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by Rosey
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1422943
A young ladys life, turned upside down
Sarah sat on the railing of the bridge and thought about the last few hours. They hadn't been good to her at all. All she wanted was a normal life, but she knew that wasn't going to happen now. Not after what happened with Jerry. Sarah thought she knew the guy who was supposed to be her friend. After six years of hanging out with someone, you think you would know them just a little. They had met at a party for another friend and they just seemed to hit it right off from the beginning. He would come over to watch movies or to just drink coffee and they would talk for hours. Jerry had come over to her place to work on her computer. He had been there hundreds of times, even stayed over a few times. But this night was different. He'd been drinking more then usual and thats when he told her. "I want payment this time Sarah. Not money either, if you get my meaning." Sarah looked at him with a shocked look on her face. Jerry knew what she had gone through in her past. She had told him when they had first became friends. But tonite he didn't seem to care. All that mattered was what he wanted, and to hell with everything else.

"Get out Jerry. Don't come back for awhile." Jerry grabbed sarah by the hair and pulled her to the floor. Then he said, " I've been wanting to do this for a very long time." As he sat on top of her, jerry begin ripping her shirt off. She fought back as hard as she could, but he was just to strong for her. He started hitting her and finally hit hard enough to knock her out. When sarah came too, Jerry was gone and she was laying on the floor naked, her clothes scattered around. She could still smell the whiskey he had been drinking. She got up from the floor and went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she saw the bruises already there. Her right eye was swollen shut, her nose was bleeding and probably broke. She thought about calling the police, but didn't want to make jerry any angrier. He had raped her.Hurt her to the point of not caring anymore. Who would believe her and if they did, what would they think of her. She invited him into her home, maybe she asked for it.

Nope, she couldnt do that. The only way to make this problem go away was to get rid of the problem itself. After taking a shower and putting new clothes on, she walked out of her apartment and headed for her thinking spot. It was the bridge that crossed the Columbia river into Oregon. The place she chose to sit was somewhat out of view of cars. Sarah got up on the railing and just sat there thinking. How long she was there, she didn't know. What she hadn't realized was that a passing car had saw her and called the police. A police officer was the first to arrive. He had pulled up without his lights and parked where she couldn't see him and walked quietly up to her. The office spoke softly, "Hi, what's going on? Why are you up here." Sarah turned her head and that's when he saw the bruises. "What happened?" he asked. She just shook her head and turned back toward the river. "Doesn't matter anymore, Seems this is the only reason i'm on this planet. Dont want to be here anymore." As she said this, the fire engine and ambulance had arrived, along with more officers. The officer that had gotten there first
started speaking again.

"I'm officer Shanks, can i ask you your name?" After a minute or two of silence, she finally answered. "Sarah". The wind on the bridge was strong tonite and was acting as a sound barrier. She had no idea what was going on behind her. "Ok, sarah. Why don't we just talk about this. Couldnt hurt, just to talk."
Officer Shanks, without her noticing motioned for another officer to get on the other side of sarah. "Dont want to talk, just want to be left alone, please!" She started sliding her butt closer to the edge of the railing. The officer knew he had to do something, this young lady was determined to end it all, and he didn't want that to happen. He reached out and grabbed one arm as the other officer grabbed the other. They got her to the ground, but Sarah kept on fighting them until they all finally got her restrained. By the time she was put on the stretcher, she was somewhat calmed down. Officer Shanks talked to her before the emts put her in the ambulance. "Sorry Sarah, we couldn't let you jump. We will talk more at
the hospital, ok? I know your mad right now, but you don't seem to be a quitter. Not after putting up quite a fight there." They loaded her up and headed for St. Johns.

As Sarah laid there in the emergency room, she saw the cop who talked to her, talking with one of the doctors. Then, both of them came into the room. "Hi Sarah, im Dr. Williams. You gave a few people quite a scare tonight. Can you tell us what's going on? Does it have something to do with those bruises?" All Sarah could do was turn her head toward the wall. The tears were starting to build up and she didn't want to cry.....................(continued later)
© Copyright 2008 Rosey (sqeekers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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