Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1422236-Toyed-by-littletoy
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1422236
a re-post of littletoys story "Toyed"
Toy Man
by littletoy

Ok so this is my re-write of a previously made story I have read,
Originaly  I didnot add due credit to littletoy for this as I asumed his online  persona was pernamently AFK, I was wrong and am giving full credit right back  to him. I honestly meant no disrespect and I hope  he doesnt mind that I still choose to share his work on writing.com If you gain the urge to review then please send  all praps  to the creator

         Stories like this only happen in science fiction movies, or so I thought.
But that was before the incredible turn of events of the last six months. Before
I became a ridiculous self parody of a human being. Back when I was still human.
Scratch that. Although I have changed greatly I am still a man. Nobody can take
that away from me.
         Once I was a six foot, two inch solid two hundred pounds. Now I am the
size of a tiny doll, and weigh less than one pound.
         Impossible you say? Well I am living proof that nothing is impossible.
More things may be possible than we care to admit. Very people know about me, just Maren, my captress, and a few of her
girlfriends from high school. They have been sworn to secrecy with know
practical choice to do so. After all, who would believe a story about a man
seven inches tall. Visual proof is necessary, but Maren is very careful about
who gets to see and touch me. She wants me to herself, mostly. To her I am a
unique and special pet, a tiny doll to be protected and loved, a plaything to
fondle, strip, and make love to in bed at night. To her girlfriends I am an
irresistible curiosity to be snatched up and held aloft between their soft
breasts, a living toy man.
         It all started innocently enough on a Friday afternoon in June. It had
taken me longer than usual to finish my photo assignment. This was the final one
for the year and I wanted to do a good job. During the course of my darkroom
work I had managed, with my usual lack of deftness, to spill just about every
type of photochemical there was onto my clothing. Not bothering to wash it out,
I let it seep deep into my clothes, and my skin. It was a race to make the four
o'clock bus. Already it was 3:56. I started out the door but received a nasty
electrical shock as I touched the handle. My hand dropped from the handle like a
rock. I t had been a really nasty bolt of electricity. I only slowed me down
momentarily as I raced for the bus.
         The bus was packed when I got on, so I took a seat in the back where there
was more room. No sooner had I sat down that I realized the electric shock was
still tingling in the pit of my stomach. I could not figure out why, and only in
retrospect did it occur to me that all those photochemicals might have something
to do with it. As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, it war clear that I was
going to be sick. Even worse was the bumpy trick and forth motion of the bus. As
luck would have it my stop was among the last.  But it was at the second to last
stop I decided to get off I simply could not remain on the bus any longer. I
would just have to walk.  Several other people got off too. I tried to look
normal, but the tingling sensations had become stronger, spreading throughout my
body and head. Pretty girls and screaming boys were in front of me, the girls
going left and the boys going right. By now the pain was unbearable. With a
silent roar I bolted past the girls and up the street. I ran around the nearest
corner and collapsed in a heap on the sidewalk. Then it happened. The whole
neighborhood seemed to be spinning and distorting into a psychedelic mix. The
trees and houses, the lawns, and even the sidewalk I was on, everything began to
grow larger and wider and taller. Then the tingling sensations subsided, leaving
only a queasy feeling in my stomach. By the time I had regained my senses I was
standing up on a sidewalk that seemed to stretch forever. Everything was beyond
my reach. Only then did I began to grasp what had happened. I had...SHRUNK! ! !
By the scale of everything around me I had been reduced to little over half a
foot in height. There was precious little time for sightseeing, however someone
was rounding the corner, heading right for me.
         My first impulse was to run, but where to? The street was devoid of any
trees nearby, and all the houses featured impeccably manicured lawns. Nothing
suitable for a hiding space was reachable. I prayed whoever it was would not
spot me. No such luck.
         She was wearing a yellow button down shirt tucked into a pair of tight
jeans and sneakers. Her long wavy dark hair bobbed pleasantly as she sauntered
forward. My body tensed. She was awesome, I thought, with a comely face well
matched with her youthful, nubile, athletic body. Unfortunately, she was also
about sixty feet tall.
         She was carrying a red backpack which was slung around her shoulder, and
as she came closer to me I noticed that one of the side pockets was open, and a
giant pencil was closer to tumbling out with each bouncy step. Finally, about
twenty feet away it happened. The pencil tumbled out and down to the side walk
and rolled to a stop about five feet away from me. I looked up in fascination
and terror. The girl looked down casually to see where it had fallen, spotted
me, and froze.
         I froze too. By now it was too late to run. I was trapped. Her mouth was
slightly open with amazement. We each waited for the other to make the first
move. It was she who made it.  Letting her backpack down to the ground at her
side, she bent over, her hands resting on her knees. Her chest loomed over me.
With a gentle expression on her sweet face she studied me intently, as if she
was contemplating what to do with me. Then, she knelt even lower and with one of
her hands, she reached out to pick me up in her fist. It was useless to run, so
I simply prepared myself for the shock.
         I felt her soft, firm, fingers gently wrap around my tiny body as she
seized me off the sidewalk and into her giant hand. The look of amazement on her
face was replaced with one of enthralled glee. She lifted me up to her face,
gently turning me around in her grip as she looked me over. With her free hand
she gently touched me on my stomach and stroked me lightly. She stood up to her
full height and I lay suspended in mid-air in her hand.
         "Put me down! Please! Put me down and let me go!".
          I was kicking wildly, stirring up the air, terrified.  She now held me
out in front of her, just at the level of her firm, pert breasts. From my
vantage point I could see her body in all its glory. Then she spoke. 
         "Don't be frightened little man, I'm not going to hurt you".
          Her voice was surprisingly soft and gentle. She lifted me up to her face
again, even closer. Her lips pressed against my body as she gave me a soft kiss.
She then whispered in a soft but firm voice, with just a touch of mischieviousness.
         "I'm taking you home with me. You'll be safe with me. You're mine now. You belong to me".
           I was then drawn in close to her breasts. I felt her soft, firm body
give way beneath me. She settled me in between her hand and her breasts, picked
up her backpack, and continued on to her house, next door.  Once inside she
carried me off to her bedroom where she set me down on her vast bed. The bedroom
was huge. The walls were pink and there were a few stuffed animals scattered
about. Next to her bed was a night stand , containing a small lamp and a clock.
On the wall next to it was a dressing table, and on the other wall a desk and a
chest. It was a typical high school girls room, only greatly magnified in size. 
She had moved to the phone and was quickly dialing a number. 
         "Lindsey, its Maren. You won't believe this but I found a little man the
size of a doll while walking home from the bus today, and he's absolutely
adorable. I'm keeping him. I know you don't believe me so I want you to come
over tonight and see him for yourself. After dinner. My Dad won't be home for
two weeks yet...oh, and don't tell anyone about it, promise? Thanks. Bye".
         She walked over to the bed where I sat. I looked up at her. She was really
cute, save for her size. She smiled down at me like she had some mad crush on
me. Finally she reached and snatched me up in her hand a little more
posessively, carried me over to the night stand and set me down on it.  She
towered over me as she began to undo her belt, then slip out of her jeans,
revealing long, slender tanned thighs which disappeared into her bikini panties.
She let the jeans fall to the floor as she looked down at me playfully. Slowly
she unbuttoned her shirt, under which was a short white cutoff T-shirt, cut just
below her breasts. She moved closer to the night stand until the edge of it came
into contact with her smooth, flat stomach. Her navel hovered just above my
head. I could smell the faint scent of her perfume. Suddenly she reached out and
scooped me up against her body, pressing me up against her soft tummy. Her skin
was firm and incredibly soft as I was held suspended against the smooth wall of
flesh. Her stomach muscles rippled slightly with laughter.  Then she released
the pressure, and I fell back on to the night stand. She bent over the night
stand, beaming at me, her soft face occupying my entire field of vision. 
         "Such a sweet little thing. you poor doll!", she cooed.
         Before I had a chance to reply her soft fingers enclosed me again as she
effortlessly lifted me up off the night stand. She stood up to her full height,
holding me out in front of her, just below her beaming face. Her other hand came
up to fondle me, gently nipping at my clothes, suppressing my flailing limbs.
She laughed. 
         "My name's Maren, little toy, and I think we had better become better
aquatinted since I'm keeping you".
          With that she moved toward the bed but stopped short of taking a step in
that direction. Still held out in front of her, I noticed her other hand had
disappeared behind her head and was...removing her undershirt. I watched the
tips of her nipples as the fabric slid over them, defining their shape. The
fabric was lifted up over her head, and I stared at her magnificent D shaped
breasts, each larger than my body, aureole wider than my head, about six feet
across and slightly below from where she held me. Make that five feet away...no,
four...three........two........... the soft skin between her breasts quickly
enveloped me as she hugged me close. I heard the shirt fall to the floor. I felt
her body sway as she carried me over to the bed. She held me out in front of her
again, standing at the bed side. The fingers of her free hand came up to pluck
my shirt off. 
         "Stop that, put me down, give me my shirt back! Help!!!!".
          I pleaded kicking out with my legs.  She only laughed. Her hand now
tugged at my pants, her fingers delicately slipping them off one leg at a time.
Soon I was naked in her grip. She drew me in close to her face. I felt her soft
lips against my body, my face. Her smooth skin slid against mine as she slipped
me down her neck, across her chest and settled me in against her nipple. Her
index finger gently but firmly pressed my head against her, forcing me to suck.
Clutched tightly against Maren's firm young breast, I had no choice but to
comply. I felt her sway, and the wall of flesh that I was clutched to slowly
became a ceiling as she lowered herself, and me, to the bed. I was trapped
between her body and the soft bed. She was careful not to crush me; her fingers
held me firmly in place, lest I try to escape. After a few minutes she turned
over on her back, holding me out in front of her, just above her breasts, in her
clenched fist. She smiled at me tenderly. 
         "Don't worry, my little doll-man. I don't know where you came from, but I
promise to take good care of you. Just remember that you belong to me now.
You're mine. And I can pick you up whenever I want to, do whatever I want to
with you. I'll keep you safe with me. You'll be my secret. Just me and Lindsey
and some of the other girls at school. Wait'll they see you. My friend Lindsey
West is coming over later to watch you while I go to a class meeting. I'm a
Junior. She's a Senior, the captain of the cheerleaders. She'll just freak when
she sees you".
          She lowered me to her left breast, my head resting just by her nipple.
She giggled as she turned over on her side, cupping me against her breast as she
did so. I struggled against her grip and this time I managed to break free. I
had tumbled down on the bed. A shadow spread out over me from above. Her soft
stomach came down over me, rippling with soft laughter. I was gently pressed
against her body and the mattress. Trapped beneath her, her scent was dreamy,
almost intoxicating.  Soon a big hand came down to pick me up.  Maren brought me
out from underneath her, holding me up to her face, which now had a positively
devilish smile on it.
         "Well now, little man, do you know what comes next?  Now it's time for you
to really make love with me", she lauged.
         She brought me in close to her plush lips for a kiss.  Her tongue slipped
out from between them and began caressing my tiny body.  Her tongue slid across
my face, down my chest and then started gently licking my cock.  Her soft lips
gently sucked my throbbing member until I came, thrashing and squirming wildly
in her grip.  She moved me away as my exhausted body went limp.
         "That was cool.  Now it's my turn, little toy". 
         Her fingers closed tightly about my middle as she gently lowered me to her
pussy.  Her scent became strong as I was slowly and carefully inserted head
first into her wet, soft interior.
         "Please stop it.  You might hurt me", I pleaded in a squeaky voice.
         "No way.  In you go little one", she shot back.
         She pushed me in deeper-only my shins and feet stuck out of her- and I
noticed for the first time the rythmic contractions of the pink walls around me. 
Her juices began to drown me when I felt her fingers pull on my legs as she
slowly guided me out.  I was able to gasp a breath of air before she slipped me
back in.  She did this all the while her muscles of her vagina firmly messaging
me as she thrust me in and out again and again for what seemed to be an unreal
length of time.  Finally she came, and I was washed out of her pussy by an
incredible gush of juices.  Maren reached down for me and snatched me up in her
right fist.  She giggled as I tried to break her grip.
         "It's no use fighting me.  I own you know.  You belong to me.  So you
might as well get used to it".
         With her left hand she grabbed a handkerchief from nearby and softly dried
me off.  She then set me down on her flat stomach.  Exhausted I slipped off into
         I awoke to a loud slam of a door, the vibrations of which shook the room.
I was in total darkness. Some light seeped in under the door and around the door
frame. I could see dimly the dimensions of my surroundings. I was still on the
giantess's big bed. Outside the door there was stirring. I heard a distinctive
voice, which I recognized to be that of my captress, and a second voice,
smoother and higher in tone than the first. I could see shadows under the door,
and realized that they were right on the other side of the door. I began to
strain to hear and was able to pick out some phrases:
         "Is he cute? Can I pick him up? Really? I can?  You've got to be joking,
         "I'll be back in three hours...Don't wear him out...Maybe Debbie".
         "Thanks Maren.  Bye."
         "Have fun...Bye."
         I heard a distant door slam, then soft hesitant footsteps coming closer. I
was sitting in the middle of a giant bed in a giant room. There was nowhere to
run. I heard the door creek, and could barely discern the turning of the
doorknob. A slight gust of wind blew across the bed as the door opened. A thin
shaft of light entered the room, just enough to make out a towering shape that
entered with it. Then the door closed, and I was plunged into darkness, although
this time I was aware of a warmth of presence. And the sound of soft breathless
gasps. I heard the snap of the light switch, and the room was flooded with
light. I adjusted my eyes and faced the intruder, just in time to see her
reaction to me.
         Her hair was blond and straight and cut at the shoulders. It framed a
perfect, cute, face, pearly, white teeth. Her slender, athletic body was firm
and hard. She wore jeans and a blue short sleeve shirt that clung precariously
to her small firm breasts. Her legs were long and tapered down to a graceful
foot. She was drop dead gorgeous. She was over sixty feet tall. To her I was
smaller than a Ken doll! A living toy!  Upon turning on the lights she started
to survey the room, obviously searching for something specific. In front of the
door, she looked first left, then right at the bed, where her eyes locked on me,
and froze. Her mouth opened in silent horror, and her hands quickly covered her
open mouth, eyes bulging staring at me. Up to now, I thought, she had just
thought this was some sort of prank and had just gone along out of curiosity.
Now she knew this was no prank. She leaned back against the door, still staring
down at the figure on the bed. I held my position in the center of the bed
afraid to make a move. Instead I watched in awe as she quickly recovered from
the shock. 
         "What is....You're.. .You're....SO TINY! ! ! !"
         She burst in to a squeal of laughter. She straightened up, hands locked
together at her chest, studying me. Her mouth opened again, this time in a
playful pout. 
         "You mean Maren's telling the truth? You really ARE a tiny doll-man!!!"
           She stooped and took a step closer to the bed. Her face even though she
was stooping, hung twenty feet above me as she towered over me as she stood by
the bedside. Her firm breast heaved steadily over me as she swung her head side
to side as she surveyed me close up. Her face lowered even closer, so that her
lips, nose and soft green eyes were even with my tiny body. She regarded me
playfully, her arms at her sides. Rearing up to her full height, the surface of
the bed just below her knees, she began to turn away. Then she stooped again,
and I knew she was going to pick me up. I was humiliated, but I couldn't do
anything about it as her soft fingers closed around me.
          "Let me down!" I shouted, kicking out with my legs.
         The soft blond burst into a peal of bubbly laughter, then rose to her full
height. I saw the surface of the bed fall away from me as I was snatched aloft.
She brought me up to her face and smiled triumphantly. 
         "I've got you now, doll." She cooed.
         "I'm Maren's best friend Lindsey West. I'm supposed to take care of you
tonight, and that's just what I intend to do. I thought Maren was just kidding
about you, but now that you're real I want to play with you. Maren said I could.
She said I could have you for tonight and now that I know that you're real, I
want you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I'11 be gentle".
         Her lips found my mid section as she began kissing me. That done, she held
me out at arms length.
          "It's hot in here, don't you think?"
         Before I could squeal an answer, she put me back down on the bed. She
looked down at me. Laughing, she unzipped her jeans, undid the belt, and slipped
out of them one leg at a time. She was wearing skimpy pink panties, and without
her jeans on her legs seemed like smooth redwoods gracefully branching out into
a pink cloud. Her smooth tummy, tanned and taut, spread upward like some
skyscraper of flesh. Her blue halter top covered up the jutting precipices of
her breasts. She towered above me, as if deciding what to do next. Shrugging to
herself, she removed her halter, let it dangle over me released it, completely
enveloping me in the soft fragrant fabric, then bent far down over the bed once
more, scooping me up, halter and all.  I had only brief time to glimpse her
fabulous breasts, firm and perfectly formed before I was completely draped in
her shirt. Then her strong hands grasped and held me tightly about the waist,
lifting me up. She plucked me from the soft fabric and letting the shirt fall to
the bed held me in her clutched fist. I was able to survey her incredibly nubile
body. It looked inviting. I wondered if she, too, wanted me to suckle her firm
breast. She held me just below her sweet face. She smiled at me. She loosened
her grip just long enough for her free hand to slip under and pluck my shirt
off. She dropped it on the bed. Then her huge fingers found the seat of my
pants. She pulled but they would not give. She closed on my kicking legs, one at
a time and effortlessly pulled off one shoe, than the other. They dropped to the
bed too. Again she grasped the seat of my pants between her free thumb and
forefinger and pulled careful not to tear me in half, but determined to undress
me all by herself. This time the pants slipped down my waist, and she gleefully
plucked one pant leg off than another. Her pinkie stroked my body gently.
running down my cheek neck chest and stomach, before her nail slipped under my
underwear stripping it off with one flick of her little finger. I as well as she
was naked.
         "Ooooooh! You're just adorable, aren't you?"
          She sat down on the side of the bed clutching me close. Her fragrant
flesh came into contact with mine as she settled me in against her, high on her
breast. I sank gently into soft firmness. Her hand cupped me up against her. The
surface of her chest tilted horizontally, and I realized she was laying down on
the bed stretched out on her back. I tumbled off the breast and came to a
sitting position between her breasts. Her lovely face, propped up with pillows,
stared at me with pleasure. Her chest heaved with laughter as her hand came down
from above. She snatched me up in her fist and held me up even with her
sparkling green eyes. 
         "Maren says you belong to me for now. You're mine. I want to make love to
you, toy man. You're the most unique pet anybody's ever had. You're the perfect
size, doll-lover, all guys should be your size, they'd be much easier to play
with", she giggled.
           I was deposited on her smooth tan stomach. A giant hand closed over me
and kept me pinned there. Trapped against the soft flesh, I was helpless.
         Lindsey grew restless. Her fingers curled around me and lifted me up off
her stomach. She sat up on the bed. Putting me down before her. She leaned
slightly forward hair falling down to her shoulders and spoke to me.
           "What do you think of my body? I didn't get to be captain of the varsity
cheerleaders for nothing. Don't you want to play some more? I shure want to play
some more with you! C'mere, you."
          She bent far over, her arms propped up on either side of me. Stalking me
like a wild tiger, she sprang forward, and I saw her face and neck pass over me.
I looked directly up and saw her soft breasts slowly lower themselves on top of
me. Flat against the bed on her stomach, she was looking down her cleavage at my
tiny head and shoulders trapped between her breasts and the mattress. She was
careful not to crush me. 
         "Let me go! It's humiliating!"  I screamed, trying in vain
to squirm out from between her breasts and the bed.           
         "I'll never let you go toy-man. I'm going to enjoy you with Maren. She's
keeping you. I can pick you up whenever I want. You can't do anything about it
so just enjoy the ride okay? Besides, it's fun having a little man to play with.
It makes me feel powerful to have you clutched in my hand. You're a toy for my
amusement, and I want to experiment with you. All the cheerleaders will want to
play with you. Angie will probably have to set up a schedule for the girls who
want to borrow you so they can take you to bed with them. They'll be curious.
And they'll satisfy that curiosity the way I am right now. By making love to a
little toy sized man."
           She lifted herself off the bed and I was momentarily free, but her hand
came up to clutch me and hold me down at the bed level. Then she lowered herself
back down centering me under her right breast. My body was pressed against the
bed again, this time between the bed and her breast, which engulfed me
completely, her hard nipple finding its way insistently into my mouth. She
suckled me like a baby, and was content holding me like this for some time.
           "That's a good little man." She cooed.
         "You'll like being with me. I'll give you pleasure on a scale no man has
ever dreamed of before'"
          She brought me out from under her. Siting on her stomach, propped up on
one arm she held me up to her lips. I felt her soft lips touch my head. With a
finger, she smoothed my hair out, inspected me for bumps and bruises. That done
she lowered me a bit, and with her free hand began to fondle me gently, curious
as to how to stimulate the desired reaction, given the difference in size. She
was surprised at how easily she could make me come, the best way being to tickle
me with her tongue, and if that did not work she would just pop me into her
mouth, lower half first. She could have bitten me in two, but all I felt was her
soft lips and her caressing tongue as she sucked me off. She ate me like a
snack, whole. Not ten seconds after I came in her huge mouth she was lowering me
down into her awesome pussy.  I got tired of shouting ineffectually so this time
I just gave up and let her use me as a dildo.  Her soft pussy enveloped me
completely as I was slid in deep inside her.  I could hear her muffled moans of
pleasure outside, and I could feel the walls of her pussy contracting and
squeezing me as she left me trapped inside of her for a couple of minutes.  Then
her muscles squeezed harder, and she began quickly thrusting me in and out of
her.  I thought I would be torn in half, but lucky for me all I got was a few
bruises where her fingers had squeezed too tightly.  She came, and I was
unceremoniously snatched up to her face for a close examination.
         "Are you alright?", she cooed, "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly.  That
was the neatest thing I've ever done.  You're wonderful". 
         She pressed me close to her lips for a series of deep, passionate kisses. 
Her lips were soft and wet.  After, She put me down next to her on the big bed
so I could dry. She lay on her side, smiling down at me. I stared at the
contours of the giantess stretched out next to me, then I got up and walked away
from her face to the other end of the bed. Before I got far, her hand swooped
down and picked me up. 
         "Just where do you think you're going, my toy?" She purred.
         She pressed me up against the tan wall of flesh that was her tummy,
trapping me there with her fingers. She turned over on her stomach again, and I
was trapped full length under her taut tummy. It rippled with her laughter. The
laughter died down to a heavy breathing, and i realized that she had tired from
making love to me, of fondling me, and had fallen asleep. Unable to move,
eventually I, too fell asleep under the soft body of Lindsey West.
         Night came. Lindsey came back at nine-thirty with some extra clothes         
and homework. Maren had placed me in an old dollhouse of hers.  She then placed
the dollhouse on her night stand and pushed the  open side against the wall. The
scale was perfect for my six  or seven inch height. I almost forgot where I was.
Almost.  Maren was in the shower when Lindsey came in. She surveyed the room
casually and, spotting the dollhouse, she rushed over to it. 
         "Oh, how adorable!" She said, peering in the window of the little
         I saw her giant, cool features appear in the front window as she looked
in. Then her face was replaced in the window by a vast, thin blue fabric of her
tank top as she undid the latch that opened the roof.  Suddenly I was assaulted
by a rush of light as Lindsey removed the roof.  She was looking down at me,- a
gentle smile on her beautiful face. 
         "I bet you're lonely in there all by yourself, poor little thing," she
           Lindsey reached in for me. It was useless to move, so I simply let her
seize me up in her hand. She held me up to her face and sat on the edge of the
          "I can't wait to play with you again, little man".
         She began to peel my clothes off as I squirmed in her firm grip.  When I
was naked, she puckered her lips slightly and began kissing me. With her free
hand she began to remove her own clothes. She set me down in the middle of the
bed and stood up, totally nude. Giggling slightly, she got on the bed and placed
her arms behind me so that she was looking down at me on all fours. 
         "Now I'm going to play with you some more",  little man".
         She gently lowered her body over mine, careful not to crush me. I felt her
soft, firm body gently push me into the soft mattress. Suddenly, she turned over
on her back, moaning softly. She clutched me tightly to her chest as she did so.
She fondled me as I lay between      her breasts, nudging me to her right
nipple. Lindsey suckled me like an infant, all the while stroking me with her
         "That's a good little man," She smiled.
          There was a noise. Lindsey snatched me up and put me back in the
dollhouse, replacing the roof. I heard giant footsteps, and a female voice
unfamiliar to me. The roof was removed once again and I found myself staring up
at a pretty, shapely brunette smiling down at me. 
         "Oh, how cute...can I pick him up?" Asked Debbie.
           The towering figure reached into the dollhouse and snatched me up. She
dangled me in front of her comely face as she examined me, She was delighted, I
felt her warm, full lips press against my body as she played with me.  Lindsey
tried to snatch me from the embracing arms of Debbie.  Debbie wasn't ready to
give me up. She stepped back, clutching me to her chest. 
         "I want to play with the little doll-man for a while. I just love him."
She had settled me in against her warm, supple  chest. I felt her breasts give
as she hugged me tightly to them.  Maren emerged from the bathroom just then and
said: Now girls, don't fight over him We have the entire evening to play  with
my little man.
         She walked over to Debbie and took me from her.  Maren put me down on the
bed as the three girls undressed. They stood naked towering over me at the foot
of the bed. Lindsey reached down and snatched me up in her fist, then laid down
on the bed, pressing me flat against her smooth, tanned stomach. Maren and
Lindsey laid next to her, each one reaching for me. Maren snatched me up off
Lindsey's stomach and put me on her perfect breast. With her hand she crushed me
up gently against her nipple. I sank luxuriously into her soft skin. She
released the pressure and I attempted to scamper away. I ran down her abdomen
but accidentally stepped into her belly button hole. I tumbled backwards and
landed on the smooth flat plane of her tummy. The girls laughed.
          "You better be careful, or you'll get caught, little love doll", cooed
Debbie as she seized me around my midsection and perched me between her
voluptuous breasts.
           A bottle of some sort of oil was being opened. Debbie poured the cooking
oil all over her body.  Lindsey and Maren did the same. Lindsey picked me up and
after kissing me, placed me on top of her beautiful breast.  Her skin slid
against mine as I slipped and slid down to her smooth now glistening tummy. Once
again I felt giant fingers seize me. Maren sat up in bed and held me up to her
lips and chuckled. Starting just below her neck, she slowly messaged her entire
body with me, using the oil as a lubricant, Finally, she said:
         "Let's go to bed, little man, we're tired from all you're teasing".
         My teasing?
         Lindsey and Maren took turns holding me as I slept. Finally, Maren fell
asleep clutching me tightly to her chest, but Lindsey woke up several times
during the night and couldn't resist finally from slipping me out from Maren's
arms and into her own. I ended up waking but unable to budge from Lindsey West's
loving embrace.  The still slumbering Lindsey was sleeping on her side, which
meant I was hanging up against a soft wall that was her body.  Finally, I
wriggled myself free and tumbled onto the bed. I climbed up on to Maren's
pillow, and just as I had done so, Maren turned over.  As she did so her hand
came up to support her face, In doing so, she inadvertently scooped me up and
hugged me to her cheek.
         At seven a.m. Maren woke up and carried me off with her to shower.  In the
shower she covered me with soapy lather and messaged her lithe body as if I were
a sponge. She then gently toweled me off to dry.  She carried me back to the
bedroom in her arms and placed me in bed with Lindsey. Though Lindsey was still
sleeping, when Maren placed me on her breast Lindsey instinctively moved her
hands up to keep me there. I remained in her arms for an hour before she woke
up, unable to move.  When Lindsey finally woke up, she scooped me up and put me
on her pillow just next to her beautiful face, and kissed me lovingly. 
         "Good morning, little man, did you have a good night's sleep?",  she
giggled.          Then she took me up and, turning over, settled me in underneath her
chin. I noted the incredible warmth and comfort and protection she offered, this
gorgeous giantess and fell back to sleep contentedly.   
         After all, today was bound to be a BIG day.

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