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Rated: E · Article · Experience · #1423461
Article about Napa and Sonoma Valley, when I visited during my early teenage years.

Wine, Vines, and Growing up--Reminiscing the Wine Country

The stinging rays of the sun trickled down upon my shoulders as we waited at the airport to catch a shuttle to be transported to our rent-a-car. I could feel the UV rays trigger a rush of euphoria as a I soaked in the sun's beams. I have always been cold-natured, so I did not mind the extreme heat of the day. The sweet warmth gave me a sense of exhilaration as tiny beads of sweat rolled down my forehead. The 92 degree weather was highly unusual in comparison to San Francisco's typically cool and breezy weather. In the wine country, it would boast to be even warmer.

Although I have been back to the wine country since, this trip to Napa and Sonoma remains as newly developed photos in my mind.

As I reminisce, I reflect on this innocent time in my life. It feels like it was just yesterday. It was the summer before my eighth grade year and my family had decided to take another trip back to California (The wine country & San Francisco). This particular time was exceptional because my grandparents travelled with my small family of four (The fantastic 4 included my Dad, Mom, brother, James, & myself).

These types of trips were always extraordinary because we were fortunate enough to receive free stays at wineries due to my dad's position as a wine representative. If it weren't for his job connections, we would not have been able to afford such luxuries. Additionally, it was elating that my grandparents had decided to join us, for I always have and still do enjoy their company.

When we arrived in Napa Valley, we went straight to the first winery and vineyard that we would be staying at- Sutter Home. The winery hosted a beautifully ornate Victorian-Style mansion and a quaint separate carriage house for guests to reside. A colorful rose and flower garden lay inside the perimeters of a white picket fence. The picturesque view reminded me of something from an old English country home, the kind of image one depicts in their mind when they think of the times of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. Each of the guests' rooms were adorned with old-world decorations and modestly furnished, transporting one back through the midst of the past.

Our evenings were treated by meals at unique area restaurants. Obviously the wine country is a preferable place to enjoy the arts of food and fine wine. We visited one restaurant where we bought a bowl of fresh cherries for dessert.

"How beautiful that is," my Grandmother stated as she admired the presentation of the refreshing dessert.

"And delicious as well," she added as she ate one of the little ruby red fruits.

Being surrounded by the large hills and valleys of rolling vineyards reminded me of another country, a country I had never visited before. It was what I imagined Italy to look like. It was like I had the chance to venture through a child's fairytale land...the whimsical beauty of the sun peaking through the hills (while still reaching to a toasty 115 degrees during the day), and the breeze softly blowing through the cool nights (which stayed around 60 degrees) as stars fluttered about the deep blue sky. The ambiance was fantastic, and would have been perfect for a romantic getaway.

Throughout the time we'd kid around, and laugh at Grandpa's silly jokes. He would tease Grandma, and yet unyieldingly always would be at her nearest attention. He would retrieve drinks for her and do thoughtful little things. He is such a loving and receptive person, it was no wonder they had been married for years.

As we toured the wine country, we stopped at other vineyards such as Beringer and Korbel. Each winery and vineyard had its own unique attributes that made it stand apart from the others. Beringer Vineyard was comprised of a large mansion that was castle-like in appearance lying at the pinnacle of a coiled drive. Korbel contained vibrant and abundant floral gardens, flowers of every type and color could be found on the winery's grounds. Korbel also hosted a stunning cellar that had green ivy creeping up layers of red bricks, nestling itself on large window sills. Rose bushes of reds, pinks, and yellows sat elegantly in front of the large old-fashioned building. The cellar held wine tastings and sold other various products that could be purchased at the consumer's will.

Our last place we had visited was Fetzer Vineyard. I had never had the opportunity to stay at Fetzer before, so it proved to be a new experience for us fantastic four and my grandparents. The stay at Fetzer was absoulutely lovely. Besides the numerous tours through the gardens, vineyards, and winery, we stayed in a condo-type room on the first floor that overlooked the vineyards. The vineyards seemed to go on and on for miles, endless vines of green, bejeweled with tiny clusters of purple.

I vividly remember sitting on a bench among the gardens and vineyard next to my dad one night before dusk.

"One day you'll look back on this, and remember what a special time this was," My dad told me, his eyes appeared insightful and kind. "You will remember this time with your family. Just know you were able to see this because most people your age don't have the chance to experience these types of things. You may not ever get the chance to come back."

I savored the moment.

It still remains so clear in my mind, just like it was yesterday.

We have visited the area since, while we have yet to revisit the open lands of Fetzer, or the fairytale gardens of Korbel.

This one experience has stayed the freshest in my mind out of all of our trips to the wine country. In short, it taught me a huge lesson, yet simplistic in form. My dad's small words of wisdom and love are what have tugged on my hearstrings the most. It was at this point in time, that I have realized how truly valuable the concepts of family and time were, especially the integrated notion of family-time. My journey did not end as I flew on those silver wings home...sun reflecting upon them as we soared through the open and infinate sky. But my journey had just begun...a journey that would bring be to a deeper understanding of love, faith, open-mindedness, cherished memories, and endless possibilities.

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