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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1424740
the cure to vengance best be well paid. poerty text.
The ryme of the necromancer

Once upon a time in a small town in Mexico. Their lived a necromancer and a witch. Though the two bore brands of different factions they found comfort in each other's arms. They married in the small town of carta sova. At first the townsfolk barely noticed the couple. But in time the local priest began to notice that the two would not attend church, and that they seemed to rarely show their faces during the day. It was not long until rumors spread, rumors that demonized them as heretics and Satanists. The couple grew wary and confused. They were not Satanists, nor were they evil, they only wanted to live their lives out in peace. One night the town came into an uproar over a plague that struck the village. In a fit of paranoia they placed the blame upon the witch and necromancer. They stormed to their home upon a hilltop and rampaged through their house. The witch, now pregnant with the daughter of the necromancer, was taken to the town square where she was raped by the towns singe men, then burned at the stake after her child was torn from her womb. The necromancer, who had been away hunting for food, returned to see his home destroyed and smoke rising from the town square. He was devastated. The next morning the townsfolk found that the recently deceased were rising from their eternal sleep and feasting upon the flesh of the living. The town was in chaos. Only senor Pablo was able to escape. He ran to the other towns seeking help, but no one seemed to care. Until he came across a small home in the center of the desert. Inside lived an old Aztec with his wife and single daughter. Pablo dashed to their doorstep and hammered upon the door. When the Aztec answered Pablo asked.

Kindest wisest dearest man
Who lives here in the sea of sand
I come from town of distance great
to find aid from such a saint.
The dead in my town have come to rise
And feast upon the living guys.

The Aztec responded

Your aid is one I cannot give
I may only help those who live
My daughter though a different case
She can sing away with haste
The dead who seem to rise in vain
And have blood over your town rain
However payment she expects
Or nothing shall she correct

The daughter seemed was of utmost beauty. She wore a black dress adorned with many beads and charms. Her skin was tan and her hair as black as the darkest night. Pablo took her to the town of carta sova. where the dead still devoured the terrorized villagers. So the Aztec daughter began to sing a most beautiful melody that anyone had ever heard. The serenity eminating from her voice did soothe every pain and calm every fear in the village. The dead themselves seemed humbled by her melody. They began to break away from their victims and began to follow the maiden as if in a trance. They followed her away from the town deep into the desert. There they began to dig holes and bury themselves once again. After a great while the Aztec daughter emerged from the desert and the dead were gone. She walked up to the town mayor expecting to be well paid. The mayor looked at her with utmost gratitude and said.

We thank you girl for aiding us in darkest hour
For we see you have a marvelous power.
Now we pay you with only our gratitude
And a loving grateful attitude
So be gone young one and return when willed
And your heart with appreciation we'll fill

With this the girl became furious. She marched out to the desert where she had buried the living dead. She then sang once more. Only this time her song raised the dead from their slumber. They unearthed their bodies and again followed her. She led them into the town and to the villagers where she unleashed them once again on the helpless townsfolk. The villagers were set into a state of panic. However, amidst feast of the dead, the necromancer approached her. When he came to her he said.

Dear child with congruent power
I come to you in this dire hour
To ask a favor from thee
Something precious has been taken from me
These villagers in utmost scorn
Have burned by wife and daughter unborn.
My strength alone is not enough
To raise their ashes into rough
Bodies for their souls to have enough
So I ask for your power to reclaim their lives taken
By these most ignorant of men
Unlike these decrepit sorry swine
I have gold to pay your fine.

The necromancer unveiled a small burlap sack and emptied it to reveal three gold bars. The Aztec girl smiled with anticipation. The two of them made their way thought the massacre to the square where they found a stake and a charred body. The girl took a look at the body and said.

My sympathies friend for your loss
But I cannot reclaim a soul that is lost
Her spirit has passed to the far side
And your child to has crossed with your bride

The necromancer was depressed more than ever. He gazed at her with eyes filled in desperation.

If it is truly beyond your power
Then who shall help me raise this flower?

The girl responded

None can raise her as she was
To live again is not for us
A life we have but only one
Her death cannot be undone
Even raised from ashes see
A mindless zombie is all she'd be

The necromancer knew this was true. He was only hoping for what he knew was impossible. He gazed around the town as the undead gobbled up the remains of the townspeople. The Aztec gazed at him and said.

My dear friend mourn no more
For upon the crystal shore
Of heavens mighty continent
Does your wife and daughter find their time spent.

The necromancer turned to her with a look of question

My dear Aztec friend you see
A witch she was born raised and be
How could havens halls accept
Children as we are with craft we kept

The Aztec smiled and looked him in the eye

She was a mother was she not
And no death had she brought
I tell you now so you shall see
God can still accept her and thee

The necromancer grew full of guilt. He knew now that would never see her again.

Then I fear her face I'll never see
For I can never go you see
To the place of eternal beauty
After all I've utmost cruelty
My sin I fear have damned me so
To never see her that I know

The Aztec woman placed her hand on his cheek. Looked at him strait in the eye and said.

Not for sure there is a chance
That you and her shall once more dance
In heavens halls you can raise
Your daughter, till the end of days
These sinners that around us die
Shall never see an angel cry
For their sin of murder be
Unforgiving by the victims see
But you my friend you can redeem
Your soul my friend it would seem
I can keep out of devils way
Give to me on this day
Your spirit in a form of blade
And forever safe it shall be made.

The necromancer looked at her oddly

Why my spirit should you take
How can this help for heavens sake

The Aztec gave him a look of pure reassurance

Because on that day when judgment come
Your soul shall then become
A gift of mine to gods right hand
I'll give it to an angel band
They will take your soul you see
For they will help our conspiracy
To heaven your soul then go
And to your wife will they show
This object that your soul be in
And she will help you right this sin
By releasing you in this instant
When hell is but a memory distant

The necromancer pulled a ring off of his hand. Then prepared to seal his own soul within it.

what if this plan of yours should fail
And my soul to hell would sail

the Aztec looked him strait in the eye

Then to hell your soul would go
But no other chance does show

Hesitantly then the necromancer poured every fiber of his soul into his golden wedding ring his beloved wife had given him. After the process was complete his body turned to ash and the ring fell to the ground. The aztec picked up his soul, and his payment.

My dearest kind and noble friend
Your soul will as be safe till end
You powers though shall be as mine
For wait that be till judgment time.

She gave a wicked smirk and began her journey back to her home with the payment and the ring. She left the town of carta sova in complete pandemonium. It is said that the entire city simply fell into dust shortly after the Aztec siren left. No one is certain of her name or her whereabouts. It is said that she returned home. However, shortly after her departure, an angry mob of zealots came and decimated her abode and burned all of her kin at stake. She has not been heard of seen of since.

© Copyright 2008 david black (birdofhermes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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