Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1422595-Escape
Rated: E · Prose · Teen · #1422595
sneaking out, what a bad kid
Bright green neon numbers on his clock read 12 a.m., everyone was asleep but for him the day was just beginning. He pulls back his covers revealing his fully clothed body. Sliding out of his bed, making sure not to make too much noise, he puts on his sneakers. He makes his way to the door carefully and slowly trying not to trip on anything on the floor hidden by the darkness of night. He gropes for the door knob and turns it slowly and lifting the door up ever so slightly, he knows exactly what to do so the door doesn't make a sound. He creeps slowly down the hall cringing at any squeak from the old wooden floor boards as he tip tows over them. He reaches the front door, opens it and steps into the cold black night.
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