. I love walking among the vast complexities that are people and creating my own small smile to try and brighten up their day. My love is boundless because my pain is as well. It is my children who are dying in the so-called third world and the only way I sleep at night is by doing everything in my limited power to save them. I feel the pains of the world and I take them on as my own so as to forge myself to have the strength I need to succeed. I act on instinct, because I have trained it to produce only hope. I am constantly working, even when playing, to make sure that my actions improve the world around me. Wherever I stand is my home because I ignore imaginary borders and divisions between my family members. I love every single person and so my heart aches with their pain and suffering; my soul is torn to shreds, but I continue on regardless. I pick up the broken pieces each and every day and rebuild myself in your image so as to better understand what drives you. I kill myself constantly so as to know the meaning of true happiness. I am always learning and teaching so you will never have to feel the pain that I do. There is always hope in the world because I am the only proof you will ever need. I engineer myself to be your proof of life so you will know the peaks of joy I have already discovered. What I know could not be simpler: hope is the evolution of hate, love is the evolution of fear, and we is the evolution of me. The meaning of life is to be free because of our differences, not in spite of them. Peace.
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